Lego Indiana Jones - The Original Adventures - Platform: Sony PSP - Console Games. | | |
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The encyclopedia of game cheats. A die hard gamer would get pissed if they saw someone using cheats and walkthroughs in
games, but you have to agree, sometimes little hint or the "God Mode" becomes necessary to beat a particularly hard part
of the game. If you are an avid gamer and want a few extra weapons and tools the survive the game, CheatBook DataBase is
exactly the resource you would want. Find even secrets on our
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Lego Indiana Jones - The Original Adventures - Platform: Sony PSP
Cheat Codes:
Enter one of the following codes on the blackboard in the Math classroom at
Barnett College to unlock the corresponding option at the "Extras" menu. If
you entered the code correctly, the name of the cheat will appear.
Result Code
Artifact Detector - VIKED7
Beep Beep - VNF59Q
Character Treasure [Note 1] - VIES2R
Disarm Enemies - VKRNS9
Disguises - 4ID1N6
Fast Build - V83SLO
Fast Dig - 378RS6
Fast Fix - FJ59WS
Fertilizer - B1GW1F
Ice Rink - 33GM7J
Invincibility - B83EA1
Parcel Detector - VUT673
Poo Treasure [Note 2] - WWQ1SA
Regenerate Hearts - MDLP69
Secret Characters [Note 3] - 3X44AA
Silhouettes - 3HE85H
Super Scream - VN3R7S
Super Slap - 0P1TA5
Treasure x2 - VM4TS9
Treasure x4 - VLWEN3
Treasure x6 - V84RYS
Treasure x8 - A72E1M
Treasure x10 - VI3PS8
Treasure Magnet - H86LA2
Note 1: Killed enemies will drop Studs.
Note 2: Animals will defecate Studs.
Note 3: This code unlocks the following secret playable characters in Free Play
mode. Santa in the "Into The Mountains" level; Dancing Girl 2, Thieving Hoodlum
1, and Thieving Hoodlum 2 in the "Shanghai Showdown" level; Enemy Radio Operator
in the "Search For King Richard" level; and Graverobber 1 and Gravrobber 2 in
the "Young Indy" level.
Bonus characters:
Enter one of the following codes on the blackboard in the Math classroom at
Barnett College to unlock the corresponding character for purchase:
Character Code
Barranca 04EM94
Belloq (desert) CHN3YU
Belloq (jungle) TDR197
Belloq (priest) VEO29L
Boxer 8246RB
British officer VJ5TI9
British troop DJ5I2W
British troop commander B73EUA
Captain Katanga VJ3TT3
Chatterlal ENW936
Chucin 3NK48T
Colonel Dietrich 2K9RKS
Colonel Vogel 8EAL4H
Dancing girl C7EJ21
Desert digger 12N68W
Desert enemy officer 2MK45O
Desert masked bandit N48SF0
Desert monkey man 3RF6YJ
Desert soldier 4NSU7Q
Desert swordsman 1MK4RT
Donovan 3NFTU8
Dr. Schneider (desert) JSNRT9
Dr. Schneider (officer) VMJ5US
Enemy Bazookaman S93Y5R
Enemy bazookaman MK83R7
Enemy butler VJ48W3
Enemy guard VJ7R51
Enemy guard (Nepal) YR47WM
Enemy officer 572E61
Enemy pilot B84ELP
Fedora V75YSP
First mate 0GIN24
Grail knight NE6THI
Hovitos tribesman H0V1SS
Indiana Jones (officer) VJ85OS
Indiana Jones disguised 4J8S4M
Jungle guide 24PF34
Kaokan WMO46L
Kazim (desert) 3M29TJ
Kazim (Venice) NRH23J
Laoche 2NK479
Maharaja NFK5N2
Major Toht 13NS01
Mola Ram FJUR31
Pankot assassin 2NKT72
Pankot guard VN28RH
Punjabi dignitary KD48TN
Punjabi village elder 4682E1
Sherpa brawler VJ37WJ
Sherpa gunner ND762W
Slave child 0E3ENW
Thuggee VM683E
Thuggee Chatterlal CNH4RY
Thuggee priest T2R3F9
Thuggee slavedriver VBS7GW
Willie DJ VK93R7
Willie pajamas MEN4IP
Wuhan 3NSLT8
Bonus levels:
Collect all the artifacts in the indicated movie to unlock the corresponding
secret level:
Raiders Of The Lost Ark - Young Indy level
Temple Of Doom - Ancient City level
The Last Crusade - Warehouse level
Play as Han Solo:
Find C-3PO, Chewbacca, Luke Skywalker, Princess Leia, and R2-D2 throughout the
game to unlock Han Solo in Free Play mode.
Red Parcel bonuses:
A Red Parcel is hidden in every level. Once it is found, take it to the grey and
red postbox hidden nearby. Note: Some postboxes must be assembled. Drop the
Parcel in the postbox. When you return to Barnett College, enter the middle door
on right side of hall to enter the mail room. You can now purchase the extra
bonus that was unlocked by that Parcel.
Raining Lego Studs:
Get a 100% completion to have Lego Studs rain inside Barnett College.
Hidden Star Wars character locations
C3PO: Play the Raiders Of The Lost Ark: The Lost Temple level. Find the room
that is sealed off by metal Lego pieces. Use a bazooka or grenade in Free Play
mode to reach him.
Chewbacca: Play the Raiders Of The Lost Ark: City Of Danger level. Reach the
last area of the mission where you change to a guard and get through the
checkpoint where the truck is stored. At the back of that area is a
hieroglyphic display. Have a Scholar character complete the puzzle. Go inside
the newly opened door to find the Mos Eisley cantina. Chewbacca is behind a
fence, and can be reached with a short character such as the Maharaja or Short
Luke Skywalker: Play the Raiders Of The Lost Ark: Into The Mountains level.
Search inside the cave somewhere in the mountains. Use a bazooka or grenade in
Free Play mode to enter it.
Princess Leia: Play the Temple Of Doom: Free The Slaves level. Go to the
second to last room. Go near the machinery on the far right-hand side of the
room, then walk toward the screen to find the way down to her.
R2-D2: Play The Last Crusade: Desert Ambush level. When you start, go left,
and climb up the mountain to the gold chest. Once you get the chest, follow
the ledge to the left. You should see a brown whip point. Use Indy's whip to
pull down a tube from a Sandcrawler. R2-D2 will appear from it.
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Spotlight - New Version CheatBook DataBase 2023 |
CheatBook-DataBase 2023 is a freeware cheats code tracker that makes hints, Tricks, Tips and cheats (for PC, Walkthroughs,
XBox, Playstation 1 and 2, Playstation 2, Playstation 4, Sega, Nintendo 64,
DVD, Wii U, Gameboy Advance, iPhone, Gameboy Color, N-Gage, Nintendo DS, PSP, Gamecube, Dreamcast, Xbox 360, Super Nintendo) easily accessible from one central location. If you´re an avid
gamer and want a few extra weapons or lives to survive until the next level, this freeware cheat database can come to the rescue. Covering more than 26.800 Games, this database represents
all genres and focuses on recent releases. All Cheats inside from the first CHEATSBOOK January 1998 until today. - Release date january 8, 2023.
Download CheatBook-DataBase 2023 |
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