
Jungle Strike - Platform: Sega - Console Games.

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 Jungle Strike - Platform: Sega

Jungle Strike - Platform: Sega

Submitted by: kumayl hassan

CODE KEY IN . . . EFFECT . . .
2 AGGA-GAEY Start on Campaign 2: Sub Hunt
3 ALGA-GAEY Start on Campaign 3: Training Ground
4 ARGA-GAEY Start on Campaign 4: Night Strike
5 AWGA-GAEY Start on Campaign 5: Puloso City
6 A0GA-GAEY Start on Campaign 6: Snow Fortress
7 A4GA-GAEY Start on Campaign 7: River Raid
8 A8GA-GAEY Start on Campaign 8: Mountains
9 BCGA-GAEY Start on Campaign 9: Return Home
10 BGGA-GAEY Start on Campaign 10: Win Screen


11 ACGA-GAEA You can choose any co-pilot
12 ACGA-GAEA + BCFT-GA2Y Can choose any co-pilot,
   eve when using password
13 D5DT-GA7A Infinite lives
14 AGGA-GABT Start with 1 life
15 ALGA-GABT Start with 2 lives
16 A0GA-GABT Start with 5 lives
17 A8GA-GABT Start with 7 lives
18 BGGA-GABT Start with 9 lives
19 AXDA-GA3N Infinite fuel
20 DGTT-GAG2 Maximum fuel is 25
21 GLTT-GAG2 Maximum fuel is 50
22 KRTT-GAG2 Maximum fuel is 75
23 W4TT-GAG2 Maximum fuel is 150
24 9LTT-GAG2 Maximum fuel is 250
25 8WTT-GCG2 Maximum fuel is 500
26 68TT-GGG2 Maximum fuel is 999
27 AKFT-JA9C Infinite ammo
28 AAMV-WACL Maximum guns is 0 for helicopter
29 9JMV-WACL Maximum guns is 250 for helicopter
30 8TMV-WCCL Maximum guns is 500 for helicopter
31 72MV-WECL Maximum guns is 750 for helicopter
32 5TMV-WLCL Maximum guns is 1,500 for helicopter
33 4AMV-WRCL Maximum guns is 2,000 for helicopter
34 VAMV-XGCL Maximum guns is 5,000 for helicopter
35 B6MV-WRLL Maximum guns is 9,999 for helicopter
36 AANB-WABC Maximum guns is 0 for hovercraft
37 9JNB-WABC Maximum guns is 250 for hovercraft
38 8TNB-WCBC Maximum guns is 500 for hovercraft
39 72NB-WEBC Maximum guns is 750 for hovercraft
40 5TNB-WLBC Maximum guns is 1,500 for hovercraft
41 4ANB-WRBC Maximum guns is 2,000 for hovercraft
42 VANB-XGBC Maximum guns is 5,000 for hovercraft
43 B6NB-WRKC Maximum guns is 9,999 for hovercraft
44 AANB-WADY Maximum guns is 0 for motorcycle
45 9JNB-WADY Maximum guns is 250 for motorcycle
46 8TNB-WCDY Maximum guns is 500 for motorcycle
47 72NB-WEDY Maximum guns is 750 for motorcycle
48 5TNB-WLDY Maximum guns is 1,500 for motorcycle
49 4ANB-WRDY Maximum guns is 2,000 for motorcycle
50 VANB-XGDY Maximum guns is 5,000 for motorcycle
51 B6NB-WRMY Maximum guns is 9,999 for motorcycle
52 AAMV-WADW Maximum hydras is 0 for helicopter
53 CTMV-WADW Maximum hydras is 20 for helicopter
54 FAMV-WADW Maximum hydras is 40 for helicopter
55 LAMV-WADW Maximum hydras is 80 for helicopter
56 NTMV-WADW Maximum hydras is 100 for helicopter
57 3AMV-WADW Maximum hydras is 200 for helicopter
58 8TMV-WCDW Maximum hydras is 500 for helicopter
59 66MV-WGDW Maximum hydras is 999 for helicopter
60 AANB-WACL Maximum rockets is 0 for hovercraft
61 DENB-WACL Maximum rockets is 25 for hovercraft
62 KNNB-WACL Maximum rockets is 75 for hovercraft
63 NTNB-WACL Maximum rockets is 100 for hovercraft
64 3ANB-WACL Maximum rockets is 200 for hovercraft
65 8TNB-WCCL Maximum rockets is 500 for hovercraft
66 66NB-WGCL Maximum rockets is 999 for hovercraft
67 AANB-WAE6 Maximum missiles is 0 for motorcycle
68 BJNB-WAE6 Maximum missiles is 10 for motorcycle
69 CTNB-WAE6 Maximum missiles is 20 for motorcycle
70 GJNB-WAE6 Maximum missiles is 50 for motorcycle
71 NTNB-WAE6 Maximum missiles is 100 for motorcycle
72 9JNB-WAE6 Maximum missiles is 250 for motorcycle
73 8TNB-WCE6 Maximum missiles is 500 for motorcycle
74 66NB-WGE6 Maximum missiles is 999 for motorcycle
75 AAMV-WAE6 Maximum hellfires is 0 for helicopter
76 ANMV-WAE6 Maximum hellfires is 3 for helicopter
77 A2MV-WAE6 Maximum hellfires is 6 for helicopter
78 B6MV-WAE6 Maximum hellfires is 15 for helicopter
79 DEMV-WAE6 Maximum hellfires is 25 for helicopter
80 GJMV-WAE6 Maximum hellfires is 50 for helicopter
81 NTMV-WAE6 Maximum hellfires is 100 for helicopter
82 8TMV-WCE6 Maximum hellfires is 500 for helicopter
83 66MV-WGE6 Maximum hellfires is 999 for helicopter
84 AANB-WAGG Maximum mines is 0 for hovercraft and motorcycle
85 ANNB-WAGG Maximum mines is 3 for hovercraft and motorcycle
86 A2NB-WAGG Maximum mines is 6 for hovercraft and motorcycle
87 B6NB-WAGG Maximum mines is 15 for hovercraft and motorcycle
88 DENB-WAGG Maximum mines is 25 for hovercraft and motorcycle
89 GJNB-WAGG Maximum mines is 50 for hovercraft and motorcycle
90 NTNB-WAGG Maximum mines is 100 for hovercraft and motorcycle
91 8TNB-WCGG Maximum mines is 500 for hovercraft and motorcycle
92 66NB-WGGG Maximum mines is 999 for hovercraft and motorcycle
93 3DEB-TAA4 Maximum armor for helicopter is 200
94 WDEB-TCA4 Maximum armor for helicopter is 400
95 MDEB-TEA4 Maximum armor for helicopter is 600
96 EDEB-TGA4 Maximum armor for helicopter is 800
97 0DEB-TJA4 Maximum armor for helicopter is 1,200
98 5XEB-TLA4 Maximum armor for helicopter is 1,500
99 4DEB-TRA4 Maximum armor for helicopter is 2,000
100 1DEB-T0A4 Maximum armor for helicopter is 3,000
101 VDEB-VGA4 Maximum armor for helicopter is 5,000
102 B9EB-TRJ4 Maximum armor for helicopter is 9,999
103 3DFB-TAFN Maximum armor for hovercraft is 200
104 FXFB-TCFN Maximum armor for hovercraft is 300
105 7DFB-TGFN Maximum armor for hovercraft is 1,000
106 4DFB-TRFN Maximum armor for hovercraft is 2,000
107 VDFB-VGFN Maximum armor for hovercraft is 5,000
108 B9FB-TRPN Maximum armor for hovercraft is 9,999
109 NXFV-TAC4 Maximum armor for motorcycle is 100
110 3DFV-TAC4 Maximum armor for motorcycle is 200
111 75FV-TEC4 Maximum armor for motorcycle is 750
112 7DFV-TGC4 Maximum armor for motorcycle is 1,000
113 4DFV-TRC4 Maximum armor for motorcycle is 2,000
114 VDFV-VGC4 Maximum armor for motorcycle is 5,000
115 B9FV-TRL4 Maximum armor for motorcycle is 9,999
116 9MGV-TAE6 Maximum armor for stealth is 250
117 8XGV-TCE6 Maximum armor for stealth is 500
118 EDGV-TGE6 Maximum armor for stealth is 800
119 4DGV-TRE6 Maximum armor for stealth is 2,000
120 1DGV-T0E6 Maximum armor for stealth is 3,000
121 VDGV-VGE6 Maximum armor for stealth is 5,000
122 B9GV-TRN6 Maximum armor for stealth is 9,999


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