
Mega Man Extreme 2 - Platform: Gameboy Color - Console Games.

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 Mega Man Extreme 2 - Platform: Gameboy Color

Mega Man Extreme 2 - Platform: Gameboy Color

Xtreme mode
Successfully complete the game with either Zero or X. Iris will 
talk to you and the game will end. When you load that saved game, 
you will be in Xtreme Mode. Xtreme Mode will also be one of the 
options in the mission selection screen. In Xtreme Mode, you start 
with both X and Zero and can go to any of the levels. You can get 
different weapons if you defeat one of X's Bosses with Zero and 
vice versa.

Boss Attack mode
Successfully complete the game in Xtreme mode to unlock Boss 
Attack mode without spending any DNA souls. 

Hint: Ninth Capsule
There is a secret Dr. Light capsule in the game which gives you 
the Hadoken and Shoryuken. It is on the third Sigma stage as X, 
just before you would go and battle with Velcana. There is a long 
vertical corridor with the rocket platforms you have to climb up 
(because both sides of the room are electrified). At the very top,
 Air Dash right through the electric wall into a room with Dr. 
Light. He will give you the Hadoken and Shoryuken. To use them, 
charge up the X-Buster to maximum. Then, press Up + A to do the 
Shoryuken and Down + A to do the Hadoken.

Hint: Boss attack mode armor
Press Select when starting Boss attack mode to give X his armor.

Hint: Extra lives
Use the following trick to easily get the maximum number of lives, 
nine, with Zero or when playing in Xtreme mode. Go to Zero's first 
level. Near the beginning there is a part where you have to ride on 
a platform. Instead of getting on the one that goes to the right, 
get on the one that goes up. There will be an area there that has 
an extra life. Collect the extra life then exit the level. Note: 
You must have already completed the level on order to exit. Then, 
return and repeat until you have nine lives.

Hint: Get Laser Enhancer for X without getting his head part
If you want to get everything but the head part for X (you do not 
need to get the head part), you need to have the machine which 
enables you to switch between X and Zero. With X, jump, then jump 
again on the side of the blocks that break. While you are on the 
side still jumping, switch to Zero. Zero must have his head part 
in order for this to work. Start jumping and crushing the blocks 
with Zero, then change to X and get the Arm Enhancer.. This useful 
because when you get fourth armor, you can only hold two parts. 
However, if you have every piece of armor except the head, you can 
still hold four parts. The head is only useful for getting the arm 
enhancer. It is much easier to defeat Bosses holding four parts.

Hint: Blast Hornet stage: Easy DNA Souls
Play the stage as Zero. When you get to the room with four guns and 
mini bees that are after you, destroy a few guns (but leave at least 
one gun). If you have the X/Zero Switch, use Zero. Dodge all the guns' 
bullets and kill every bee that attacks you. Almost every bee will 
have a DNA Soul for you to take. Keep doing this for an easy way to 
get power ups from Iris.

Hint: Fire Mammoth stage: Capsule and Energy Tank
The Capsule is located just before the lava starts to erupt. There 
are some blocks that can be broken with the helmet and foot part. 
Move all the way up to the left to see some of the same blocks. 
Break those for the Energy Tank. 

Hint: Flame Mammoth stage: Mega Man X's arm upgrade
There is a point in the level where you approach a pit from the left. 
On the right is a health restore. Go down the pit and walk a little 
farther to see some blocks. Using the leg and helmet upgrades, break 
them to find the capsule.

Hint: Flame Mammoth stage: Easy Souls for Parts
As X, go onto the conveyor belt and kill the laser robot or the 
trashed robot for easy Souls. It is possible to do it with Zero, but 
you must start a regular game, get the X/Zero switch, and use that 
there or play in extreme mode and kill the robots. It is best to use 
X's charged up Buster Shot. Use it when you are about to fall off the 
conveyor belt to hit two robots. 

Hint: Flame Mammoth stage: Extra lives
Play as X. When u get to the part where the bridges have exploding 
fireballs, jump up on the first bridge. Jump up to the left and do a 
wall kick all the way up until you see some blocks. Wall kick them 
to get extra lives.

Hint: Launch Octopus stage: Mega Man X's body armor
There is a boat in the level that drops bombs. Get on top of it and 
destroy the object that resembles an eye. Then, blow it up, sink down, 
and fall in the hole it made. Fight the mini-Boss and shoot at its head. 
After you kill it, you will get a lot of DNA Souls. Go to the right to 
find the body armor.

Hint: Launch Octopus stage: Diamonds and Crystals
The best way to get Diamonds and crystals when playing as X is on the 
Launch Octopus stage. On the huge ship you destroy to get the Body Armor, 
do not destroy the ship. Instead, stand at the left side away form the 
jumping mines on the right, and keep jumping and shooting the Heli-Bots. 
They will almost always produce Blue, Yellow, and Gold Crystals. Depending 
on how many DNA Souls you need, this may take a large amount of time. 
When you get the amount needed, destroy the ship by hitting the cockpit 
and fall straight down. Then, destroy the Spike Snake when he is over 
land (also the second one at the end). After that, destroy the Launch 
Octopus and get even more Crystals, a level complete, and the Marine 

Hint: Neon Tiger stage: Capsule
You will see a Capsule located inside some wood. Use the fire to break 

Hint: Neon Tiger stage: Mega Man X's helmet
The helmet is located behind a log. Use flame to get it.

Hint: Volt Catfish stage: Mega Man X's leg upgrade:
There is a part of the level where you have climb a lot of pipes. 
At the very end is a waterfall. Climb the wall to the left of the 
waterfall to get the leg upgrade.

Hint: First Guardian stage: Zero's leg part
There is a point in the level where you to use a moving platform 
to get up. After one passes, jump down the pit and go down to the 
right side to find a hallway. The capsule is at the end.

Hint: Second Guardian stage: Zero's part
There is a point towards the end of the level where you destroy 
three enemies and the platform collapses. Do not destroy them. 
Instead, go past them to find some boxes. Use the drill to destroy them. 
The capsule is behind them.

Hint: Third Guardian stage: Zero's part
There is an area in the level where you are on a big ramp. Airdash on 
the end of it and go left. You will see a ladder. Climb it to find the 

Hint: Fourth Guardian stage: Zero's part
After you get the Ride-In armor, drop down and go to the left. 
Hop out after you have gone the farthest you can. Use the lightning 
attack to break down the blocks to find the capsue. 

Glitch: Xtreme or Boss Attack modes without spending Soul Chips
Get enough Soul Chips to buy Xtreme or Boss Attack modes at Iris' shop. 
Buy one of the modes, and turn off the Game Boy Color instead of saving 
the game. Turn the game back on and whichever mode you purchased will be 
unlocked, but you will still have your original amount of Soul Chips.


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CheatBook-DataBase 2023 is a freeware cheats code tracker that makes hints, Tricks, Tips and cheats (for PC, Walkthroughs, XBox, Playstation 1 and 2, Playstation 2, Playstation 4, Sega, Nintendo 64, DVD, Wii U, Gameboy Advance, iPhone, Gameboy Color, N-Gage, Nintendo DS, PSP, Gamecube, Dreamcast, Xbox 360, Super Nintendo) easily accessible from one central location. If you´re an avid gamer and want a few extra weapons or lives to survive until the next level, this freeware cheat database can come to the rescue. Covering more than 26.800 Games, this database represents all genres and focuses on recent releases. All Cheats inside from the first CHEATSBOOK January 1998 until today.  - Release date january 8, 2023. Download CheatBook-DataBase 2023

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