
Dragon Ball Z Budokai Tenkaichi 3 - Platform: Playstation 2 - Console Games.

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 Dragon Ball Z Budokai Tenkaichi 3 - Platform: Playstation 2

Dragon Ball Z Budokai Tenkaichi 3 - Platform: Playstation 2

Submited by loukman istanbouli

if you type: up up down down left right left right x o and a triangle in the main 
menu you will receive an extra 1 000 000 zeni

Submitted by: saurabh yadav (sky the devil)

Prequel bonus 

Have a saved game file from Dragon Ball Z: Budokai Tenkaichi 2 on your memory card 
to unlock characters in Versus mode that you unlocked in Dragon Ball Z: Budokai Tenkaichi 2.
Survival mode 

Successfully complete thirty missions in 100 Mission mode to unlock Survival mode.
Capital City stage 

Successfully complete Red Shenron's Wish to unlock the Capital City stage.
Desert Day stage 

Successfully complete Shenron's Wish to unlock the Desert Day stage.
Desert Evening stage 

Win the Yamcha Game Level 2 to unlock the Desert Evening stage.
Desert Night stage 

Win the Cell Game Level 2 to unlock the Desert Night stage.
Janemba Hell stage 

Successfully complete the Dragon History Special Saga "Janemba" to unlock the Janemba 
Hell stage.
Mt. Paozu stage 

Successfully complete Shenron's Wish to unlock the Mt. Paozu stage.
Muscle Tower stage 

Successfully complete the Dragon History Dragon Ball Saga "Decisive Battle in Holy Place" 
to unlock the Muscle Tower stage.
Penguin Village stage 

Successfully complete Red Shenron's Wish to unlock the Penguin Village stage.
Bonus characters 

Successfully complete the indicated task to unlock the corresponding character:

Akkuman: Successfully complete the What If Saga "Unexpected Messiah" in Dragon History.

Android 08 (Hatchan in Japanese version): Successfully complete the What If Saga 
"Affectionate Android" in Dragon History.

Arale: Successfully complete the What If Saga "Dream Match: Goku vs. Arale" in Dragon History.

Babidi: Successfully complete the Majin Buu Saga "Farewell To The Proud Warrior" in Dragon History.

Cyborg Tao-Pai-Pai: Win Level 2 in the Otherworld Tournament.

Devilman: Successfully complete the What If Saga "Unexpected Help" in Dragon History.

Dr. Wheelo: Successfully complete the Special Saga "Strongest In The World" in Dragon History.

Fasha (Seripa): Win Level 3 in the Yamcha Game.

General Blue: Successfully complete the Dragon Ball Saga "Penguin Village" in Dragon History.

Gohan (Future): Wish from Shenron.

Goku (GT): Successfully complete the Dragon Ball GT Saga "Immortal Monster" in Dragon History.

Kid Chi-Chi: Wish from Red Shenron.

King Cold: Win Level 3 in the Cell Game.

King Piccolo: Successfully complete the Dragon Ball Saga "Goku Strikes Back" in Dragon History.

King Vegeta: Successfully complete the What If Saga "Galaxy Battle" in Dragon History.

Nail: Successfully complete the Frieza Saga "Super Saiyan!?" in Dragon History.

Nam: Successfully complete the Dragon Ball Saga "Ceiling vs. Ground" in Dragon History.

Nuova Shenron: Successfully complete the Dragon Ball GT Saga "Solar Warrior 6000 Degrees of 
in Dragon History.

Pilaf Machine: Win Level 2 in the Super World Tournament.

Spopovich: Win Level 3 in the World Tournament.

Super Saiyan 4 Gogeta: Defeat Ultimate Super Gogeta in Dragon Ball GT Saga.

Super Saiyan 4 Goku: Defeat Ultimate Android in Dragon Ball GT Saga.

Super Saiyan 4 Vegeta: Defeat Ultimate Super Gogeta in Dragon Ball GT Saga.

Tambourline: Successfully complete the Dragon Ball Saga "Goku Strikes Back" in Dragon History.
Combo Master capsule 

Successfully complete 50 of the 100 missions to unlock the Combo Master capsule.
Quick Charge capsule 

Successfully complete all 100 missions to unlock the Quick Charge capsule.
I Give You A Romantic background music 

Successfully complete Dragon History to unlock the I Give You A Romantic background music.
Super Suvivor (Instrumental, Full) background music 

Successfully complete Dragon World Tour, Cell Game, Difficulty 2 Victory to unlock the Super 
Suvivor (Instrumental, Full) background music.
Super Suvivor (Instrumental, Short) background music 

Successfully complete Dragon World Tour, World Tournament, Difficulty 2 Victory to unlock the 
Super Suvivor (Instrumental, Short) background music.
Super Suvivor (Vocal, Full) background music 

Successfully complete Dragon World Tour, Otherworld Tournament, Difficulty 3 Victory to unlock 
the Super Suvivor (Vocal, Full) background music.
Super Suvivor (Vocal, Short) background music 

Successfully complete Dragon World Tour, Super World Tournament, Difficulty 3 Victory to unlock 
the Super Suvivor (Vocal, Short) background music.
Tournament times 

The following is a list of what time tournaments begin:
World Tournament: 07:00 
World Martial Arts Big Tournament: 13:00 
Cell Games: 19:00 
Other World Tournament: 00:00 
Yamcha Games: 05:00 

Tournament mode level select 

Every time you exit Tournament mode and go back in, the clock will increase by one hour. 
To select a desired level in Tournament mode, save the game one hour before the start of a 
tournament. For example, if you want to fight in the World Tournament, which starts at 07:00, 
enter and exit Tournament mode until the clock reads "06:00". Then, exit Tournament mode, go to 
the options, and save the game. When you enter Tournament mode again, there should be a big 
"Welcome" sign and a picture of the upcoming tournament. Enter the tournament, and if the level 
you want to fight in is not the one you want, go to the options, load your saved game file, and 
enter the tournament again until the desired level is selected.
Attacking big characters 

There are a few characters who can hit big characters with Rush Blast 2 and Ultimate Blasts without 
flying back if they touch them. Those characters are as follows:
Goku (end) SSJ3: Dragon Fist 
Goku GT: Dragon Fist 
Goku GT SSJ3: Dragon Fist 
Goku GT SSJ4: Dragon Fist 
Kid Goku: Penetrate! 
Yajirobe: Miracle Kablam Slash 
Trunks SSJ: Heat Dome Attack 
Tapion: Brave Sword Attack 

Easy wins in World Tournaments with Uub 

Play as Uub in the Cell Games Tournament. Uub cannot teleport. To counter this, use a Turtle Shell 
so your opponent will have to use six Ki bars to teleport, making it just about impossible. Even if 
they teleport, their Ki will be so low that you can hit them easily. His Ki-cannon shoots so quickly 
that most of the time you can hit anybody in mid range without having to set it up with a combo. 
Fierce Flurry is also a very powerful death move. Once you launch it, keep pressing Circle repeatedly 
to add on to the combo. Eventually you will have so many hits from the combo that it makes up for the 
two bars you had to use. This is what your skill setup should be:
1. Ki Cannon 
2. Fierce Flurry 
3. Turtle Shell 
4-7. Sparkling!!!! 

Since Uub starts with a base Kii level of 5, this makes it a lot easier. The Ki Cannon and Fierce 
Flurry together are powerful because they come out so quickly. For this to work well, you must 
equip Turtle Shell or else your opponents will keep teleporting.
Defeating Baby in Dragon History 

When you start, you will be in the normal stage. Keep your distance. When he gets close, do a 
normal combo ending with a bashing attack. This should send him flying. If not, keep going until it 
does. When the "R3" symbol appears, use it as quickly as possible. Goku should turn into a Super 
Saiyan 3. Repeat the same strategy because your health is very limited. After awhile the "R3" symbol 
will reappear; press it quickly. Majuub should come in. This is your chance to do a little damage while 
switching back and forth using the strategy done with Goku, and just doing combos on him. When the 
symbol appears, use it. When SS4 Goku comes in, try to take him out at that point.


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