
David Beckham Soccer - Platform: Playstation 2 - Console Games.

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  The encyclopedia of game cheats. A die hard gamer would get pissed if they saw someone using cheats and walkthroughs in games, but you have to agree, sometimes little hint or the "God Mode" becomes necessary to beat a particularly hard part of the game. If you are an avid gamer and want a few extra weapons and tools the survive the game, CheatBook DataBase is exactly the resource you would want. Find even secrets on our page. 

 David Beckham Soccer - Platform: Playstation 2

David Beckham Soccer - Platform: Playstation 2

Edit Player option:
Select the Professional Player Certificate in Train With Beckham mode. Score
at least five goals
in "Free Play". The "Edit Player" option will now be unlocked at the "Game
Settings" screen.

Manchester Eleven team:
Select the Professional Player Certificate in Train With Beckham mode. Get a
score of at least
20 points in "Target Free Kicks" to unlock Manchester Eleven in Friendly
Series, in the Beckham's
Teams group.

World All-Stars team:
Select the Professional Player Certificate in Train With Beckham mode. Get a
score of at least 20
points in "Target Passing" to unlock World All-Stars in Friendly Series, in
the Beckham's Teams

England Eleven team:
Select the Professional Player Certificate in Train With Beckham mode. Get a
score of at least 20
points in "Target Crossing" to unlock England Eleven in Friendly Series, in
the Beckham's Teams group.

Classic match games:
Select the Professional Player Certificate in Train With Beckham mode. Get a
score of at least 15 points
in the "Target Shooting". Select the "Classic Match" option in arcade mode
to access the American Samoa
vs. Australia, Brazil vs. Italy, Calais vs. Nantes, Manchester vs. Munich
Whites, Manchester vs. Leeds and
Italy vs. England games.

Bonus stadiums:
Select the Professional Player Certificate in Train With Beckham mode.
Complete "Panel Bash" in under ten
seconds. Select the "Game Settings" option in Friendly Series mode to access
the Aztec Arena and Bouncy
Castle stadiums.

Easy scoring:
Get a quick short pass to get through on goal. Have the midfielder pass the
ball to a nearby teammate to the
side, then immediately pass it forward to the unmarked striker. Target the
corner and quickly kick in the ball.

For a cross and header, hold R1 to sprint down the wing, and get behind the
fullback. When you have enough
space, press Triangle to cross the ball in. Hold Square and time the ball's
release to head or volley home.

To score easily from a corner, press the button for the player at the back
post, then hold Square and release the
button as the ball approaches the player at the near post. If timed
correctly, he will volley the ball in.

In a one-on-one, when through on goal, wait for the goalie to charge out,
then run diagonally sideways to avoid
him. Tap the ball past him into the empty net.

Press X to use best header for long high balls, especially your own goal
kicks. Use this to nod the ball onto a
nearby teammate, or sometimes have it end up at your own feet.

For a through pass, press L1 to send a through ball forward for a team-mate
to chase. This is best used when
you are just inside the opponent's half to knock the ball past the defenders
for a forward to run onto.
If it gets through, you will just have the goalie to face.


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