Mega Man Battle Network 5 - Team Protoman - Platform: Gameboy Advance
Navi Customizer Programs - Compression Codes:
To enter these codes, have the desired Navi Customizer Program highlighted in the Navi
Customizer screen. Hold the Right (->) button on the D-Pad, then enter the 10 button code
(Composed of different combinations of the buttons A, B, L and R) for that NCP to compress
Once compressed, the Navi Customizer Program's size will be reduced by one block, or square.
Only non-textured programs can be compressed (AutoRun cannot be compressed either), and
inputting the code again will decompress it.
Cheat Effect
ALAARBRBAR Compresses ChargeMAX
LLRARLBLAR Compresses BusterPack
RLLALLBABB Compresses ShinobiDash
RBBARBRARB Compresses KawarimiMagic (AntiDmg)
BARLLRALBR Compresses Custom2
RARLLRRABA Compresses RapidMAX
ALRABLRALR Compresses SaitoBatch
RBLRBRLLRL Compresses RushSupport
ABBRAABRBR Compresses BeatSupport
LBLABLABAL Compresses TangoSupport
AABLARBLAA Compresses MegaVirus
BBRALBLARR Compresses GigaVirus
BLBABLBBAA Compresses AirShoes
RRLBLLARBL Compresses GigaFolder1
LLLRRBARBL Compresses AttackMAX
BARABRLRRA Compresses BodyPack
AABRABRLLR Compresses BatteryMode
BRALARBAAB Compresses Collect
AARLBABALB Compresses Custom +1
RRBBRBRBAA Compresses Dandyism
RLABBARALR Compresses First Barrier
ALLBRLAAAL Compresses FloatShoes
ABLARABLRL Compresses HumourSense
BBABBRRLAR Compresses MegaFolder 1
RLRARRLLLR Compresses Millionare
RLRLRBBRAB Compresses SelfRecovery
ABARALRBBA Compresses Shield
RABRALLRBA Compresses SuperArmour
ARBBRLRALA Compresses UnderShirt
BABLABRLRB compresses bugstopper
LRLABLBBLA Compresses the JungleLand program
BABALRARAA Compresses the I'm Fish program
LBRARLABLB Compresses the Oil Body program
LLRBLLAALB Compresses the Reflect program
LABBLBAALL Compresses Mega Folder 2
Numberman codes:
Go to the numberman machine in Higsby's shop when it is placed there and enter the passwords
to get your prize.
Cheat Effect
45654128 HP+400 NCP
48958798 Static S
05068930 Anti Navi V
90914896 Full Energy
00798216 Untrap
91098051 DjangoSP D
30112002 Body Pack
68799876 Dark Invis *
12541883 Spin Blue
78987728 Spin Green
30356451 Spin Red
31084443 HP+50 NCP
10386794 Anti Sword R
28706568 Unlocker
25465278 Anti Water *
73877466 Anti Fire *
29789661 Lock Enemy
79877132 BeatSupport NCP
12118790 Full Energy
28256341 SoulTime +1 (Yellow NCP)
18746897 Recovery-300 Y
10133670 Anti Wood *
54288793 TangoSupport NCP
80246758 BusterPack NCP
64664560 Unlocker
09609807 RushSupport NCP
15595587 Custom 2
35321321 Gun Del Sol 3 O
73978713 Unlocker
63231870 Attack MAX (Yellow NCP)
90630807 HP +200 (Pink NCP)
07765623 Custom Bolt 3 G
35607360 Anti Elec *
64892292 Sneakrun Subchip
03419893 HP+400 (Pink NCP)
13926561 HP+300 (White NCP)
36695497 Rapid MAX (Pink NCP)
72846472 HP+500 (White NCP)
87412146 Charge MAX (White NCP)
36695497 SpeedMAX
68942679 Steal Revenge P
52052687 Death Match 3 V
83143652 Quick Gauge *
44213168 Anti Heal P
50364410 Bug Fix *
50906652 HP+500 (Pink) NCP
97513648 Mega Folder 2 NCP
48785625 HP+300 (Pink) NCP
If you hold down 'A' and put in a button sequence fast, you will get a wider range for NeoVarSwrd.
Cheat Effect
Up, B, Down, B, Up, B Double LifeSwrd slash
Down, Right, Up CrossSwrd slash
Left, Right, Left, B SuperSonicBoom slash
To use these, you must hold down the 'A' button and quickly put in the sequence. These only
work with VarSwrd.
Cheat Effect
Left, Left-Down, Down, Right-Down, Right FghtSwrd slash
Down, Left, Up, Right, Down LifeSwrd slash
Down, Right-Down, Right LongSwrd slash
Left, B, Right, B SonicBoom slash
Up, Right, Down WideSwrd slash
To use this, you must hold the A button while using Z-Saber, and input the following code
on the third slash. You must be holding A while it is slashing, and the code must be
inputted on the third slash.
Cheat Effect
B, Back Sonicboom after the third slash.
Input this code as soon as you use the Gyroman Chip. Hold the buttons down.
Cheat Effect
L+R If the enemy is on the same row as you, Gyroman bombs it three times instead of bombing
the row.
Shademan Extra Effects
When you use the Shademan SP/DS chip, as soon as you see Shademan come up, immediately press
the following codes for an extra effect to his attack.
Cheat Effect
Press Down, Down-Right, Right+A Makes enemy paralyzed.
Press Down, Down-Left, Left+A Makes enemy confused.
As soon as you use the Larkman chip press this sequence, it will make a beep if entered correctly.
Cheat Effect
press up, up/right, right, down/right, down Larkman's attack pierces right through auras and barriers.
SearchMan Chip Extra Effect
Cheat Effect
A+B Destroy all enemy chips when hit by Searchman
Battle Network 5 Unlockables
Save Icons
Unlockable How to Unlock
GigiComplete Collect All 6 Giga Chips
MegaComplete Collect All 60 Mega Chips
StandComplete Collect All 180 Standard Chips
Protoman's Icon Beat Neubla Gray.
DarkComplete Collect All 12 Dark Chips
P.A.Complete Use All 30 Program Advances
Forte's Icon Beat Forte SP in Nebula Hole Area 6(Random Encounter)
Liberation Mission Prizes
After every Liberation Mission you get a prize depending on how many phases it took for
you to complete the mission.
This doesn't include Zenny prizes.
Unlockable How to Unlock
CloudMan C Beat Mission 3 in 8 - 9
CloudMan SP C Beat Mission 3 in 7 or less
ShadeMan S Beat Mission 2 in 8 - 9
ShadeMan SP S Beat Mission 2 in 7 or less
BlizzardMan B Beat Mission 1 in 6 - 7
BlizzardManSP B Beat Mission 1 in 5 or less
Fullcust * Beat Mission 4 in 8 or less
AntiNavi M Beat Mission 4 in 9 - 10
CosmoMan SP C Beat Mission 5 in 7 or less
CosmoMan C Beat Mission 5 in 8 - 9
Z Saber Z Beat Mission 6 in 8 or less
ProtoMan B/Colonel C Beat Mission 6 in 9 - 10
BlakWing W Beat Mission 7 in 10 or less
ShadeMan DS S Beat Mission 7 in 11 - 12
Muramasa M Beat Mission 8 in 12 or less
CloudMan DS C Beat Mission 8 in 13 - 14
Anubis A Beat Mission 9 in 14 or less
CosmoMan DS C Beat Mission 9 in 15 - 16
Secret Bosses
There are secret bosses in the game that require completing all Liberation Missions
(including Nebula Area Liberation Missions).
Unlockable How to Unlock
Chaos Lord - Nebula Gray V2 Defeat all 6 DS navis in Nebula Area6
Chaos Lord - Megaman/Rockman DS Defeat all 6 DS navis with an average time under 25 seconds
Chaos Lord - Bass/Forte V3 Defeat all 6 DS navis with an average time between 25-40 seconds
Chaos Lord - Nebula Gray V3 Defeat all 6 DS navis with an average time over 40 seconds
Bass/Forte SP Defeat Chaos Lord Bass/Forte V3
Battle Network 5 Secrets
Boktai 2 Crossover Battle Mode
With attaching the Wireless Adapter before the Title Screen appears. Under Continue you
will get Crossover Battle Mode.
With this mode you can face Shademan and link up Wirelessly to Boktai 2 to see who the
fastest is to beat Shademan using the EXE 5 and Boktai 2 System.
Requires Two Wireless Adapters.
Unlimited Money
After winning the End Area 5 Liberation Mission, there will be a gold Mr. Prog there who
will recreate the battle. Talk to him and start the battle. Send a Navi to liberate the
first item square and you should obtain 1800 Zennys. Next, retreat. You will leave the battle,
however you will keep the 1800 Zennys. Repeat as many times as you want for more Zennys.
Battle Network 5 Glitches
Use Medi's Liberation Ability at No Cost
This glitch works in the Japanese version of the game only; it was removed in the European
and American versions.
First, get into a Liberation Mission and walk Medi up to a panel and select the TwinLiberate
ability. Two panels (the one Medi is at and the one at the other end of the row) will be
outlined in green. However, select 'No' when Medi asks you to use TwinLiberate.
Switch to another Navi (don't do anything else before this!) and take him to the second
panel that was outlined in green (not the one Medi was at) and press 'A' on the panel. See
how the command changed from 'Liberate' to 'TwinLiberate', and how that panel and one Medi
is at are now outlined in green? Select 'TwinLiberate' and if you win, it will function
exactly like Medi's ability - without the Order Point cost.