
Duke Nukem 64 - Platform: Nintendo64 - Console Games.

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  The encyclopedia of game cheats. A die hard gamer would get pissed if they saw someone using cheats and walkthroughs in games, but you have to agree, sometimes little hint or the "God Mode" becomes necessary to beat a particularly hard part of the game. If you are an avid gamer and want a few extra weapons and tools the survive the game, CheatBook DataBase is exactly the resource you would want. Find even secrets on our page. 

 Duke Nukem 64 - Platform: Nintendo64

Duke Nukem 64 - Platform: Nintendo64

Cheat mode
Press Left, Left, L, L, Right, Right, Left, Left at the main 
menu to access the cheat menu in the NTSC version of the game. 
For the PAL version of the game, press Left, Down, L, L, Up, 
Right, Left, Up. 

All items
Enable the "Cheat mode" code. Press R, C-Right , Right, L, C-Left , 
Left, C-Right, Right at the main menu in the NTSC version of the 
game. For the PAL version of the game, press R, C-Right, Down, L, 
C-Up, Left, C-Right, Left. 

Enable the "Cheat mode" code. Press R, R, R, R, R, R, R, Left at 
the main menu in the NTSC version of the game. A sound will confirm 
correct code entry. The invincibility option may now be enabled on 
the cheat menu. For the PAL version of the game, press R, C-Right, 
R, L, R, R, R, Left. 

No monsters
Enable the "Cheat mode" code. Press L, C-Left, Left, R, C-Right, 
Right, Left, Left, Right in the NTSC version of the game. The sound 
of a siren will confirm correct code entry. Monsters may now be 
toggled on the cheat menu. For the PAL version of the game, press L, 
C-Up, Left, L, C-Down, R, L, R. 

Level select
Enable the "Cheat mode" code. Press L, L, L, C-Right, Right, Left, 
Left, C-Left in the NTSC version of the game. A level select option 
will now be available. For the PAL version of the game, press R, L, 
R, C-Down, Right, Up, Left, C-Up. 

Unlimited jet pack fuel
Enable the "All items" code while flying with the jet pack. 

Huge Duke
Start a game in co-op or deathmatch mode. Enable the "All Items" code, 
as well as the "Friendly Fire" option. Have one player shoot the other 
player with the expander weapon. Enable the "Invincibility" code before 
the first player explodes, then disable "Invincibility". 

Tiny Duke
Start a game in co-op or deathmatch mode. Enable the "All Items" code, 
as well as the "Friendly Fire" option. Have one player shoot the other 
player with the shrink weapon. Enable the "Invincibility" code, then 
disable "Invincibility" to get a small version of Duke. Note: Weapons 
can not be used in this state. 

Energy refill
Destroy any water source, including fountains, fire hydrants, and toilets. 
Stand in the water and hold A to slowly restore energy. Alternately, stand 
in front of a toilet or urinal and press A. 

Entering the L.A.R.D. police station
Locate the tunnel in the Freeway level. There is a large box on one side 
of the tunnel. Jump on top of the box, and from there jump on to the ledge. 
On the far side of the ledge there is a pair of night vision goggles. Jump 
a little bit above the goggles to enter the vents of the L.A.R.D. Police 
station. Use the night vision goggles, and follow the air ducts and shoot 
through the fan on the right side of the wall; or keep going and break 
the second fan that also on the right side of the wall. Duke may now explore 
the interior of the L.A.R.D. Police Station. 

Hear Butthead's voice
Begin game play on the Duke Burger level. Locate the drive thru sign on the 
outside of the building. Approach the "Order Here" sign and press A or move 
around to the center and back of the sign and press A. Butthead's will say 
"Go away. We're like closed". 

Warp to Duke-Burger
At the end of level 1 (Gun Crazy), in the attic at the first turn there is 
a short box on the ground. Jump on it then turn around to see a secret level 
entrance. If you went to the Auto Destruct button you will hear someone say 
"Secret Level" 

Atomic health & Scuba gear
In Hotel Hell level go to the aquarium and blow up everything inside. Then 
press all the coral and a hatch containing an atomic health and a scuba 
gear will open. 

If you want to visit hell
Go to hotel hell level and go in the lift and start pressing the open 
butten like mad. And if you do it correctly the lift will shoot of the 
shaft and go to hell. 

If you want to glitch the game go to hotel hell one player mode and let 
yourself be shrunk by a alien-beast. Next activate the invincibility cheat, 
lure battle lord and some other aliens to the lift. And make the lift go 
to hell. Then if you are lucky all the items objects will glitch and some 
strange pictures. And the babes will show pictures of the planet earth. 


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