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The encyclopedia of game cheats. A die hard gamer would get pissed if they saw someone using cheats and walkthroughs in
games, but you have to agree, sometimes little hint or the "God Mode" becomes necessary to beat a particularly hard part
of the game. If you are an avid gamer and want a few extra weapons and tools the survive the game, CheatBook DataBase is
exactly the resource you would want. Find even secrets on our
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24 - The Game - Platform: Playstation 2
Submitted by Andri Agassi [vyszard@gmail.com]
Cheat mode:
While "Options" is highlighted at the main menu, hold L1 + L2 + R1 + R2 to
display the "Security Clearance" screen, with a password entry prompt for
the "Invulnerable", "Infinite ammo", "All missions", and "All bonuses"
options. Hold X and press D-pad Left or Right to change one of the
characters in the desired password. Release X to input that character.
Press Right to highlight the next character and repeat until the password
is filled. Press Square to accept the password. If you entered the code
correctly, the text will turn orange. Press Triangle to exit the password
entry screen.
Enter "66BAUER" as a code in the North American version of the game. Enter
"BAUER066" as a code in the European version of the game. Then, select the
"Load" option and choose a previously saved file to continue the game.
Infinite ammo:
Enter "62ALMEIDA" as a code in the North American version of the game.
Enter "ALMEIDA062" as a code in the European version of the game. Then,
select the "Load" option and choose a previously saved file to continue
the game.
All missions:
Enter "72DESSLER" as a code in the North American version of the game.
Enter "DESSLER072" as a code in the European version of the game. Then,
select the "Previously on 24" option, then the "Missions" option. Select a
file, highlight "Missions", then press Circle to select any mission.
All bonuses
Enter "54PALMER" as a code in the North American version of the game.
Enter "PALMER054" as a code in the European version of the game. Then,
select the "Previously on 24" option, then the "Missions" option. Select a
file, highlight "Missions", then press Square to select the bonuses.
Mission bonuses
Finish a mission with at least a 90% completion to unlock the 3D models,
pictures, and movies for that mission:
6 a.m.: Storming the Ship: SWAT Member character
6 a.m.: Wired to Blow: Interview with Reiko Aylesworth movie
7 a.m.: Carr character
8 a.m.: Following Daniels mission: Tarket character
8 a.m.: Daniels Takedown: Jack Bauer image
9 a.m.: Interrogating Daniels Mission: Robert Daniels character
9 a.m.: Sniper Search: Chloe O'Brien character
9 a.m.: Taking Out The Enemy: Vice President Presscott character
10 a.m.: PDA Discovered: Sean Walker character
10 a.m.: Ho Shin's Shop: Ho Shin character
10 a.m.: To Li Jin Yu's Apartment: Dr. Kevin Tyson character
11 a.m.: TV Ad 1 movie
12 p.m.: Bringing in Lee Jin: Female Civilian character
12 p.m.: Stopping the Metro Attack: Eddie Cain character
1 p.m.: M3: Michelle Dessler character
1 p.m.: Kim Goes Back In: Kim Bauer character
2 p.m.: To The Roof: Nina Meyers character
2 p.m.: Chase Undercover: Sid Wilson character
2 p.m.: Reboot: Tony Almeida and Michelle Dessler image
3 p.m.: To The Agency: Male CTU Worker character
3 p.m.: Through the Agency: Interview with Carlos Bernard movie
4 p.m.: Jack is Chased: Secret Service character
4 p.m.: Madsen Attacked: Peter Madsen and Sid Wilson image
5 p.m.: Chimp character
6 p.m.: Questioning Donna: Donna Madsen character
6 p.m.: Going after Del Toro: Del Toro character
7 p.m.: Jack Tracks Kim: Del Toro's Guard character
7 p.m.: Jack Heads Into Madsen's Base: Ryan Chapelle character
8 p.m.: Escape from Madsen's Base: Jack Bauer character
8 p.m.: Jack and Kim Escape: Kim Bauer image
8 p.m.: Disabling the Data Scrambler: Female CTU Worker character
9 p.m.: Locating the Bombs: Adam Kaufman character
9 p.m.: Tony Leads a Team to the Bomb: Tony Almeida character
9 p.m.: Bomb Defusal: Agent Pierce character
9 p.m.: Jack Leads a Team to the Bomb: Agent Evans character
9 p.m.: Attack at the Bomb site: Agent Landis character
10 p.m.: After the Earthquake: Agent Baker character
10 p.m.: Madsen has Kate: Kate Warner character
10 p.m.: Going after Madsen: TV Ad 2 Movie
11 p.m.: The Search for Radford: LAPD character
11 p.m.: Hostage Situation: Jody character
12 a.m.: Accessing the Computer Labs: Chase Edmunds image
12 a.m.: Finding the CTU Data Drive: Stripe character
12 a.m.: Escaping Sin Chung's Base: Manuel character
1 a.m.: Looking for Kate: Passenger character
1 a.m.: Protect Chase: President David Palmer character
2 a.m.: Chase Ambushed: Joseph Sin Chung character
2 a.m.: The Informant: Kathy Weis character
2 a.m.: Searching Radford's Office: Gov. James Radford character
3 a.m.: DOD System Hack: Mandy character
3 a.m.: Armored Truck Pursuit: Sonny character
4 a.m.: Ft. Lesker's Control Room: Chase Edmund's character
4 a.m.: Cracking the Codes: Military Base Worker character
4 a.m.: Escape from Ft. Lesker: Interview with Elisha Cuthbert movie
5 a.m.: Raiding the Docks: President Palmer image
5 a.m.: Jack vs. Madsen: Peter Madsen character
5 a.m.: Taking the Ship: Max's Bodyguard character
5 a.m.: The Final Showdown: Max character
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Spotlight - New Version CheatBook DataBase 2023 |
CheatBook-DataBase 2023 is a freeware cheats code tracker that makes hints, Tricks, Tips and cheats (for PC, Walkthroughs,
XBox, Playstation 1 and 2, Playstation 2, Playstation 4, Sega, Nintendo 64,
DVD, Wii U, Gameboy Advance, iPhone, Gameboy Color, N-Gage, Nintendo DS, PSP, Gamecube, Dreamcast, Xbox 360, Super Nintendo) easily accessible from one central location. If you´re an avid
gamer and want a few extra weapons or lives to survive until the next level, this freeware cheat database can come to the rescue. Covering more than 26.800 Games, this database represents
all genres and focuses on recent releases. All Cheats inside from the first CHEATSBOOK January 1998 until today. - Release date january 8, 2023.
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