
Bladestorm - The Hundred Years' War - Platform: XBox 360 - Console Games.

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  The encyclopedia of game cheats. A die hard gamer would get pissed if they saw someone using cheats and walkthroughs in games, but you have to agree, sometimes little hint or the "God Mode" becomes necessary to beat a particularly hard part of the game. If you are an avid gamer and want a few extra weapons and tools the survive the game, CheatBook DataBase is exactly the resource you would want. Find even secrets on our page. 

 Bladestorm - The Hundred Years' War - Platform: XBox 360

Bladestorm - The Hundred Years' War - Platform: XBox 360

Successfully complete the game with France to unlock the two-handed sword 
Durandal (Edge: 99, Point: 99, Blunt: 99, Magic: 99, everything else 0).

Successfully complete the game with England to unlock the single handed sword 
Excalibur (Edge: 99, Point: 99, everything else 0).

Bonus weapons:
Reach 100% Growth on Swords, Spears, and Bows to unlock super weapons.
Successfully complete the game to have unique weapons from the Dynasty Warriors 
and Samurai Warriors series appear for purchase in the shop. These include 
Nobunaga's sword, Guan Yu's halberd, Zhao Yun's spear, Xing Cai's pike, Xiahou 
Yuan's club, Yukimura Sanada's spear, and Magoichi Saika's gun.

Shop discount:
Collect all twelve Gems. You will unlock a short intermission sequence featuring 
the merchant, and the shop's prices will now be discounted.

Easy experience:
In your first contract, you will have a tutorial on how to use swords, horses, 
and bows. When it tells you to use the Bowmen, do not take control of them. 
Instead, use the Swordsmen to fight the groups of people. After fighting for 
about a minute, you should gain a level. You can do this as long as desired to 
better your men, making the beginning of the game easier. You can switch to the 
Horsemen to also increase their levels. Once you have their levels where 
desired, switch to the Bowmen to finish the tutorial.

Accomplish the indicated achievement to get the corresponding number of 
Gamerscore points:

Book of Swords (50 points): After creating your character, be sure to save 
your play data. 
Book of Horses (50 points): After creating your character, be sure to save 
your play data. 
Book of Bows (50 points): After creating your character, be sure to save your 
play data. 
Book of Knives (50 points): Occasionally there are Books in the chests dropped 
during battle. 
Book of Rapiers (50 points): Occasionally there are Books in the chests 
dropped during battle. 
Book of Spears (50 points): Occasionally there are Books in the chests dropped 
during battle. 
Book of Long Spears (50 points): Occasionally there are Books in the chests 
dropped during battle. 
Book of Halberds (50 points): Occasionally there are Books in the chests 
dropped during battle. 
Book of Axes (50 points): Occasionally there are Books in the chests dropped 
during battle. 
Book of Clubs (50 points): Occasionally there are Books in the chests dropped 
during battle. 
Book of Horsebows (50 points): Occasionally there are Books in the chests 
dropped during battle. 
Book of Camels (50 points): Occasionally there are Books in the chests dropped 
during battle. 
Book of Elephants (50 points): Occasionally there are Books in the chests 
dropped during battle. 
Book of Chariots (50 points): Occasionally there are Books in the chests 
dropped during battle. 
Book of Magic (50 points): Occasionally there are Books in the chests dropped 
during battle. 
Cleared Story (150 points): After viewing the ending, be sure to save your 
play data. 


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