
Animal Crossing - City Folk - Platform: Wii - Console Games.

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 Animal Crossing - City Folk - Platform: Wii

Animal Crossing - City Folk - Platform: Wii

Beach bells:
Submitted by: Eleni

1.go on animal crossing city folk wii your gate so neighbors don't bother you (optional) need a fishing rod
4.time travel to summer (or its summer)
5.go to the beach
6.collect all the seashells and sell them
7.if you see a fish catch it Not a shark? throw it back in. 
  Really rare? either sell or donate it to the museum.
8.Repeat steps 6-7 (not enough pockets filled? go in the nearest
  building and come back out.
9.If you catch a shark take it to nooks to see the price of selling
  then sell it!

(want more money?/not enough?) read the bulletin board to see the next
flea market day or check your animal crossing city folk cheat book in 
real life (if you have one) then time travel to it if someone comes to
your house and asks for the shark double the price nook told you a while
ago if you want more ( chance of nothing), when they ask for confirmation 
say no kick them out wait for someone else and add two thousand bells.

Cheat Codes:
Submitted by: Yogesh Shewaramani

Bank unlockables:
Deposit a certain amount of bells into bank.

Unlockable         How to Unlock
ABD               - Deposit 999,999,999 bells into the bank.
Blue Feather      - Deposit 200,000,000 bells into the bank.
Box of Tissues    - Deposit 100,000 bells into the bank.
Gold Card         - Deposit 1,000,000 bells into the bank
Green Feather     - Deposit 100,000,000 bells into the bank.
Piggy Bank        - Deposit 10,000,000 Bells
Purple Feather    - Deposit 500,000,000 bells into the bank.
Rainbow Feather   - Deposit 700,000,000 bells into the bank.
Red Feather       - Deposit 400,000,000 bells into the bank.
Shopping Card     - Deposit 10,000 bells into the bank.
White Feather     - Deposit 600,000,000 bells into the bank.
Yellow Feather    - Deposit 300,000,000 bells into the bank.

Harvest Set:
To get a furniture item from the Harvest Set, You must talk to Tortimer
after 3pm on Harvest Day, (which this year was Nov. 27). He will give 
you a Fork and Knife pair, telling you that the 'Special Guest' hasn't
shown up yet. There will be a Turkey character, Franklin, hiding 
somewhere in your town. You will be asked to trade himm the Fork & 
Knife. If you do, he'll give you an item from the Harvest Set.

Unlockable        How to Unlock
Fork & Knife    - Talk to Tortimer on Harvest Day
Harvest Bed     - May be recieved from Franklin for the Fork & Knife
Harvest Bureau  - May be recieved from Franklin for the Fork & Knife
Harvest Chair   - May be recieved from Franklin for the Fork & Knife
Harvest Clock   - May be recieved from Franklin for the Fork & Knife
Harvest Dresser - May be recieved from Franklin for the Fork & Knife
Harvest Lamp    - May be recieved from Franklin for the Fork & Knife
Harvest Mirror  - May be recieved from Franklin for the Fork & Knife
Harvest Rug     - May be recieved from Franklin for the Fork & Knife
Harvest Sofa    - May be recieved from Franklin for the Fork & Knife
Harvest Table   - May be recieved from Franklin for the Fork & Knife
Harvest TV      - May be recieved from Franklin for the Fork & Knife
Harvest Wall    - May be recieved from Franklin for the Fork & Knife

House Expansion Prices:
These are what you have to pay to Nook to get each House Expansion

Unlockabe                                How to unlock
1st Expansion (Larger 1st Floor)       - 120,000 Bells
2rd Expansion (Largest 1st Floor)      - 248,000 Bells
3rd Expansion (2nd Floor)              - 368,000 Bells
Final Expansion (Basement)             - 598,000 Bells
Normal House (You start off with this) - 19,800 Bells

Jingle Furniture:
On December 24, at 8 pm, Jingle comes to town. Talk to him to recieve 
a piece of the Jingle furniture. You can change your outfits and 
accesories to think you're somebody else!

Unlockable        How to Unlock
Jingle Bed      - Talk to Jingle on Christmas Eve.
Jingle Carpet   - Talk to Jingle on Christmas Eve.
Jingle Chair    - Talk to Jingle on Christmas Eve.
Jingle Clock    - Talk to Jingle on Christmas Eve.
Jingle Dresser  - Talk to Jingle on Christmas Eve.
Jingle Lamp     - Talk to Jingle on Christmas Eve.
Jingle Piano    - Talk to Jingle on Christmas Eve.
Jingle Shelves  - Talk to Jingle on Christmas Eve.
Jingle Sofa     - Talk to Jingle on Christmas Eve.
Jingle Table    - Talk to Jingle on Christmas Eve.
Jingle Wall     - Talk to Jingle on Christmas Eve.
Jingle Wardrobe - Talk to Jingle on Christmas Eve.

Mario Items:
These Mario Items can be found by shooting down balloons with a
slingshot sold at Tom nooks store. (not all balloons contain mario

Unlockable          How to Unlock
1-Up Mushroom     - Found in balloon presents.
? Block           - Found in balloon presents.
Brick Block       - Found in balloon presents.
Brick flooring    - Found in balloon presents.
Cannon            - Found in balloon presents.
Coin              - Found in balloon presents.
Fire Bar          - Found in balloon presents.
Fire Flower       - Found in balloon presents.
Flagpole          - Found in balloon presents.
Green Koopa Shell - Found in balloon presents.
Green Pipe        - Found in balloon presents.
Mushroom Mural    - Found in balloon presents.
Starman           - Found in balloon presents.
Super Mushroom    - Found in balloon presents.

Pirate Ship Theme:
If you see Pascal in your town, give him a scallop(Not a white scallop.
That doesn't work) and he will give you a random Pirate Ship theme 
item. Do not talk to him until you have the scallop with you or he 
swims away.

Unlockable              How to Unlock
Anchor                - Give Scallop.
Barrel                - Give Scallop.
Helm                  - Give Scallop.
Keg                   - Give Scallop.
Sea View Wallpaper    - Give Scallop.
Ship Cannon           - Give Scallop.
Ship Compass          - Give Scallop.
Ship Deck Flooring    - Give Scallop.

Spooky Series:
Every Halloween starting at 6:00 p.m., Jack will be at a random in
your town. The only problem is that everyone dresses up like him! 
However, you'll notice which one is the real Jack simply by the 
fact that he won't follow you around, unlike the villagers. Make
sure that you have candy before you talk to him, or else he will
play a trick on you. If you give him candy, he'll give you an item
from the "Spooky Series". There are 12 in total.

Unlockable      How to Unlock
Spooky Bed      - Give Jack a piece of candy.
Spooky Bookcase - Give Jack a piece of candy.
Spooky Carpet   - Give Jack a piece of candy.
Spooky Chair    - Give Jack a piece of candy.
Spooky Clock    - Give Jack a piece of candy.
Spooky Dresser  - Give Jack a piece of candy.
Spooky Lamp     - Give Jack a piece of candy.
Spooky Sofa     - Give Jack a piece of candy.
Spooky Table    - Give Jack a piece of candy.
Spooky Vanity   - Give Jack a piece of candy.
Spooky Wall     - Give Jack a piece of candy.
Spooky Wardrobe - Give Jack a piece of candy.

Tom Nook's points special prizes:
Earn 1 point for every 100 bells you spend in Tom Nook's store.

Unlockable                  How to Unlock
Bad bro 'stache              2,500 points
Banana                       500 points
Hero's cap, Majora's Mask    6,000 points
Hero's clothes, Varia suit   5,000 points
Kart                        10,000 points
Midna's mask                 6,500 points
Peach's parasol              4,000 points
Toad hat                     3,000 points
Triple Shells                  800 points
Yoshi's egg                  1,000 points

Tortimer holiday furniture:
Find Tortimer on these holidays for these items.

Unlockable      How to Unlock
Cool Globe     - Nature Day
Leaf           - April Fool's Day
Picnic Basket  - Labor Day
Resetti Model  - Groundhog Day
Sailboat Model - Explorer's Day
Wheat Bundle   - Harvest Moon

On certain days, there will be contests. If you win these 
contests, you will be awarded with a trophy that can be 
placed in your house.

Unlockable    How to Unlock
Bug Trophy    Catch the largest bug by the end of the contest.
Fish Trophy   Cath the longest fish by the end of the contest.

Zippers hidden bunny eggs:
On easter day a bunny named Zipper will appear in front of townhall . He 
will ask you to dig up bunny eggs and open them up for a treat . You will
get either candy or a bunny foil . Return the bunny foils to Zipper for 
a peice of egg furnitur .

Unlockable     How to Unlock
Egg bed      - Give Zipper bunny foil from inside the eggs.
Egg bench    - Give Zipper bunny foil from inside the eggs.
Egg bench    - Give Zipper bunny foil from inside the eggs.
Egg chair    - Give Zipper bunny foil from inside the eggs.
Egg clock    - Give Zipper bunny foil from inside the eggs.
Egg dresser  - Give Zipper bunny foil from inside the eggs.
Egg floor    - Give Zipper bunny foil from inside the eggs.
Egg lamp     - Give Zipper bunny foil from inside the eggs.
Egg stereo   - Give Zipper bunny foil from inside the eggs.
Egg table    - Give Zipper bunny foil from inside the eggs.
Egg toy set  - Give Zipper bunny foil from inside the eggs.
Egg wall     - Give Zipper bunny foil from inside the eggs.
Egg wardrobe - Give Zipper bunny foil from inside the eggs.


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