Mortal Kombat Mythologies - Subzero - Platform: Playstation 1
Submitted by: Gulshan
Options Screen Cheat
At the options screen enter Up, Down, Right, Up, Down,
Right If it is done right you will hear a bell tone.
Reset system and you should have a Cheat Option...
Secret Password Kodes
Enter these codes as passwords...
RCKMND - See a cool version of the earth boss exploding
NXCVSZ - Unlimited Urns
Enter as many times as you like to get unlimited urns, 10 at a time!
GTTBHR - Unlimited Lives
1,000 lives, just enough to get you by!!
CRVDTS - View Credits
View the credits anytime!!
XJKNZT - To begin on the last level
ZCHRRY- Ultimate Cheat
This code will give you maximum experience points and will
transport you to Mission 8: Shinnok's Fortress. If you happen
to die before reaching your first checkpoint, hit L1 to fight
Quan-Chi, or L2 to fight Shinnok.
Beat Demon Shinnok:
Put in the NXCVSZ and ZCHRRY codes. This will start you at the
Fortress Stage with 20,000 experience points. When the game
starts, just stand there, let the first guy run up and beat
you, hold L2 before you die - this will take you directly to
fight Shinnok.
Stand there ducking until you see the amulet glow, freeze
Shinnok, run and transport behind him and freeze him again.
Run up and grab the amulet (use the action button). Use one
of the Urns to fill your Ice Meter then do the Polar Blast
(F,B,B,HP) - the Demon will stagger. Keep doing this until
you knock the Demon off the Bridge, then just go into the
Portal. You will see the FMV that you normally see with the
ending and then the credits, then you will see the hilarious
outtakes from the making of the game. Enjoy!
Your opponent will fall to his knees and you will hear the
words "Finish Him!" Get in front him, about Sweep range,
then hit Towards, Down, Towards, High Punch. Sub Zero will
then perform a Fatality. Only works on Scorpion, Sareena,
and Jakaata...
Here are some Level passwords to be entered at the password screen
Elements of Wind (Level 2) - THWMSB
Elements of Earth (Level 3) - CNSZDG
Elements of Water (Level 4) - ZVRKDM
Elements of Fire (Level 5) - JYPPHD
Prison of Souls (Level 6) - RGTKCS
Shinnok's Fortress (Level 7) - QFTLWN
Quan Chi's Sanctuary (Level 8) - XJKNZT
Submitted by: andresb-24
Email: andresb-24@hotmail.com
B - Back
F - Forward
D - Down
Up - Up
LP - Low Punch
HP - High Punch
LK - Low Kick
HK - High Kick
BL - Block
R - Run
Special Moves
Special Moves:
Note: All of these moves require a certain amount of experience points.
Ice Blast: D, F, LP
Slide: BL + LP + LK + B
Diagonal Ice Blast: Up, D, F, HK or D, D, B, LK
Ice Clone: D, B, LP
Super Slide: BL + HP + LP + B
Freeze on Contact: D, F, F, HP
Polar Blast: F, B, B, HP
Finishing Moves:
Head Rip: F, D, F, HP (level one only, on step away)
HP, HP, LP, LK, HK, B + HK
Kode And Secrets
GTTBHR - 1000 Lives
NXCVSZ - Full Urns
RCKMND - View the Rock Boss Exploding
CRVDTS - View Credits
ZCHRRY - Enter the password to warp to level 8. If you die, hold button L1 to
warp to Quin Chi or hold button L2 to warp to Shinnok.
Outtake FMV Sequence
Reach Shinnok with more than five urns of vitality. Note: The "Unlimited urns"
cheat code may be used to accomplish this. Defeat Shinook and enter the portal.
Wait until the credits end to view the bonus FMV sequence.
Mission 2: T H W M S B
Mission 3: C N S Z D G
Mission 4: Z V R K D M
Mission 5: J Y P P H D
Mission 6: R G T K C S
Mission 7: Q F T L W N
Mission 8: X J K N Z T
- Gameshark
Slow Motion
300C048C A325
Infinite Credits
800D784C 0009
Infinite MP (All Levels & After Dying) (BPC)
80073764 0000
80073766 0000
80073784 0000
80073786 0000
Infinite MP
800F9FBE 00A6
Infinite Energy
800F9FBC 00A6
With Infinite Energy & Infinite MP codes, they only work from boot up, once you
die, they won't work anymore!
Have All Spells
800AD200 0F00
800D7DC4 0F00
Code 4 uses codes 2 & 3 with the correct Modifier Values to get all spells!
EXP Modifier
800D7DC4 ????
Max EXP Modifier
800AD200 ????
Infinite Lives
800D7D48 0009
Joker Command
D00D7F6C ????