
Metroid - Zero Mission - Platform: Gameboy Advance - Console Games.

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  The encyclopedia of game cheats. A die hard gamer would get pissed if they saw someone using cheats and walkthroughs in games, but you have to agree, sometimes little hint or the "God Mode" becomes necessary to beat a particularly hard part of the game. If you are an avid gamer and want a few extra weapons and tools the survive the game, CheatBook DataBase is exactly the resource you would want. Find even secrets on our page. 

 Metroid - Zero Mission - Platform: Gameboy Advance

Metroid - Zero Mission - Platform: Gameboy Advance

Cheat Codes:
Submitted by: andresb-24 (

Suitless Samus (Original Metroid):
Enter JUSTIN BAILEY / at the password screen

Fusion Gallery: 
Link up with Metroid Fusion 

Beat the game once (images will be added when you beat 
the game differently) 

Hard Mode:
Beat the game once 

Original Metroid:
Beat the game once 

Time Attack: 
New Record (what the board think, the only confirmed way is using a 
codebreaker code 

Fusion Gallery:
Link up with Metroid Fusion 

Beat the game once (images will be added when you beat the game differently)

Hard Mode:
Beat the game once

In-game reset:
Press Select + Start + A + B during game play to return to the main screen.

Time Attack mode and Time Attack records:
Press Up, Left, Right, Down at the "Start Game" option at the file selection 
screen. Select "New Time Attack", then complete that file. After the credits 
are over, an icon will appear. 
Go to the "Options" menu, then select "Time Attack Records".

Completion bonuses
Successfully complete the game to unlock the Metroid: Zero Mission Gallery, 
Original Metroid, Hard mode, and Sound Test options. Note: More pictures are
added to the gallery when the game is completed with different endings. 
Start a new game with your cleared saved game to play in Time Attack mode, 
with a timer at the map screen.

Note: The Original Metroid may be unlocked before the game is completed. 
Enter the options screen at the main menu and select the "Original Metroid"
option that appears after "Metroid Fusion Link". To access "Hard mode", 
select the file that the game was completed with and select "New". Then 
choose the hard difficulty setting. 
Note: When creating a file on the hard difficulty setting, the original 
file will be overwritten.

Metroid Fusion Gallery:
Use a link cable to connect to a Gamecube with Metroid Fusion.

Alternate ending sequence:
Complete the game under the following conditions to unlock the corresponding
ending sequence with Samus appearing differently.

* At bar in red top and shorts: 100% in normal difficulty under 2 hours.
* Looking at sunset without helmet: Above 15% in normal or hard difficulty 
  above 3 hours.
* Looking over a city in red top and shorts: 100% in hard difficulty under 
  2 hours.
* Sitting near window in red top and shorts: Below 15% in normal difficulty.
* Sitting on rock in full armor: 100% in easy; or over 15% in normal or 
  higher difficulty over 4 hours.
* Standing in full armor: Below 15% in hard difficulty.
* Walking in city in red top and shorts: 100% in normal or higher difficulty
  over 2 hours.
* Wearing blue jumpsuit: Over 15% in normal or higher difficulty in under 
  2 hours.

Original Metroid passwords:
Enter one of the following passwords in the original Metroid.

* Samus without suit at start
Enter 000000 000020 000000 000020 as a password.

* Samus without suit at Norfair
Enter SAMUS8 RIDLEY 444444 444444 as a password. You will start at Norfair 
with Suit-less Samus, infinite Missiles, blonde and brown hair color, and 
no items or upgrades except for missiles.

* Samus without suit at Kraid's Lair
Enter JUSTIN BAILEY ------ ------ as a password. You will start at Kraid's 
Lair with the Long Beam, Ice Beam, Bombs, High Jump Boots, Screw Attack, 
Varia, Suit-less Samus, and 255 Missiles.

* Invincibility
Enter NARPAS SWORD0 000000 000000 as a password. This allows you to start 
with everything and invincibility. The Bosses are not defeated, and you 
can play the game normally, but invincible.

* Best ending, no suit, at end
Enter X----- --N?WO dV-Gm9 W01GMI as a password.

* Debug mode
Enter BOMBS_ MISSLE SCREW_ ATACK_ as a password.

* Hard mode
Enter 999999 999999 KKKKKK KKKKKK as a password.

* Morph Ball and Bombs at start
Enter 000000 000000 4G0000 00000H as a password.

* Mother Brain gone
Enter SAMUS_ BEATS_/MOTHER BRAIN_ as a password. 
You will start in Tourian, with Mother Brain gone.

-= CodeBreaker =-
Enable All Extras   
33000014 00FF
33000016 0001
33000018 0007

* Note: Disable these if you choose to play 'Original Metroid'. I don't know 
what will happen if you leave them enabled when you load that one up. These 
options can be saved to the game if the codes are on when you beat Zero Mission.

Infinite Power Bombs   
3300153B 0063

Infinite Super Missles   
3300153A 00C7

Infinite Missles   
83001538 03E7

Infinite Health   
83001536 0513

All Suits & Misc Items   
8300153E FFFF

> Orginal Metroid Codes <

Infinite Escape Time   
8300730A 9999

Infinite Missles   
3203C879 00FF

Infinite Health   
83007306 6999


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