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The encyclopedia of game cheats. A die hard gamer would get pissed if they saw someone using cheats and walkthroughs in
games, but you have to agree, sometimes little hint or the "God Mode" becomes necessary to beat a particularly hard part
of the game. If you are an avid gamer and want a few extra weapons and tools the survive the game, CheatBook DataBase is
exactly the resource you would want. Find even secrets on our
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Dynasty Warriors 6 - Platform: XBox 360
Complete the following achievements to unlock Xbox Live Gamerscore points.
1st in Rampage (10 points): Rank 1st (Personal Best points) In Rampage.
1st in Gauntlet (10 points): Rank 1st (Pesonal Best points) In Gauntlet.
1st in Havoc (10 points): Rank 1st (Personal Best points) In Havoc.
1st in Speed Run (10 points): Rank 1st (Personal Best points) in Speed Run.
1st in Sudden Death (10 points): Rank 1st (Personal Best points) in Sudden Death.
Scenario Corporal (30 points): 20 or More Scenarios Cleared.
Scenario Private (20 points): 10 or more scenarios cleared.
Scenario Captain (40 points): 30 or more scenarios cleared.
Scenario General (50 points): All scenarios cleared.
Target Private (30 points): 50 or more targets achieved.
The Arm of Cao Cao (10 points): Xiahou Yuan has been unlocked.
The Barbarian Lord (10 points): Wei Yan has been unlocked.
The Beautiful Dancer (30 points): Diao Chan has been unlocked.
The Courageous Lord (10 points): Xu Huang has been unlocked.
The Ferocious Warrior (10 points): Taishi Ci has been unlocked.
The Fledgling Phoenix (10 points): Pang Tong has been unlocked.
The Forthright Lord (30 points): Zhang Liao has been unlocked.
The General of Heaven (10 points): Zhang Jiao has been unlocked.
The Lord Of Beauty (10 points): Zhang He has been unlocked.
The Loyal Warrior (10 points): Zhou Tai has been unlocked.
The Master General (10 points): Lu Meng has been unlocked.
The Patriarch of Yuan (10 points): Yuan Shao has been unlocked.
The Patriarch of Yuan (10 points): Yuan Shao has been unlocked.
The Reckless Pirate (30 points): Gan Ning has been unlocked.
The Sleeping Dragon (30 points): Zhuge Liang has been unlocked.
The Son Of Guan Yu (10 points): Guan Ping has been unlocked.
The Splendid One (10 points): Ma Chao has been unlocked.
The Tiger General (10 points): Huang Zhong has been unlocked.
The Veteran General (10 points): Huang Gai has been unlocked.
The Wise Lady (10 points): Yue Ying has been unlocked.
The Emperor To Be (10 points): Cao Pi has been unlocked.
The Ferocious Warrior (10 points): Taishi Ci has been unlocked.
The Fledgling Phoenix (10 points): Pang Tong has been unlocked.
The Lord Of Wu (10 points): Sun Quan has been unlocked.
The Usurper (10 points): Dong Zhuo has been unlocked.
The Forthright Lord (30 points): Zhang Liao has been unlocked.
The General of Heaven (10 points): Zhang Jiao has been unlocked.
The God Of War (30 points): Lu Bu has been unlocked.
The Great Beauty (10 points): Xiao Qiao has been unlocked.
The King Of Shu (30 points): Liu Bei has been unlocked.
The King of Wei (30 points): Unlock the Wei character Cao Cao.
The Lady Of Wei (10 points): Zhen Ji has been unlocked.
The Raging Tiger (10 points): Xu Zhu has been unlocked.
The Spirited General (10 points): Ling Tong has been unlocked.
The Stalwart Defender (10 points): Cao Ren has been unlocked.
The Little Conqueror(10 points): Sun Ce has been unlocked.
The Tiger of Jiang Dong(10 points): Sun Jian has been unlocked.
Musou Mode Master (50 points): All Musou modes cleared.
Target Captain (50 points): 100 or more Targets achieved.
Target Corporal (40 points): 70 or more Targets achieved.
Target General (60 points): All Targets achieved.
Master of Chaos (50): All Scenarios cleared at Chaos difficulty.
Bonus characters:
Successfully complete the indicated task to unlock the corresponding character:
Cao Cao: Successfully complete Musou mode with three Wei characters.
Cao Pi: Defeat Cao Pi in less than five minutes on the Wu side of He Fei.
Cao Ren: Successfully complete Battle Objective 2 on the Lu Bu side of Fan
Diao Chan: Successfully complete Musou mode with one character from each
Dong Zhuo: Successfully complete Musou mode with Lu Bu.
Gan Ning: Successfully complete Musou mode with a Wu character.
Guan Ping: Successfully complete Battle Objective 2 on the Shu side of Fan
Castle, and finish the battle with Guan Ping surviving.
Huang Gai: Successfully complete Battle Objective 3 on the Wu side of The
Battle of Chi Bi.
Huang Zhong: Successfully complete Battle Objective 1 on the Wei side of Ding
Jun Mountain.
Ling Tong: Successfully complete Battle Objective 1 on the Wei side of the
Battle of Shi Ting.
Liu Bei: Successfully complete Musou mode with three Shu characters.
Lu Bu: Successfully complete Musou mode with Liu Bei, Cao Cao, and Sun Jian.
Lu Meng: Successfully complete Battle Objective 2 on the Wei side of He Fei.
Ma Chao: Successfully complete Battle Objective 2 on the Wei side of Han Zhong
Attack Defense Battle.
Pang Tong: Successfully complete Battle Objective 3 at the Cheng Du battle,
and finish the battle with Pang Tong surviving.
Sun Ce: Successfully complete Battle Objective 1 on the Sun Jian side of the
Battle of Xia Pi.
Sun Jian: Successfully complete Musou mode with three Wu characters.
Sun Quan: Successfully complete Battle Objective 1 on the Lu Bu side of The
Battle of Chi Bi.
Taishi Ci: Defeat Taishi Ci in the Battle For Wu Territory.
Wei Yan: Successfully complete Battle Objective 2 on the Shu side of Wu Zhang
Plains, and finish the battle with Wei Yan surviving.
Xiahou Yuan: Successfully complete Battle Objective 1 on the Shu side of Ding
Jun Mountain.
Xiao Quio: Successfully complete Battle Objective 3 on the Wu side of the
Battle of Shi Ting.
Xu Huang: Successfully compelte Battle Objective 2 on the Wei or Wu side of
Fan Castle.
Yue Ying: Successfully complete Battle Objective 1 on the Wei side of the
Battle of Wu Zhang Plains.
Zhang Liao: Successfully complete Musou mode with a Wei character.
Zheng He: Successfully complete Battle Objective 2 on the Shu side of Han
Zhong Attack Defense Battle.
Zhou Tai: Successfully complete Battle Objective 3 on the Shu side of Yi Ling.
Zhuge Liang: Successfully complete Musou mode with a Shu character.
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Spotlight - New Version CheatBook DataBase 2023 |
CheatBook-DataBase 2023 is a freeware cheats code tracker that makes hints, Tricks, Tips and cheats (for PC, Walkthroughs,
XBox, Playstation 1 and 2, Playstation 2, Playstation 4, Sega, Nintendo 64,
DVD, Wii U, Gameboy Advance, iPhone, Gameboy Color, N-Gage, Nintendo DS, PSP, Gamecube, Dreamcast, Xbox 360, Super Nintendo) easily accessible from one central location. If you´re an avid
gamer and want a few extra weapons or lives to survive until the next level, this freeware cheat database can come to the rescue. Covering more than 26.800 Games, this database represents
all genres and focuses on recent releases. All Cheats inside from the first CHEATSBOOK January 1998 until today. - Release date january 8, 2023.
Download CheatBook-DataBase 2023 |
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