
ECW Anarchy Rulz - Platform: Dreamcast - Console Games.

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  The encyclopedia of game cheats. A die hard gamer would get pissed if they saw someone using cheats and walkthroughs in games, but you have to agree, sometimes little hint or the "God Mode" becomes necessary to beat a particularly hard part of the game. If you are an avid gamer and want a few extra weapons and tools the survive the game, CheatBook DataBase is exactly the resource you would want. Find even secrets on our page. 

 ECW Anarchy Rulz - Platform: Dreamcast

ECW Anarchy Rulz - Platform: Dreamcast

Heavyweight Belt Tour: 
Win the Heavyweight Title on any difficulty setting 
with any wrestler.

TV Belt Tour: 
Win the TV Title on any difficulty setting with any 

Tag Team Belt Tour: 
Win the Tag Team Title on any difficulty setting with 
any wrestler.

Toughman Belt Tour: 
Win the standard two player career mode on any difficulty 
setting with any wrestler.

Wrestle as Joey Styles: 
Win the Heavyweight Belt Tournament on the hard difficulty 
setting with The Sandman.

Wrestle as Joel Gertner:
Win the Heavyweight Belt Tournament on the hard difficulty 
setting with Mikey Whipwreck.

Wrestle as Lou E. Dangerously:
Win the Heavyweight Belt Tournament on the hard difficulty 
setting with "Beautiful" Billy Wiles.

Wrestle as Paul Heyman: 
Win the Heavyweight Belt Tournament on the hard difficulty 
setting with Dusty Rhodes.

Wrestle as Cyrus The Virus: 
Win the Heavyweight Belt Tournament on the hard difficulty 
setting with Rhino.

Wrestle as Jim Molineax 
Win the Heavyweight Belt Tournament on the hard difficulty 
setting with Rhino.

Wrestle as John Finegan
Win the Heavyweight Belt Tournament on the hard difficulty 
setting with Angel.

Wrestle as Bill Alfonso
Win the Heavyweight Belt Tournament on the hard difficulty 
setting with Tony Devito.

Wrestle as Judge Jeff Jones 
Win the Heavyweight Belt Tournament on the hard difficulty 
setting with Jack Victory.

Wrestle as William F. 
Win the Heavyweight Belt Tournament on the hard difficulty 
setting with Balls Mahoney.

Wrestle as Valkyrie 
Win the Heavyweight Belt Tournament on the hard difficulty 
setting with Jazz.

Wrestle as Shaman 
Win the Heavyweight Belt Tournament on the hard difficulty 
setting with Chris Chetti.

Wrestle as Esophicus 
Win the Heavyweight Belt Tournament on the hard difficulty 
setting with Yoshiro Tajiri.

Wrestle as Doug Gentry 
Win the Heavyweight Belt Tournament on the hard difficulty s
etting with Masato Tanaka.

Wrestle as Candy Girl 
Win the Heavyweight Belt Tournament on the hard difficulty 
setting with C.W. Anderson.

Wrestle as Booger 
Win the Heavyweight Belt Tournament on the hard difficulty 
setting with The Prodigy.

Wrestle as Helia Monster 
Win the Heavyweight Belt Tournament on the hard difficulty 
setting with Jason.

Wrestle as Gabe S. 
Win the Heavyweight Belt Tournament on the hard difficulty 
setting with Lance Storm.

Wrestle as Rob Feinstein 
Win the Heavyweight Belt Tournament on the hard difficulty 
setting with Danny Doring.

Wrestle as Martian Boy 
Win the Heavyweight Belt Tournament on the hard difficulty 
setting with Tommy Dreamer.

Wrestle as Mad Goat 
Win the Heavyweight Belt Tournament on the hard difficulty 
setting with Electra.

Wrestle as Jester 
Win the Heavyweight Belt Tournament on the hard difficulty 
setting with Francine.

Wrestle as Jan E. Regan 
Win the Heavyweight Belt Tournament on the hard difficulty 
setting with Little Guido.

Wrestle as Kid 
Win the Heavyweight Belt Tournament on the hard difficulty 
setting with Steve Corino.

Wrestle as The D I 
Win the Heavyweight Belt Tournament on the hard difficulty 
setting with Justin Credible.

Wrestle as Sally M. 
Win the Heavyweight Belt Tournament on the hard difficulty 
setting with Dawn Marie.

Wrestle as Lance Storm 
Win the Heavyweight Belt Tournament on the hard difficulty 
setting with Trainer.

Random head mode 
Win the Heavyweight Belt Tournament on the hard difficulty 
setting with Nova.

Big head mode 
Win the Heavyweight Belt Tournament on the hard difficulty 
setting with Simon Daimond.

Little head mode 
Win the Heavyweight Belt Tournament on the hard difficulty 
setting with Amish Roadkill.

Headless mode 
Win the Heavyweight Belt Tournament on the hard difficulty 
setting with New Jack.

Big hands mode 
Win the Heavyweight Belt Tournament on the hard difficulty 
setting with Super Crazy.

Big feet mode 
Win the Heavyweight Belt Tournament on the hard difficulty 
setting with "Little" Spike Dudley.

Fat man mode 
Win the Heavyweight Belt Tournament on the hard difficulty 
setting with "Big" Sal E. Graziano.

Hangman mode
Win the Heavyweight Belt Tournament on the hard difficulty 
setting with Kid Kash.

Ego mode 
Win the Heavyweight Belt Tournament on the hard difficulty 
setting with Jerry Lynn.

Big damage mode 
Win the Toughman Belt Tournament on the hard difficulty 
setting with the no blocking option on.

New custom stuff 
Successfully complete one player career mode on the hard 
difficulty setting with a Custom Wrestler.

New stable stuff 
Successfully complete stable career mode on the hard 
difficulty setting with any Stable, Featured, or Custom 

Easy reversals 
Hold the belts with all the Featured Jobber Wrestlers.


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