
Grand Theft Auto - Vice City - Platform: Playstation 2 - Console Games.

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 Grand Theft Auto - Vice City - Platform: Playstation 2

Grand Theft Auto - Vice City - Platform: Playstation 2

Submitted by:From: Felice Gow

go to the hospital in the first island when u are at 1 life the get 
the heart then do the wepons cheat 99x and u will never run out of 

Submitted by: ricardo

Weapons (tier 1)
Press R1, R2, L1, R2, Left, Down, Right, Up, Left, Down, Right, 
Up during game play. A message will confirm correct code entry. 
The least powerful weapons in each category will be unlocked. 
Note: This does not unlock more powerful weapons such as the 
chainsaw and rocket launcher.

Weapons (tier 2)
Press R1, R2, L1, R2, Left, Down, Right, Up, Left, Down(2), 
Left during game play. A message will confirm correct code entry. 

Weapons (tier 3)
Press R1, R2, L1, R2, Left, Down, Right, Up, Left, Down(3) 
during game play. A message will confirm correct code entry. 

Press R1, R2, L1, Circle, Left, Down, Right, Up, Left, Down, Right, 
Up during game play. A message will confirm correct code entry. 
Note: If this code is enabled when there is damage on your car, 
the meter will be reset to zero without changing the visible 
effects of the damage.

Press R1, R2, L1, X, Left, Down, Right, Up, Left, Down, Right, 
Up during game play. A message will confirm correct code entry.

Raise wanted level
Press R1(2), Circle, R2, Left, Right, Left, Right, Left, Right 
during game play. A message will confirm correct code entry. 

Lower wanted level
Press R1(2), Circle, R2, Up, Down, Up, Down, Up, Down during 
game play. A message will confirm correct code entry. 

Bloodring Banger
Press Up, Right(2), L1, Right, Up, Square, L2 during game play. 
A message will confirm correct code entry. 

Bloodring Racer
Press Down, R1, Circle, L2(2), X, R1, L1, Left(2) during game play. 
A message will confirm correct code entry. 

Press Circle, L1, Up, R1, L2, X, R1, L1, Circle, X during game play. 
A message will confirm correct code entry. 

Hotring Racer 1
Press R1, Circle, R2, Right, L1, L2, X(2), Square, R1 during game play. 
A message will confirm correct code entry. 
Hotring Racer 2
Press R2, L1, Circle, Right, L1, R1, Right, Up, Circle, R2 
during game play. A message will confirm correct code entry. 
Love Fist Limousine
Press R2, Up, L2, Left(2), R1, L1, Circle, Right during game play. 
A message will confirm correct code entry. 

Rhino tank
Press Circle(2), L1, Circle(3), L1, L2, R1, Triangle, Circle, 
Triangle during game play. A message will confirm correct code entry. 

Romero's Hearse
Press Down, R2, Down, R1, L2, Left, R1, L1, Left, Right during game 
play. A message will confirm correct code entry. 
Sabre Turbo
Press Right, L2, Down, L2(2), X, R1, L1, Circle, Left during game 
play. A message will confirm correct code entry. 
Press Circle, R1, Circle, R1, Left(2), R1, L1, Circle, Right during 
game play. A message will confirm correct code entry. 
Aggressive traffic
Press R2, Circle, R1, L2, Left, R1, L1, R2, L2 during game play. 
A message will confirm correct code entry. 
Pink traffic
Press Circle, L1, Down, L2, Left, X, R1, L1, Right, Circle or X 
during game play. A message will confirm correct code entry. 

Black traffic
Press Circle, L2, Up, R1, Left, X, R1, L1, Left, Circle during game play. 
A message will confirm correct code entry. 
Faster car
Press R1, R2, L1(2), Left, Down, Right, Up, Left, Down, Right, Up during 
game play. No confirmation message will appear.

Dodo car (flying)
Press Right, R2, Circle, R1, L2, Down, L1, R1 during game play. 
A message will confirm correct code entry. Accelerate and press 
Analog-stick Back to fly. 
Car float on water
Press Right, R2, Circle, R1, L2, Square, R1, R2 during game play. 
A message will confirm correct code entry. 
Change wheel size
Press R1, X, Triangle, Right, R2, Square, Up, Down, Square during 
game play. A message will confirm correct code entry. The wheels of 
some vehicles will become larger, while others will become smaller. 
Repeat this code to increase its effect.

Increase your vehicle's top speed
Press Right, R1, Up, L2(2), Left, R1, L1, R1(2) during game play. 
A message will confirm correct code entry. 
Destroy cars
Press R2, L2, R1, L1, L2, R2, Square, Triangle, Circle, Triangle, L2, L1 
during game play. A message will confirm correct code entry. 

Better driving skills
Press Triangle, R1(2), Left, R1, L1, R2, L1 during game play. 
A message will confirm correct code entry. . Press L3 or R3 to 
jump while driving. 

Pedestrians riot
Press Down, Left, Up, Left, X, R2, R1, L2, L1 during game play. 
A message will confirm correct code entry. 
Pedestrians attack you
Press Down, Up(3), X, R2, R1, L2(2) during game play. A message 
will confirm correct code entry. 
Pedestrians have weapons
Press R2, R1, X, Triangle, X, Triangle, Up, Down during game play. 
A message will confirm correct code entry. 

Pedestrians from Thriller
Press Square, L1, Triangle, R2, Square, L1(2) during game play. 
No confirmation message will appear. Several pedestrians will 
resemble Michael Jackson and others will look like zombies and other 
characters from his Thriller music video.

Police return from dead
Press Circle, L1, Down, L2, Left, X, R1, L1, Right, X during game play. 
A message will confirm correct code entry. 

Different costume
Press Right(2), Left, Up, L1, L2, Left, Up, Down, Right during game play. 
A message will confirm correct code entry. 
Candy Suxxx costume
Press Circle, R2, Down, R1, Left, Right, R1, L1, X, L2 during game play. 
A message will confirm correct code entry. Note: The game may freeze if 
you die in this costume.
Hilary King costume
Press R1, Circle, R2, L1, Right, R1, L1, X, R2 during game play. 
A message will confirm correct code entry. Note: The game may freeze 
if you die in this costume.

Ken Rosenberg costume
Press Right, L1, Up, L2, L1, Right, R1, L1, X, R1 during game play. 
A message will confirm correct code entry. Note: The game may freeze 
if you die in this costume.
Lance Vance costume
Press Circle, L2, Left, X, R1, L1, X, L1 during game play. A message 
will confirm correct code entry. Note: The game may freeze if you die 
in this costume.

Love Fist member 1 costume
Press Down, L1, Down, L2, Left, X, R1, L1, X(2) during game play. 
A message will confirm correct code entry. Note: The game may freeze 
if you die in this costume.

Love Fist member 2 costume
Press R1, L2, R2, L1, Right, R2, Left, X, Square, L1 during game play. 
A message will confirm correct code entry. Note: The game may freeze if 
you die in this costume.

Mercedes costume
Press R2, L1, Up, L1, Right, R1, Right, Up, Circle, Triangle during game play. 
A message will confirm correct code entry. Note: The game may freeze if you 
die in this costume.

Phil Cassady costume
Press Right, R1, Up, R2, L1, Right, R1, L1, Right, Circle during game play. 
A message will confirm correct code entry. Note: The game may freeze if 
you die in this costume.

Ricardo Diaz costume
Press L1, L2, R1, R2, Down, L1, R2, L2 during game play. A message will 
confirm correct code entry. Note: The game may freeze if you die in this 
Sonny Forelli costume
Press Circle, L1, Circle, L2, Left, X, R1, L1, X(2) during game play. 
A message will confirm correct code entry. Note: The game may freeze 
if you die in this costume.

Press Right, L2, Down, R1, Left(2), R1, L1, L2, L1 during game play. 
A message will confirm correct code entry. Note: This will also 
restore your default costume.
Slower game play
Press Triangle, Up, Right, Down, Square, R2, R1 during game play. 
A message will confirm correct code entry.

Faster game play
Press Triangle, Up, Right, Down, L2, L1, Square during game play. 
A message will confirm correct code entry. 

Faster game clock
Press Circle(2), L1, Square, L1, Square(3), L1, Triangle, Circle, Triangle 
during game play. A message will confirm correct code entry. 

Normal weather
Press R2, X, L1(2), L2(3), Down during game play. A message will 
confirm correct code entry. 

Sunny weather
Press R2, X, L1(2), L2(3), Triangle during game play. A message 
will confirm correct code entry. 

Rainy weather
Press R2, X, L1(2), L2(3), Circle during game play. A message 
will confirm correct code entry. 
Foggy weather
Press R2, X, L1(2), L2(3), X during game play. A message will 
confirm correct code entry. 

Overcast skies
Press R2, X, L1(2), L2(3), Square during game play. A message will 
confirm correct code entry. 

Bikini women with guns
Press Right, L1, Circle, L2, Left, X, R1, L1(2), X during game play. 
A message will confirm correct code entry. The women will drop guns 
when they are killed.

Tommy groupies
Press Circle, X, L1(2), R2, X(2), Circle, Triangle during game play. 
A message will confirm correct code entry. 

Display media level meter
Press R2, Circle, Up, L1, Right, R1, Right, Up, Square, Triangle 
during game play. A message will confirm correct code entry. 
The meter displays how long your pursuit has lasted and the 
level of news coverage it is generating. It will appear below 
your wanted level.

Press Triangle(2), Right, Down, L2, L1, Square during game play. 
No confirmation message will appear.

Submitted by: MussaratNazir

Women with guns
Press Right, L1, Circle, L2, Left, X, R1, L1(2), X during game play. 
A message will confirm correct code entry. Women will drop guns when 
they are killed.

Tommy groupies
Press Circle, X, L1(2), R2, X(2), Circle, Triangle during game play. 
A message will confirm correct code entry.

Display media level meter
Press R2, Circle, Up, L1, Right, R1, Right, Up, Square, Triangle during 
game play. A message will confirm correct code entry.

Hint: Hidden package rewards
Collect the indicated number of hidden packages to get a reward at the 
specified location. 

10 hidden packages: Body Armor at hideouts.

20 hidden packages: Chainsaw at hideouts.

30 hidden packages: Python at hideouts. 
40 hidden packages: Flame thrower at hideouts. 
50 hidden packages: Laser Scope Sniper Rifle at hideouts. 
60 hidden packages: Minigun at hideouts. 
70 hidden packages: Rocket Launcher at hideouts. 
80 hidden packages: Sea Sparrow at Starfish Island Mansion's Helipad. 
90 hidden packages: Rhino at Fort Baxter Air Base. 
100 hidden packages: Ultimate Secret Vehicle (Apache Helicopter) at 
Fort Baxter Air Base You can use this vehicle to do Brown Thunder 
vigilante missions. 

Hint: Firefighter missions: Fireproof
Steal a fire truck and press R3 to start the firefighter missions. 
Press Circle to use the firehose to put out burning cars. Get to 
level 12 to become fireproof while on foot.

Hint: Pizza missions: Extra health
Go behind the pizza restaurant near the beach and steal the pizza 
delivery moped and press R3 to start the pizza missions. Successfully 
deliver 55 consecutive pizzas to increase your maximum health from 100 
to 150.

Hint: Paramedic missions: Unlimited sprint/stamina
Steal an ambulance and press R3 to start the paramedic missions. 
Get to level 12 to have unlimited sprint/stamina.

Hint: Taxi missions: Hydraulics
Steal a cab and press R3 to start the taxi missions. Carry 100 passengers 
to get hydraulics on all taxi-class vehicles. 

Hint: Vigilante missions: Extra armor
Steal a law enforcement-class vehicle and press R3 to start the vigilante 
missions. Get to level 12 to increase your maximum armor from 100 to 150. 

Hint: Downtown: Secret rooftop hideout
Go to the Greasy Choppers Bike Club. Go north about a half block. On the 
left hand side is a building with stairs. Go up the stairs to the roof to 
find a shack that can be used to store any motorcycle-class vehicle, etc.

Hint: Leaf Links: Phallic symbol
When you are at Leaf Links Golf course at the country club entrance, 
turn so your back is facing the entrance and you are looking out to 
the city. Turn left less than a quarter turn to see three large buildings. 
If it is dark, but before 00:00, hours you will see lights in the windows 
of these buildings. The largest building will have a symbol of a penis 
with two balls.

Hint: Little Havana: Import export garage
After purchasing Sunshine Autos located at Little Havana, you will be 
able to take the listed cars to it.

Hint: Northpoint: Grand Theft Auto screens
In the Northpoint Mall, go into the Tarbrush Cafe. Go behind the counter 
and take a look at the registers. You will find screens from the original 
Grand Theft Auto.

Hint: Northpoint: Katana
In the Northpoint Mall, go into the Tarbrush Cafe. Go into the back room 
to find the katana.

Hint: Northpoint: Easy money
To get an easy $200 to $300, go to Northpoint Mall and follow a police 
officer until he begins chasing someone. Attack that person with your 
fists (no brass knuckles -- you gain more money without them) to get 
$50 for every punch you throw. Be sure not to hit the police officer.

Go to the indoor mall that the far end of town (from the hideout). 
Find The Gap and the CD store. Rob the CD store by aiming at the clerk 
with auto aim. Wait until you get only one star. When he sets the alarm 
off you will get another star. Then, run to The Gap and get a change of 
clothes. The stars will go away. You can rob the CD store clerk again. 
If he is not there, go downstairs at The Gap and rob that clerk, going 
back and forth. This saves you a trip to the CD store just to find out 
that the clerk is on break.

Hint: Northpoint: RC Baron Race
Get in the Toy Fun Van on the top of the parking garage next to the mall 
to start the RC Baron Race, in which you will fly RC planes across the island. 

Hint: Northpoint: RC Bandit Race
Get in the Toy Fun Van near the dirt bike track. 

Hint: Vice Point: Village People
The Village People perform inside the Malibu club. Dicing them up with a 
chainsaw is very cathartic.

Hint: Angel
Go to the Greasy Choppers Bike Club in Downtown to find the patriotic 
Angel motorcycle.

Hint: Caddy
Go to Escobar International Airport and go straight around the terminal 
to find a Caddy.

Hint: Caddy: Drive out of the golfing area
Enable the "Dodo car" code. Steal a golf cart (Caddy) and drive towards 
the exit area (where the view is from a security camera). Instead of 
going in that area, go up the grass hill to the left of the stairs. 
Fly over the house by pressing Analog-stick Down. Try to avoid the 
which pop out and stop you from flying. If you make it on the roof, 
go right or left immediately to avoid the big pillar then continue down 
to the street. This may be difficult at first, but can be done with some 

Hint: Deluxo
To get the Deluxo, you must first purchase Sunshine Autos. Go down to 
where all of the garages are and look for one with a dry-erase board 
next to it. This board indicates what cars you need to bring to that 
garage. Once you bring in all of the cars, you will receive the Deluxo 
and Sunshine Autos will also begin making money for you.

Hint: Infernus: Mall appearance
Destroy most of the cars in the multistory car garage at Northpoint Mall. 
When you return, most of the cars will be replaced with Infernuses.

Hint: Patriot
To get the Patriot from Grand Theft Auto 3, go to the movie set located 
on the top middle island of your map You can either buy the set or you 
can just get in a motorcycle and do a jump over the wall.

Hint: Voodoo: Hydraulics
To work the hydraulics in the Voodoo, press R3.

Hint: Patriot
Go to Phil Cassidy's trailer in Little Haiti. Enter and you will see a 
trailer. Look left to see a building-like garage. A Patriot is parked inside.

Hint: Helicopters: Hovering
Hold L3 while flying a helicopter-class vehicle to hover. This can be 
used to immediately slow down while flying fast. 

Hint: Motorcycles: Tricks
Press Down(2) while riding a motorcycle-class vehicle to pop a wheelie. 
Press Up(2) while riding to stand. 

Get a PCJ 600. From a stop, press Down and press X. When the motorcycle 
is in a wheelie, tap the X rapidly to keep the bike up. This will allow 
you stay in the wheelie for as long as desired. This is also a great way 
to make money.

Choose a dirt bike or sport bike and build up a little speed. If you hit 
the regular and emergency brakes at the same time and stand up 
(Left Analog-stick Up), you can do a stoppie and earn some money. 
You can also get extra points for flipping around 180 degrees on the 
front wheel.

Hint: Demolition Man mission
In this mission, you must fly a toy helicopter into a building and drop 
four bombs into specific points within the building and avoid getting 
beat or shot down in only seven minutes. There are construction workers 
and security guards with guns who will attack the toy helicopter throughout 
the building. The countdown however, does not start until you pick up the 
first bomb. The best way to begin the mission to find and kill the 
construction workers and security guards by flying into them with the 
propeller before you pick up any bombs. This will get them out of the 
way and you will get a feel for flying the helicopter and spotting where 
the targets are in the process. After you have killed them all, go back 
to get the bombs and start dropping them in the targets. Also avoid flying 
into anything -- with enough damage the helicopter will be totaled.

Another way to complete this mission is to pickup the first bomb and 
place it on the top floor first. Then, place the next bomb on the third 
floor, the next bomb on the second floor, and the final bomb on the bottom 

Hint: Rub Out mission: Vercetti's Estate
After finishing the Rub Out mission, Diaz's estate will be yours and be 
called Vercetti's Estate.

Hint: Sir!, Yes, Sir! mission
Use a motorcycle for this mission. Move up the left side of the convoy, 
pull in front of the thing you want to steal then stop and get off the 
bike. Before anyone can react, hop into the door on the left side and 
pull away.

Hint: Get to Starfish Island early
To get to Starfish Island without completing the missions, get a fast 
motorcycle (not a moped). Go to the Starfish bridge and floor it through 
the tiny hole used by bridge pedestrians. Wreck at the gate and the game
 should put you on Starfish Island.

Hint: Get to any locked part early
Enable the "Dodo car" code and use any car. Go as fast as you can and 
jump over the highest sign blocking the next section of the game. Keep 
repeating this until you get there.

Hint: Easy money
Occasionally as you wander around the city, you will encounter a cop 
fighting with a gang member (especially in Northpoint Mall). If you 
step in and hit the gang member, you will receive a $50 Good Citizen's 
Bonus when the gang member dies. Once the guy is on the ground, you 
can continue to kick him and receive the bonus two or three more times 
(until the body disappears). This is an easy way to get some quick cash, 
and do some fighting in the process.

Purchasing the strip club or the docks will earn you extra money.

Knock over the parking meters on the sides of the streets to get money.

Hint: Baseball bat
Look in the alleyway directly behind your hideout to find a baseball bat.

Hint: Brass knuckles
Look slightly north (less than 100 feet) from the baseball bat behind 
your hideout to find a set of brass knuckles.

Hint: Chainsaw
Enter the apartment building in Ocean Beach next to the Pay & Spray. 
Find the open door to apartment 30. To your right is a bathroom with 
blood all over. The chainsaw can be found there. 

Hint: Knife
Go to the alleyway in the south-east corner of the east island (where 
you start) to find the knife.

Hint: Shotgun
You can find a shotgun at any time by going to the top of the Washington 
Mall via the car park (the circle ramp). When at the top of the building, 
do down the left side ramp, and then immediately turn around. The gun is 
to the left of the ramp at the back.

Hint: Run longer
Tap X instead of holding it to make Tommy's stamina last longer.

Hint: Leave car door open
Exit a car while holding Handbrake. You will not close the door, 
which can be useful if you know that you are going to need to get 
back in quickly.

Hint: Restore health
Go to your hideout and go to "Save". Either save or leave without 
saving and your health will be restored to full.

Hint: Decrease wanted level to zero
Go to your hideout and go to "Save". Load the most recent save and 
your wanted level will drop to zero.

You can clear your wanted level by entering a RC Racer Competition. 
You do not have to complete the competition to clear your wanted level.

Hint: Brake or turn better
Hold R1 for better turns and braking.

Hint: Clearer graphics
Pause game play and go to "Display", then select "Trails" and turn 
that option off. The game will be much clearer.

Glitch: Change size of the moon
Use the sniper rifle at night, zoom in on the moon, then shoot it. 
It will get bigger or smaller.

Glitch: Stand on car in mid-air
When you go over a ramp or jump, open your car door in mid-air. 
You will get out and will be standing on the car while it is 
floating in mid-air.

Submitted by: RA-Lustedpeon


Submitted by: shalin

you can put the police off .if u kill any person or police the police will 
do nothing to starting of game the game asks u to put the police on or off.

note:these appears in some games only.

Submitted by: Ryan

Drive a blown up car:
Stop in front of a car and enter the blow up all cars cheat, then push the
last button of the cheat when you open up the door of the car then fastly
enter the health cheat then there you go a blown up car.

See a police copter fly away blown up:
Get at least 3 stars wanted level then when the helicopter arrives blow it
up then enter the decrease wanted level cheat and watch the helicopter fly
away blown up.

Extremely fast caddie
Get a caddy and enter the change wheel cheat and load the game and repeat
about 21 times for maximum effect and get the caddy and drive it hell fast
it is now. Good way to escape the cops!!!!

WALK underneath water!!! (Really works!!)
Get a sabre turbo and enter the change wheel cheat and enter the change to
Hilary cheat and drive to Washington beach and drive underneath the water
don't go in the blue sand or you will fall underneath the ground and
reappear on the beach. However if you fall onto the rocks you get trapped
there what's quite amazing to look at the graphics. You can walk and drive
in the water but you cant walk out of the water you have to drive out
otherwise you will die.

Magic caddie
Get a caddie and drive it into a building entrance such as the mailibus

To see the building inside with nothing loaded.

This cheat when you are near a person makes them to enter your car

(Circle Right Up L1 Square R1.)

Rhino actually flies forever!!!
Get a rhino and turn the turret around so it's facing you and enter the
flying cars cheat

And then keep on pressing the fire button and wait till the tank goes fast
and lifts of the ground keep on pressing circle to fly. Some buildings have
no roof so you can fly underneath the world just fly into the building and
go through the ground.

Get heaps of money
Get a police car and start the police missions and then park the car in one
of your garages and hop out of the car and let the door close then enter the
blow up all cars cheat and hop back into the car and hop back out and wait
till the door closes. Repeat as long as you like to suit your money

Statue underwater
Between the leaf links golf club and the downtown area there's a group of
rocks underwater one of them has a fat man stuck in a statue. You will need
a boat or use the cars float on water cheat to see it.

Use a car spawn cheat about 17 times and press destroy all cars cheat


Free money $$$$
Steal a bus and park it next to a bus stop and each person who hops in gives
you $5

Free repair
Park one of your cars in your garage and let the door close and your cars

Powerful sabre turbo
Enter the change wheel size cheat about 10 times to make any car you hit
flies away.

World Disappears
In the countdown vinyl store in the mall, jump on the middle of a cd rack
keep on jumping until you get through the roof walk around up there for a
while then jump out to the black. You can only see Packages cars people and

Change moons size
Shoot a sniper rifle at the moon.

Temporary infinite ammo
Do a weapon cheat about 28 times

Win any street race
Start a race and enter the blow up all cars cheat when you get out of the
car and just get another car and finish the race.

Tall Infernus
Enter the change wheel cheat about 16 times

Get a bike and park it in the middle of a clothes icon and hop off and hop
on quickly then hold X

Now you cannot fall off.

Roll over Car
When your car rolls over Hold Square and left or right.

Passenger 1
Find a car with two people in it and go to the driver's side and enter the
car and speed away

Passenger 2
Find a bike and hop on and let the passenger hop on and not the driver.

Car inside mansion
Drive quickly up the stairs, and when you just get near the door, bail out
to find the car inside ready for driving

Garage fits more cars
Get one of your garages that are full and park in front of it. Hop out and
when the garage opens hop in your car and drive it in the garage. Even if
the tail of the car is out it still shuts

See Underneath the Graphics
Turn into Hilary, then spawn a sabre turbo and enter the change tire cheat.
Find a group of rocks in the sea but first enter the drive on water cheat.
Find a group of rocks and enter the drive on water cheat again. Now find an
edge of the rocks, which looks like goes through the seabed. Walk down there
to see underneath the world!!!!

Cheats that make the glitches work
Health cheats: R1 R2 L1 Circle Left down right up left down right up

Change to Hilary: R1 circle R2 L1 Right R1 L1 X R2

Spawn Sabre turbo: Right L2 Down L2 L2 X R1 L1 Circle X

Rhino: Circle circle L1 circle circle circle L1 L2 R1 Triangle circle

Change wheel size: R1 X Triangle Right R2 Square Up Down Square

Driver on water: Right R2 Circle R1 L2 Square R1 R2

Weapon cheat: R1 R2 L1 R2 left down right up left down right up

Spawn a Caddy: Circle L1 Up R1 L2 X R1 L1 Circle X

Wanted level Down: R1 R2 L1 R2 up down up down up down

Flying car cheat: Right R2 Circle R1 L2 down L1 R1

Destroy all cars cheat: R2 L2 R1 L1 L2 R2 Square Triangle Circle Triangle L2

BY: Ryan


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PC Games, PC Game Cheats, Video Games, Cheat Codes, Secrets Easter Eggs, FAQs, Walkthrough Spotlight - New Version CheatBook DataBase 2023
CheatBook-DataBase 2023 is a freeware cheats code tracker that makes hints, Tricks, Tips and cheats (for PC, Walkthroughs, XBox, Playstation 1 and 2, Playstation 2, Playstation 4, Sega, Nintendo 64, DVD, Wii U, Gameboy Advance, iPhone, Gameboy Color, N-Gage, Nintendo DS, PSP, Gamecube, Dreamcast, Xbox 360, Super Nintendo) easily accessible from one central location. If you´re an avid gamer and want a few extra weapons or lives to survive until the next level, this freeware cheat database can come to the rescue. Covering more than 26.800 Games, this database represents all genres and focuses on recent releases. All Cheats inside from the first CHEATSBOOK January 1998 until today.  - Release date january 8, 2023. Download CheatBook-DataBase 2023

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