
Half-Life - Platform: Playstation 2 - Console Games.

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 Half-Life - Platform: Playstation 2

Half-Life - Platform: Playstation 2

Press Left, Square, Up, Triangle, Right, Circle, Down, X at the cheat

Unlimited ammunition
Press Down, X, Left, Circle, Down, X, Left, Circle at the cheat screen.

Slow motion mode
Press Right, Square, Up, Triangle, Right, Square, Up, Triangle at the cheat

Press Left, Square, Right, Circle, Left, Square, Right, Circle at the cheat

Alien mode
Press Up, Triangle, Up, Triangle, Up, Triangle, Up, Triangle at the cheat

Xen gravity
Press Up, Triangle, Down, X, Up, Triangle, Down, X at the cheat screen.

Bonus levels
Press Triangle, Square, Left, Right, Circle, X, Up, Down at the cheat
Choose the "Extras" at the options screen to load new levels found from
other discs, such as the Official US PlayStation Magazine Issue 57 (June 
2002) demo disc.

To get a bonus level in Decay, get one A in every section.
The final level will then become available.

Starting tips
After the "accident", you will discover a scientist giving CPR to a security
guard. Wait 15 to 20 seconds to see the outcome, which usually results in the 
security guard being revived. He is not useful at this time, but return to him 
after getting the crowbar. Kill him with the crowbar so he can not fire back to 
get his gun and ammunition. 

Soon after this, you will ride an elevator upward. Have the gun ready. Shoot
the monster attacking the security guard; a couple of shots should do it. 
This security guard can cover you until you reach the main entrance area.

One important tactic in the early game is to use your "allies" to your
advantage. When you no longer require the services of a security guard, 
kill him and take his ammunition. A scientist is also useful in drawing enemy 
attack. Be careful not to harm an ally when another security guard is present, 
as he will attack you. Also be aware that monsters can sense your allies; and 
even if you crawl, monsters can hear your allies' walk.

The beginning of the game also has the following glitch. There is a
scientist sitting in front of a damaged instrument panel, in the area of the 
first scientist who opened a door for you. This scientist is invincible.
You can shoot or beat him with a crowbar, and all he will do is whine. This
also saturates the area with a large amount of blood.

Saving ammunition
Do not waste precious pistol ammo on headcrabs. Use your crowbar, as it is
more useful.

Using the pistol
Use the following trick to save ammo for all guns other than pistol. Most
creatures or persons can be killed with five or less direct shots of the 

Crabs: 2 shots or 1 crowbar hit
Zombies: 4 shots
Electric Aliens: 3 shots
Trip Bomb: 1 shot
Machinegun on stand: 5 shots
Soldiers: 5 shots
Dogs: 3 shots
Spitters: 4 shots

Using guards
If you have a guard, get him close enough and he will take care of almost
anything for you. The only time you ever need to fire is if the creature 
is close to the guard.

Barney gets cut in half
When you enter the room where the lasers are shooting out the walls, run
through. There should be a Barney (security officer) on the floor. Watch 
carefully and you can see the laser go across and literally cut him in 

Glitch: Floating doctor in wheelchair
Note: This trick requires a second player. When playing a Decay game with
another player, get to the Rift level. When the handicapped doctor tells 
you to follow him and opens the door, do as he says.
He will get in the elevator. Block his path so he cannot get in the
elevator, but the door is open. Next, back up slightly and let him enter. 
Get behind him and run forwards while the other player pushes you from behind. 
The doctor should start to go down, and the door has closed on you, but it 
is still open. 
Jump frequently and press Forward quickly. If you jump onto the safety bar
where the top of the other door is, he will get to the bottom of the elevator. 
If you stand on the bar, and he gets to the bottom, then he will launch back 
up and will float in the air. You cannot kill him with a regular gun from below.
You must shoot him with the bazooka or from above to kill him.

Glitch: Man in blue
Enable the "Alien mode" code and start a new game. Go through the hall past
the main security room and go straight instead of right. A short way down 
that hall is the man wearing the blue suit. Use your electric attack to break 
the window and jump in. If you try to attack the man with the blue suit, 
it will not work.

Glitch: Dead guard talks
After the experiment goes awry, go get the crowbar and come back to the
place where the scientist is performing CPR on the dead guard. If you smack 
the guard with your crowbar, he will talk.


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