
The Chronicles Of Narnia - Prince Caspian - Platform: XBox 360 - Console Games.

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  The encyclopedia of game cheats. A die hard gamer would get pissed if they saw someone using cheats and walkthroughs in games, but you have to agree, sometimes little hint or the "God Mode" becomes necessary to beat a particularly hard part of the game. If you are an avid gamer and want a few extra weapons and tools the survive the game, CheatBook DataBase is exactly the resource you would want. Find even secrets on our page. 

 The Chronicles Of Narnia - Prince Caspian - Platform: XBox 360

The Chronicles Of Narnia - Prince Caspian - Platform: XBox 360

Accomplish the indicated achievement to get the corresponding number of 
Gamerscore points:

  Coastal Guardian (10 points): Fend off the Telmarine ships. 
  Cair Paravel Custodian (10 points): Rescue Queen Susan's Horn from the throne 
  Gigantic Allies (10 points): Defeat the archers that are threatening Cair 
  Stemming The Telmarine Tide (10 points): Seal the doors and escape Cair 
  A Pyrrhic Victory (35 points): Escape Cair Paravel with Queen Susan's Horn. 
  Siege Weapon Destruction (10 points): Use the giants to destroy the catapults 
  in Cair Paravel. 
  Cave Dweller (10 points): Work through the cavern to find a grapple. 
  Father Christmas' Gifts (10 points): Explore the treasure rooms and find the 
  Pevensie's clothes and gifts. 
  River Retrieval (10 points): Rescue Trumpkin from the water. 
  Feral Forest (10 points): Find a safe route through the woods. 
  Ruins Revealed (35 points): Complete the entire Cair Paravel Ruins area. 
  Gryphon Flight (10 points): Use gryphons to take out the turret sentries. 
  Silent Sentries (10 points): Defeat the sentries along the castle walls. 
  Liberation (10 points): Rescue Cornelius from the dungeons of Miraz's Castle. 
  Bell Tower Rescue (10 points): Rescue Edmund and Trumpkin from the bell tower. 

  Surreptitious Arrival (35 points): Complete all of the areas within Miraz's 
  Castle Infiltration. 
  Small Is Big (10 points): Reach the control room to let the Narnian army in. 
  Portcullis Peril (10 points): Open the portcullis and let the Narnian army in. 

  Courtyard Pugilist (10 points): Battle through the courtyard to get to Peter. 
  Tyrus The Brave (10 points): Reach King Miraz by scaling the castle terraces. 
  Stable Rescue (10 points): Rescue Cornelius from the stables in Miraz's 
  Valiant Escape (35 points): Complete all of the areas in Miraz Castle Assault. 

  Approach To The How (10 points): Complete the Approach to Aslan's How area. 
  Lucy's Escape (10 points): Help Lucy escape on horseback from the How. 
  Smash The Pane (10 points): Defeat the White Witch. 
  Miraz Vanquished (10 points): Defeat King Miraz in the combat ring. 
  Defense Of The How (35 points): Successfully complete all areas in and around 
  Aslan's How. 
  Conqueror Of Lord Gregoire (10 points): Defeat Lord Gregoire in battle. 
  Into The Cistern (10 points): Find a way into the secret cistern in Aslan's 
  A Cunning Plan! (10 points): Collapse the battlefield by destroying the 
  support pillars. 
  Conqueror Of Lord Glozelle (10 points): Defeat Lord Glozelle in the Cistern. 
  Surprise Attack (10 points): Rescue Prince Caspian on the battlefield of 
  Nature's Vengeance (10 points): Take control of the trees and destroy the 
  Telmarine army. 
  Aslan's Gift (70 points): Rid Narnia of the Telmarines. 
  Junior Treasure Hunter (10 points): Open 10 bonus chests in single or co-op 
  Treasure Hunter (25 points): Open 25 bonus chests in single or co-op play. 
  Senior Treasure Hunter (50 points): Open 50 bonus chests in single or co-op 
  Treasure Hunter Extraordinaire (75 points): Open 75 bonus chests in single or 
  co-op play. 
  Treasure Meister (100 points): Open ALL bonus chests in single or co-op play. 
  My Body Is A Temple (40 points): Upgrade your health fully in the game. 
  Find A Friend (15 points): Play 5 missions in co-op play. 
  Fun With Friends (40 points): Play 15 missions in co-op play. 
  Caspian's Retribution (20 points): Seek vengeance from 200 Telmarine soldiers. 


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PC Games, PC Game Cheats, Video Games, Cheat Codes, Secrets Easter Eggs, FAQs, Walkthrough Spotlight - New Version CheatBook DataBase 2023
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