
Dark Messiah Of Might And Magic - Elements - Platform: Xbox 360 - Console Games.

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  The encyclopedia of game cheats. A die hard gamer would get pissed if they saw someone using cheats and walkthroughs in games, but you have to agree, sometimes little hint or the "God Mode" becomes necessary to beat a particularly hard part of the game. If you are an avid gamer and want a few extra weapons and tools the survive the game, CheatBook DataBase is exactly the resource you would want. Find even secrets on our page. 

 Dark Messiah Of Might And Magic - Elements - Platform: Xbox 360

Dark Messiah Of Might And Magic - Elements - Platform: Xbox 360

Complete the following achievements to unlock Xbox Live Gamerscore points.

Sniper (25 points): Kill 50 enemies only with bow. 
Swordsman (25 points): Kill 60 enemies only with sword. 
Cyclops Hunter (25 points): Kill 4 cyclops during your adventure. 
Arena Master (20 points): Defeat all enemies in Rubby's Arena. 
Shadow Soldier (25 points): Kill 20 enemies with Backstab strikes. 
Warlock (25 points): Kill 50 enemies with magic. 
Thanocide (25 points): Kill 50 enemies amongst spiders, undeads or ghouls. 
Archeologist (30 points): Recover 60% of relics. 
Adventurer (15 points): Recover 30% of relics. 
Crusade Knight (40 points): Recover all relics. 
Code of Honor (15 points): Defeat Aratrok loyally without magic. 
Demoniac (10 points): Kill 10 enemies in the form of a demoniac. 
Difficult Mode (40 points): Complete the game in difficult mode. 
Dead Rescuer (20 points): Save Ishtvan in the Necropolis. 
Princess Rescuer (15 points): Save Leanna in the giant spider's den. 
PaoKao 9 (10 points): Kill PaoKao near the Necropolis. 
Learner (5 points): Complete the tutorial. 
The Skull of Shadows (5 points): Recover the Skull of Shadows in the temple of the Spider Goddess. 
Mission Accomplished (20 points): Complete the game. 
Free the boat (5 points): Take over the boat in the hands of necromancers. 
Find the gems (5 points): Find the gems in the temple of the Spider Goddess. 
Reach the Necropolis (5 points): Reach the Necropolis. 
PaoKao 5 (5 points): Kill PaoKao at the temple of the Spider Goddess. 
Slanted Step (20 points): Make 5 enemies fall on a frozen ground with the 'Freeze' spell. 
Executioner (15 points): Kill 10 enemies under the effects of adrenaline. 
Explorer (30 points): Discover at least 42 secret places. 
Blacksmith (10 points): Forge 3 different swords during your adventure. 
Slaughterer (10 points): Kill 2 enemies at once while under the effects of adrenaline. 
Funny Moments (20 points): Push 5 enemies into the void without be spotted by the victim. 
Physics is lethal (30 points): Kill 50 enemies using these methods: fire, pick, void and physical object. 
Weapon Collector (30 points): Weapon collection complete (Swords, Daggers, Staffs & Bows). 
Equipment Collector (30 points): Equipment collection complete (Armors, Shields, Rings) . 
Angel of Death (30 points): Kill 15 enemies before being killed in a ranked match. 
Blitzkrieg (15 points): Complete a map in Blitz mode in a ranked match in less than 8 minutes. 
Conqueror (10 points): Capture 3 enemy flags in the same match. Requires at least 8 players. 
Conqueror of the light (30 points): Win 10 Crusades on the Human side. Requires at least 8 players. 
Conqueror of the shadow (30 points): Win 10 Crusades on the Undead side. Requires at least 8 players. 
Survivor (20 points): Not getting killed a single time in a ranked match, and killing at least 7 victims. 
Revenge (15 points): Kill the player who has just killed you in a ranked match. 
Archer (15 points): Score more than 1500 as an Archer in a ranked match. 
Warrior (15 points): Score more than 1500 points as a Warrior in a ranked match. 
Mage (15 points): Score more than 1500 points as a Mage in a ranked match. 
Priestess (15 points): Score more than 1500 points as a Priestess in a ranked match. 
Deathmatch (30 points): Score more than 3000 points in a ranked deathmatch. 
Messiah of Darkness (40 points): Kill more than 666 enemies in total for ranked matches. 
Challenger (40 points): Win a ranked match 20 times. 
Local champion (30 points): Win 20 matches hosted by yourself. Requires at least 8 players. 
Crusade (20 points): Win a Crusade. Requires at least 8 players. 
Teammate (20 points): Win 10 team deathmatches. Requires at least 8 players. 


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