Blade 2 - Platform: XBox
Unlimited Health:
Pause the game and hold Left Trigger and enter the following commands:
Y, X, Y, X, Y, B, Y, B.
Unlimited Ammo:
Pause the game and hold Left Trigger and enter the following commands:
Left, B, Right, X, Up, Y, Down, A.
Unlimited Rage:
Pause the game and hold Left Trigger and enter the following commands:
Left, Down, Left, Down, Right,Up, Right, Up.
God Mode, Friendlies:
Pause the game and hold Left Trigger and enter the following commands:
X, B, Y, A, X, B, Y, A.
(This only works on levels where you are escorting people)
Access All Missions:
At the main menu hold Left Trigger and enter the following commands:
Down, Up, Left, Left, B, Right, Down, X.
Access All Weapons:
At the main menu hold Left Trigger and enter the following commands:
X, B, Down, Left, B, B, Y.
Unlock Daywalker Difficulty:
At the main menu hold Left Trigger and enter the following commands:
Left, B, Up, Down, X, B, A.