
Mat Hoffman's Pro BMX 2 - Platform: Gamecube - Console Games.

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 Mat Hoffman's Pro BMX 2 - Platform: Gamecube

Mat Hoffman's Pro BMX 2 - Platform: Gamecube
Level select
Quickly press B, Right(2), Y, Down, B at the "Press Start" screen. 
A sound will confirm correct code entry. Note: This code does not 
unlock all levels in road trip mode; only in free ride, session, 
and multi-player. 

Boston level In road trip mode
Quickly press B, Up, Down(2), Up, B at the "Press Start" screen. 
A sound will confirm correct code entry. 

Chicago level in road trip mode
Quickly press B, Up, Y, Up, Y, B at the "Press Start" screen. 
A sound will confirm correct code entry. 

Las Vegas level in road trip mode
Quickly press B, R, Left, L, Right, B at the "Press Start" screen. 
A sound will confirm correct code entry. 

Los Angeles level in road trip mode
Quickly press B, Left, A(2), Left, B at the "Press Start" screen. 
A sound will confirm correct code entry. 

New Orleans level in road trip mode
Quickly press B, Down, Right, Up, Left, B at the "Press Start" screen. 
A sound will confirm correct code entry. 

Portland level in road trip mode
Quickly press Y, A(2), B(2), Y at the "Press Start" screen. 
A sound will confirm correct code entry. 

Play as Big Foot
Quickly press Y, Right, Up, Right, Up, B at the "Press Start" screen. 
A sound will confirm correct code entry. 

Play as Day Smith
Quickly press Y, Up, Down, Up, Down, B at the "Press Start" screen. 
A sound will confirm correct code entry. 

Play as Mime
Quickly press Y, Left, Right, Left, Right, A at the "Press Start" screen. 
A sound will confirm correct code entry. Alternately, find all of the gaps 
in the game. 

Play as Vanessa
Quickly press Y, Down, Left(2), Down, B at the "Press Start" screen. 
A sound will confirm correct code entry. 

Play as Volcano
Quickly press Y, Up(2), A, Up(2), Y at the "Press Start" screen. 
A sound will confirm correct code entry. 

BMX costume
Quickly press Y, X, Left, Right, Left, X at the "Press Start" screen. 
A sound will confirm correct code entry. 

Elvis costume
Quickly press Y, L(2), Up(2) at the "Press Start" screen. 
A sound will confirm correct code entry. 

Tiki Battle mode
Quickly press L(2), Down, Right, X, L at the "Press Start" screen. 
A sound will confirm correct code entry. 

Boston level in road trip mode
Quickly press B, Up, Down(2), Up, B at the "Press Start" screen. 
A sound will confirm correct code entry. 

Cory Nastazio's FMV sequences
Quickly press R, X, Y(2), X(3), R at the "Press Start" screen. 
A sound will confirm correct code entry. 

Joe Kowalski's FMV sequences
Quickly press R, Up, Y, X, Down, R at the "Press Start" screen. 
A sound will confirm correct code entry. 

Kevin Robinson's FMV sequences
Quickly press R, Y, X, Down, Up, R at the "Press Start" screen. 
A sound will confirm correct code entry. 

Mat Hoffman's FMV sequences
Quickly press R, Left, Y, Left, Y, Left, R at the "Press Start" screen. 
A sound will confirm correct code entry. 

Mike Escamilla's FMV sequences
Quickly press R, Y, A(2), Y, A(2), R at the "Press Start" screen. 
A sound will confirm correct code entry. 

Nate Wessel's FMV sequences
Quickly press R, Down, B, Y, Down, B, Y, R at the "Press Start" screen. 
A sound will confirm correct code entry. 

Rick Thorne's FMV sequences
Quickly press R, L, R(2), L, R at the "Press Start" screen. 
A sound will confirm correct code entry. 

Ruben Alcantara's FMV sequences
Quickly press R, Left, Right, Left, Right, Left, R at the "Press Start" 
screen. A sound will confirm correct code entry. 

Seth Kimbrough's FMV sequences
Quickly press R, Up, Down, Y(3), R at the "Press Start" screen. 
A sound will confirm correct code entry. 

Simon Tabron's FMV sequences
Quickly press L, Z, R, L, Z, R at the "Press Start" screen. 
A sound will confirm correct code entry. 

All music tracks
Quickly press L, Left(2), Right(2), Left, A at the "Press Start" screen. 
A sound will confirm correct code entry. 

Disable codes
Quickly enter almost any code at the "Press Start" screen and add an 
extra R at the end. A different sound will confirm correct code entry.

Bonus costume
This costume can be found in any city. Do any Adrenaline Trick through 
any camera.

Boston: Bonus bike
After you save the dock from the giant squid, a treasure chest will pop up. 
A new bike will now be lying on the docks near the building.

Chicago: Bonus bike
After you release the Medi-vac chopper and save the downed biker, go to 
where the ambulance was located. There should be a bike there.

Las Vegas: Bonus costume
There is a slot machine near the ticket building. Keep riding by it 
until it spits out a pair of glasses. This should take a few attempts.

Oklahoma City: Bonus costume
There is a costume in the garage. To open up the garage, there is a red 
button you must wall ride on the left side of the second warehouse. 
Once you open up the garage, go to the far end of it. Transfer from the 
quarterpipe to the raised quarterpipe, then jump off of the kicker and 
grind the transformer (the large black object). Once you do that, it will 
transform into a halfpipe. On one side of it should be a Floating Helmet 
icon, Trick off that side and get it.

Tiki Park: Prop challenge
Instead of doing an Adrenaline trick for the prop challenges, 
do a Bridge Manual.


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CheatBook-DataBase 2023 is a freeware cheats code tracker that makes hints, Tricks, Tips and cheats (for PC, Walkthroughs, XBox, Playstation 1 and 2, Playstation 2, Playstation 4, Sega, Nintendo 64, DVD, Wii U, Gameboy Advance, iPhone, Gameboy Color, N-Gage, Nintendo DS, PSP, Gamecube, Dreamcast, Xbox 360, Super Nintendo) easily accessible from one central location. If you´re an avid gamer and want a few extra weapons or lives to survive until the next level, this freeware cheat database can come to the rescue. Covering more than 26.800 Games, this database represents all genres and focuses on recent releases. All Cheats inside from the first CHEATSBOOK January 1998 until today.  - Release date january 8, 2023. Download CheatBook-DataBase 2023

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