Army Men - Air Attack 2 - Platform: Playstation 2
Level Password
2 Up, X, Triangle, Right, Left, Square, Circle, X
3 Triangle, Circle, Down, Left, Square, Square, Up, Up
4 X, Right, Left, X, Circle, Square, Square, Triangle
5 Down, Down, Circle, Square, Circle, Square, Right, X
6 Triangle, X, Up, Left, Right, Left, Circle, Triangle
7 Right, Square, Right, Down, Circle, X, X, Right
8 Triangle, Right, Square, Square, Circle, Down, Down, X
9 Up, X, Square, Left, Right, Circle, Left, Left
0 Triangle, Up, Circle, X, Square, Down, Down, Down
11 Circle, Circle, Up, Left, Right, X, Triangle, Square
12 Right, Up, X, Right, Circle, Square, Triangle, Circle
13 Left, Left, Triangle, Circle, X, X, Down, Right
14 Square, Right, Circle, Up, Down, Square, Down, X
15 Left, Right, Circle, X, Square, Down, Down, Circle
16 Triangle, Circle, X, Right, Right, Circle, Square, Down
17 Square, Up, Up, Right, Left, Square, Down, X
18 Circle, X, Right, Triangle, Square, Up, X, X
19 Down, Right, X, Square, Right, Up, Circle, Circle
20 Up, X, Circle, Up, Left, Square, Circle, X
Defeating the final level Boss
To kill the Boss, you must get the Osprey.