
Lego Indiana Jones 2 - The Adventure Continues - Platform: XBox 360 - Console Games.

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 Lego Indiana Jones 2 - The Adventure Continues - Platform: XBox 360

Lego Indiana Jones 2 - The Adventure Continues - Platform: XBox 360

Cheat mode:
Enter one of the following codes to activate the corresponding
cheat function:


Result      Code
Beep Beep	UU3VSC
Coin Magnet	EGSM5B 
Disguise	Y9TE98
Fast Build	SNXC2F
Fast Dig	XYAN83
Fast Fix	3Z7PJX
Fearless	TUXNZF
God Mode	6JBB65
Ice Rink	TY9P4U
Poo Money	SZFAAE
Score x2	U38VJP
Score x3	PEHHPZ
Score x4	UXGTB3
Score x6	XWJ5EY
Score x8	S5UZCP
Score x10	V7JYBU
Silhouettes	FQGPYH
Snake Whip	2U7YCV 
Stud Magnet	EGSM5B
Result      Code
Alien       PXT4UP 
Biplane     7VLKAF 
Hot Rod     YLG2TN 
Stunt Plane RM3E84 
Result                   Code
Boxer                    7EQF47 
Dovchenko	             WL4T6N 
Indiana Jones 1          PGWSEA 
Indiana Jones 2          FGLKYS 
Indiana Jones (collect)  DZFY9S 
Indiana Jones (CS)       8BDJG5 
Indiana Jones (desert)   M4C34K 
Indiana Jones (Kali)	 J2XS97 
Indiana Jones (officer)	 3FQFKS 
Lao Che                  7AWX3J 
Mac                      P4PCDY 
Mannequin (adult female) U7SMVK 
Mannequin (adult male)   QPWDMM 
Mannequin (child female) 3PG5EL 
Mannequin (child male)   2UJQWC 
Mola Ram                 82RMC2 
Mutt                     2GK562 
Professor Henry Jones    4C5AKH 
Rene Belloq              FTL48S 
Salah                    E88YRP 
Willie (singer)          94RUAJ 

Bonus playsets:
Successfully complete the indicated task to unlock the corresponding

Creator: Successfully complete Kingdom Of The Crystal Skull - Part 1.
Kingdom Of The Crystal Skull - Part 2: Successfully complete
Kingdom Of The Crystal Skull - Part 1.
Kingdom Of The Crystal Skull - Part 3: Successfully complete
Kingdom Of The Crystal Skull - Part 2.
Raiders Of The Lost Ark: Successfully complete Kingdom Of The
Crystal Skull - Part 1.
Super Bonus Levels: Successfully complete a Super Bonus level.
Temple Of Doom: Successfully complete Raiders Of The Lost Ark.
The Last Crusade: Successfully complete Temple Of Doom. 

Bonus level locations:
Search the indicated location to find the corresponding bonus level:

-=Raiders Of The Lost Ark=-

Mountain Shack: At the starting location, look directly behind you
at the top of the mountain. Go up the left-hand side of the
mountain with any vehicle other than an aircraft. Note: If
desired, you can buy a snowmobile in the shack on the left-hand
side with a character that has security access.

Airstrip Hanger: It is inside the gated field with the large green
plane. Use a Staff Of Ra character to enter the gated area. This
type of character is in front of the final mission entrance after
completing the final mission.

Hovitos Temple: Enter the water north of where the camels are
located. You should see a small island. There is a plane in the water.

Bantu Wind: It is on the boat that docks at the island where the
final mission is found. The doors on the boat will open when going
to the final mission.

Submarine Base: It is in the water to the right of the Super Bonus
level (which is also to the right of the gated field with the
large green plane). The submarine is required to open the gate in
the water. The submarine can be found where the final mission is
located, on the left side.

/Temple Of Doom/

Club Obi Wan: It is in front of you when you start in the oriental
city. Look for the large flashing lights that read "Obi Wan". An
Explosives character is required to blow up the sign to open the door.

Beachside Cave: Leave the oriental town from the airport, go south
down to the beach, and find the cave there. A character with a
book is required to decipher the hieroglyphic to open the cave.
Note: The village elder is a book character. To unlock him,
rescue the three villagers (in the village, to the right of the
village, and to the right of the palace) from the two snakes.

Slave Driver Cave: It is directly behind the village. A Thuggee
character is required to open the cave up using the statue.

Mountain Cave: It is directly behind the oriental village. A plane
is required, as you must parachute down to the entrance.

Princess Rescue: It is to the left-hand side of the palace. A
character with a sword is required to cut the rope that drops a
ladder to access the area.

/The Last Crusade/

Venice <#> Library: Cross the small Lego bridge in the Venice area
to find a door. A character with a book is required to decipher
the hieroglyphic to open the door.

Beach Pit: On the right side of Venice where the road begins is a
dig spot on the beach. A character with a shovel is required to
dig up the lever. Use the lever to open a pit door.

Berlin Airport: It is directly behind the blimp next to the
entrance for the third mission. A character with a book is
required to decipher the hieroglyphic to gain access to the blimp.
A character with security access is required to open the hanger doors.

Castle Cave: Use a flying vehicle (blimp recommended), and
parachute to the top of the castle. Find the horn on the castle's
roof. Push the two green ends of the horn together, and it will
blow open a cave to the right of the castle.

Venice Tunnel: It is in the water directly below the road where
the three targets are found.

/Kingdom Of The Crystal Skull 1/

Marshall college <#>: It is in the college on the right-hand side
of the town where you usually start in front of. A character with
a book (Stanforth) is required to decipher the hieroglyphic to
open the doors. You can unlock Stanfoth after completing one of
the vehicle races.

Gas Station: It is at the gas station next to the military base
where you find the Fire Truck vehicle. Drive a vehicle over the
large pad to open the door.

Doom Town House 2: It is on the right side of the Mannequin town
(where the Super Bonus level is found). A female character is
required to jump the fence. Then, enter the door.

Interrogation Room: It is on the right side of the military base.
Pull the lever to open the door to the bunker on the hill.

Hangar 52: Buy the plane at the military base. Fly straight from
when you take off, and parachute into the gated area next to the
military base. After you touch down, turn the switch to open the
front gate so you can enter and exit easily.

/Kingdom Of The Crystal Skull 2/

Peru Airport: It is at the starting area directly in front of the
plane. A character with security access is required to open the door.

Peruvian Market: It is to the left of the starting location. A
female character is required to jump up and grab the pulley to
open the door.

Graveyard Tomb: It is in front of the entrance to Mission 2 in
Story mode. Look for a pit that you walked past after completing
Mission 1 in Story mode. A character with a shovel is required to
dig up the pit to uncover the entrance.

Temple Tussle: There is a temple below and to the right of the
camp site. Follow the path to the right instead of going toward
the campsite. A character with a spear is required. Throw a spear
into each of the two pillars, then hang from the spears to open
the door.

Gorge In The Jungle: It is just south of where the Super Bonus
level is found at the bottom of the map. There is plane wreckage
on the beach and a hill next to it. Jump on top of it to open the

/Kingdom Of The Crystal Skull 3/

Jungle Jinx: It is directly below the ants at the top of the map
(where Mission 1 and 2 are located). Climb the rope up to the
cave. A character with a spear is required. Throw a spear into
both skulls. Hang from the spears to open the door.

Lake Crypt: At the Big Space Ship (Super Bonus level), go south.
There is an island with a building in the lake with all the lily
pads. A female character is required to jump on top of the
building, grab the item, and put it on the base on the left side
of the building to open the door.

Digger's Delight: It is to the left of Mission 1's entrance in
Story mode. There is an island with two bridges connecting it.
There is a large circle at the top of the island area. A character
with a shovel is required to dig up the circle.

Treasure Room: It is to the left of the Spaceship vehicle and
directly behind where the jeep race is found at the bottom of the
map. A female character is required to jump up to the ledge above
the door and pull the handle to open the cave.

Cave Capers: It is on the left side of the map. Go to the bottom
of the map, jump into the water, and swim up the left-hand side.
Alternately, use the small spaceship, then parachute out into the
water on the left side (where the two shipwrecked boats are
found). There is a cave directly below the two ships. A female
character and a character with a spear are required. Throw two
spears into the hole, then jump up to them with the female
character to access the cave.


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