Mortal Kombat 3 - Ultimate - Platform: Sega
Submitted by: ASHISH KUMAR
Sir,My name is Ashish Kumar and I live in Kanpur(U.P) in India,and I want
to send this mail because of submitting this cheat which Iam sending due
to strong contribution of game known as 'MORTAL KOMBAT3-ULTIMATE' in Sega.
Already I checked your cheat atleast of 4 times,But this can't work,Not
all there is some errors in your cheat of mk-3 ,So Iam sending this
cheat because even my cheat of game might be useful for you,and this
will be in more detail. So,I hope you will create better cheat of this
game. Mostly cheats of this game should be worked.
Sender's name
PHONE NUMBER- 0512-2603273
Symbols recognised in this cheat :-
A includes button-A(LOW PUNCH)
B includes button-B(BLOCK)
C includes button-C(LOW KICK)
X includes button-X(HIGH PUNCH)
Y includes button-Y(RUN)
Z includes button-Z(HIGH KICK)
1 includes direction right
2 includes direction left
3 includes direction up
4 includes direction down
Fatality and Brutality of some characters :-
FATALITY#1- B,B,Y,B,Y,B (This cheat will work when finish him/her appears and
press these buttons by touching the opponent.)
FATALITY#2- 2,2,4,Y or hold (2+4),Y again press these buttons by taking
some distance.
BRUTALITY- X,C,Z,A,X, X,Z,X,A,X,A (Press second and last buttons after pressing
all buttons then the brutality will be displayed)
FATALITY#1- 4, 4, 3, 4, Y (Press these buttons by taking short distance)
FATALITY#2(PUNCH FATALITY)- X,X,B,Y (Press these buttons quickly by touching
the opponent when finish him/her appears on the screen)
BRUTALITY- X, Z, X, Z, Z, X, Z, C, A
FATALITY#1- Y,Y,Y,B,Y (Press these buttons quickly by touching the opponent)
FATALITY#2- 3,3,4,1, X (Press these buttons quickly by touching the opponent)
BRUTALITY- X, C, X, A, Z, Z, C, C, X, X, Z, Z
FATALITY#1- 2, 1, 4, 4, Y (Press these buttons by taking long distance when appears
finish him/her )
BRUTALITY- X, C, B, X, C, B, X, A, A, B, Z, C, Z, C
FATALITY#1- Hold (1+4),B (Press these buttons again and again by touching the
opponent when finish him/her appears)
BRUTALITY- X, A, Z, C, X, A, A, C, C, Z, X, A
FATALITY#1- Holding B-button then press 3, 1, 4, 3, release B-button
(Press these buttons by touching the opponent when finish him/her appears on the screen)
BRUTALITY- X, X, X, B, A, A, X, B, A, X.
FATALITY#1- 2, 2, 4, X (Press these buttons by taking long distance when appears finish him/her)
FATALITY#2- 3, 3, 2, 1, A (Press these buttons when finish him/her appears by touching the opponent)
FATALITY#3(PUNCH FATALITY)- Y, Y, Y, B, Y (Press these buttons quickly by touching the opponent)
BRUTALITY- X, X, Z, C, B, B, B, A, X, X, Z, Z.
FATALITY#1- B, Hold directions(1+4), A (Press these buttons again and again when finish
him/her appears on the screen)
BRUTALITY- X, A, A, X, B, B, Z, Z, C, C, A, A
FATALITY#1- 2, 4, 1, 1, Z (Press these buttons by touching the opponent when appears finish
him/her appears)
BRUTALITY- X, X, B, C, B, Z, B, B, X, A, A, B, C
FATALITY#1- Y, Y, B, Y, B (Press these buttons by taking some little distance when appears
finish him/her)
FATALITY#2- Y,Y,(Y+B),(Y+B) [Press (Y+B) buttons again and again after pressing previous
buttons by touching the opponent when appears finish him/her)
BRUTALITY- X, B, C, B, C, Z, Z, C, A
FATALITY#1- 4, 4, 4, 3, Z (Press these buttons by taking long distance when appears
finish him/her)
FATALITY#2- 1, 1, 4, 3, Y (Press these buttons by taking short distance when appears
finish him/her)
Note:- Fatality-2 should be worked rarely.
BRUTALITY- X, X, B, Z, Z, C, Z, X, A, X, A, X, A
FATALITY#1- 1, 1, 2, 4, X (Press these buttons by touching the opponent when appears
finish him/her)
FATALITY#2- (4+B),Y (Press these buttons again and again by taking very long distance
when appears finish him/her).
BRUTALITY- X, A, C, Z, B, X, A, C, Z
SHANG-TSUNG into CYRAX- Hold buttons (1+4), B
SHANG-TSUNG into KITANA- Hold buttons (2+4),Y
SHANG-TSUNG into SINDEL- Hold buttons (1+4), C,(2+4), C
SHANG-TSUNG into SUBZERO- Hold buttons 1, 1,X, 2, 2, X, (1+4), X, (2+4), X
Note:- Characters will be changed by pressing these buttons atleast 5 times.
Another Characters might be changed by another buttons like this.
* Smoke will be changed into Scorpion like character by pressing all the buttons
again and again i.e(X, A, Z, B, C)
Kombat Kodes:
On the VS screen (in 2 player mode), you can cycle through the 6 symbols by hitting Low Punch, Block,
and Low Kick on both sides. Cycle backwards by hitting UP and the button. The numbers are the number
of times you hit the button.
033-564 - Winner of the first round fights Shao Kahn
969-141 - Winner of the first round fights Motaro
769-342 - Winner of the first round fights Noob Saibot
205-205 - Winner of the first round fights Smoke
985-125 - Psycho Kombat (Dark kombat, Randper kombat, no Blocking)
987-123 - No Power Bars
020-020 - Blocking Disabled
100-100 - Throwing Disabled
466-466 - Unlimited Run
460-460 - Randper Kombat
688-422 - Dark Kombat
642-468 - Galaga (Game over for both players after playing)
707-000 - Player 1 Quarter Energy
000-707 - Player 2 Quarter Energy
033-000 - Player 1 Half Energy
000-033 - Player 2 Half Energy
239-494 - Sweeping Disabled
552-000 - Double Damage Player 1
000-552 - Double Damage Player 2
552-255 - Double Damage Both Players
101-000 - Healing Enabled Player 1
000-101 - Healing Enabled Player 2
303-303 - Healing Enabled Both Players
978-243 - Heavy Damage Both Players
334-000 - Half Damage Player 1
000-334 - Half Damage Player 2
334-433 - Half Damage Both Players
202-000 - Weakening Enabled Player 1
000-202 - Weakening Enabled Player 2
404-404 - Weakening Enabled Both Players
972-297 - Timer Disabled
978-243 - Short Battle
348-279 - Half Time
987-666 - Hold flippers during casino run (Text)
282-282 - No fear = Ed button, Skydive, Max Countdown (Text)
123-926 - There is no knowledge that is not power (Text)
Hidden Characters:
10902-22234: Activate Smoke
For Sega Genesis
Play as Smoke:
A, B, B, A, D, A, B, B, A, D, Up, Up at the MK3 logo.
Endurance Mode:
Hold A + B + C and hit Start on "Start Game."
Secret Options:
A, C, Up, B, Up, B, A, D at the select screen.
Killer Kodes:
C, Right, A, Left, A, Up, C, Right, A, Left, A, Up at the select screen.
Secret Menu:
B, A, Down, Left, A, Down, C, Right, Up, Down at the select screen.
Kombat Kodes:
Submitted by: Anemar Al-kanj
688-688 - Quick Uppercut
082-771 - No Cheese
303-606 - Pong
911-911 - No Abuse
494-494 - Timer Is Super Fast
006-040 - Endurance Mode
011-971 - Player Healing
667-000 - Disables Timer
929-246 - Bad Luck With TNT
707-000 - Player One Quarter Energy
091-293 - Sweeping Disabled
000-707 - Player Two Quarter Energy
955-955 - Extended Fatality Time
999-995 - Disables Combos
100-100 - Throwing Disabled
000-033 - 1/2 Energy Player 2
033-000 - 1/2 Energy Player 1
000-707 - 1/4 Energy Player 2
707-000 - 1/4 Energy Player 1
987-123 - Remove Energy Bars
466-466 - Infinite Run
460-460 - Random Morph
688-422 - Dark Kombat
282-282 - No Fear
985-125 - Psycho Kombat
123-926 - Knowledge Is Power
987-666 - Theater Of Magic
205-205 - Fight Smoke
642-468 - Hidden Shooter Game
033-564 - Fight Shao Kahn
969-141 - Fight Motaro
999-995 - No Combos
769-141 - Fight Noob Saibot
011-971 - Regneration
911-911 - No Abuse
585-125 - Psicodelic
688-688 - Fast Uppercuts
020-020 - Blocking Disabled
Submitted by: sekhar.
I am sending these cheats to all the Mortal combact fans.
to change sang tsung into other char:
To ERMAC:press down up &AorCorXorZ.
ToKABAL:pressX A B Z one ofter other.