
Madden NFL 25 - Platform: XBox 360 - Console Games.

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  The encyclopedia of game cheats. A die hard gamer would get pissed if they saw someone using cheats and walkthroughs in games, but you have to agree, sometimes little hint or the "God Mode" becomes necessary to beat a particularly hard part of the game. If you are an avid gamer and want a few extra weapons and tools the survive the game, CheatBook DataBase is exactly the resource you would want. Find even secrets on our page. 

 Madden NFL 25 - Platform: XBox 360

Madden NFL 25 - Platform: XBox 360

On The Ball
Reward: 15 Points
Objective: Enter the no huddle offense using the Kinect Sensor (no SuperSim, OTP, or Co-Op).

Going For Gold
Reward: 15 Points
Objective: Earn gold from a drill inside the Skills Trainer.

QB Camp
Reward: 30 Points
Objective: 100% completion of all passing drills inside the Skills Trainer (All gold medals).

Stick Skills
Reward: 30 Points
Objective: 100% completion of all rushing drills inside the Skills Trainer (All gold medals).

Defense Wins Championships
Reward: 30 Points
Objective: 100% completion of all defensive drills inside the Skills Trainer (All gold medals)

Knowledge is Power
Reward: 30 Points
Objective: 100% completion of all pre-play drills inside the Skills Trainer (All gold medals).

Happy 25th Madden
Reward: 25 Points
Objective: Score 25+ points in one game and celebrate 25 years of Madden Football. (no SuperSim, OTP, or Co-Op)

Verizon MVP
Reward: 25 Points
Objective: Combine for 75 points total, with your opponent (no SuperSim, OTP, or Co-Op).

The New Breed
Reward: 25 Points
Objective: Score a rushing and passing TD with a QB in a single game (no SuperSim, OTP, or Co-Op).

College Influence
Reward: 25 Points
Objective: Score a TD on an option play (no SuperSim, OTP, Skill Trainer, Practice, or Co-Op).

Reward: 25 Points
Objective: Truck a defender during a run (no SuperSim, OTP, Skill Trainer, Practice, or Co-Op).

Arms Length Away
Reward: 25 Points
Objective: Stiff arm a defender during a single run (no SuperSim, Skill Trainer, OTP, Practice, or Co-Op).

Reward: 10 Points
Objective: Post a piece of content to Madden Share.

Reward: 10 Points
Objective: Download a piece of content from Madden Share.

Quality Gift
Reward: 20 Points
Objective: Download 3 pieces of content from Madden Share.

Reward: 10 Points
Objective: Rate a piece of content you've downloaded from Madden Share.

Get Your Feet Wet
Reward: 20 Points
Objective: Complete an online ranked head to head game.

Only Seventeen
Reward: 10 Points
Objective: Score 17+ total points in online ranked head to head games.

Nice Round Number
Reward: 20 Points
Objective: Score 34+ total points in online ranked head to head games.

Beginning the Journey
Reward: 10 Points
Objective: Win a MUT Seasons game.

Reward: 15 Points
Objective: Make the playoffs in Ultimate Team Seasons.

Well Rested
Reward: 20 Points
Objective: Earn a first round bye in Ultimate Team Seasons.

Complete the Journey
Reward: 35 Points
Objective: Win a MUT Seasons Super Bowl.

Mr. Suitcase
Reward: 20 Points
Objective: Complete a MUT collection.

You Know the Business
Reward: 25 Points
Objective: Build a MUT team with a team chemistry of 30.

Really Clicking
Reward: 35 Points
Objective: Build a MUT team with a team chemistry of 70.

Completely Gelled
Reward: 50 Points
Objective: Build a MUT team with two team chemistry ratings at 60.

The Mogul
Reward: 15 Points
Objective: Win a MUT auction.

Flying Solo
Reward: 20 Points
Objective: Win a MUT Solo Challenge.

This One is Hard 3.0
Reward: 50 Points
Objective: Build an 85 rated MUT team.

It's Still Easy
Reward: 5 Points
Objective: Create a MUT team.

Blaine Gabbert Legacy Award
Reward: 10 Points
Objective: Using a created player, coach, or owner - surpass a legacy score of 2.

Ron Rivera Legacy Award
Reward: 15 Points
Objective: Using a created player, coach, or owner - surpass a legacy score of 575.

James Laurinaitis Legacy Award
Reward: 15 Points
Objective: Using a created player, coach, or owner - surpass a legacy score of 565.

Cortland Finnegan Legacy Award
Reward: 15 Points
Objective: Using a created player, coach, or owner - surpass a legacy score of 2200.

Jermichael Finley Legacy Award
Reward: 20 Points
Objective: Using a created player, coach, or owner - surpass a legacy score of 750.

Matt Forte Legacy Award
Reward: 20 Points
Objective: Using a created player, coach, or owner - surpass a legacy score of 500.

Marvin Lewis Legacy Award
Reward: 25 Points
Objective: Using a created player, coach, or owner - surpass a legacy score of 1250.

Drew Brees Legacy Award
Reward: 30 Points
Objective: Using a created player, coach, or owner - surpass a legacy score of 9000.

John Elway Legacy Award
Reward: 50 Points
Objective: Using a created player, coach, or owner - surpass a legacy score of 13,950.

Walter Payton Legacy Award
Reward: 100 Points
Objective: Using a created player, coach, or owner - surpass a legacy score of 15,450.


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