
Fifa 2007 - Platform: Gamecube - Console Games.

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 Fifa 2007 - Platform: Gamecube

Fifa 2007 - Platform: Gamecube

Easy goals:
If you have the ball and are outside the area but not on your half, 
you can check on the map how far the keeper is off his line. Normally 
he is about two meters. You can lob him easily if you get the power correct.

Easy wins:
When you are losing the match, press Start and go to "Select Sides". 
Switch to the other team and score your own goals. When you begin wining 
you can switch back to your original team.

Easy unlockable points:
Advance through the game modes and select Tournament mode. Select any 
cup tournament, as they tend to be shorter. Select the highest rated 
team or replace a team in the tournament with a highly rated team from 
another league. Advance to Tournament Central and quick sim all the games 
until you have won the tournament. You will be awarded unlockable points 
to spend.

Easy money:
No matter what team you are in Manager mode, buy the best free agents in 
the transfer market. Sell them during the same transfer market window so 
you do not have to pay the high salary. Because they are free to you, 
once you sell them you can get the added millions to your bank account.

Preview unlockables:
Purchase unlockable items without saving your profile. After testing items, 
simply reload your profile to re-acquire the unlockable points. By using 
this technique you can unlock and test all the unlockables in the game.

Finding Giovanni Dos Santos:
You can find Giovanni Dos Santos in Barcelona's reserve list. Even though 
he is only 69 overall you can edit his stats and make him as good as 
Ronaldinho. You will then have two of the best midfielder's in the game.

Double stepover:
Cristiano Ronaldo and Robinho are two of the best dribblers. Use the 
Trick Stick with Ronaldo or Robinho to perform a double stepover. 
Press Forward, then rotate left and then right.

Recommended teams:
Try the following team in 4-4-2 formation.

GK: Cech
RB: Daniel Alves
CB: John Terry
CB: Ledley King
LB: Gihel Clichy
RM: Shaun Wright Philips
CM: Kim Kallstrom
CM: Frank Lampard
LM: Stuart Downing
CF: Shevchenko
CF: Sammy Eto'o 

GK: Shay Given
DF: Steven Taylor
CM: Joe Cole
CM: Freddy Adu
CF: Peter Crouch 

Try the following team in 4-4-2 formation.

GK: Dida
RB: Rio Ferdinand
CB: Allesandro Nesta
CB: Carles Puyol
LB: Roberto Carlos
RM: Cristiano Ronaldo
CM: Michael Ballack
CM: Deco
LM: Ronaldinho
CF: Hernan Crespo
CF: Wayne Rooney 

DF: Fabio Cannavaro
CM: Kaka
CM: Beckham
CF: Shevchenko


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