
Atlantis - The lost Empire - Platform: Playstation 2 - Console Games.

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 Atlantis - The lost Empire - Platform: Playstation 2

Atlantis - The lost Empire - Platform: Playstation 2


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                            The Lost Empire

                            For Playstation

FAQ by:  krisakavamp
Date:    August 2002


I'm writing this FAQ because it's been requested, and I beat it months 
ago.  So, if what I can remember can help anyone playing it, great.  
This is my first (and probably only) FAQ, so bear with me if it's laid 
out oddly.  I have a pretty busy life, so if you write me asking 
questions, you may or may not get an answer... and no guesses as to how 
long it will take, sorry!  I don't plan on posting any updates either, 
so sending your strategies or tricks for particular parts of the game 
won't do anyone any good.  ;)  The walkthrough is entirely my own work, 
but the control info and game specifics is from the game manual, put 
out by and licensed to Sony Computer Entertainment America and Disney 

Because this has absolutely nothing to do with my *real* life, I'm not 
too picky about what happens to it.  If you want to post it on your 
site, go ahead. (That is NOT the norm, so don't think that goes for any 
other FAQ- most writers want you to ask them!)  I must insist, however, 
that it not be altered and that my name be credited for my work.  If 
you want to add to it, argue with me, whatever, please add a separate 
section on the very end which is clearly credited to the author of that 
section and NOT to me.  Thanks!


This FAQ contains massive spoilers.  It tells you what to do almost 
step-by-step (although I don't tell you where all the monsters are).  
Don't read ahead if you don't want to know _exactly_ what is coming.




X=         Action button, to jump, drop, climb, swim, and fire vehicle     
           weapon, trigger radio checkpoints.

Circle=    Accessory action, to dive in water, or to use a character's 

Square=    Punch- hit repeatedly to do fighting combos.

Triangle=  Search for items, hit it when you see a "!" over something 
           and hold it down until the Atlantean symbol disappears.

L1=        Duck to avoid punches or flying objects.

R1=        Look around, and aim.

Select=    Open backpack (do this to equip items, combine items).

To Push=   Walk up to an item and just push the directional button.


Heath/Lives=  Each life is 50 HP's, and you start each level with 50
              HP's.  You can carry up to 100 HP's at a
              time, so fill up often by picking up medkits and cans of
              food.  Medkits restore 20 HP's and cans of food restore
              10 HP's.
Radios=       Radios are checkpoints.  Hit X while walking through one 
              to record your progress in the game.  You can also access 
              and switch characters, if you need another character's
              abilities.  Only the characters you can talk to are 
              needed in an area, with the exception of the old lady,
              who saves your game here.

Floating books= Gives tips on the game.

Hidden stuff= An "!" will appear over items crucial to gameplay, so 
              you won't miss those.  Smaller items (those symbols!) are 
              harder to find.

The rest of the gameplay is fairly straightforward, or taught in the 
Whitmore Mansion tutorial.


All characters have the same HP, etc., although only Milo and Vinney 
are strong enough to push items.  It's their special weapons or 
expertise that you need in certain areas.

Milo Thatch, Linguist= Milo can push, read symbols, and climb.  His
                   weapon is an Atlantean boomerang.  He also carries 
                   an Atlantean compass.  Both can be combined with
                   colored crystals.

Vincenzo Santorini, Demolitions= Vinney can push, and use dynamite to
                   blow open hidden areas or blocked corridors (be sure
                   and run away before the explosion!!)
                   His weapon is a store of hand grenades.

Audrey Ramirez, Mechanic= Audrey can fix the machines.  Her weapon is
                   a flare gun, used to shoot down stalagtites and hit 
                   buttons far away as well.  She can also shoot flares 
                   into walls and see in the dark for a short while.

Gatean Moliere, Geologist= Mole digs.  He can't jump as high as the 
                   others.  His weapon is (you guessed it), rocks.  
                   He has a light that allows him to see in the dark 
                   in a few places.

Kida, Atlantean Princess= Kida is the only character who can travel
                   when Atlantean Guards are about.  She's the only 
                   one who can flip Atlantean switches.  Her weapon
                   is an Atlantean bolt-throwing staff, which can also
                   be combined with crystals.

Packard, Communications=  This pleasant old lady saves your game.


The white crystals have no special use.  However, if you collect 15 of 
them, you get an extra life.

The colored crystals can be combined with Atlantean artifacts-Milo's 
boomerang, Milo's compass, and Kida's staff.  Use the same method of 
combining that is learned from Mr. Whitmore at the beginning of the 
game.  Each crystal will give each artifact a special property for a 
limited amount of time (either by the clock, or by number of uses).

Blue Crystals:     With Milo's boomerang- Long range, 10 uses.
                   With Milo's compass- Finds chests, 99 seconds.
                   With Kida's staff- Homing, 10 uses.

Orange Crystals:   With Milo's boomerang- One lightning burst
                        that hits any enemies in range.
                   With Milo's compass- Finds crystals, 99 seconds.
                   With Kida's staff- One massive bolt, like Milo's.

Purple Crystals:   With Milo's boomerang- High power, 10 uses.
                   With Milo's compass- Finds secrets, 99 seconds.
                   With Kida's staff- Power staff, 10 uses.




This level is strictly training.  When you gain control of Milo, walk 
up and begin to speak to Mr. Whitmore.  

Whitmore will start by teaching you the basic moves in the game.  When 
you gain control of Milo, copy each of Whitmore's moves by pushing the 
indicated button.  After learning to jump, attack, duck, and look 
around, Whitmore asks you to go get the Atlantean compass off the 
bookcase that is to the right and behind Milo.  Just jump next to the 
bookcase and push "up" to pull yourself up.  Get the compass, jump back 
down, and go back to talk to Whitmore.  Follow his instructions and go 
downstairs (the door is behind Milo, to the left).  

When the "!" appears over Milo, hold the triangle down until the symbol 
disappears.  Pick up the key by searching the desk, and Whitmore's 
files are in the chest.  Be sure to pick up the Atlantis symbols by 
looking around, and don't worry about the podium in the center of the 
room yet.  Go back up to talk to Whitmore.

Whitmore will direct you to open your backpack and give him the 
portfolio, and then he will tell you about your teammates.  Then he'll 
walk you through how to combine items, to turn two broken pieces into 
the key that will open the door in the far right corner of the room.  
Use the key by pressing select to open the backpack, pressing up to get 
to the tier with the key, and choose "use" to unlock the door and go 
into the next room.

Collect the Atlantis symbols from the alcoves.  Jump to the platform 
and into the aquarium.  Dive and use the directional buttons to swim 
(Up is down, Down is up) and watch your breath indicator while you 
collect the heart (extra life) and boomerang in the pool.  Go back to 
talk to Whitmore.

Whitmore will walk you through equipping the boomerang, which is about 
the same as using an object from your backpack.  Then go back to the 
basement and go to the podium in the center of the room.  When the "!" 
appears, press the triangle to open a staircase to the lower basement. 
Collect the last symbol and the green crystal.  Then it's game time! 
(The game isn't important to the game, however.  You can skip it.)

Welcome to Whitmore's shooting range.  The gold masks are worth 100, 
the silver are worth 50, and the reds are worth 10.  The skulls cost 
you points.  Don't bother with the reds (if you are shooting a red, you 
are missing a higher score somewhere else).  The best strategy is to 
ignore the upper windows and just swing back and forth, so you don't 
have to adjust your aim. The mummy case always has a gold in it if it 

After you're done in the basement, go back upstairs and enter the 
elevator (with the red doors) to exit the level.

A-  Next to the far wall (in the open), in the basement.
T-  On top of the bookcase, in the basement.
L-  In the corner next to the boiler, in the basement.
A-  In the alcove with the globe, in the basement.
N-  In the left alcove, in the aquarium room.
T-  In the right alcove, in the aquarium room.
I-  In the corner of the aquarium, on top of the water.
S-  Behind a column, in the lower basement.

Green Crystal- Out in the open, in the lower basement.


Exit the circular room and go out the door at the end of the hallway.  
The boat is under attack!  Enter the door directly to your right and 
break open the toolbox to get a first aid kit, then walk into the 
radio.  Select Vinney for now.  Exit the room and go through the door 
to the left (not behind) of Commander Rourke.  Push the barrel in front 
of the steam vent to pass, and then approach the stack of boxes.  Push 
triangle to set explosives, then RUN AWAY.  Go back to the room with 
the radio and get Audrey.  Go back to the door that was hidden behind 
the boxes and enter the first gun chamber.  Get the food can from the 
toolbox to the left.  Approach the sparks and push triangle to have 
Audrey fix the guns.

Go back to the radio again and get Milo.  Go back to the hall that 
leads to the first gun chamber, and turn right to find a ladder.  Climb 
up.  Go to the end of the messy room and climb the other ladder to find 
the second gun chamber.  Get the fire extinguisher and go to the alcove 
to the left to find another radio, and get Audrey.  Fix the second gun.  
Get Milo again, and go back down the ladder.  In the messy room below, 
look for an alcove to the right and jump down.  Get the symbol, then 
dive into the water and get the second symbol in the pool.  Swim back, 
climb up the ladder, and go to the right to exit the messy room (jump 
down) and go back to where you saw the Commander.  He's gone, so go out 
the previously blocked door to begin to abandon ship. 

Enter the room with the long overhead ladder.  Jump up to grab hold and 
slowly make your way across the ladder.  If you missed the first two 
symbols, you can drop down to get them now and come back.  Press X to 
drop down onto the other platform and go out the door.  Open your 
backpack and use the fire extinguisher you found earlier to put out the 
fire in the hall.  At the end of the hall, jump might wish 
to save your progress at the radio.  Jump into the pool, swim through 
the door and to the left.  Grab the round door handle and the symbol 
just to the left before the fans, and swim back to exit the pool.  Go 
to the door to the right of the radio and use the door handle.  Go 
through the door straight ahead and down the hall.  Get the symbol to 
the right.  Pull the handle to let your friends leave.  Go back down 
the hall, and go right.  Be careful of the electric charges.  Pull the 
switch to turn off the electricity and the underwater fans, and get 
ready for a long swim.

Go back to the water and swim through the door and through the fans 
(grab the symbol if you missed it).  Watch out for the lobsters!  Punch 
them to kill them, or just avoid them.  Get the symbols from the two 
alcoves on the left.  Recharge at the air pocket in the second alcove, 
and swim through the long hall just to the left (with the door frame) 
to collect the green crystal.  Recharge again at the air pocket and 
then down the circular hall.  Collect the symbol and gold heart along 
the way.  Go through the door next to the radio and grab the symbol 
before heading right.  Time your run to dodge the steam vents.

To the right of the door on the balcony, pull the switch to open the 
door to your sub.  Get in and exit the level.

A-  Down the ladder in the alcove of the messy room, near the pool.
T-  Under the water in the pool, under the long overhead ladder.
L-  In the underwater tunnel with the door handle, before the fans.
A-  On the balcony in the sub room.
N-  In the first alcove in the large water chamber.
T-  In the second alcove in the large water chamber, with the air                     
I-  Down the hallway from the large water chamber on the way out.
S-  In the room with the steam vents.

Green Crystal- Underwater, through a door frame and down a hallway from 
the large water chamber.


This is one of the hardest levels in the game, and it's hard to get 
everything on the first try.  

You must fight the Leviathan to allow the subs to escape.  The problem 
is, you can't access your backpack to restore your health.  Focus on 
shooting down the green attack subs and the blue lightning bolts, and 
get a few shots at the monster whenever you can.  When the last of the 
sub pods has escaped, you automatically turn and start down the tunnel.  
Shoot the mines, monsters and jellyfish in your path, and try to steer 
to hit the lightning bolts (health) and swirling arrows (checkpoints).  
The symbols, green crystal, and gold heart will be along the path so 
try and steer to hit those also.  If you miss one, you'll have to play 
the level again to collect it, because there is no going back.

All symbols and the green crystal are in the open in the exit tunnel.  
It might help to pause the game occasionally to allow you to scan the 
water ahead to aim for them.

COVE- First visit:

Don't bother with the white crystals much yet, because there aren't 15 
that you can get to.  Go right and get the gold heart.  Jump in the 
lake and dive underwater to collect the symbol.  Swim to the opposite 
end (you don't have to swim underwater).  Dive under and swim through 
the stone door and the tunnel to surface in the cave.  

In front of the pool are two statues.  One is holding snow, and the 
other is holding fire.  On the snow side, collect the symbol and get 
the first aid kit from the blue stone chest. On the fire side, collect 
the blue crystal and the symbol.  You can't do any more here now, so 
swim back to the stairs. 

At this point you can enter the large door to see the busted digger 
(you can't get the part yet, so you don't need Audrey) and collect a 
symbol if you like.  Or, you can exit the level by climbing to the 
ledges on either side of the door. The blue side is the Ice Trial, and 
the red side is the Fire Trial... you can only enter the level whose 
ledge you exit by.  You will be coming back to the cove to enter the 
other level.

A-  Underwater, at the end of the lake.
T-  In the stone building, past the digger.
L-  The fire side of the cave under the lake.
A-  The ice side of the cave under the lake.
Nothing else can be collected at this time.


Beware the snowball throwing snow monsters, and dodge the snowballs.  
Head to the left and break open the chest to get the purple crystal.  
The chest next to the statue has a blue crystal, the chest near the 
edge of the chasm has the key to the door, and the chest at the end of 
the path around the rim of the chasm has an orange crystal in it.  
After collecting the treasures, use the key to open the door and head 
down the stairway.  Kill the red bugs quickly, because they poison 
you...causing you to drop HP fast.  If you get poisoned, run through the 
door at the bottom of the stairs and get the antivenin in the chest.  
Then go left from the bottom of the stairs and kill the monsters to get 
to the radio and the chest containing a can of food.  Switch to Audrey 
and head back down the hall.  At the edge of the bridge, shoot the 
stalactite overhead with Audrey's gun to knock it down (Aim by holding 
down the R1 button).  Cross and go through the door.

The door to your right is locked, but if you walk past it, it will 
open... and a snow monster comes out.  Kill him and go through the door 
to collect the symbol, then go back out to head down the hall.  Through 
the door, step on the symbol next to the radio (get Audrey now if you 
didn't keep her).  

The trick is to shoot the symbol on the wall that matches the symbol 
you are standing on.  Step to the first symbol, and use Audrey's gun to 
shoot the first symbol on the left.  Jump onto the platform and go to 
the symbol on the far side.  Shoot the third symbol on the left.  (If 
you shoot the wrong symbol, the platform drops under you.)  Jump to the 
next platform and go to the symbol on the far side.  Shoot the third 
symbol on the right.  Jump to the next platform, and shoot the fifth 
symbol on the left.  Jump to the platform, and shoot the last symbol on 
the right.  Jump to the last platform, and onto the path.  Break open 
the chest to get a can of food, and get the symbol to the left.  Shoot 
down the three overhead stalactites and jump to the far side.  At the 
radio, switch to Milo.

Go through the second door and jump up onto the elevator (there are a 
few clear crystals on the ground behind it) and go up.  In the room 
above, go up the left ledge (not next to the radio) first.  Collect the 
symbol in the cave at the top, and the purple crystal in the chest.  
Jump down and climb the stairs next to the radio.  Collect the 
Antivenin and the gold heart in the cave, and then follow the path 
around to the door.  Get the can of food in the first chest, and the 
purple crystal in the second.  Through the second door collect the can 
of food in the chest to your right, and go in the mouth/door.  Press 
triangle to read the writing and the floor drops from under you.  Try 
to get the symbol and crystals as you slide.  At the bottom, push the 
frozen mammoth off the ledge, then jump down.  In the room at the 
bottom, go left to hit a radio and go right to get a first aid kit from 
the chest.  Follow the path the mammoth took, through the broken door.

The mammoth is going to chase you and try to kill you.  (Some 
gratitude!).  When you start down the path, be ready to run and dodge 
falling objects and rocks.  Jump a lot...Milo can cover ground a lot 
faster that way, and you'll get farther ahead of the mammoth.  On the 
small ledge, a section will fall out from under the mammoth and you're 
safe.  Enter the building.  In the room with the statue, go left and 
climb the rock wall.  At the top, get the Antivenin in the chest and 
change to Mole at the radio.

Jump down and cross the room to the stone door.  Inside, Mole will 
light his torch so you can see in the dark for a little way.  Collect 
the symbol and crystals and look for a switch on the wall.  Exit the 
dark room and go through the door to the right.  Get the can of food 
from the chest.  Go straight through another door to a radio, and 
switch to Milo.  Go back and go down the hall to the right and climb up 
the rock walls.  Through the door at the top, the chest straight ahead 
has a blue crystal and the chest to the left has a can of food.  On the 
ledge near the second chest (jump up on the shorter part, next to the 
wall), flip the switch and find the Ice Crystal in a chest.  Go back 
down, left to the radio, and further down the hall.  Jump from platform 
to platform to get to the ledges on the right to collect a first aid 
kit from the chest, and the green crystal.  Jump back and jump to the 

Through the second door there is a curving path around a wall.  Rocks 
will come rolling down it that you must dodge, and as you do, watch for 
symbols and crystals.  At the top of the path is the exit for this 

A-  Through the door that was locked, just past the first bridge.
T-  On the ledge where you shoot down three stalactites.
L-  Top of the staircase in the room with the elevator.
A-  As you slide down the tunnel after the floor drops.
N-  In the dark room where Mole must go.
T-  On the path with the rolling rocks.
I-  On the path with the rolling rocks.
S-  On the path with the rolling rocks.

Green Crystal- On the second ledge on the right in the room with the 
platforms (after the statue room).

COVE- Second visit:

Go right to collect a can of food where the gold heart was the first 
time.  Jump in the water and swim to the cave.  Get the blue crystal in 
the chest on the fire side, and the first aid kit in the chest on the 
ice side.  Place the Ice Crystal in the Ice Statue and exit back to the 
main area.  There are no symbols or crystals that you can get this 
visit that you couldn't get the first visit, so climb to the ledge to 
enter the Fire Trial.

--TIP: You can enter this level at any time to stock up on med kits and 
       cans of food.  Just enter it over and over until you get enough.
       It's a little tedious, but there aren't many enemies and the 
       Level only takes a few minutes, so you can build up health items
       quickly.  When the entire level is open, you can also collect
       the clear crystals here to gain one life each time.


You'll be doing a lot of jumping in this level.  Jump from platform to 
platform to the left, and be quick-they drop out from under you (the 
ledges don't).  Continue to the blue elevator. Follow the upper path 
(the bridge will fall) past the radio to the elevator down.  Follow the 
platforms and ledges to the next elevator.  At the top, get the first 
aid kit from the chest on the right and the symbol on the left.  Cross 
the bridge (it will fall) to the other side, cross another falling 
bridge and go through the door.

Get the Antivenin from the chest and switch to Vinney at the radio.  
Set explosives to knock over the column, push the block next to it, and 
switch back to Milo.  Climb onto the column (now a bridge) and cross.  
GO right through the door to collect Antivenin from the chest on the 
right, and a Lava Crystal from the chest on the left.  Go back to the 
archway and down the hall.  Get the can of food from the chest.  (When 
you kill the lava monster, be careful not to step on the floor under it 
for a few seconds, or you'll get burned.)  Then get the Antivenin from 
the chest on your left and the orange crystal from the chest on the 
right.  At the radio, switch to Vinney and set explosives to knock down 
both columns.  Push the block next to the left column and switch back 
to Milo at the radio.  Cross the bridge.  Down the hall, get the 
Antivenin from the two chests and climb the rock wall.  (Watch out for 
the swarm of fireflies.)  Jump up to grab the rocks on the ceiling and 
cross to get the Lava Crystal from the chest.  Jump down and go back 
across the bridge.  Push the block to the right column. Get the symbol 
behind the column bridge and then cross. 

Place a Lava Crystal in each receptacle to open the door.  To get past 
the fiery statues, push the block until the flame is blocked.  Then let 
go and walk behind the block, and pull the block out of the way until 
you can get behind it to push it to the next flame.  By stopping 
midway, you can jump on the block to reach the crystal and symbol on 
the ledges.  Past the fiery heads, get the orange crystal in the first 
chest, the first aid kit in the second chest, and the Antivenin in the 
third chest.  After the opening, cross the path past the head shooting 
fire and the jumping fireball to a radio and a door.  

Inside the door is a puzzle like the symbol-shooting puzzle in the Ice 
Trial.  Go right pass the door to first read the symbol on the ground, 
then go back to the door.  At the back of the cave, pick up the gold 
heart, and there is an Atlantis symbol nearby.  From the cave entrance, 
first push the first symbol on the right.  To discover the next symbol 
each time requires going back to the symbol on the ground, and looking 
at the symbol on the next rising platform.  The second symbol is the 
last on the right.  The third symbol is the middle on the left. Exit 
the cave and cross the platforms.  

When the heads turn away from each other, cross between the flames and 
go down the hall.  Get the first aid kits from the first two chests, 
and the orange crystal from the third.  Go through the door.

Go to the far end of the path and go right to the radio.  Get Vinney 
and go back to the two columns close to the door you came through.  The 
exclamation point will show you which column to use explosives on.  Go 
back to the radio and get Milo, then go back to the column and climb 
up.  Get the Antivenin from the chest and continue around the path, 
passing a radio as you jump from ledge to ledge.  Get the symbol as you 
jump on the column between ledges.  Pull the barrel-rock to knock down 
the ledge, and then go back to the radio to get Mole.  Go back and walk 
up the stone slab to jump across.  At the round chamber with the book, 
dig until the floor collapses.  Then pull the switches in the chamber 
below, and collect the symbol hiding behind a flame.  Go down the hall, 
getting the can of food from the first chest and the orange crystal 
from the second.  Go right to the far wall, and then go right again. At 
the radio, switch to Milo. Go to the large chamber at the end of the 
path and get the can of food from the left chest, and the purple 
crystal from the right chest.  Get the green crystal from the left of 
the platform.  Go into the opening created when the head moved to get 
the Fire Crystal from a chest.  Go back to the large room and go 
straight, through the moving stone door.

Get the Antivenin from the chest.  At the end of the path, jump onto a 
floating platform.  Duck below the flames and get the symbol as you 
pass. Then jump to the platform with the blue elevator, and go down.  
Collect the symbol before you jump onto another set of platforms. Jump 
to the platforms going to the right and ride up the lava fall.  Jump to 
the ledge on the right.  Get the orange crystal from the chest.  The 
second chest has a first aid kit.  Go through the door to find yet 
another set of moving platforms.  After a short ride, jump off to exit 
the level.

A-  On an upper level in the first area.
T-  Behind the right column, in the area with two column bridges.
L-  On the ledge between the flaming heads.
A-  In the cave with the symbol puzzle.
N-  On a column you jump on, on an upper path.
T-  In the chamber that Mole falls into.
I-  Floating above the first moving platforms.
S-  At the bottom of the platform elevator.

Green Crystal- On the left side of the platform where the Fire Crystal 
is located.  If you can't get to it, Mole missed one of the switches 
after he dropped.


COVE- Third visit.

You can finally access all of this level!  Go right to get another can 
of food, then swim to the cave.  Open the chests to gain another blue 
crystal and first aid kit, then place the Fire Crystal in the Fire 
Statue.  The door opens, and you can explore the cave beyond.  

Watch the left of the cave for a symbol.  Bear left from the symbol to 
get a can of food from the chest.  Exit the circle and bear left again, 
getting a purple crystal from the chest.  Keep going to find the green 
crystal, another symbol, and a chest with a can of food.  Further, at 
the end of this path, is a radio and another symbol.  Go back and go 
straight to the right side of the long hall.  There is a chest with an 
orange crystal, another symbol, and a chest with the missing part for 
the digger.  Go back to the cave entrance and swim back to the main 
area.  Go to the radio and switch to Audrey. Go through the door to the 

BEFORE YOU FIX THE DIGGER:  Be sure you have everything you need from 
this level, and make sure you have enough health so survive a few hits.  
The digger starts immediately and you must drive it to the end of the 
tunnel.  You will take a few hits from creatures, and you can't 
replenish your health while driving the digger.  Press X to go forward.  
Just go straight.  When you dig through, you exit the level.

N- Left side of the caverns under the lake, past the door.
T- Left side of the long hall in the caverns, near green crystal.
I- At the left end of the long hall in the cavern, near the radio.
S- At the right end of the long hall in the cavern. 

Green Crystal- To the left of a long hall in the cavern under the lake.


Get ready for the hardest, most frustrating, most annoying level in the 
entire game.  It's like Leviathan Attack, but much, much worse.  Drive 
the little truck to get away from the fireflies...which will keep 
lighting fires in front of your truck that cause damage.  Aim for the 
hearts (health) and gas cans (gas, because your truck can run out and 
if it does, you die).  The swirling arrows are checkpoints, be sure you 
get those.  Along the way, try to grab as many symbols, etc., as you 
can.  It is near impossible to get them all in one run, because they 
are on different paths.  Just try to get through, then go refill lives 
and try it again until you have everything, if you want to.  The green 
crystal is on the main path, in running water right before a jump.

OUTER ATLANTIS, First visit:

There are a lot of hidden items on this level.  Be sure to check both 
sides of all doorways for steps down to ledges.

At the beginning, turn left and cross the dry waterway to get an 
Antivenin from the chest.  Go right and get the can of food from the 
chest under the arch.  Then take the straight path to the next section.  
At the door, jump onto the left ledge to get a symbol, then continue 
on.  In the hallway, get the symbol on the right and the first aid kit 
from the chest on the left.  In the room to your left, you'll find two 
chests (orange crystal on the left, can of food on the right) and a 
radio.  You can finally play as Kida!

Go back onto the main path.  Down the first step, get the symbol hidden 
behind the plant.  At the next doorway, get the green crystal from the 
left ledge and flip the switch on the right ledge to open the door.  In 
the hall, the chest on the left has a can of food.  As you exit the 
door, get the symbol behind the plant on the left.  Jump to the next 
path.  Jump across the left plank bridge to get the gold heart, and 
switch to Vinney at the radio before jumping back.  Continue to the 
blocked doorway and use explosives.  (I prefer to go back and get Kida 
at this point, because Vinney doesn't jump as well.)  Continue on 
through the hall.  At the chest, get a blue crystal.  Jump across the 
plank bridge, go though the hall, and at the doorway check the right 
side for a symbol. Jump, and there's a radio on the left and a purple 
crystal in the chest on the right.  Cross to the other side and jump to 
the door.  At the end of the hall is a room with three doors.  Two are 
locked, so get the first aid kit from the left chest and the can of 
food from the right chest and head out the right door.  To the left of 
the door at the end of the hall is a chest with a can of food.  The 
door in the large semicircle is the exit, so grab the symbol to the 
left of it before entering.

A- Left ledge approaching the first doorway.
T- In the first hallway.
L- Behind a plant, just past the first radio, main path.
A- Behind a plant as you exit a door, before the left plank bridge.
N- Right of the door after the hall, after the second plank bridge.
T- To the left of the exit for this level, the large semicircle.

Green crystal- On the left ledge at the second doorway, after the 
falling arches.

Nothing else can be found at this time.


Go up the stairs and into the far left door (this is the left path).  
Watch out for the black spiders, they're hard to see.  Get a blue 
crystal from the right chest and a can of food from the left chest.  Go 
through the door and then go through the large crack in the broken door 
on the right to find a symbol.  Go through the courtyard and through 
the door.  Down the stairs, get a can of food at the first chest and a 
first aid kit from the second.  In the second courtyard, cross the 
bridge to find the jail.  There's a radio, two chests-each has a can of 
food.  Go back out to the pool and jump in.

Swim through the underwater doorway.  Swim down, and look for the 
symbol behind you (top of the room) before swimming down the hall.  Get 
air from the clam if you need to by punching it (remember this, you'll 
need it later).  Get the symbol at the top of the room (near the door 
where you swam in) before continuing on.  Get the gold heart straight 
ahead as you swim up.  It's a long swim, so surface and then hunt down 
the clear crystals if you want to.  Out of the water, the stone "steps" 
go both ways.  On the right is a radio, and the left is the way out.  
Climb left, jumping onto the little blocks to make the big jumps.  At 
the top, follow the path around and pick up a purple crystal from the 
first chest and a first aid kit from the second.  The path ends on a 
balcony with a chest containing the key to the door below.  Before you 
jump down, jump onto the doorframe to the left and walk over to the 
balcony containing the symbol.  Jump down, get the blue crystal from 
the chest, and go through the door.

In the room with the little girl, circle behind the stones to get the 
green crystal.  You have to sneak through the marketplace.  If the 
guards get you, you go to the jail room and have to cover all that 
ground again.  Don't worry about getting the symbols and chests in this 
area right now.  It's easier to come back.

Stay close to the left wall and slowly work down to the courtyard.  
Watch for the guards.  If one is standing looking your way, he's seen 
you and won't go away until you go back to the room with the girl and 
try again.  A second after both guards disappear off screen to the 
left, run to the right of the stone block.  Keep running, going right 
of the second block and past the doorway.  The guard will chase you, 
but he stops when you get near the door.  In the room beyond, the two 
chests on the right have an orange crystal and a blue crystal, and the 
chest on the left has a blue crystal.  In the next courtyard, get the 
orange crystal from the chest near the hay bales and then jump onto the 
rock near the edge of the ravine.  Aim up and hit the bale with your 
boomerang to knock it down and make a bridge.  Walk across.  The guard 
won't chase you but don't get close.  Go in the door to your right. 

In the large room, pull the giant hay bales back to the end of their 
tracks.  There are a few clear crystals (but nothing else) in the rooms 
behind them, if you want to get them.  Jump onto the box and then to 
the ledge left of the bales.  Jump across the bales to the get to the 
far ledge, and enter the room beyond to get a symbol and a mosaic 
piece.  Jump down and go back to the courtyard.  Get the blue crystal 
from the chest before entering the doors between the columns.  Get the 
first aid kit from the chest on the left and keep going.  Further are 
two chests- a can of food on the left, and a purple crystal on the 
right.  At the mosaic, grab the symbol to the left and use the mosaic 
piece to get the door to open.  In the room beyond is a chest with a 
can of food and a radio.  Change to Kida.

Go back to the courtyard, go back across the bridge and back to the 
first courtyard.  You can safely collect the symbol on the stone block, 
the first aid kit in the chest under the awning, the can of food from 
the chest in the right alcove, and the purple crystal from the chest in 
the left alcove.  Go back to the second courtyard, and to the guarded 
doorway.  Flip the switch to the right and go through.  Past the radio 
is a chest with a purple crystal, then jump down to the arena.  There 
are three chests with a purple crystal, orange crystal, and a first aid 
kit.  There's also an unlimited supply of lizard monsters. Go up the 
ramp and around the path and through the door.  The first chest has a 
can of food, the second has a first aid kit, and the third has an 
orange crystal.  In the room beyond is another really annoying part of 
the game.

There's a radio, and the last symbol is in the dark left of the stairs 
up to the puzzle.  Climb the stairs.  The object is to jump across the 
moving hands to the opposite side, and to exit the level.  The trick 
(if there is one) is to jump at the right time to catch the last hand 
moving UP or just after it has flipped over at the top of its path, 
because otherwise you can't make it to the ledge beyond.  It turns over 
at the bottom of its path, so you can't land on it and wait it out.  I 
had best luck with Kida.  Jump as soon as the first hand flips over 
when the third hand is starting to move up, and move fast.  Good luck, 
save and quit if you get stuck, and when you get across you exit the 

A- Through the crack in the broken door on the left path. 
T- At the bottom of the long downward swim, top of the room.
L- In the underwater room with the clam, top of the room.  
A- The balcony over the Marketplace door, jump onto the door from the   
balcony with the key and walk over.
N- On top of a stone block in the first courtyard with guards.
T- To the left of the blue mosaic.
I- In the room you jump to, over the giant hay bales.
S- Left of the stairs up to the moving hands.

Green Crystal- In the room with the little girl, behind the stones.

OUTER ATLANTIS- Second visit:

Back to this level.  You can run around and pick up the chests and 
white crystals again to restock if you like, or pick up any symbols 
that you missed. 

Go straight to the door.  The ledge to the right of it has a symbol.  
Go down the hall, cross the bridge, and down the hall to enter the room 
with three doors that you were in earlier-you just came through one of 
the doors that was locked.  Grab the first aid kit and can of food from 
the chests and head out the door next to the radio.  At the end of the 
path is a waterfall on the right.  Grab the symbol behind the plant on 
the left side of the door and then dive in and swim through the tunnel 
to exit the level.

I- The ledge to the right of the first doorway you come to.
S- Behind a plant to the left of the door in the room with the 
waterfall where you exit.


Remember the clam air trick, you're going to need it.  

Jump in the water and dive down.  There's a clam at the bottom.  Swim 
through the doors and down the hall.  There's a passage up with clear 
crystals, but you don't have to go after them... you'll be back there.  
You can go up to get air if you need to.  Swim through the second door 
and surface for air or hit the clam.  After the third door you run into 
a stone wall, so surface through the opening into the room above.  
There's a radio.  Change to Kida.

Jump into the pool on the left.  Swim to the end of the corridor and 
surface.  Enter the room beyond.  Grab the can of food from the chest 
on the left and continue.  Jump up to grab the symbol.  You can't kill 
the red bug, but if you hit it, it will freeze for a few moments to 
allow you to grab the Old Hook from the right chest and the blue 
crystal from the chest behind it.  Go left, get the can of food from 
the chest, and go through the door.  Stay close to the left wall to get 
the first aid kit and orange crystal from the chests on the far wall, 
and then aim for the symbol and jump in the water.  Swim through two 
doors and you're back to the stone wall.  Surface into the room and 
jump into the pool on the right this time.

There is an air pocket above if you need air.  Continue through the 
door to surface in a room with three chests (Antivenin, purple crystal, 
and a can of food).  Approach the chain.  It has a broken link, so use 
the Old Hook to complete the chain and then flip the switch.  Get the 
key from the chest that appears, and go through the door.  The first 
chest has a first aid kit and the second has a blue crystal, and then 
you're back to jumping in water.  Swim through the door that is closest 
and surface, and you're back in the room where you started.  Approach 
the wall with the keyhole and use the key you just found.  When the 
stone wall moves, your path ahead is open.  Jump in the central pool 
and continue ahead.  

Surface in the shallow shark pool for air, and then continue through 
the door.  In the series of halls beyond is a symbol.  In the room 
beyond is a giant squid (not a boss) and a clam.  Go through the door 
to find a hall with two clams, and then another room with a clam and a 
giant squid.  Through the door is another clam.  After a hall there is 
another clam, then surface to find a radio.  

Through the door is a head that will spit fire at you.  Jump on the 
pedestal to the left to get the green crystal.  One of the vases to the 
right has a key, and one on the left has a blue crystal.  If you stand 
behind the vase, a fireball will break it, allowing you to get the 
treasure without standing long enough to get hit by fire.  Then stand 
in front of the left wall.  As fireballs hit it, it will break.  Move 
fast to keep from getting hit.  Ducking doesn't work, but if you jump 
when you first see the fireball (not before you see it), it should miss 
you.  After the wall breaks, the room beyond has a radio and a gold 
heart.  Flip the circular switch in the alcove and run back past the 
head to the left and jump in the pool.

At the end of the water, surface and use the key from the vase on the 
door at the end of the crooked hall.  Flip the circular switch in the 
room beyond and go through the doorway that is created.  If you want to 
get to the radio, stick close to the wall.  Then jump in the water.  
Surface for air at the air pocket if you need to, and continue down the 
corridor.  Surface into the shallow pool, and swim through it until you 
come to a set of stairs.  Before you exit, check the corners of that 
room for a symbol hidden underwater.  In the room beyond, there is a 
radio.  Get the first aid kit and blue crystal from the chests on the 
right, then it's back into the water.

Swim through the underwater doors.  Now the enemies look like flat 
catfish.  A symbol is floating in the middle of your path.  Through the 
door with etchings there is an air pocket, and then another room with a 
clam and a giant squid (now they're blue).  Keep following the 
corridors until you come to a T.  

Go through the door to the left.  In the chest is a can of food.  
Through the doors are two more chests, with an orange crystal and a 
first aid kit.  In the large room, jump up onto the platform and get 
the first aid kit from the chest.  Jump up to find a radio and a chest 
with a blue crystal.  Keep working your way around the room until you 
come to the Empty Vase.  Jump down, go back to the water, and swim 
straight ahead to explore the other side of that T.  

Surface at the top of the stairs and get the can of food from the 
chest.  Down the hall is a chest with an orange crystal and a weird 
carved face on the wall.  On the opposite wall, jump up the blocks to 
reach a ledge with Antivenin in a chest, then jump to the chest with a 
first aid kit.  Jump down and go through the arched doorway.  When you 
get to the water, jump in again.  Swim down the corridor to the left 
and surface.  Ahead is a room with a chest on the left (can of food) 
and one on the right (orange crystal).  Go through the door on the left 
and follow the hall to a room with a platform to the right (there's a 
chest with an orange crystal on top) and a door on the left.  Go 
through the door.  The chest has a can of food, and beyond it the hall 
splits.  Go right to get a first aid kit and a symbol, and throw the 
switch.  There is a radio, switch to Milo if you're still Kida.

Go back, and pull the large square stone (with a handle) back to reveal 
a waterway behind it.  Jump onto the platform and then into the water.  
Go up the stairs and get the Antivenin from the chest.  Continue up.  
In the large room, jump up onto the platform and get the symbol and 
fill the Empty Vase with the glowing yellow water.  Jump down, and go 
through the door to the right.  Up the stairs is a chest with a first 
aid kit.  Further up, walk out onto one of the stone planks and try to 
jump off and hit the last symbol.  Good luck with that.

When you land in the room below, go through the door with a hall 
leading down.  Dive in the water.  Swim through a door and go left at 
the T to surface.  In the room with the three fountains, use the Vase 
of Water to fill the empty basin.  Go back to the water and swim 
straight.  Surface and go through the hall to find the door you just 
opened, on the left where the face used to be. Go through it to 
(finally) exit this level.

A- Jump on the stairs before the giant red bug.
T- Hit it when you jump back into the water, at the end of the left 
path from the room above the stone wall.
L- Low in the water in the series of halls past the shallow shark pool.
A- Corner of a shallow pool that has stairs leading from it.
N- Floating in the middle of the path in the area with catfish.
T- Next to the switch that turns on the green fountain.
I- Left of the pool of yellow water.
S- Jump to hit it, at the top of a long set of stairs.

Green Crystal- On a pedestal to the left of the head that spits 


Exit the alcove to get a first aid kit from the chest on the right, and 
an orange crystal from the one on the left.  There's a radio too.  
Through the door, go left through the crack to the throne room.  Talk 
to the king to get a key.  Go back, and get the can of food from the 
chest on the left before you unlock the door.  

To the left of the pool is a rock wall to climb up.  At the top are a 
radio and two chests (Antivenin and a can of food).  Switch to Audrey.  
Jump to the center platform, then jump to the alcove with the robot and 
the green crystal.  There's also a chest with a blue crystal.  Jump 
back, and jump to the platform with the door.  In the room beyond, find 
a symbol behind the first column.  The chest on the left has an orange 
crystal, the middle chest has a first aid kit, and the chest on the 
right has Antivenin.  

Enter the dark room and Audrey tells you to use flares.  Shoot her gun 
into the wall to light up a small space for a few seconds.  Walk to the 
edge of the floor (the long part, don't fall off because in here, you 
die).  Jump to the middle platform and continue to use flares to find 
the edges of the platform so you can jump to the next area.  The 
twinkling crystals show you where the alcoves are.  If you aim, you can 
see which alcove has a door and which has a symbol.  Get the symbol 
first, then jump back to the middle platform and to the door.  There 
are no chests hiding, so don't waste too much time playing in the dark.

In the room beyond is a chest with a can of food, and one with an 
orange crystal.  There are two doors.  The first is a jail with a 
radio.  The door down the hall leads to the Atlantean guards who will 
put you in the jail if they catch you.  Switch back to Milo if you want 
to and go take on the guards.  You can skip the symbols in the next 
area until you can get Kida, but it's not very hard to get them the 
first time through and save time.

THE FLOORS IN THE ALCOVES FALL OUT.  First, hide behind the first 
block.  When the guard is out of sight, run to the second block and 
hide.  When the guard walks past, jump over the block and run forward.  
Grab the symbol from the alcove quickly and keep running forward.  
Don't run into the little area between the sides of the path, the floor 
falls out.  Jump up to the alcove above to get a symbol and to get past 
the next guard (if he sees you, it's easier to get past him when you 
come out at the other end of this path).  Go around and when it's safe, 
jump down and go left.  Go down the board when the guard is out of 
sight and grab the symbol to the right.  Hide behind the block until 
the guard comes back and walks past you.  Jump over the block and past 
him, and go up the next board and through the door.  

No guards!  Grab the blue crystal from the chest.  Through the next 
door you'll find a radio if you waited to switch to Kida to get the 
symbols in the last area.  If not, switch to Vinney and go through the 
door.  In the next room, one chest has a can of food and one has 
Antivenin.  Through the next door, grab a blue crystal from the chest 
on the right.  The other has a first aid kit.  Go right, to the end of 
the long wall, and look for a cracked piece of the wall.  Use 
explosives.  Inside is a gold heart and a chest containing a Piece of 
Mosaic.  Go through the door to the left. There are orange crystals in 
all three chests in the hall.  Through the door is a symbol.  Go up the 
ramp and push the boulder down to block the hole in the wall with the 
never-ending stream of rock monsters, then switch to Mole at the radio.  
The chest has a first aid kit.  

Go down the ramp to the small depression on the right side where the 
monster was and dig.  Mole will find a Piece of Mosaic.  In the dark 
left of the ramp is a symbol.  Then go back up the ramp and switch to 
Kida.  Go through the door to the right.  You'll find a chest with 
Antivenin, and the chest on the balcony at the bottom has another Piece 
of Mosaic.  Go back up and through the door past the radio.  The three 
chests have a blue crystal, first aid kit, and purple crystal.  Flip 
the circular switch inside the giant head's mouth.  Continue and jump 
down next to the wall to get the chest on the wall below to get another 
Antivenin, then jump down to go through the door that is now unlocked.

A symbol is just inside the door.  The chest has a blue crystal.  In 
the room beyond, go up the stairs and use all those pieces to fix the 
mosaic.  Go down and through the door to the left.  Jump down to where 
the level started.  Go back out the door and through the crack.  Stand 
on the glowing Atlantean symbol to exit the level.

A- Behind a column in the hall beyond the platform over the pool.
T- An alcove in the dark room where Audrey shoots flares.
L- An alcove to the left just past the first guard.
A- An upper alcove that leads around where the second guard usually is.
N- An alcove to the right just past the board after the second guard.
T- Right side of the hall before the room where Mole digs.
I- In the dark left of the ramp, behind where Mole digs.
S- Just inside the door that was blocked by the large Atlantean symbol.
Green Crystal- In the right alcove from the center platform above the 


Not as bad as Truck Escape, but similar.  Get the hearts (health) and 
the swirling arrow checkpoints, and try to get the symbols and green 
crystal along the way.  Oh, and you're supposed to be shooting down all 
those planes that are shooting at you, to stop them from shooting at 
you.  You can't fly off course, the game holds you where you're 
supposed to be.

Green Crystal- Above a section of road not long before you enter the 


Make sure you have plenty of health and health items, and lives.  This 
is the final battle, in two stages.  There is a trick to each one.

Helga Sinclair-

You can't hurt her, so don't try.  Don't get close enough for her to 
get in a punch.  The trick is to stay far enough away to get her to 
shoot at you, and then to stand in front of one of the four engines.  
She'll shoot the engine.  When you've got her to shoot all four, the 
platform drops and you're up against Commander Rourke.

Commander Rourke-

You can't hurt him with a regular hit.  You have to hit the box holding 
Kida to get it to spin.  Then hit Rourke with the boomerang to stun 
him.  He'll get hit with blue lightning and frozen.  Hit him with the 
boomerang while he's frozen to take away one of his seven lives.  (You 
can also stun him and then hit the box, he'll still get frozen.)  Then 
you just repeat it until he's dead, as long as you can survive his hits 
and the dropping fireballs long enough.

All of the symbols and the green crystal for this level will drop down 
one by one in different places among the fireballs while you are 
fighting Rourke.  You must collect one for the next to fall, so if you 
want them all, don't finish off Rourke until you have them.


You've beaten the game.  Now you get a last movie sequence, and you can 
go back to any levels where you need to collect items if you saved your 
game (load it at the start screen).  If you have all of the Atlantis 
symbols from a level, you can watch the movie sequence from that level.  
You must have all 13 green crystals to open the extras, the Concept Art 
section and the Model Viewer section.  You can view these and the 
movies by choosing Special Features at the start screen.


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