
Alien Swarm Walkthrough, Hints and Tips for PC Games.

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  The encyclopedia of game cheats. A die hard gamer would get pissed if they saw someone using cheats and walkthroughs in games, but you have to agree, sometimes little hint or the "God Mode" becomes necessary to beat a particularly hard part of the game. If you are an avid gamer and want a few extra weapons and tools the survive the game, CheatBook DataBase is exactly the resource you would want. Find even secrets on our page. 

 Alien Swarm

Alien Swarm

                  _ _                _____                             
            /\   | (_)              / ____|                            
           /  \  | |_  ___ _ __    | (_____      ____ _ _ __ _ __ ___  
          / /\ \ | | |/ _ \ '_ \    \___ \ \ /\ / / _` | '__| '_ ` _ \ 
         / ____ \| | |  __/ | | |   ____) \ V  V / (_| | |  | | | | | |
        /_/    \_\_|_|\___|_| |_|  |_____/ \_/\_/ \__,_|_|  |_| |_| |_|        
Table of Contents
          1. - Characters........................................AS01
          2. - Walkthrough.......................................AS02
          3. - Enemies...........................................AS03
          4. - Weapons...........................................AS04
          5. - Equipment.........................................AS05
          6. - Achievements......................................AS06
          7. - Contact...........................................AS07
          8. - Disclaimer........................................AS08          

*Please Note - This entire FAQ/Walkthrough has been designed for easy access. 
This means that you can use your browser's search function to find any section 
immediately. Just bring it up by pressing ctrl+f and search for either the 
section name or the code to the right. You will go right to that section.
1. - Characters                                                            AS01
There are four different classes but more importantly, eight different 
characters in Alien Swarm. Each class has their own benefits and you should be 
using one of each throughout the campaign. The choice between characters are 
where you get to pick your personal preference. You will notice that each 
character has different stats and each class will be useful for different 
reasons. I will discuss each class and then the stats for each character in 
those classes. I'm not going to list the bios of the characters since they 
don't affect gameplay.


The officer is what you'd expect. They are good for offering buffs to your 
teammates and are pretty versatile. You want to stay close to your teammates to 
give them the buffs that your skills give you. Since officers have the most 
health, they can be useful as the first man in. The officer should be leading 
the squad into the battlefield and help clear the way towards your next 

LEADERSHIP          The Leadership skill gives a damage boost to your teammates
                    along with giving them a resistance for damage.

VINDICATOR DAMAGE   The Vindicator Damage skill increases the damage dealt by
                    the Vindicator weapon. 

EXPLOSIVES BONUS    The Explosives Bonus skill increases the damage and power
                    of explosives. This means the damage along with the area it
                    affects is increased. 

HEALTH BONUS        The Health Bonus skill increases the player's health. The
                    Officer is the only class that has the health bonus so if
                    you get hurt a lot, consider playing Officer.

MELEE DAMAGE BONUS  The Melee Damage Bonus skill is only available to Jaeger.
                    It increases the damage done by melee attacks.

DAMAGE BONUS        The Damage Bonus skill is only available to Sarge. It 
                    increases the damage done by standard weapons.
|                                      |                                      |
| SARGE                                | JAEGER                               |
| HEALTH                           140 | HEALTH                           125 |
| LEADERSHIP                       5/5 | LEADERSHIP                       3/5 |
| VINDICATOR DAMAGE                2/5 | VINDICATOR DAMAGE                5/5 |
| EXPLOSIVES BONUS                 2/5 | EXPLOSIVES BONUS                 4/5 |
| HEALTH BONUS                     4/5 | HEALTH BONUS                     3/5 |
| DAMAGE BONUS                     3/5 | MELEE DAMAGE                     2/5 |

                                SPECIAL WEAPONS

The special weapons class is also what you'd expect. They are great for dealing 
heavy damage. You want to make sure to make up for the lack of power from the 
techs and medics. Make sure to protect them if they need help or to help clear 
out a path. Since they have so much power, you should be close to the front of 
the pack and destroying any enemies that move. 

AUTOGUN DAMAGE      The Autogun Damage skill gives a damage boost to the 
                    Autogun and the Minigun.

PIERCING BULLETS    The Piercing Bullets skill gives a chance for bullets to
                    pierce through enemies and keep going through the other 
                    side to the next enemies.

DAMAGE BONUS        The Damage Bonus skill increases the damage done by 
                    standard weapons.

RELOAD SPEED BONUS  The Reload Speed Bonus skill reduces the reload time of all

SPEED BONUS         The Speed Bonus skill is only available to Wildcat. It
                    increases the speed at which your character moves at.

HEALTH BONUS        The Health Bonus skill is only available to Wolfe. It 
                    increases the player's health.
|                                      |                                      |
| WILDECAT                             | WOLFE                                |
| HEALTH                            80 | HEALTH                           125 |
| AUTOGUN DAMAGE                   4/5 | AUTOGUN DAMAGE                   5/5 |
| PIERCING BULLETS                 2/5 | PIERCING BULLETS                 3/5 |
| DAMAGE BONUS                     4/5 | DAMAGE BONUS                     2/5 |
| RELOAD SPEED BONUS               3/5 | RELOAD SPEED BONUS               2/5 |
| SPEED BONUS                      4/5 | HEALTH BONUS                     3/5 |


The medic's main job is to make sure everybody survives! They should be 
protected by the rest of the squad to ensure the success of the mission. This 
class should require some practice since you need to pay attention to other 
players' health while being able to survive with your very minimal health. You 
want to do all you can to help your squad survive, this includes forgetting 
about shooting at enemies to heal your teammates. 

HEALING BONUS       The Healing Bonus skill increases the healing power of
                    all of the items that heal people as well as let you carry
                    more healing items.

INFESTATION BONUS   The Infestation Bonus skill allows the medic to heal
                    infested players. It will reduce the duration of the

DAMAGE BONUS        The Damage Bonus skill increases the damage done by 
                    standard weapons.

RELOAD SPEED BONUS  The Reload Speed Bonus skill reduces the reload time of all

SPEED BONUS         The Speed Bonus skill is only available to Faith. It
                    increases the speed at which your character moves at.

COMBAT DRUGS        The Combat Drugs skill is only available to Bastille. It 
                    will make the adrenaline item more useful when used by a 
|                                      |                                      |
| FAITH                                | BASTILLE                             |
| HEALTH                            80 | HEALTH                            80 |
| HEALING BONUS                    5/5 | HEALING BONUS                    4/5 |
| INFESTATION CURING               3/3 | INFESTATION CURING               1/3 |
| DAMAGE BONUS                     1/5 | DAMAGE BONUS                     3/5 |
| RELOAD SPEED BONUS               2/5 | RELOAD SPEED BONUS               3/5 |
| SPEED BONUS                      3/5 | COMBAT DRUGS                     3/5 |


The tech is the player who is needed for hacking computers throughout the game. 
If the tech dies before you hack everything you need, you will fail the mission 
and just see a count down to restart the mission. You should do all you can to 
survive and be smart while hacking. Wait until the rest of your team is ready 
to protect you when you start hacking, not for your safety, but to make sure 
that they are ready to defend themselves as well. If you're a player that likes 
to lead the rush and take damage, don't play as the tech. You have to be very 
cautious and play smart as the tech.

SCANNER             The Scanner skill increases the range of the enemy scanner
                    the tech carries along with the rate it flashes.

ENGINEERING         The Engineering skill speeds up welding and sentry gun
                    set up time for everybody near the Tech.

RELOAD SPEED BONUS  The Reload Speed Bonus skill reduces the reload time of all

DAMAGE BONUS        The Damage Bonus skill is only available to Crash. The 
                    Damage Bonus skill increases the damage done by standard 

EXPLOSIVES BONUS    The Explosives Bonus skill is only available to Crash.
                    The Explosives Bonus skill increases the damage and power
                    of explosives. This means the damage along with the area it
                    affects is increased. 

HEALTH BONUS        The Health Bonus skill is only available to Vegas. It 
                    increases the player's health.

MELEE DAMAGE BONUS  The Melee Damage Bonus skill is only available to Vegas.
                    It increases the damage done by melee attacks.
|                                      |                                      |
| CRASH                                | VEGAS                                |
| HEALTH                            80 | HEALTH                           125 |
| SCANNER                          3/3 | SCANNER                          3/3 |
| ENGINEERING                      1/3 | ENGINEERING                      3/3 |
| DAMAGE BONUS                     3/5 | HEALTH BONUS                     3/5 |
| RELOAD SPEED BONUS               4/5 | RELOAD SPEED BONUS               2/5 |
| EXPLOSIVES BONUS                 2/5 | MELEE DAMAGE BONUS               4/5 |
2. - Walkthrough                                                           AS02
*Please Note - The walkthrough will be written based off the normal difficulty 
version. The harder the difficulty, the stronger and more enemies you run into. 
Playing on Insanity will face you against the strongest enemies right off the 
bat so only play Insanity when you have a good group of players and know what 
you're doing.
                 _                 _            ____           _   
                | | __ _  ___ ___ | |__ `___   |  _ \ ___  ___| |_ 
             _  | |/ _` |/ __/ _ \| '_ \/ __|  | |_) / _ \/ __| __|
            | |_| | (_| | (_| (_) | |_) \__ \  |  _ <  __/\__ \ |_ 
             \___/ \__,_|\___\___/|_.__/|___/  |_| \_\___||___/\__|

                                  LANDING BAY

You will begin this mission on a landing bay off the ship that flew you in 
here. Follow the path to the west and it eventually turn to the north. Keep 
going until you reach a door that is being blocked by several boxes. Simply 
melee attack these boxes to break through them to clear the path. Continue up 
north and you will reach two locked doors. You can open either door as the tech 
or destroy them. Not all attacks can damage doors and it will waste ammo so 
just have your tech hack it (unless you're going for a speed run achievement). 
It doesn't matter which door you enter since both paths will meet quickly.

Go north from either door and walk in between the two shelves. This is when 
aliens will begin attacking you. Most of them will come from the north but you 
should have one member of your squad watching the south in case aliens try to 
flank you. They will come from every direction to the north of the shelves 
including the open vent in the floor just in front of you. You will see a door 
along the northeastern side of this room. This will be the quickest and safest 
way through the rest of the level so take this door to the next room.

Go west when you reach the wall and enemies will approach from the northeast 
along with the door to the west. There is an explosive barrel in the short hall 
to the northeast so use that to your advantage. Continue through the hall to 
the northeast while more aliens attack. Up ahead, you will see a vent in the 
floor where aliens will keep spawning from so be careful up here. You will see 
two doors along the west wall in this hall which are both welded shut. If 
nobody has a welder in your squad, there are welders on the ground around the 
area to unweld the doors. Open the doors by either unwelding them or destroying 
them and enter the next room.

There will be several aliens that spawn all over this room. This is the first 
hectic room of the game since they spawn at almost equal rates from all 
directions. Try to stick together and stay in a corner if you don't worry about 
the time. When you're ready, head to the northwest corner to get out of this 
large room. When you reach the northwest corner, you will see the wall break 
down and enemies coming in through the hole in the wall. Go through the door 
there and wait for the rest of your squad to get through the door. Immediately 
weld the door shut to stop aliens coming out of the room you just left.

Continue to the north through this hall which is very dark. Pay attention to 
the tech's scanner on the mini-map to see enemies around you. Kill them quickly 
and head outside through the door up ahead. Weld this door shut as well so you 
don't have to worry about enemies coming up behind you. Make sure to kill all 
of the aliens in this area so that it's completely clear. If someone in the 
squad has a sentry gun, set it up by the computer in the northeast corner of 
this area. Try to set it up just to the south of the computer terminal and have 
it aim southwest to clear out the enemies that will mostly come from that side. 
Have the tech hack the computer and download the data for lots of aliens to 
attack from all sides. Aliens will spawn behind the door to the east so make 
sure not to stand near it since they will break it down and if you are next to 
it, it will fall on you and kill you. When this room is clear, run through the 
hall to the east to complete this mission.

                                CARGO  ELEVATOR

Run through the doors to the north and you will see a platform along the east 
side. Some enemies will spawn on the northern side of this platform and head 
down the stairs towards you. Just kill them and continue to the north, where 
more enemies will be approaching from. Continue through the short hall to the 
northeast while killing a few more aliens. Go north at this intersection and 
through the door. Weld it shut quickly to block any enemies that will approach 
from the south, there are some vents to the south so they will keep spawning 
down here. 

Continue to the north down this path and shoot the barrels blocking your path. 
This will cause a large chain reaction which will blow up a lot of containment 
units on each side of the hall, which aliens will attack from. Kill the aliens 
coming out of the openings in the walls and keep moving north, while more 
aliens will attack you. Continue to the north until you reach the next room. 

In this next room, you will quickly see a large hole with smoke coming out of 
it blocking your path. Run up the stairs just to the east of that hole and 
shoot the explosive barrels to move a pipe which will send down a bridge to 
cover the hole. There will be three vents which will spawn enemies on the other 
side of this little makeshift bridge. One will be just after the bridge, one 
will be in the short hall to the west, and the last will be just before the 
door. Kill the aliens as you head for the door and get to the north side of it. 
Make sure the rest of your squad has past the door and weld it shut to get past 
the aliens.

Head to the east when you weld the door shut and on a couple of pallettes, you 
will see two personal heal kits and some ammo. When you are all stocked up and 
ready to move, head to the east to get onto the cargo elevator. Don't activate 
the elevator until everyone is ready because it will spawn a lot of aliens. Set 
up all the sentry guns you have at each corner, watching the middle of the 
elevator. For example, a sentry gun in the northwest corner should be facing 
the southeast corner. This will help kill everything that will attack the 
elevator. Try to have one person watching the north because aliens will run 
along the walls as you go down the elevator. Just keep killing the aliens as 
they attack until you reach the bottom of the elevator. Head to the east at the 
bottom and kill a few more aliens. Run through the door to the east to finish 
this mission.

                              DEIMA SURFACE BRIDGE

You will see two paths to the north that split immediately.    _______________
Take the path to the east and hug the eastern wall. Head to   |       C       |
the north while killing any aliens that get in your way until W          *>   |
you reach a welded door. Unweld this door and go to the east. |_____     _____|
Several more enemies will spawn all around you in this area,  |     A___|
kill them all quickly and head for the building to the east.  |         |
The building will be set up like the image I have drawn with  |         |
ASCII characters to the right. The C is the computer terminal \         |
you should hack, the W is the door you should weld, and the *  \________| 
will be where you should place the sentry gun. The A is where your squad should 
be while the tech begins hacking the computer and you will have no problem 
hacking it while keeping the tech safe and killing all the aliens. Just make 
sure to keep an eye out on the door you welded shut, don't let aliens break it 
down and then attack the tech. Watch the southwest corner while the sentry gun 
watches the northeast corner. The welded door should be able to give the tech 
time to hack the computer.

When the area is clear of aliens and the computer is hacked, the gate to the 
north will be open. Go north through the gate and the path will split. Forget 
about the western path and keep going north. Shortly after the split, aliens 
will appear on both sides of the bridge, quickly kill all of them. Go east the 
next opportunity you get and activate the computer terminal, you don't have to 
be a tech to do this, and cross the bridge when it goes down. In this next open 
area, set up a sentry gun facing the west along the bridge that you came from. 
Use the bomb in the northeast corner of this section to blow up a chunk of the 
pipe. Watch a bit of an animation and a large shieldbug will come out of it. 
Stun it if you can and try your best to attack its back until it dies. After 
you kill the shieldbug, head through the opening to the east.

Head to the north here and you will see an alleyway to the east. Don't bother 
going down here but there is a vent where aliens will keep spawning from. 
Defend yourself from those enemies and just keep running to the north. There 
will be a couple of ammo bins up here for you to refill your ammo with and a 
computer terminal the tech has to hack. Open the gate and head to the east. The 
ship that will light the way will help kill aliens for you. Don't bother 
staying with it, just keep moving to the far east until you reach the end and 
wait for the ship to catch up. If you stick with the ship, you'll have to deal 
with more enemies. When the ship does catch up, you can run across the top of 
it. Some more enemies will spawn here but you just have to run down the ramp 
and through the door slightly to the east to complete this mission.

                                RYDBERG REACTOR

Just as a heads up, this mission is where you begin to face bigger, tougher 
enemies on a regular basis. Follow the path north and you will see the path 
split. Keep going north at every split until you are forced to the east. You 
will face your common aliens on your way up here until you reach the top where 
you will face some Boomers. These will keep getting larger and larger until 
they blow up and shoot green orbs all over the place. These green orbs are like 
mini hand grenades so stay far away from them when you see them. When you start 
to go east, go north at the next split again and you will see the path force 
you east one more time. 

The next intersection will be a pretty large one. Kill the aliens and go north. 
Immediately weld the door along the west wall because aliens will keep spawning 
from there. When that door is welded shut, hug the western wall as you go 
north. Follow the path to the northwestern corner of this map while killing 
some buzzers which will fly around you. At the northwestern corner, set up any 
sentry guns you have and have the tech hack the computer just to the left of 
the door. This door takes a while to open so fight off the swarms of aliens 
that will attack. There is a computer to the east of the door which has a 
turret you can control above the door that slowly opens. When the door opens, 
use the computer inside to complete the first objective.

Now head back to the south where you welded the door shut. Head east here 
across a short bridge and go to the northeastern corner of this section. Use 
the computer to slowly open the door and set up another turret here. Kill all 
of the enemies that will approach from the south. When the doors open, make 
sure your entire squad gets in and weld the door shut. Go through the next door 
and if someone has a flamethrower, have them use the secondary fire on the 
flames to the east. If not, grab the fire extinguisher along the norther wall 
and then switch back to whatever item you had when you extinguish the flames to 
the east. Go around the truck to the northeast and then head to the west. Start 
to slowly open the door and set up turrets and all the defenses you have. 
Enemies will spawn all around here while the door slowly opens so do your best 
to survive. When the door does finally open, there will be a few more aliens 
coming out of it. Get everybody into the door when it opens to complete this 

                              SYNTEK  RESIDENTIAL

At least one person has to have the fire extinguisher equipped for this mission 
to even begin it. This will also be the first mission where you will face 
parasites, which can be deadly without a medic very close by so be careful. It 
may be smart to run two medics for this mission. Begin the mission by going 
north and you will be forced to go west. In this room that branches to the 
west, some enemies will spawn so make sure to have somebody watch the flank as 
you advance. Follow the path to the west until you reach a small bathroom. In 
this room, you will see a couple of parasites on the ground. DO NOT let these 
get close to you because they will do a lot of damage to you. Kill them quickly 
and destroy the eggs here. Run through the hole in the wall along the northern 

After the bathroom, you will face enemy after enemy, some larger than the last, 
so be very cautious. You really have to look out for parasites here and make 
sure a medic is always nearby just in case a parasite does get to you. Keep 
heading north here until you reach a set of stairs to the west. Climb these 
stairs and head north up here while destroying all the eggs you see. In the far 
northwestern corner, have a tech open the door and quickly kill the parasites 
inside. Destroy the eggs and go south. Go down the first set of stairs you see 
and go south until you reach some Biomass, burn it with the flamethrower and go 
north. Go east the first chance you get and grab the ammo here. Get all of your 
squad through this door and weld it shut to prevent any more enemies from 
attacking from the western side.

From this room, head south. Don't bother welding this door. Keep heading south 
and look for the room to the west. You will see some Biomass here you have to 
burn so burn it up. Now go to the room directly across the hall to the east for 
a few eggs you have to destroy. Go to the east in the hall and extinguish the 
flames. Go south a bit and destroy a couple more eggs. Go north along the 
eastern wall and enter the vents. There will be several eggs and Biomass here, 
make sure to clear it all out. Don't forget the eggs in the northeast corner, 
they are the easiest to forget. Once you are sure the eggs and Biomass are 
clear here, head for the northwest corner of the vents. Destroy the biomass and 
the last few eggs here to complete those two objectives. 

Head to the west when you get here and unweld the door. Extinguish the flames 
and continue to the west. When you reach the large room this hall is a part of, 
go to the north. Set up sentry guns facing the southern side of the room and 
activate the elevator. This will be another one of those moments where you just 
sit tight and kill enemies while you wait for the elevator. When the elevator 
finally arrives, get on it to complete the mission.

                               SEWER JUNCTION B5

Run to the north and then up the stairs to the east. Go north when you are 
forced to again and follow the path. You will see a small path along the east 
wall. Keep going north here but note that enemies will keep spawning there. 
Head up the stairs to the small platform above the water and go west. Go up the 
next set of stairs out of the water again and shoot the explosive barrels to 
the west of the stairs. The green barrel will release a toxic cloud which does 
quite a bit of damage to the enemies attacking you, it's a great way to get the 
achievement for five kills with explosive barrels in a single mission. Head to 
the northwest corner of this platform and just stand your ground while you kill 
all the aliens that will spawn around you. When this area is clear, head to the 
southwest corne of this area to advance.

Go north when you are forced to and you will see a gate blocking the path to 
the east. Head to the northwest corner and shoot the explosive barrels to 
release a couple of steel beams swinging on a rope to break the gate open. Run 
through the opening to the east. You will see a small ramp along the eastern 
wall here with some ammo, load up if you need to. Continue to the north and 
kill a couple of shieldbugs here. Burn the biomass to the east of the area with 
the shieldbugs. Head to the northwest corner of this area and destroy the swarm 
eggs here. 

Go to the east and up the ramp. Go south the first chance you get and destroy 
these swarm eggs. Now head northeast from these swarm eggs for a couple more 
along the eastern wall. Watch the parasite attacking from the north. Follow the 
path and avoid the attacks from the mortarbug below and to the north. Keep 
following the path and kill a couple more parasites as you see them. Go south 
at the split and destroy a few swarm eggs and then continue to the north. Kill 
a few more parasites as you go north at the next split for a few more swarm 
eggs to destroy.

From these swarm eggs, go south until you see a few swarm eggs along the 
western wall. Kill those and go north and then west the first chance you get. 
Destroy these swarm eggs and run into the water to the north. Keep going north 
killing a few more enemies and then climb the stairs. Go west when you can and 
kill a couple of shieldbugs. Be careful because a mortarbug will spawn behind 
you to the east and will attack you. When you kill the shieldbugs, run into the 
cave in the northwest corner to complete this mission.

                                 TIMOR STATION

Head west from the start and kill a couple of small aliens. When you are forced 
to go east, you will see some aliens climbing over the northern railings, kill 
them and continue to the east. Follow this path and activate the nuke along the 
eastern wall. Run through the door and follow this path, kill a couple of 
rangers and keep running along the path. You will see the path split south and 
west, take the southern path and kill a few more aliens in your way. Keep 
running along this path to the west. 

You will see a Mining Laser along the western wall, someone in the squad will 
have to pick it up. Grab it and use it to cut through the rocks to the 
northwest. Switch back to whatever equipment you had before you grabbed the 
mining laser and continue through the path you opened up. Run along the metal 
platform here and kill the enemies in your way. Have your tech hack the door 
open when you reach it and defend the tech. Watch the door when it opens 
because there will be a parasite on the other side of it once it opens.

To the northeast of this door, you will run into the Harvester for the first 
time. They are easy to kill and won't do much damage on their own, but they 
will spawn small bugs that can do a good amount of damage to you so quickly 
kill it. Have one person run to the northeast corner here and activate the 
computer to move a bridge into place. Run to the west and wait for the bridge 
to open up the new path while defending yourself from all the aliens that will 
spawn around you. Follow this new path when it opens until it splits.

Split up and send two people down each path. There will be a Harvester at the 
end of each path, kill both of them and you will quickly meet up again. Go to 
the east and kill the mortarbug and another Harvester. Continue down the path 
and burn the Biomass that will be blocking the nuke while killing the aliens 
here. There will be an ammo bin here if you need it. Wait for the aliens to 
break through the doors in the northwest corner of this area. 

Go to the north when you get past the door here and kill the large enemies in 
your path. Head west when the path splits and make sure to kill the harvesters 
here. Head east when you are forced to and kill the last few enemies in this 
area. Pick up the Mining Laser and break through the rocks to the north. Run 
along the northern platforms and activate the controller to drop the bridge at 
the end. Wait for it to come down and kill the bugs that will chase you along 
this platform. Cross the bridge when it drops and destroy the swarm eggs up 
here. Drop down and finish off the rest of the enemies here. Stock up on ammo 
and health kits if you need them and when ready, activate the nuke. Now you 
have to run all the way to the beginning of the mission.

Don't bother shooting at any enemies other than parasites and enemies that get 
in your way or slow you down. Just keep moving. Follow the path and take these 
paths at each split until you reach the end: South, west, south, south, south, 
south, east, and east (here you can weld the door shut behind you if you want 
to.) This large room will be the last one. Keep running to the far east end of 
this area and set up sentry guns on the platform watching the west. Kill the 
aliens while your ship comes down. Stand on the ship when it gets low enough to 
complete this mission and the campaign.
3. - Enemies                                                               AS03
Throughout the game, you will face several different enemies. The first couple 
of levels will be the same few enemies over and over again, at least on normal 
difficulty, and then they really pile it on towards the end. I will list all 
the basic information you will need to know about them in this section.

BOOMER              The Boomer is the large enemy that has a big sack under its
                    body. Since they're big, they're easy to hit but do have a
                    lot of health. You will see the sack begin inflating after
                    it gets close enough to you and it will explode. The sooner 
                    you kill it, the less goo it will shoot out. That green goo
                    that it shoots out, will act as mini hand grenades and blow
                    up so stay away from them.

BUZZER              The Buzzer is a small flying enemy. They don't do much 
                    damage but they can be annoying. Hopefully you have a 
                    weapon that has an auto aim bonus to help you take these 
                    annoying bugs out quickly. They usually attack in small
                    groups so be careful when you see one approach.

DRONE               The Drone is your common enemy that you will see in every
                    level in the game. They don't have much health but they can
                    do a decent amount of damage. They spawn in a lot of vents
                    and similar areas so be careful since they seem to always
                    be on the attack.

GRUB                The Grub doesn't actually do damage to you but since they
                    move around and you can kill them, I figured I would put 
                    them in this section. You can kill them by shooting at 
                    them, auto aim won't work, melee attacking them, or simply 
                    running over them by foot.

HARVESTER           The Harvester is a large enemy that doesn't have much 
                    health and won't do much direct damage to you, but they do 
                    send up small bugs at you. These small bugs also don't have 
                    much health but they can beat you up pretty badly. The 
                    Harvesters like to stay away from the action so hunt them 
                    down and make quick work of them before they spawn too many 

MORTARBUG           The Mortarbug is a large enemy that will shoot three large
                    green orbs towards you. These orbs will act like mini hand
                    grenades, similar to the Boomer, and blow up after a while. 
                    Stay away from the orbs and just attack them if they get in
                    you're way. Their attacks are very easy to avoid and they
                    don't have much health so it's easy to deal with them 
                    whether you choose to avoid or kill them.

PARASITE            The Parasites are easily the most annoying and probably the
                    most dangerous enemy in the game. They are relatively small
                    and like to jump at you. They will spawn out of swarm eggs
                    if you don't destroy them quickly enough. Kill them quickly
                    and if one latches onto you, quickly run to a medic. When
                    you see these around, you should make sure a medic is 
                    always close before continuing on in a mission.

RANGER              The Ranger is a small enemy, similar size to the Drone, 
                    that will spit acid at you. They don't do much for melee 
                    damage but generally won't run when you approach them. You 
                    can use your dodge ability to avoid any attacks it makes on 
                    you. They shouldn't pose much of a threat.

SHIELDBUG           The Shieldbug is a large enemy that will use its front 
                    limbs as shields. You won't do any damage to its shields so 
                    do your best to get around its back and attack the small 
                    glowing object on its back. If you can, stun it so you can 
                    easily get behind it. Make sure to not get too close to the 
                    front of them because they do have a pretty powerful 
                    knockback attack which will throw you far from your squad.
4. - Weapons                                                               AS04
As you play online, you will notice that you gain experience. You will use this 
experience to unlock weapons. In this section, I will list what each weapon 
does, when you unlock them and their basic stats.


Damage Per Shot - 105
Fire Rate       - 1.5 / Sec
Reload Speed    - 2.8 Sec
Capacity        - 14 x 6
Alternate Fire  - 5 Incendiary Grenades
Notes           - High Damage, Close Range
Description     - The M42 Vindicator is a pneumatic assisted pump-action 
                   shotgun with a dual, selective magazine system. IAF standard 
                   ammunition loadout provides for 12-gauge rounds in one 
                   magazine and a number of timed incendiary grenades in the 
                   other. The Vindicator is only issued to NCO rank marines.

                                SPECIAL WEAPONS

Damage Per Shot - 7
Fire Rate       - 10.0 / Sec
Reload Speed    - 2.8 Sec
Capacity        - 250 x 2
Alternate Fire  - None
Notes           - Auto-Aim, Slow Movement
Description     - The S23A SynTek Autogun is among the most advanced squad 
                   assault weapons currently available. Featuring a 
                   sophisticated tracking system and a powerful electromagnetic 
                   field induction chamber, this weapon can identify hostile 
                   targets and automatically alter the trajectory of bullets as 
                   they leave the barrel to ensure a hit. The Autogun has 
                   significant stopping power and can be used to suppress a 
                   large number of incoming targets. Special Weapons training 
                   is required.

Damage Per Shot - 7
Fire Rate       - 25 / Sec
Reload Speed    - 2.8 Sec
Capacity        - 250 x 2
Alternate Fire  - Barrel Spin-Up
Notes           - Wide Spread, Slow Movement
Level Unlocked  - Level 17
Description     - The IAF Minigun features a very high rate of fire and wide 
                   spread, making it ideal for taking out large groups of 
                   hostile targets. This weapon has a short delay before firing 
                   in order to spin the barrely up to the required RPM. The 
                   alt-fire trigger will spin up the barrel without firing.


Damage Per Shot - N/A
Fire Rate       - N/A
Reload Speed    - N/A
Capacity        - 80-90
Alternate Fire  - Self-Heal
Notes           - Mobile Healing
Level Unlocked  - Level 9
Description     - A standard issue IAF regenerative healing gun designed to 
                   treat wounded personnel on the go. Available only to trained 
                   medics, the Heal Gun is a mobile, light-weight, hand-held 
                   version of the Heal Beacon. It will focus on a single 
                   patient and heal them directly without slowing down the 
                   squad. The Heal Gun can also be used for self-healing with 
                   the alternate fire. 

Damage Per Shot - N/A
Fire Rate       - N/A
Reload Speed    - N/A
Capacity        - 8-9
Alternate Fire  - None
Notes           - Group Healing
Description     - When deployed, the IAF Heal Beacon will heal the wounds and 
                   infestations of all marines within its radius continually 
                   for 20 seconds or until the beacon's healing supply is 
                   exhausted. Medics with a higher Healing skill are issued 
                   more beacons.


Damage Per Shot - 5
Fire Rate       - 14.3 / Sec
Reload Speed    - 2.8 Sec
Capacity        - 98 x 6
Alternate Fire  - 5 Stun Grenades
Notes           - Auto-Aim
Description     - The 22A7-Z is a prototype version of the standard 22A3 
                   Assault Rifle, designed for use in urban environments, 
                   specializing in crowd control and fire situations around 
                   civilian targets. Still in testing stages, a number of 
                   models have been given to the IAF for evaluation. The A7-Z 
                   is fitted with an assisted aim firing chamber and a series 
                   of stun grenades. Due to the complicated calibration 
                   required for the Prototype's auto-aim, this rifle is only 
                   usable by technically trained marines.

                                  ALL CLASSES

Damage Per Shot - 5
Fire Rate       - 14.3 / Sec
Reload Speed    - 2.8 Sec
Capacity        - 98 x 6
Alternate Fire  - 5 Frag Grenades
Notes           - None
Description     - The 22A3-1 is the standard issue combat weapon given to an 
                   Interstellar Armed Forces marine. Offering both high rate of 
                   fire, high velocity explosive tipped rounds and an 
                   underslung grenade launcher, this weapon offeres significant 
                   versatility in the field, capable of taking down small and 
                   large targets. Standard clip size is 98 rounds.

Damage Per Shot - 14
Fire Rate       - 2.0 / Sec
Reload Speed    - 1.4 Sec
Capacity        - 24 x 11
Alternate Fire  - None
Notes           - Ammo Efficient
Description     - The M73 is a lightweight, high powered semi-automatic sidearm 
                   featuring a 16-round staggered magazine. Renowned for its 
                   reliability, this weapon has been a standard in the IAF for 
                   the better part of a decade. 

Damage Per Shot - 10
Fire Rate       - 12.5 / Sec
Reload Speed    - N/A
Capacity        - 450
Alternate Fire  - None
Notes           - None
Description     - The ASG is a highly efficient, fully automated sentry gun, 
                   capable of friend/foe identification based on a large number 
                   of parameters including biological make-up and wide-band 
                   image recognition scans. It consists of a heavy gauge 
                   autocannon mounted on a user-adjustable rotating stand.

Damage Per Shot - N/A
Fire Rate       - N/A
Reload Speed    - N/A
Capacity        - 3
Alternate Fire  - None
Notes           - None
Description     - A standard issue IAF ammo pack containing deployable ammo for 
                   all weapon types used in the field. Each pack contains 3 
ammo stashes.

Damage Per Shot - 175
Fire Rate       - 1 / Sec
Reload Speed    - 1.8 Sec
Capacity        - 4 x 9 
Alternate Fire  - N/A
Notes           - High Damage, Close Range
Level Unlocked  - Level 3
Description     - A traditional manually operated pump-action shotgun, firing 
                   12-gauge rounds. Favored for its powerful, close range, 
                   wide-spread blast. The receiver is designed to hold four 
                   Magnum shells.

Damage Per Shot - 1
Fire Rate       - 4.0 / Sec
Reload Speed    - 3.1 Sec
Capacity        - 20 x 14
Alternate Fire  - None
Notes           - Stuns, No Friendly Fire
Level Unlocked  - Level 5
Description     - Originally designed to jumpstart equipment, this tool was 
                   quickly weaponized after the discovery that the 24-30 amps 
                   and 25K voltage was the perfect blend for liquifying alien 
                   innards. The IAF Tesla Cannon is calibrated to identify 
                   human biometrics and avoid friendly-fire accidents. In 
                   proximity to alien life forms, the beam will arc to nearby 

Damage Per Shot - 75
Fire Rate       - N/A
Reload Speed    - 1.8 Sec
Capacity        - 1 x 73
Alternate Fire  - None
Notes           - Piercing Rounds
Level Unlocked  - Level 7
Description     - The IAF issue Rail Rifle utilizes a hybrid firing system to 
                   achieve muzzle velocities of over 35km/sec. The armor 
                   piercing rounds are propelled both by an explosive charge 
                   and an electromagnetic force generated by twin rails inside 
                   the weapon. This weapon is not recommended for general 
                   purpose combat, but is designed for high damage strikes 
                   against a specific target.

Damage Per Shot - 7
Fire Rate       - 28.6 Sec
Reload Speed    - 1.4 Sec
Capacity        - 80 x 12
Alternate Fire  - None
Notes           - Uses Ammo Quickly
Level Unlocked  - Level 11
Description     - The K80 Personal Defense Weapon is a lightweight, fully 
                   automatic submachine gun. The K80 is issued in pairs for 
                   dual wielding and is designed to deliver extreme damage over 
                   a short time. Due to the high rate of fire, ammunition is 
                   quickly expended, so IAF Command recommends selection as a 
                   secondary weapon.

M868 Flamer Unit
Damage Per Shot - 2
Fire Rate       - 10.0 / Sec
Reload Speed    - 3.1 Sec
Capacity        - 40 x 6
Alternate Fire  - Fire Extinguisher
Notes           - Ignites, Use with Caution
Level Unlocked  - Level 13
Description     - The M868 uses a highly pressurized napalm-based fuel and is 
                   capable of blanketing a wide area, causing any targets 
                   caught in the blast to burn for an extended period of time. 
                   Great care must be taken to ensure the firing area is clear 
                   from friendly personnel, especially when used on the move.

Damage Per Shot - N/A
Fire Rate       - N/A
Reload Speed    - N/A
Capacity        - 800
Alternate Fire  - None
Notes           - Freezes, Fast Targeting
Level Unlocked  - Level 15
Description     - Fires a jet of liquid nitrogen to temporarily freezing Swarm 
                   in place.

AVK035 Marksman Rifle
Damage Per Shot - 65
Fire Rate       - 0.8 / Sec
Reload Speed    - 2.8 Sec
Capacity        - 12 x 6 
Alternate Fire  - Enhanced Target Imaging
Notes           - Piercing Rounds
Level Unlocked  - Level 19
Description     - The AVK-36 Marksman Rifle is a semi-automatic rifle, firing 
                   7.62x51mm rounds capable of destroying a Swarm drone in a 
                   single shot. The AVK-36 is a modified version of the classic 
                   AVK-32, fitted for marine combat suits and meant for firing 
                   on the move.

Damage Per Shot - 35
Fire Rate       - 10 / Sec
Reload Speed    - N/A
Capacity        - 800
Alternate Fire  - None
Notes           - Ignites, Fast Targeting
Level Unlocked  - Level 21
Description     - An automated, high-temperature incendiary sentry gun. Low 
                   friction bearings allow perfect tracking even on the fastest 

Damage Per Shot - 31
Fire Rate       - 2.0 / Sec
Reload Speed    - 3.1 Sec
Capacity        - Unlimited
Alternate Fire  - None
Notes           - Unlimited Ammo
Level Unlocked  - Level 23
Description     - A civilian chainsaw, used for cutting through wood or other 
                   soft materials.

Damage Per Shot - 80
Fire Rate       - 0.6 / Sec
Reload Speed    - N/A
Capacity        - 25
Alternate Fire  - None
Notes           - Long-Range, Splash Damage
Level Unlocked  - Level 25
Description     - Fires high velocity slugs capable of dealing extreme amounts 
                   of damage over large distances and prioritizes the largest 
                   heat signatures.

Damage Per Shot - 80
Fire Rate       - 0.6 / Sec
Reload Speed    - 4.5 Sec
Capacity        - 6 x 4 
Alternate Fire  - None
Notes           - Splash Damage
Level Unlocked  - Level 27
Description     - Based on the large IAF Mortar Emplacement design, this hand-
                   held launcher will fire explosive grenades at nearby 
                   targets. Exercise caution when using this device near 
                   friendly units. Danger close, marines.
5. - Equipment                                                             AS05
As you play online, you will notice that you gain experience. You will use this 
experience to unlock equipment. In this section, I will list what each piece of 
equipment does, when you unlock them and their basic stats.

Notes          - Single Use
Description    - A small individual healing kit for self-treatment of wounds in 
                  the field. Developed by SynTek Pharmaceutical Division.

Notes          - Seals and Unseals Doors
Description    - This IAF-Issue handheld welder uses high temperature ionized 
                  plasma to create an effective cutting or welding arc, 
                  depending on the user specified setting. Generally used in 
                  the field to cut through or seal doors, offering the IAF 
                  marines a tactical advantage.

Notes          - Provides Auto-Aim Bonus
Description    - The SM75 Combat Flares are a special magnesium flare developed 
                  by the SynTek Megacorporation in conjunction with other 
                  standard issue firearms. In addition to providing light over 
                  an area, the flares also give out a key wavelength of 
                  reflective light which aids the targeting - allowing weapons 
                  to lock onto any foe caught in the magnesium glow.

Notes          - Wall Mountable
Description    - A pack of attachable Laser Trip Mines. Detonation is triggered 
                  by any hostile entity breaking the detection beam. Marines 
                  skilled with explosives are able to place multiple mines with 
                  a single toss.

Notes          - 20% Less Damage, Passive
Level Unlocked - Level 2
Description    - Wearing additional layered graphene armor plates improves 
                  resistance to all forms of damage.

Notes          - x2 Damage Aura
Level Unlocked - Level 4
Description    - The weapons of all marines within the beacon radius are 
                  electromagnetically optimised to fire rounds with increased 
                  impact force.

Notes          - Homing Missile Attacks
Level Unlocked - Level 6
Description    - Unleashes a salvo of auto-tracking explosive rockets. Marines 
                  with greater explosives training are authorized to carr more 
                  rockets in each cluster.

Notes          - Large Radius
Level Unlocked - Level 8
Description    - A set of highly explosive liquid nitrogen canisters. Each 
                  explosive is capable of temporarily freezing all aliens 
                  within its blast radius, rendering the aliens highly 
                  vulnerable to Impacts.

Notes          - Temporary Slow Motion
Level Unlocked - Level 10
Description    - A powerful injection fresh from the SynTek Pharmaceutical 
                  Division. In times of great danger, IAF troops can apply this 
                  adrenaline, giving themselves heightened reactions and 
                  perceptions. Metabolized completely within a matter of 
                  seconds, this drug can mean the difference between life and 
                  death in a tough spot, then leave a marine clear-headed and 
                  ready to proceed. 

Notes          - Stuns in Radius
Level Unlocked - Level 12
Description    - Self assembles into active defense, and selft destructs when 
                  out of power. Pulses high voltage arcs to stun nearby Swarm.

V45 Electric Charged Armor
Notes          - Stops Infestation, Stuns
Level Unlocked - Level 14
Description    - Activation of this marine armor's high voltage current stuns 
                  any attacker coming in contact with the suit, reduces 
                  incoming melee damage, and ejects infesting parasites from 
                  the armor surface.

Notes          - Fire Wall
Level Unlocked - Level 16
Description    - A five piece set of M478 Proximity Incendiary Mines is 
                  standard issue for any N.C.O. rank marine. These mines are 
                  placed and calibrated in the field and once activated will 
                  detonate when any creature matching target specifications 
                  comes near. Upon detonation, highly flammable napalm is 
                  released in a line of either side of the mine, both killing 
                  the victim and tactically denying the area to further foes. 

Notes          - Passive
Level Unlocked - Level 18
Description    - A high intensity, self-recharging multi-bulb flashlight 
                  attachment, for providing targetted illumination at times of 
                  low visibility. 

Notes          - x2 Melee Damage, Passive
Level Unlocked - Level 20
Description    - The Power Fist is an IAF developed combat suit attachment that 
                  boosts the damage of all melee attacks from the fist to the 

Notes          - Splash Damage
Level Unlocked - Level 22
Description    - A set of high explosive cluster grenades. Marines with greater 
                  explosive skills are issued grenades with more cluster 

Notes          - Rechargeable
Level Unlocked - Level 24
Description    - Thermal based image intensifier with low signal to noise ratio 
                  and self-recharging power pack. The MNV34 is high resolution 
                  with a wide dynamic luminance range, making it suitable for 
                  all light conditions. Standard lightweight battery pack 
                  permits 10 seconds of continuous use.

Notes          - Missile Storm, Single Use
Level Unlocked - Level 26
Description    - Featuring a patented Multiple Threat Denial targeting system, 
                  the Smart Bomb is the ultimate single use one-to-many hostile 
                  elimination system. Activating this backpack mounted device 
                  will cause a continuous stream of auto tracking rockets to 
                  fire over a wide area.
6. - Achievements                                                          AS06
Ammo Technician                        Deploy 10 ammo stashes that are used by 
                                        other marines.

Another Bughunt                        Kill 5,000 Swarm.

Armory Access                          Unlock all the available weapons.

Assault Specialist                     Kill 250 Swarm with the Assault Rifle.

Autogun Expert                         Kill 250 Swarm with an Autogun.

Blast Radius                           Kill 6 Swarm with a single Grenade.

Bug Stomper                            Kill 100 Swarm Grubs.

Cargo Elevator Speed Run               Complete Cargo Elevator within 
                                        2:50 on Normal difficulty or harder 
                                        without any marines dying.

Circuit Breaker	Complete               10 wire hacks without access being 

Clear Firing                           Kill 25 drones without friendly fire. 
                                        Four marines must be present in the 

Close Encounters                       Kill 20 Swarm with melee attacks in a 
                                        single mission.

Damage Amped                           Kill 15 Swarm with all four marines 
                                        under the effects of a Damage Amp in a 
                                        single mission.

Deima Surface Bridge Speed Run         Complete Deima Surface Bridge within 
                                        2:30 on Normal difficulty or harder 
                                        without any marines dying.

Easy Campaign                          Complete the Jacob's Rest campaign on 
                                        Easy difficulty or harder.

Electro-Stunned                        Stun 6 Swarm with a single Stun Grenade.

Firewall Specialist                    Kill 100 Swarm with Incendiary Mines.

Grenadier Expert                       Kill 250 Swarm with a Grenade Launcher.

Group Heal                             Heal all 4 marines with a single Heal 

Gunslinger                             Successfully perform 5 fast reloads in a 

Hard Campaign                          Complete the Jacob's Rest campaign on 
                                        Hard difficulty or harder.

Hat Trick                              Complete 2 co-op missions online. Earns 
                                        a Team Fortress 2 parasite hat.

High Voltage Expert                    Kill 250 Swarm with a Tesla Cannon.

Hornet Barrage Expert                  Kill 100 Swarm with Hornet Barrages.

Infestation Savior                     Cure an Infested marine.

Insane Campaign                        Awarded for finishing the Jacob campaign 
                                        on Insane difficulty.

Kill Them All                          Kill 25,000 Swarm.

Landing Bay Speed Run                  Complete Landing Bay within 1:25 on 
                                        Normal difficulty or harder without any 
                                        marines dying.

Minigun Master                         Kill 250 Swarm with a Minigun.

Normal Campaign                        Complete the Jacob's Rest campaign on 
                                        Normal difficulty or harder.

Nuke From Orbit                        Kill 100,000 Swarm.

On the Ready Line                      Kill 1,000 Swarm.

Outstanding Execution                  Complete a campaign on Normal difficulty 
                                        or harder without any marines dying.

Parasite Puncher                       Kill a Swarm Parasite with a melee 

Peace Medic                            Heal 300 points of damage in a single 
                                        mission without dealing any non-melee 
                                        damage to the Swarm.

Perfect                                Complete a mission on Normal difficulty 
                                        or harder without receiving any damage.

Pistols Expert                         Kill 250 Swarm with Twin Pistols.

Professional Marksman                  Kill 250 Swarm with a Marksman Rifle.

Protect the Tech                       Guard the squad's tech so that he takes 
                                        no damage during the hack.

Prototype Professional                 Kill 250 Swarm with a Prototype Rifle.

Pyrotechnician                         Kill 250 Swarm with a Flamethrower.

Quick and Dead                         Kill a Swarm Boomer before it inflates.

Quick Load                             Successfully perform a fast reload.

Railgun Specialist                     Kill 250 Swarm with a Rail Rifle.

Rydberg Reactor Speed Run              Complete Rydberg Reactor within 3:10 on 
                                        Normal difficulty or harder without any 
                                        marines dying.

Scrambled Eggs                         Destroy all Swarm Eggs in a mission 
                                        without allowing any to hatch.

Seal of Quality                        Seal a door with the welder.

Security Expert                        Complete 10 computer hacks without 
                                        access being logged.

Sewer Junction Speed Run               Complete Sewer Junction within 1:30 on 
                                        Normal difficulty or harder without any 
                                        marines dying.

Sharpshooter                           Complete a mission with better than 90% 

Shield Down                            Deliver the finishing blow to a Swarm 

Short Controlled Bursts                Complete a mission with no friendly fire 
                                        incidents. Four marines must be present 
                                        in the mission.

Shotgun Specialist                     Kill 250 Swarm with a Shotgun.

Slaughter Soldier                      Kill 250 Swarm with a Chainsaw.

Small Arms Specialist                  Kill 250 Swarm with PDWs.

Smoking Barrels                        Kill 5 Swarm with explosive barrels in a 
                                        single mission.

Static Defender                        Kill 500 Swarm with deployable Sentry 

Stay Frosty                            Freeze 6 Swarm with a single Freeze 

SynTek Residential Speed Run           Complete SynTek Residential within 2:30 
                                        on Normal difficulty or harder without 
                                        any marines dying.

Tactical Explosives Expert             Kill 100 Swarm with Laser Tripmines.

Technician Secured                     Finish a mission without the tech 
                                        getting killed.

Timor Station Speed Run                Complete Timor Station within 4:25 on 
                                        Normal difficulty or harder without any 
                                        marines dying.

Under the Gun                          Roll under a Swarm Ranger projectile.

Vindicator Veteran                     Kill 250 Swarm with a Vindicator.

Zero Mortality                         Complete a mission on Normal difficulty 
                                        or harder without any marines dying.
7. - Contact                                                               AS07
Do you have any suggestions, comments, critiques, or just a simple thanks to 
me? Well you could e-mail me at and tell me what you 
think! You could tell me whatever you'd like about the game whether it's a tip 
not listed in this guide that you think would help a lot of people, a mistake I 
made, or just a simple thanks. I will try to get back to you as quickly as 
possible answering any questions you may have. Just make sure to include 
something about Alien Swarm in the subject of the e-mail or I will delete it. 
Please don't send any attachments or I will immediately delete the e-mail 
without opening it. I have recently received a virus through an e-mail and was 
forced to reformat and I'm not going to go through that again.

Things/How to E-Mail me about:
-What you think about this guide.
-If you need any additional help or clarification.
-Some tips for maps or strategies that aren't in this guide.
-Anything you think would be a good addition to this guide.
-Make sure your subject indicates you're trying to contact me about this game.
-Just a simple thanks!

Things/How NOT to E-Mail me about:
-Things that don't have anything to do with the game.
-Anything that is already clearly discussed in this guide.
-Any file attachments.                                     
-With really bad grammar! I understand that for some people, English isn't 
  their first language but that doesn't mean you should send me something 
  completely unreadable because you're too lazy to use punctuations or spaces.
  If I can't understand what you're trying to say, your e-mail will be ignored.

***Also, I would greatly appreciate it if you liked the guide, to also click on 
the "Liked this FAQ? Click to recommend it to other GameFAQs users." link at 
the top of this page! 
8. - Disclaimer                                                            AS08
This FAQ/Walkthrough is copyrighted İ 2010 to Frank Grochowski. International  
Copyright laws protect this FAQ/Walkthrough. You cannot sell this              
FAQ/Walkthrough for a profit of any kind. You cannot reproduce this            
FAQ/Walkthrough in any way with out my written consent. You are however allowed
to download this FAQ/Walkthrough for personal use. You can also post it on your
web site as long as you give me full credit, don't change it in any way, and it
is free. The latest version will always be found at:                           

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CheatBook-DataBase 2023 is a freeware cheats code tracker that makes hints, Tricks, Tips and cheats (for PC, Walkthroughs, XBox, Playstation 1 and 2, Playstation 2, Playstation 4, Sega, Nintendo 64, DVD, Wii U, Game Boy Advance, iPhone, Game Boy Color, N-Gage, Nintendo DS, PSP, Gamecube, Dreamcast, Xbox 360, Super Nintendo) easily accessible from one central location. If you´re an avid gamer and want a few extra weapons or lives to survive until the next level, this freeware cheat database can come to the rescue. Covering more than 26.800 Games, this database represents all genres and focuses on recent releases. All Cheats inside from the first CHEATBOOK January 1998 until today.  - Release date january 8, 2023. Download CheatBook-DataBase 2023

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