Mercenaries 2 - World in Flames - Platform: XBox 360 - Console Games. | | |
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Mercenaries 2 - World in Flames - Platform: XBox 360
100% completion:
Complete all outpost missions before you initiate the final mission in story
mode. The outpost missions can no longer be accessed after the game is
completed, which will also prevent a faction's shop items from being unlocked.
Complete the following achievements to unlock Xbox Live Gamerscore points.
Achievement How to unlock
...And Justice For All (50 points) - Verify all high value targets
Armaggedon It (20 points) - Destroy 20 buildings
Balls to the Wall (20 points) - Beat the Winching Challenge three times
Be Quick or Be Dead (10 points) - Snipe 50 enemy vehicle drivers
Billion Dollar Babies (25 points) - Earn $1 billion
Damage, Inc. (50 points) - Use 20 airstrikes in co-op
Digital Man (20 points) - Unlock all shop items
Eat the Heat (10 points) - Try accelerating and braking at the same time
Everybody Wants Some!! (50 points) - Play with a Mercenaries 2 developer
Gone Shootin' (20 points) - Complete one of Fiona's challenges
Hail and Kill (20 points) - Destroy 50 objects using melee
Heavy Metal Thunder (10 points) - Successfully complete 10 action hijacks
Highway to Hell (10 points) - Complete three different races
Holy Smoke (20 points) - Destroy 50 objects with a grenade
Little Savage (20 points) - Destroy 50 objects with an RPG launcher
No More Mr. Nice Guy (10 points) - Make all factions hostile
Nothin' But a Good Time (50 points) - Destroy 200 objects from the gunner seat
Partners in Crime (50 points) - Play co-op with a friend
Pipeline (20 points) - Capture all outposts for a single faction
Shoot to Thrill (20 points) - Get 25 headshots
Tattooed Millionaire (25 points) - Earn $1 million
We'll Burn the Sky (50 points) - Unlock all landing zones
Wheels of Steel (50 points) - Come in first during a co-op race
Alternate costumes:
Win the level 3 weapon challenge bets at the PMC Villa with your allies. Talk to
Fiona at your PMC to access the challenges. Note: Bet the maximum money for the
level 1 and 2 challenges then save and reload the game until you win. Bet the
minimum money for the level 3 challenge.
Bet amount:
When you get the maximum betting level on the Winch challenge, keep going until
you get to about $100.0 million. The minimum bet is now also $5 million. If you
continue from that, the minimum will actually grow higher than the maximum and
allow for even more money. However there is a catch; once you go beyond there is
no way you can raise or lower the bet because it is higher than the maximum, but
it is still the minimum.
Defeating Carmona:
When Carmona's men are attacking the PMC, after you destroy the tanks set a
charge of C4 on the gates closer to the mansion and blow it. It should drop
straight down and block the road leading out of the compound. Enter the mansion
and trigger the intermission sequence. When you exit the building, the road
leading out of the compound is still blocked. Kill Carmona's bodyguards and his
jeep should be stuck on the rubble of the archway. Kill him and snap the picture
for easy verification of Carmona.
When completing the mission on the oil rig in the water behind the PMC, kill
Blanco and take his weapon, the hunting pistol. The hunting pistol is a very
powerful weapon, often killing enemies in one shot. With the hunting pistol in
your possession, continue through the "Finding Solano" mission/ After the
encounter with Carmona inside the villa, he runs in a straight line directly
away from you, giving you a clear shot at his back. If you miss on the first
shot, he has a good bit of a jog until he reaches his jeep, giving you plenty of
time to gun him down.
Easy money:
After completing the first UP mission and receiving Ewan, talk to him about the
Winch challenge. After completing level 3 on this challenge, bet the maximum
amount of money. Even though you have already done this, the height does not
raise. Therefore you can continue betting at the maximum amount. After about
four times (depending on how much you start with), you should have about $7.0
million. You can continue from here in order to get the maximum wager amount to
$5.0 million (when you have about $14.0 million in funds). From there you can
repeat this as often as desired when you need money.
Note: To save time, if you are trying to use the above method to increase your
money, use stackable items from outside of your stronghold. For example, try the
gas canisters across the road (or for something less volatile, use the shipping
containers directly across the lake behind your house). Items used from outside
of your stronghold stay in the exact location you put them until you quit your
game, giving you a prepared stack height the next time around. Two or three
attempts may be required to gather the items, but it is well worth it, as once
done it requires only seconds to win the challenge.
Easy Sniper challenge:
Use RB and not the scope for it. Take out the drums next to the cars first then
go the two statues for some extra time.
Easy transport and smuggling missions:
Note: This trick only works after you obtain a helicopter pilot and the winch
ability. When on a transport or smuggling contract that relies on you not
tipping the vehicle and losing the objects inside, summon a helicopter before
entering the mission assigned vehicle, as close to the vehicle as possible.
Then, enter the mission vehicle. The timer should start. Get back out and take
off in your helicopter. Use the winch to grab the mission vehicle and gain as
much altitude as possible. If you fly relatively level, you will not lose
anything. However even if you bank even slightly to get around obstacles, losses
will be minimal as long as you do not actually bank the copter in a hard turn.
The vehicle will get tossed about, making the copter harder to fly; but if you
travel directly to the drop-off point from the beginning, it will keep its
cargo. This helps you avoid nearly all ground forces. All you have to worry
about are the anti-air guns and other helicopters. If worst comes to worst,
simply drop the vehicle after coming down to about 20 feet or less. You will
have already have saved enough time to hijack another helicopter.
Complete the indicated task to unlock the corresponding equipment.
Ambassador gunship: Complete level 3 of the Helicopter Flying mission.
Diplomat heavy tank: Destroy the targeted buildings for the Allied Nations.
MOAB bomb: Complete all HVT missions for the Allied Nations.
Free Vehicle Repair and Rearming:
At any time during the game when you have a vehicle that needs repairing or more
ammo, you can get both for free by entering any allied HQ or outpost, you don't
need to buy anything or even take a contract, just leave. Once you leave, your
vehicle is fully repaired and rearmed waiting for you outside.
Restore vehicle:
Park a vehicle outside of a building which you can enter. Enter then exit the
building. The vehicle will be repaired with full ammunition.
Sniper rifle scope on regular rifle
Have a sniper rifle in your inventory. While you are using the scope, press
D-pad Right to switch weapons. You should have an assault rifle out while having
the scoped view.
Submitted by: shadow00978g
Open your PDA and enter up,down,left,down,right(2).for INVINCIBILITY (online co-op mode only)
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Spotlight - New Version CheatBook DataBase 2023 |
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