Def Jam Fight For New York - Platform: XBox 360 - Console Games. | | |
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The encyclopedia of game cheats. A die hard gamer would get pissed if they saw someone using cheats and walkthroughs in
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Def Jam Fight For New York - Platform: XBox 360
Cheats/Hints/Title All:
SurajK (Surajravi123)
Email: surajandravi@gmail.com
Def Jam: Fight for NY Unlockable: Songs
Bust by Outkast: BIGBOI
Chopshop by Baxter: CHOPPER
Comp by Comp: CHOCOCITY
Dragon House by Chiang: AKIRA
Get it Now by Bless: PLATINUMB
Afterhours by Nyne: LOYALTY
Koto by Chiang: GHOSTSHELL
Lil' Bro by Ricbyobyche: GONBETRUBL
Man Up by Sticky Fingaz: KIRKJONES
Move by Public Enemy: RESPECT
Original Gangster by Ice T: POWER
Sieze the day by Bless: SIEZE
Take a look at my life by Fat Joe: CARTAGENA
Anything Goes by CNN: MILITAIN
Walk with Me by Joe Budden: PUMP
Poppa Large by Ultramagnetic MCs: ULTRAMAG
Def Jam: Fight for NY Cheat List
Go to the cheat menu in "extras" and enter the following codes:
100 reward points: GETSTUFF
100 reward points: DUCKETS
100 reward points: CROOKLYN
100 reward points: THESOURCE
100 reward points: NEWJACK
Def Jam: Fight for NY Unlockable: Characters
Complete these tasks in story mode:
Beat Magic: Demolition Match
Beat Crack: Cage Match
Beat Sticky Fingaz: Inferno Match
Beat Chiang, Masa and Santos in Dragon House: Ring Out Match
Beat Trejo: Subway Match
Beat Crow: Window Match
Def Jam: Fight for NY Hint: Fighting Styles
Kick boxing is probably a good pick for beginners, followed by Streetfighting
then either Wrestling or Submission as a third choice. Martial Arts sounds neat,
but is fairly hard to KO people without a blazing grapple or an environmental-based
throw (like head into a TV set).
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Spotlight - New Version CheatBook DataBase 2023 |
CheatBook-DataBase 2023 is a freeware cheats code tracker that makes hints, Tricks, Tips and cheats (for PC, Walkthroughs,
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Download CheatBook-DataBase 2023 |
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