Killer Instinct FAQ - Platform: Super Nintendo
Submitted by: Gulshan Saini
Killer Instinct- KI Walkthroughs
Fight as Eyedol:
Highlight Cinder on the character selection screen in one or two player mode.
Then, hold Right and quickly press L, R, X, B, Y, A at the Vs. screen.
A voice will say "Eyedol" to confirm correct code entry.
Practice against Eyedol:
Begin game play and intentionally lose when facing Eyedol. Allow the timer to
expire on the "Game Over" screen. Select practice mode to fight against a helpless
Random fighter selection:
Hold Up and press Start at the character selection screen.
Alternate costume:
Press Up or Down while selecting a fighter.
Slow motion:
Hold Left and all three Kick buttons at the Vs. screen.
Hold Right and all three Punch buttons at the Vs. screen.
Turbo level 2:
Hold Right and all three Kick buttons at the Vs. screen.
Turbo level 3:
Hold Left and all three Punch buttons at the Vs. screen.
Stage select:
Choose the fighters in a two-player game by holding one of the following buttons.
Keep the buttons held until the match begins.
Up + L
Up + X
Up + Y
Up + R
Up + B
Up + A
Down + L
Down + Y
Down + X
Down + R
Down + B
Down + A
Secret Sky
Down + B simultaneously on controllers one and two.
Up + Start
Select practice mode opponent:
Use controller two to enter practice mode. Select a character and press Start(2)
to return to the title screen. Use controller one to enter practice mode to fight
the character that was chosen using controller two.
Special ending:
Complete the game under the hardest difficulty level without using a continue any
Easy combo breakers:
Press Down + Start at the Vs. screen.
View options at vs. screen:
Press Select at the vs. screen.
Hint: Comeback trick:
When your character is defeated twice in a match, and the "Danger... Danger...
Danger..." announcement starts, rapidly and repeatedly tap all Punch and Kick buttons.
A whistle will sound if your opponent does not touch your character. Your character
will no longer be stunned and will be able to fight again with five times the attack power.
Hint: No mercies (fatality) and humiliations:
To do humiliations, you must be on your first life, your opponent must have lost all
their energy, and the background must be red. Press the humiliation combo when your
player is anywhere on the stage.
Chief Thunder (No mercy): Press B, DB, D, DF, F + FP at jump distance
Cinder (No mercy 1): Press B, DB, D, DF, F + QK at jump distance
Cinder (No mercy 2): Press F, DF, D, DB, B + FK at close distance
Cinder (No mercy 3): Press B, B, B + MP anywhere
Cinder (Humiliation 1): Press D, D, D, F + QK
Cinder (Humiliation 2): Press B, B, B + FK
Fulgore (No mercy 1): Press B, DB, D, DF, F, FK at jump distance
Glacius (No mercy 1): Press B, DB, D, DF, F, MP at jump distance
Glacius (No mercy 2): Press F, DF, D, DB, B + FP
Glacius (No mercy 2): Press F, DF, D, DB, B + FP at sweep disance
Glacius (Humiliation 1): Press B, DB, D, DF, F + MP
Glacius (Humiliation 2): Press F, F, F, B + QP
Jago (No mercy 1): Press: B, F, F, F, QP close
Jago (No mercy 2): Press B, B, F, F, MP anywhere
Jago (Humiliation): Press F, DF, D, DB, B + MK
Orchid (No mercy 1):Press B, B, F, F, QP outside sweep
Orchid (No mercy 2): Press D, F, B + QK (and press A if close)
Orchid (Humiliation): Press F, DF, D, DB, B + FP
Riptor (No mercy 1): Press B, DB, D, DF, F + MP outside sweep
Riptor (No mercy 2): Press F, F, B + FK at punch distance
Riptor (Humiliation): Press D, D, F, F + FP
Sabrewolf (No mercy 1): Press B, B, B, MP at close distance
Sabrewolf (No mercy 2): Press B, B, F + MP at close distance
Spinal (No mercy 1): Press B, B, F + QP at close distance
Spinal (Humiliation): Press F, F + QP
Spinal (Humiliation 2):Press B, B, B + MK anywhere
Spinal (Humiliation 3): Press B, DB, D, DF, F + FK
T.J. Combo: (No mercy 1): Press B, B, F, F + MP at close distance
T.J. Combo (No mercy 2): Press B, DB, D, DF, F, + FK at close distance
T.J. Combo (Humiliation): Press D, D, D + QP
Hint: Ultra combos:
Ultra combos are usually executed by doing a special move in the middle of any combo.
Press these buttons while doing any combo:
Cinder: Press Forward(2), X
Jago: Press Half Circle Back, R
Combo: Press Forward (two seconds) Back, X
Thunder: Press Back (two seconds) Forward, L
Orchid: Press Back (two seconds) Forward, Y
Sabrewulf: Press Forward (two seconds) Back, R
Spinal: Press Half Circle Forward, X
Hint: Cinder: Melt opponent:
Select Cinder, then beat your opponent until the voice says "Danger!".
Then, press Back(3), Y. If done correctly, the background will get darker and
Cinder will melt the opponent.
Hint: Cinder: Humiliation:
Select Cinder, then beat your opponent until the voice says "Danger!".
Then, press Back(2), A. If done correctly, the voice will say "Humiliation".
Hint: Cinder: Invisibility:
Press Half Circle Back + L.
Hint: Cinder: 20-hit combo:
Select Cinder, then beat your opponent until their life bar if flashing red.
Quickly press Forward(2), MP, then rapidly press all Punch buttons while pressing
Forward . If done correctly, this should result in at least a 20-hit combo.
Hint: Cinder: Ultra combo:
When your opponent's life is blinking red, charge Back to Forward, Y, and press
Forward(2). Then, press L(2), Forward(2), L(2), Forward(2), X. Note: While he is
hitting the opponent, he morphs invisible. At the end you will suddenly see him do
the kick move that makes them fly in the air. As the opponent falls press Forward(2),
Y or X for at least one or two hits.
When your opponent's life is blinking red, charging Back (two seconds) to Forward + Y.
Then press Forward, Forward + Y, L(3), Forward, Forward + L, L(3), then press Forward(2),
X for his Ultra combo and do about 28 hits. When the opponent falls, press Forward(2), Y.
If you did a Combo Breaker, this should do about a 31 hit Ultra.
When your enemy has his health blinking red, press Forward + Y repeatedly. He will hit the
enemy, sending them flying. Then, press Forward, X and he will turn invisible and hit the
enemy 20 to 24 times.
Hint: Cinder: Send opponent flying:
Use the move to turn into a fireball, then rapidly press Punch and Kick at one time
before the announcer says "Danger!" when your opponent has a bar remaining.
You will hit fierce kick and your opponent will fly high off the screen and come back down.
Press B + Toward.
Hint: Eyedol: Combos:
Press Back + MP to stomp, then sweep the D-pad from Down, Down/Forward, Forward + FP
to shoot three fire balls.
Get close enough to an enemy to fast kick them. Keep on pressing Fast Kick quickly.
If not blocked, this will result in a combo that is usually not broken.
To do Eyedol's eight-hit combo, press Back, Forward + L, then hold Back and press R(2).
Finally, press Forward and rapidly press X.
Approach your opponent and rapidly press R. Eyedol will continuously kick the opponent.
Note: The highest combo you can get by doing this is a King/11 Hits.
Hint: Eyedol: Three multiple fire balls:
Press Back, Back, Y to execute his stomp. Then as he is stomping, press X to execute
regular fire ball.
Hint: Fulgore: Tank fatality:
When the screen turns red and says "Danger", press Down, Down/Forward, Forward + A.
The screen will turn dark and his head will turn into a tank-like machine gun which
will shoot your opponent.
Hint: Fulgore: Humiliation:
When the screen is flashing "Danger", press Back, Down, Forward + B.
Hint: Glacious: Defeating Spinal:
Get far away from your opponent, then execute the Liquidize (Down, Down/Forward,
Forward and any Kick). Press FK as fast as possible while Glacious is a liquid moving
on the floor. Then, do the Liquidize again but follow-up with MK. He will do the MK
Uppercut on the other side of your opponent. You can start a combo by pressing FK or QK.
Do the same thing except first with MK and then with FK. This time, he will do the Fierce
Uppercut at the other side of your opponent.
Hint: Glacious: Combo:
When your opponent's power is flashing red, execute Cold Shoulder, press MP(4),
then Ice Lance.
Hint: Jago: Defeating Spinal:
Try to get in his face, preferably by forward jumping and rapidly pressing MP.
He will not be able to move and will eventually faint. Do it again on the second one.
He might get away. Get back in his face and do it again. He will eventually die.
Hint: Jago: 12-hit combo:
Stand any distance from your opponent with Jago and start by sweeping across the
D-pad from Forward, to Down, to Back, and pressing FK (A) immediately afterwards.
During Jago's leaping kick, near the end or afterwards, press QK (B), sweep the
D-pad backwards again, then press FP (Y), then QK (B). Sweep the D-pad once more
backwards and press QK (B). Often the combo will end with a triple leap kick,
making it a 12-hit move. If not, Jago will finish off with a last jump kick giving
you a 10-hit monster combo.
Hint: Orchid: 19 hit combo:
Start with Orchid's Flick Flack (hold Back for two seconds then Forward + MK or FK).
Then, immediately press Back + FK. Then, press MK then another Flick Flack.
Note: Keep Back held ; this is needed to finish the combo. Then, press L(3), do
the Flick Flack, but instead of using the MK or FK, use the WK and that will then
finish the combo.
Hint: Orchid: 22 hit killer combo:
Press A to execute her Flik Flak Kick, then hold Back and press L(3), then press
Forward + A. Hold Back and press L(3), then press Forward + A. Hold Back and press
L(3), then press Forward + A. Hold Back then sweep the D-pad in a Half-circle Back
and press X. Note: You can put the moves in your ultra for a 36 hit combo.
Hint: Orchid: Flash:
When you have defeated your opponent and the background is red (announcer saying
"danger"), stand about four body spaces away and press enter Back(2), Forward(2),
Quick Punch. If done correctly, Orchid will turn her back to you and open her shirt.
The opponent's eyes will pop out and he or she will fall down.
Hint: Orchid: Ultra 28 hit combo:
Hold Back for approximately two seconds. Then, press Forward, X, A. Next, hold
Back for approximately two seconds. Then, press Forward, A. Then, press Back + A.
Now press Forward + Y at the same time. If done correctly, Orchid will execute a
28 hit ultra combo Note: In order to do an ultra combo, your opponent's energy bar
must be flashing red.
Hint: Orchid: 29 hit combo:
Step quite far back and execute a flip (Back for two secondss, Forward + A).
The flip should just clip one foot of your opponent or else the rest of the combo
will not work. Immediately press L then do another flip. Press L again and repeat
until you have done four flips total since the start of the combo. Press Back and B,
then do a flip, but instead of doing it with the A button use R. If done correctly,
you should have done 28 hits and your opponent should be in midair. Do Orchid's Jet
move (Left, Down/Left, Down, Down/Right, Right, L), which should execute a fire ring.
If timed correctly, you should be able to hit them when they come down, making this a
non-ultra 29 hit combo.
Hint: Orchid: Ultra 33 hit combo:
Start with Orchid's Flick Flack (hold Back for two seconds then Forward + MK or FK).
Then immediately press Back + FK. Then, press MK then another Flick Flack.
Note: Keep Back held ; this is needed to finish the combo. Then, press L(3),
and finish them with Forward + MP. This will activate the Automatic Ultra Combo finisher.
Hint: Orchid 45 hit combo:
First, you need to have done a combo breaker within the match, Then, start the
combo while your opponent is flashing red. Start the combo with a FK Leg Flick,
then press QP, then another FK Leg Flick, then press QP again, then charge forward
to back MK to do a Reverse Kick Flip, then press QP, then another FK Leg Flick,
then press QP, then do the San move (Forward, Down/Forward, Down, Down/Back, Back
MP, or QP) with MP, then charge back to forward MP for her Ultra. This results in
42 hits. Since you have done a combo breaker, Orchid will throw three projectiles.
Right before your enemy falls from an excruciating beating, do the "Projectile"
move (Back, Down/Back, Down, Down/Forward, Forward FP, MP, or QP) with QP, to release
three projectiles.
Hint: Orchid: Humiliation song:
Select Orchid and fight your opponent until the background flashes and the "Danger!"
warning starts. The background will get red. Then, press Forward, Down, Left + X.
If done correctly, Orchid will hit the opponent and it will start dancing.
Hint: Riptor: Bumblebee:
When your opponent is about to die and is in the red screen, press Back(2), B at a
medium distance to perform Riptor's fatality, the Bumblebee.
Hint: Sabrewulf: Smack opponent off screen:
Stand one body length away from your opponent, then and press Back(2), Forward, Y.
Sabrewulf should howl, then smack your opponent onto the screen. Then, that opponent
will slide off the screen.
Hint: Sabrewulf: Ultra combos:
When your opponent has blinking red energy, do the Sabre Spin with X, hold Back
and press A a few times, Sabre Spin with Y, hold Back and press L a few times, and
then charge forward and press Back followed by R. After he finishes busting up on
the opponent, do the Sabre Pounce as the opponent falls -- timing is everything.
This should do at least a 29 hit ultra combo.
When your opponent is on red energy, do the Sabre Howl, or get a Combo Breaker.
Sabre Spin with X and wait until he suddenly attacks again. Hold Back and press
A a few times. Press Forward + Y. Press L a few times and hold Forward for two
seconds and press Back + R to do his Ultra. As the opponent falls, Sabre Pounce
at the correct moment.
When your opponent's life is flashing red (not the backround), hold Back for two
seconds then press Forward + X, hold Back and press A(2), press Forward + Y, hold
Forward and press L(2), then hold Back and press R. If done correctly, this should
result in a 28 hit combo.
When you have your opponent down to red flashing energy, press Back, Down/Back, Down,
Down/Forward, Forward, Fierce Kick (A) to launch Saberwulf at the opponent.
Then, execute a combo with Light Punch (L). As the last punch is being thrown,
press Back, Down/Back, Down, Down/Forward, Forward, Fierce Punch (X).
Hint: Spinal: Transform into opponent:
During a fight, do a combo, then in the middle of your combo attack, press Down(2), X.
Spinal will change into his opponent, do one of his/her attacks, then change back.
Hint: Spinal: Skullaport:
Select Spinal. While in battle, press Down(2), B. If done correctly, Spinal will cackle
and "Skullaport" behind your opponent (or behind where your opponent was, if he or she
moved during the combo. This is good for confusing your opponent and getting in some free
hits. If you teleport, hit your opponent, then teleport again, then hit your opponent again.
They should get confused if you keep doing this, and not hit you or miss.
Do a Skeleport by pressing Down(2), any Punch. Keep repeating and you will slip up and
transform into the other character and do their special moves. Try Down(2), any Kick.
This is very effective against Fulgore.
Hint: Spinal: Combo:
Do the following for a 13-hit combo. Press Down, Down + A to will teleport to opposite
side. Then, press Left, Left +Y, and after that hits hold Left and press X (auto combo).
Then, press Right + X for linker for Spinal only. Then, press Y to auto combo again.
Then, press Left, Left + Y for the last combo.
Hint: Thunder: Defeating Spinal:
When fighting Spinal in any difficulty level, and use the Phoenix (Down, Down/Forward,
Forward and any Kick). Send the Phoenix until Spinal has charged his five "bullets".
Then, get as far as you can away from him and start sending Phoenix again. However,
make sure you press Down after you send the Phoenix. When you press Down while the
Phoenix is in the air, it will go down and produce a low attack. Spinal will protect
himself, but just the top/front side. Every time you send him a lowered Phoenix, it
will hit him. You can kill Spinal very easily by just sending him lowered Phoenix
constantly. You can try the same thing with another character, but you cannot lower
the bullets; just send them fast and constantly. He will defend, there will be a
little damage, and he will eventually die.
Hint: Thunder: Fatality:
When the screen is flashing "Danger", press Back, Down, Forward + X. He will call the
lightning and electrocute his opponent.
Hint: TJ Combo: Combo Breaker after they hit the ground:
With TJ Combo, use the Roll move (press Back briefly, then Forward and Medium Punch)
making sure to hold Forward after the move. Then press Back and Medium Kick after the
first punch makes contact. If done correctly, it will be two. After the second hit,
before your opponent hits the ground, do a juggle by pressing Back, Forward, Fierce
Punch for a three hit combo. Sometimes your opponent will do a Combo Breaker after they
get up. This works best under the harder difficulty settings, when you press Down and
Start to get easy breakers turned on. Turn the "Easy Breakers" to "On" in the options menu.
Hint: TJ Combo: Fatality:
When the screen is flashing "Danger", press Back, Down, Forward + A. He will knock his
opponent onto the screen.
Hint: TJ Combo: Ultimate:
During a combo when your opponent has flashing red health and you are still on your first
life, quickly press Right, Down, Left, B during your combo. If done correctly Combo will
punch his opponent in the middle of the combo and punch his opponent towards the screen,
leading the announcer to say "Ultimate Ultimate".
Hint: Defeating Spinal:
If you face him later in the game (after he starts using his "Shield Charge" where he
backs up and has his shield out and glowing), you can "overcharge" him. Doing this can
be risky. First, select a character that has easy and quick specials (for example,
Cinder or Jago). They must be specials, not combos, or else Spinal will not charge up.
Note: It will be a lot easier if you pick characters that have easy specials and they
are projectiles. Cinder's Fireball (F, F + AP) or Flamethrower (F, F, + AK), or Jago's
Zappy Thing (B, BD, D, FD, F (in a roll) + MP are recommended. Keep hitting him with
the specials while he charges his shield. He will collect Skulls ("bullets").
When Spinal gets Skulls, he can use his shadow moves at a certain cost of them.
Spinal can only have six Skulls (five in some versions of the game), otherwise he
"blows up" and takes damage. Keep doing this and you will probably defeat him.
Hint: Knock off:
Use this trick when on a rooftop level (such as Cinder's or Orchid's building).
When your opponent's health is in the red and is getting very low, back him or her
into a corner. Then, start doing a combo on them. Make sure that the combo will kill
them. If you can do an Ultra, this should work, but if your opponent's health is low
enough, a Master should work just fine. If done correctly, when there health runs out,
instead of doing the flashing red screen, your opponent should fly off of the roof and
fall to the ground.
Hint: Announcer commentary:
Play the Killer Cuts audio CD that was issued with some versions of the game.
Play track 30 to hear the announcer say some of the comments that are in the game
Hint: Blinking eyes in Sky Top level:
Select a two-player game or tournament. Pick Fulgore for player one and any other character
for player two. At the start of the fight, push player two into the corner. Beat player
two up until the announcer says "Danger!", but do not make player two fall off.
Do the turret gun fatality (Back, Down, Forward and Fierce Kick) and watch the clouds.
Two black eyes will appear on and off, making it appear as if they are blinking.
Hint: Humiliation song:
Play track 30 on the Killer Cuts sound track CD.
Glitch: Glacius Ultra:
Select Glacius and enable the hyper code at the versus screen (Left + QK + MK + FK).
After you battle, do his ultra. Half of the time, he will miss and keep punching air.
Note: Do the uppercut to start the Ultra. Move your opponent back one step. Sometimes
he will only hit your opponent once or twice and keep punching at nothing.