Mortal Kombat Advance - Platform: Gameboy Advance
Submitted by: Gulshan
Play As Human Smoke:
Beat the 2nd tower (Warrior) and when you start another 1p game you
will be able to choose Human Smoke at the Mystery Box. Note:You can
only choose Human Smoke once in the mystery box.
Play As Motaro:
Beat the 3rd tower (Master) and when you start another 1p game you
will be able to choose Motaro at the Mystery Box. Note:You can only
choose Motaro once in the mystery box.
Play As Shao Kahn:
Beat the 4th tower (Grand Master) and when you start another 1p game
you will be able to choose Shao Kahn at the Mystery Box. Note:You can
only choose Shao Kahn once in the mystery box.
get motaro
get motaro at the start press pause and hold r and press a,b,b,a,left,
right and there you have motaro go to the select chariter and there he is
Unlock zombie lukan:
The way to unlock lukan(zombie)is to finish
konquest mode for all players and then open all the coffins in the krypt.
Then beat the game on hard mode with kung lao. After you have done this
go to player select mode and hilight kung lao and press and hold down
note. you can only play as lukan in 2 player
Submitted by: andresb-24
Email: andresb-24@hotmail.com
Special Moves
B - Back
F - Forward
D - Down
Up - Up
P - Punch
K - Kick
BL - Block
R - Run
D, B, K - Sweep
B + K - Roundhouse
> Rain
Special Moves:
Lightning: B, B, P
Blue Bubble: D, F, P
Power Kick: B + K
Finishing Moves:
Friendship: K, K, B, B
Fatality: P, R, R, P
P, P, P, B + P
K, K, P, P
K, K, K, K, B + K
> Reptile
Special Moves:
Acid Spit: F, F, P
Fast Forceball: F, F, K
Slow Forceball: B, B, P
Slide: B + BL + P + K
Invisibility: D, Up, K
Finishing Moves:
Friendship: D, F, F, B, K
Fatality: B, F, D, BL, K
K, K, B + K
P, P, K, B + K
P, P, D + P
> Stryker
Special Moves:
High Grenade: D, B, P
Low Grenade: D, D, P
Nightstick Toss: F, F, K
Nightstick Trip: F, B, P
Gun: B, F, P
Finishing Moves:
Friendship: P, R, R, P
Fatality: D, F, D, F, BL
P, P, D + P
K, P, P, D + P
> Jax
Special Moves:
Missile: B, F, P
2 Missiles: F, F, B, B, P
Dash Punch: F, F, K
Ground Pound: K, K, K
Air Throw (In Air): BL
Finishing Moves:
Friendship: K, R, R, K
Fatality: R, BL, R, R, K
K, K, B + K
K, K, P, P, BL, P, D + P
> Nightwolf
Special Moves:
Arrow: D, F, P
Hatchet Uppercut: D, B, P
Shadow Charge: F, F, K
Shield: B, B, K
Finishing Moves:
Friendship: R, R, R, P
Fatality: Up, Up, B, F, BL
K, K, B + K
K, P, P, P, Hatchet
> Jade
Special Moves:
Boomerang: B, F, P
Upward Boomerang: B, F, F, P
Downward Boomerang: B, B, D, K
Returning Boomerang: B, B, F, P
Shadow Kick: D, F, K
Finishing Moves:
Friendship: B, D, B, B, K
Fatality: R, R, R, BL, R
P, P, P, D + P
K, K, K, B + K
P, P, P, K, K, K, B + K
> Noob Saibot
Special Moves:
Katatonic Blast: D, F, P
Mirror Image Throw: F, F, P
Teleport Slam: D, Up
Finishing Moves:
Friendship: N/A
Fatality: N/A
K, K, K, K
P, P, P, K
> Sonya
Special Moves:
Ring Toss: D, F, P
Square Wave Punch: F, B, P
Upward Bicycle Kick: B, B, D, K
Finishing Moves:
Friendship: B, F, B, D, R
Fatality: BL, F, D, D, R
P, P, K, K, B + K
P, P, D + P, D + P
> Kano
Special Moves:
Cannon Ball: F, F, K
Upward Cannon Ball: B, F, K
Grab and Choke: B, D, F, P
Air Throw (In Air): BL
Finishing Moves:
Friendship: K, R, R, K
Fatality: P, BL, BL, K
P, P, K, K, B + K
P, P, D + P, D + P
> Mileena
Special Moves:
Sai Shot: F, F, P
Teleport Kick: F, F, K
Roll: B, B, D, K
Finishing Moves:
Friendship: D, D, B, F, P
Fatality: D, F, D, F, P
P, P, U + P, D + P
K, K, K, B + K
P, P, K, K, K, K
> Ermac
Special Moves:
Fireball: D, F, P
Teleport Punch: D, B, P
Telekinetic Slam: B, D, B, D
Finishing Moves:
Friendship: P, P, BL, R
Fatality: R, BL, R, R, K
K, K, K, B + K
P, P, P, K, BL + K
P, P, P, D + P
> Masked Sub-Zero
Special Moves:
Freeze: D, F, P
Ground Freeze: D, B, K
Slide: B + P + BL + K
Finishing Moves:
Friendship: R, P, P, BL
Fatality: B, B, F, F, P
P, P, P, D + P
P, P, K, K, B + K
> Sub-Zero
Special Moves:
Freeze: D, F, P
Ice Shower: B, D, F, P
Slide: B + P + BL + K
Finishing Moves:
Friendship: K, R, R, Up
Fatality: BL, BL, R, BL, R
P, P, P, K, K, B + K
> Kung Lao
Special Moves:
Hat Throw: B, F, P
Spin Shield: F, D, F, R
Teleport: D, Up
Finishing Moves:
Friendship: R, P, R, K
Fatality: R, BL, R, BL, D
P, P, P, P, K, K, B + K
> Sektor
Special Moves:
Missile: F, F, P
Teleport Uppercut: F, F, K
Finishing Moves:
Friendship: R, R, R, D
Fatality: F, F, F, B, BL
P, P, D + P
P, P, K, K, B + K
> Kitana
Special Moves:
Fan Toss: F, F, K
Fan Lift: B, B, B, P
Square Wave Punch: D, B, P
Finishing Moves:
Friendship: D, B, B, K
Fatality: R, R, BL, BL, K
K, K, K, B + K
P, P, P
> Scorpion
Special Moves:
Spear: B, B, P
Teleport Punch: D, B, P
Air Throw (In Air): BL
Finishing Moves:
Friendship: B, F, F, B, K
Fatality: D, D, Up, K
P, P, D + P
P, P, K, B + K
K, K, K, K
> Cyrax
Special Moves:
Close Bomb: B, B, K
Far Bomb: F, F, K
Teleport: F, D, BL
Air Throw (In Air): BL
Net Capture: B, B, P
Finishing Moves:
Friendship: R, R, R, Up
Fatality: D, D, F, Up, R
P, P, P
K, K, B + K
P, P, K, P, K, B + K
> Kabal
Special Moves:
Fireball: B, B, P
Tornado Run: B, F, K
Ground Razor: B, B, B, R
Finishing Moves:
Friendship: R, K, R, R, Up
Fatality: R, BL, BL, BL, K
K, K, P, P, K, B + K
K, K, P, P, P, D + P
> Sindel
Special Moves:
Scream: B, B, B, P
Fireball: F, F, P
Air Fireball (While Flying): D, F, K
Fly: B, B, F, K (BL to get Down)
Finishing Moves:
Friendship: R, R, R, R, R, Up
Fatality: R, BL, BL, R + BL
K, K, B + K
K, P, P, P, K
K, P, P, D + P
> Smoke
Special Moves:
Spear: B, B, P
Teleport Throw: F, F, K
Air Throw (In Air): BL
Invisibility: D, Up, K
Finishing Moves:
Friendship (Full Screen): R, R, R, K
Fatality (Full Screen): Up, Up, F, D
P, P, P
P, P, K, K, P
> Liu Kang
Special Moves:
High Fireball: F, F, P
Low Fireball: B, B, P
Dragon Kick: F, F, K
Bicycle Kick: K, K, K, F
Finishing Moves:
Friendship: R, R, R, D + R
Fatality: F, F, D, D, K
P, P, B + P
P, P, BL, K, K, K, B + K
> Shang Tsung
Special Moves:
Flaming Skull: B, B, P
2 Flaming Skulls: B, B, F, P
3 Flaming Skulls: B, B, F, F, P
Skulls from Hell: F, B, B, K
Cyrax: BL, BL, BL, F
Ermac: D, D, Up, F, K
Jade: F, F, D, D, BL
Jax Briggs: F, F, D, P, BL
Kabal: P, BL, K, F
Kano: B, F, K, F, K
Kitana: F, D, F, F, BL
Kung Lao: F, F, BL, F
Liu Kang: F, D, B, Up, K
Mileena: F, BL, K, F, K
Nightwolf: Up, Up, Up, D, BL
Reptile: F, BL, BL, K, BL
Scorpion: D, D, F, P, K
Sektor: D, F, B, F
Sindel: B, D, B, K
Sonya Blade: D, F, P, BL, BL
Stryker: F, F, F, K
Sub-Zero: F, D, F, P
Masked Sub-Zero: BL, BL, F, F, K
Finishing Moves:
Friendship: K, R, R, D
Fatality: R, BL, R, BL
K, K, B + K
K, P, P, P, B + K
> Ninja Smoke
Special Moves:
Spear: B, B, P
Teleport Punch: D, B, P
Finishing Moves:
Fatality: R, BL, R, R, K
Friendship: BL, BL, R, BL, R
P, P, D + P
P, P, K, B + K
K, K, K, K
> Motaro
Special Moves:
Fireball: B, B, P
Teleport: B, D, F, Up
> Shao Kahn
Special Moves:
Fireball: D, F, K
Hammer: B, B, P
Charge: F, F, K
Upward Charge: B, F, P
Kodes And Secrets
Hidden Charecters
Ninja Smoke
Beat the "Warrior" tower. Start a new game and Ninja Smoke will be
selectable when you choose the mystery box.
Beat the "Master" tower. Start a new game and Motaro will be selectable
when you choose the mystery box.
Shao Kahn
Beat the "Supreme Master" tower. Start a new game and Shao Kahn will be
selectable when you choose the mystery box.
- CodeBreaker
Ninja Smoke
320001A8 0001
320001A8 0002
Shao Kahn
320001A8 0003
Infinite Health
32000020 0028
Infinite Time
320001AC 0063