
Madden NFL 09 - Platform: XBox 360 - Console Games.

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  The encyclopedia of game cheats. A die hard gamer would get pissed if they saw someone using cheats and walkthroughs in games, but you have to agree, sometimes little hint or the "God Mode" becomes necessary to beat a particularly hard part of the game. If you are an avid gamer and want a few extra weapons and tools the survive the game, CheatBook DataBase is exactly the resource you would want. Find even secrets on our page. 

 Madden NFL 09 - Platform: XBox 360

Madden NFL 09 - Platform: XBox 360

Accomplish the indicated achievement to get the corresponding number of 
Gamerscore points:

2 TD Kickoff Returns in a game (75 points): Return 2 Kickoffs for a TD in a 
game (non co-op). 
Shut out Rival in a Franchise (50 points): Shut out Rival in a Franchise game 
(non co-op). 
Kick a FG for over 50 yards (15 points): Kick a FG for over 50 yards in a 
Franchise game (non co-op). 
Complete a game without an INT (30 points): Complete a game without an 
interception, 5 min+ quarter length (non co-op) . 
6 Rush TDs with the Dolphins (50 points): 6 Rush TDs in a game with the 
Dolphins (non co-op). 
Catch 10 passes in a game (50 points): Catch 10 passes in a game with one 
receiver (non co-op). 
Complete game without fumbling (25 points): Complete a game without fumbling, 
5 min+ quarter length (non co-op). 
2 TD Punt Returns in a game (65 points): 2 TD Punt Returns in a game (non 
Intercept 6 passes in a game (50 points): Intercept 6 passes in a game (non 
Hold a Rival to under 300 yards (50 points): Hold a Rival to under 300 yards 
total offense in a game (non co-op). 
Score 60 points in a Rival game (30 points): Score 60 points in a Rival game 
(non co-op). 
Score 40 points in a Rival game (20 points): Score 40 points in a Rival game 
(non co-op). 
Record 12 sacks in a game (50 points): Record 12 sacks in a game (non co-op). 
6 sacks with 1 player in a game (50 points): 6 sacks with 1 player in a game 
(non co-op). 
80% completion for a game (50 points): 80% pass completion in a Franchise 
game, 5 min+ quarter length (non co-op). 
7 Pass TDs with the Falcons (50 points): Throw 7 pass TDs in a game with the 
Falcons (non co-op). 
550 Pass Yds with the Titans (50 points): 550 Pass Yds in a game with the 
Titans (non co-op). 
300 Rush Yds with the Jets (10 points): 300 Rush Yds in a game with the Jets 
(non co-op). 
Hold a Rival to under 20 points (10 points): Hold a Rival team to under 20 
points in a game (non co-op). 
Midway Monster (50 points): Create a legendary player from the past. 
Can You Believe These Seats?! (30 points): Celebrate a touchdown in a wall 
Steal Their Thunder (30 points): Steal an opposing player's touchdown 
Slam Dunk All-Star (30 points): Dunk the ball over the goalpost (or at least 
attempt to) after a touchdown. 
Shine In The Spotlight (30 points): Celebrate a touchdown in an endzone 

Game Hints:
1.When a defense looks prepared for your current play, use a quick audible 
  to regain the upper hand. 
2.While playing through the Madden Test, be patient. Hurrying through the 
  drills will cause your Madden IQ to suffer. 
3.Use Formation Subs in certain situations to bring a new player into the 
  game. That backup player just might have the skills needed for the current
4.Playing Superstar as a Tight End gives you the best of both worlds, allowing
  you to play as a Lineman and a Wide Receiver. 
5.It’s a good idea to use your EA Rewinds like timeouts, saving them for 
  crucial situations. 
6.Enter into endzone hotspots to trigger special player celebrations. 
7.Calling a short yard FB run play with a backup RB is a good way to increase 
  the odds that yards will be gained. 
8.Read the Madden Moment description carefully, sometimes a FG is good enough 
  to complete the Moment. 
9.Remember to utilize the Field Goal Block Return play whenever a long FG is 
10.Importing your Fantasy Football Team from your Fantasy League gives you the
   chance to test your team’s mettle on the field. 
11.Use the stiff arm special move to break more tackles with the ball carrier. 
12.Using an All Madden or Fantasy Drafted created team will give you the 
   advantage when playing in Franchise or against a friend. 
13.When punting is not an option, use the QB Sneak play to push for those last
   couple of yards in short yardage situations. 
14.When a play doesn’t go the way you planned, don’t hesitate. Use EA Rewind
   to try it over again. 
15.Utilize the Player HUB to see what part of the game your friends are 
   currently playing in. 
16.Use the Player HUB to send game invites as well as Online league invites. 
17.Talk is cheap. Create custom Online Leagues with your friends to see who
   is truly the best at Madden. 
18.Use EA Sports World to help track your accomplishments in all game modes. 
19.When playing multi-player games, make sure to use the Bluff Play selection 
   to hide from your opponent which play you are about to run. 
20.Create new offensive and defensive plays in NFL Head Coach 09 and import 
   them into Madden. Your opponent won’t know what to expect! 
21.Take advantage of the new tackle breaking system. Press a button or move the
   highlight stick while getting tackled to attempt to break out of it. 
22.New to Madden? No problem. Use the Beginner Game Style for a simplified 
   Madden experience. 
23.Madden knows how good you are. When you finish a game, advance to the Virtual
   Trainer to improve your weaknesses. 
24.Longing for the days of Maddens past? Play Madden 93 with the 20th 
   Anniversary Collector’s Edition. 
25.Pause no more! Access Instant Replay, Challenge Plays, and view stats without
   ever leaving the playcall screen.


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PC Games, PC Game Cheats, Video Games, Cheat Codes, Secrets Easter Eggs, FAQs, Walkthrough Spotlight - New Version CheatBook DataBase 2023
CheatBook-DataBase 2023 is a freeware cheats code tracker that makes hints, Tricks, Tips and cheats (for PC, Walkthroughs, XBox, Playstation 1 and 2, Playstation 2, Playstation 4, Sega, Nintendo 64, DVD, Wii U, Gameboy Advance, iPhone, Gameboy Color, N-Gage, Nintendo DS, PSP, Gamecube, Dreamcast, Xbox 360, Super Nintendo) easily accessible from one central location. If you´re an avid gamer and want a few extra weapons or lives to survive until the next level, this freeware cheat database can come to the rescue. Covering more than 26.800 Games, this database represents all genres and focuses on recent releases. All Cheats inside from the first CHEATSBOOK January 1998 until today.  - Release date january 8, 2023. Download CheatBook-DataBase 2023

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