
Mortal Kombat - Platform: Sega - Console Games.

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 Mortal Kombat - Platform: Sega

Mortal Kombat - Platform: Sega

Submitted by: Fawad Malik

Enable blood:
Press A, B, A, C, A, B(2)
at the "Code of Honor" screen. The screen text will
turn yellow and Scorpion will say "Get over here" to
confirm correct code entry.

Killer Kodes menu:
Press C, Right, A, Left, A,
Up, C, Right, A, Left, A,
Up at the opening screen with "Start" and "Options"
selections. The Killer Kodes menu will now be selectable.

Cheat mode:
Press Down, Up, Left(2), A, Right,
Down at the opening screen with "Start" and "Options"
selections. The phrase "Cheat Enabled" will appear to
confirm correct code entry. The following cheats may be activated.

Player one
Select the player on the left in the scrolling side bar, the medal display, 
and the "Test Your Might" screen. 

Player two
Select the player on the right in the scrolling side bar, the medal display, 
and the "Test Your Might" screen. 

Plan base
Select between four orders from which your character will fight. Select 
a set order or choose the random option for a CPU choice. Note: This will 
affect the game and demonstration mode. 

Select the material for the "Test Your Might" screen. 

Chop 1/2
Select the number of rounds between each "Test Your Might" screen in one 
player mode. Select "0" to disable the "Test Your Might" feature. 

Demonstrates different sections of the game. 

Displays player one's background information. 

Display plan base
Displays the current plan base. 

Biography 1/2
Displays player one's biography screens. 

Displays the winning screen after beating an opponent in two-player mode 
showing player one as having 20 consecutive wins vs. player two. 

Displays player one vs. player two in the "Test Your Might" screen, 
chopping the material previously selected. 

Flag 0
Drops the player on the right's energy to the danger level at beginning 
of the round. If Reptile appears, the player has full strength for the 
first match. During endurance matches, the second opponent has full strength. 

Flag 1
Drops the player on the left's energy to the danger level at beginning 
of the round. If Reptile appears, the player has full strength for the 
first match. During endurance matches, the 
second opponent has full strength. 

Flag 2:
Shadow always appears on the Pit Stages. 

Flag 3
Change shadows on the moon to a face or the initials "BYC". This is 
only effective when the sound, music, and effects test are not all set to 1. 

Flag 4
Reptile will appear with hints at the start of each stage. 

Flag 5
Unlimited credits. 

Flag 6
Enable fatalities for the CPU. 

Flag 7
Locks background screen as "The Courtyard" until the fight before Goro. 

Blood code
Enables display of blood. 

Cheat code
Disables all cheats and clears all flags and removes "Cheat Enabled" option 
from the menu. 

First background
Select background that will appear first. 

Fight against Reptile:
Select any character except Sonya. Enable the cheat mode and
set "First background" to "The Pit", "Flag
1" to "On", and "Flag 2" to "On".
After the match starts, do not block, win a double flawless victory,
and perform the fatality. While fighting Reptile press Start
on controller two to display a green Sub-Zero and Scorpion on
the character selection screen. Another hidden character will
appear if Reptile is defeated.

To fight Reptile with Sonya Blade, repeat the procedure except
do not enable the Blood code. Win with a double flawless victory
that follows her Kiss of Death fatality. Then, the opponent will
be Reptile.

Submitted by: kumayl hassan

CODE KEY IN . . . EFFECT . . .
1 ABNT-CABN Create blood
2 AKRA-AA7N Infinite time
4 WBRA-AAEA Each round is 90 seconds
7 NBRA-AAEA Each round is 60 seconds
10 GBRA-AAEA Each round is 30 seconds
12 CBRA-AAEA Each round is 10 seconds
13 A2JT-DA9W Always fight in the Courtyard
14 AEJT-DA9W After 1st round, most fights are at the
   Palace Gates
15 AJJT-DA9W After 1st round, most fights are in the
   Warrior Shrine
16 ANJT-DA9W After 1st round, most fights are in the
17 ATJT-DA9W After 1st round, most fights are in the
   Throne Room
18 AYJT-DA9W After 1st round, most fights are in
   Goro's Lair
19 AC2T-B67C + AAJT-DA4E + RG2T-A6ZA Always fight
   Johnny Cage
20 AG2T-B67C + AEJT-DA4E + RG2T-A6ZA Always fight Kano
21 AL2T-B67C + AJJT-DA4E + RG2T-A6ZA Always fight
22 AR2T-B67C + ANJT-DA4E + RG2T-A6ZA Always fight Liu
23 AW2T-B67C + ATJT-DA4E + RG2T-A6ZA Always fight
24 A02T-B67C + AYJT-DA4E + RG2T-A6ZA Always fight Sub-
25 A42T-B67C + A2JT-DA4E + RG2T-A6ZA Always fight
   Sonya Blade
26 A82T-B67C + A6JT-DA4E + RG2T-A6ZA Always fight Goro
27 AJ9A-CAG2 Start on match 2
28 AN9A-CAG2 Start on match 3
29 AT9A-CAG2 Start on match 4
30 AY9A-CAG2 Start on match 5
31 A29A-CAG2 Start on match 6
32 A69A-CAG2 Start on mirror match
33 BA9A-CAG2 Start on endurance 1 match
34 BE9A-CAG2 Start on endurance 2 match
35 BJ9A-CAG2 Start on endurance 3 match
36 BN9A-CAG2 Start on match with Goro
37 BT9A-CAG2 Start on match with Shang Tsung
38 AKXA-AA22 Always get Flawless Victory bonus
39 AC7T-AAA2 All throws do no damage
40 SC7T-AAA2 All throws do more damage
41 8C7T-AAA2 All throws do maximum damage


42 AEMT-CACG Kano's High Punch does no damage
43 AEMT-CAC2 Kano's Low Punch does no damage
44 AYMT-CAG0 Kano's High Kick does no damage
45 AYMT-CAHJ Kano's Low Kick does no damage
46 A2MT-CAD6 Kano's Head Blow does no damage
47 ATMT-CADL Kano's Knee does no damage
48 AYMT-CAGE Kano's Crouched Kick does no damage
49 BJMT-CAFW Kano's Uppercut does no damage
50 BJMT-CABY Kano's Roundhouse Kick does no damage
51 AYMT-CAFA Kano's Foot Sweep does no damage
52 A2NA-CAAN Kano's Flying Punch does no damage
53 AYMT-CAER Kano's Jump Kick does no damage
54 A6MA-CAHN Kano's Cannonball does no damage
55 A2MT-CABC Kano's Knife does no damage
56 AEMT-D6CG Kano's High Punch does more damage
57 AEMT-D6C2 Kano's Low Punch does more damage
58 AYMT-CT00 Kano's High Kick does more damage
59 AYMT-CT1J Kano's Low Kick does more damage
60 A2MT-CTX6 Kano's Head Blow does more damage
61 ATMT-CTXL Kano's Knee does more damage
62 AYMT-D2RE Kano's Crouched Kick does more damage
63 BJMT-DT7W Kano's Uppercut does more damage
64 BJMT-CA3Y Kano's Roundhouse Kick does more damage
65 AYMT-D2PA Kano's Foot Sweep does more damage
66 A2NA-C0TN Kano's Flying Punch does more damage
67 AYMT-D2NR Kano's Jump Kick does more damage
68 A6MA-DY1N Kano's Cannonball does more damage
69 A2MT-C0VC Kano's Knife does more damage 
70 AEMT-D94G Kano's High Punch does maximum damage
71 AEMT-D942 Kano's Low Punch does maximum damage
72 AYMT-D980 Kano's High Kick does maximum damage
73 AYMT-D99J Kano's Low Kick does maximum damage
74 A2MT-D956 Kano's Head Blow does maximum damage
75 ATMT-D95L Kano's Knee does maximum damage
76 AYMT-D98E Kano's Crouched Kick does maximum damage
77 BJMT-D97W Kano's Uppercut does maximum damage
78 BJMT-D93Y Kano's Roundhouse Kick does maximum damage
79 AYMT-D97A Kano's Foot Sweep does maximum damage
80 A2NA-D92N Kano's Flying Punch does maximum damage
81 AYMT-D96R Kano's Jump Kick does maximum damage
82 A6MA-D99N Kano's Cannonball does maximum damage
83 A2MT-D93C Kano's Knife does maximum damage 


84 AEMA-CAAE Johnny Cage's High Punch does no damage
85 AEMA-CAA0 Johnny Cage's Low Punch does no damage
86 AYLT-CAHA Johnny Cage's High Kick does no damage
87 ATLT-CAHW Johnny Cage's Low Kick does no damage
88 AYMA-CACN Johnny Cage's Head Blow does no damage
89 ATMA-CAC8 Johnny Cage's Knee does no damage
90 AJMA-CAB4 Johnny Cage's Crouched Kick does no damage
91 BJMA-CADT Johnny Cage's Uppercut does no damage
92 BJLT-CAGR Johnny Cage's Roundhouse Kick does no damage
93 AYMA-CABJ Johnny Cage's Foot Sweep does no damage
94 A2LT-CAF6 Johnny Cage's Flying Punch does no damage
95 AYMA-CAEC Johnny Cage's Jump Kick does no damage
96 A6LT-CAB8 Johnny Cage's Shadow Kick does no damage
97 A2LT-CAE2 Johnny Cage's Fireball does no damage
98 ATLT-CADC Johnny Cage's Split Punch does no damage
99 AEMA-D6AE Johnny Cage's High Punch does more damage
100 AEMA-D6A0 Johnny Cage's Low Punch does more damage
101 AYLT-CT1A Johnny Cage's High Kick does more damage
102 ATLT-CE1W Johnny Cage's Low Kick does more damage
103 AYMA-D2LN Johnny Cage's Head Blow does more damage
104 ATMA-CTW8 Johnny Cage's Knee does more damage
105 AJMA-DTB4 Johnny Cage's Crouched Kick does more damage
106 BJMA-DT5T Johnny Cage's Uppercut does more damage
107 BJLT-CA8R Johnny Cage's Roundhouse Kick does more damage
108 AYMA-D2KJ Johnny Cage's Foot Sweep does more damage
109 A2LT-C0Z6 Johnny Cage's Flying Punch does more damage
110 AYMA-D2NC Johnny Cage's Jump Kick does more damage
111 A6LT-DYV8 Johnny Cage's Shadow Kick does more damage
112 A2LT-C0Y2 Johnny Cage's Fireball does more damage
113 ATLT-CN5C Johnny Cage's Split Punch does more damage
114 AEMA-D92E Johnny Cage's High Punch does maximum damage
115 AEMA-D920 Johnny Cage's Low Punch does maximum damage
116 AYLT-D99A Johnny Cage's High Kick does maximum damage
117 ATLT-D99W Johnny Cage's Low Kick does maximum damage
118 AYMA-D94N Johnny Cage's Head Blow does maximum damage
119 ATMA-D948 Johnny Cage's Knee does maximum damage
120 AJMA-D934 Johnny Cage's Crouched Kick does maximum damage
121 BJMA-D95T Johnny Cage's Uppercut does maximum damage
122 BJLT-D98R Johnny Cage's Roundhouse Kick does maximum damage
123 AYMA-D93J Johnny Cage's Foot Sweep does maximum damage
124 A2LT-D976 Johnny Cage's Flying Punch does maximum damage
125 AYMA-D76C Johnny Cage's Jump Kick does maximum damage
126 A6LT-D938 Johnny Cage's Shadow Kick does maximum damage
127 A2LT-D762 Johnny Cage's Fireball does maximum damage
128 ATLT-C95C Johnny Cage's Split Punch does maximum damage


130 AEPA-CAFG Liu Kang's Low Punch does no damage
131 AYPT-CAAW Liu Kang's High Kick does no damage
132 AYPT-CABE Liu Kang's Low Kick does no damage
133 AYPA-CACN Liu Kang's Head Blow does no damage
134 ATPA-CAF2 Liu Kang's Knee does no damage
135 AYPT-CAAA Liu Kang's Crouched Kick does no damage
136 BJPA-CAHR Liu Kang's Uppercut does no damage
137 BJPA-CAEC Liu Kang's Roundhouse Kick does no damage
138 AYPA-CAG6 Liu Kang's Foot Sweep does no damage
139 A2PT-CACJ Liu Kang's Flying Punch does no damage
140 AYPA-CAGL Liu Kang's Jump Kick does no damage
141 A6PA-CAB4 Liu Kang's Special Jump Kick does no damage
142 A2PA-CADT Liu Kang's Fireball does no damage
144 AEPA-D6FG Liu Kang's Low Punch does more damage
145 AYPT-CTTW Liu Kang's High Kick does more damage
146 AYPT-CTVE Liu Kang's Low Kick does more damage
147 AYPA-D2LN Liu Kang's Head Blow does more damage
148 ATPA-CTZ2 Liu Kang's Knee does more damage
149 AYPT-D2JA Liu Kang's Crouched Kick does more damage
150 BJPA-DT9R Liu Kang's Uppercut does more damage
151 BJPA-CA6C Liu Kang's Roundhouse Kick does more damage
152 AYPA-D2R6 Liu Kang's Foot Sweep does more damage
153 A2PT-C0WJ Liu Kang's Flying Punch does more damage
154 AYPA-D2RL Liu Kang's Jump Kick does more damage
155 A6PA-DYV4 Liu Kang's Special Jump Kick does more damage
156 A2PA-C0XT Liu Kang's Fireball does more damage
158 AEPA-D97G Liu Kang's Low Punch does maximum damage
159 AYPT-D92W Liu Kang's High Kick does maximum damage
160 AYPT-D93E Liu Kang's Low Kick does maximum damage
161 AYPA-D94N Liu Kang's Head Blow does maximum damage
162 ATPA-D972 Liu Kang's Knee does maximum damage
163 AYPT-D92A Liu Kang's Crouched Kick does maximum damage
164 BJPA-D99R Liu Kang's Uppercut does maximum damage
165 BJPA-D96C Liu Kang's Roundhouse Kick does maximum damage
166 AYPA-D986 Liu Kang's Foot Sweep does maximum damage
167 A2PT-D94J Liu Kang's Flying Punch does maximum damage
168 AYPA-D98L Liu Kang's Jump Kick does maximum damage
169 A6PA-D934 Liu Kang's Special Jump Kick does maximum damage
170 A2PA-D95T Liu Kang's Fireball does maximum damage


171 AELA-CADE Sonya Blade's High Punch does no damage
172 AELA-CAD0 Sonya Blade's Low Punch does no damage
173 AYKT-CAH2 Sonya Blade's High Kick does no damage
174 A2LA-CAAL Sonya Blade's Low Kick does no damage
175 AYLA-CAA6 Sonya Blade's Head Blow does no damage
176 ATLA-CABR Sonya Blade's Knee does no damage
177 AYLA-CACW Sonya Blade's Crouched Kick does no damage
178 BJLA-CAEJ Sonya Blade's Uppercut does no damage
179 BJKT-CAHG Sonya Blade's Roundhouse Kick does no damage
180 AYKT-CAGY Sonya Blade's Foot Sweep does no damage
181 A2LA-CAFN Sonya Blade's Flying Punch does no damage
182 AYLA-CACA Sonya Blade's Jump Kick does no damage
183 A2KT-CAFT Sonya Blade's Sonic Rings does no damage
184 BALA-CAF8 Sonya Blade's Special Jump Kick does no damage
185 AELA-D6DE Sonya Blade's High Punch does more damage
186 AELA-D6D0 Sonya Blade's Low Punch does more damage
187 AYKT-DJ12 Sonya Blade's High Kick does more damage
188 A2LA-DCTL Sonya Blade's Low Kick does more damage
189 AYLA-D2J6 Sonya Blade's Head Blow does more damage
190 ATLA-CTVR Sonya Blade's Knee does more damage
191 AYLA-D2LW Sonya Blade's Crouched Kick does more damage
192 BJLA-DT6J Sonya Blade's Uppercut does more damage
193 BJKT-CN9G Sonya Blade's Roundhouse Kick does more damage
194 AYKT-D2RY Sonya Blade's Foot Sweep does more damage
195 A2LA-C0ZN Sonya Blade's Flying Punch does more damage
196 AYLA-D2LA Sonya Blade's Jump Kick does more damage
197 AAKT-CTRC Sonya Blade's Leg Grab does more damage
198 A2KT-C0ZT Sonya Blade's Sonic Rings does more damage
199 BALA-DCZ8 Sonya Blade's Special Flying Punch does more damage
200 AELA-D95E Sonya Blade's High Punch does maximum damage
201 AELA-D950 Sonya Blade's Low Punch does maximum damage
202 AYKT-D992 Sonya Blade's High Kick does maximum damage
203 A2LA-D92L Sonya Blade's Low Kick does maximum damage
204 AYLA-D926 Sonya Blade's Head Blow does maximum damage
205 ATLA-D93R Sonya Blade's Knee does maximum damage
206 AYLA-D94W Sonya Blade's Crouched Kick does maximum damage
207 BJLA-D96J Sonya Blade's Uppercut does maximum damage
208 BJKT-D99G Sonya Blade's Roundhouse Kick does maximum damage
209 AYKT-D98Y Sonya Blade's Foot Sweep does maximum damage
210 A2LA-D97N Sonya Blade's Flying Punch does maximum damage
211 AYLA-D94A Sonya Blade's Jump Kick does maximum damage
212 AAKT-D98C Sonya Blade's Leg Grab does maximum damage
213 A2KT-D97T Sonya Blade's Sonic Rings does maximum damage
214 BALA-D978 Sonya Blade's Special Flying Punch does maximum damage


215 AENT-CAA2 Rayden's High Punch does no damage
216 AENT-CAB6 Rayden's Low Punch does no damage
217 AYNA-CAHY Rayden's High Kick does no damage
218 AYNT-CAAG Rayden's Low Kick does no damage
219 AYNT-CADW Rayden's Head Blow does no damage
220 ATNT-CAEE Rayden's Knee does no damage 
221 AJNT-CADA Rayden's Crouched Kick does no damage
222 BJNT-CAE0 Rayden's Uppercut does no damage
223 BJNA-CAHC Rayden's Roundhouse Kick does no damage
224 AYNT-CACR Rayden's Foot Sweep does no damage
225 A2NA-CAGT Rayden's Flying Punch does no damage
226 AYNT-CAFJ Rayden's Jump Kick does no damage
227 A6NA-CAD0 Rayden's Flying Thunderbolt does no damage
228 A2NA-CAFN Rayden's Lightning does no damage
229 AENT-D6A2 Rayden's High Punch does more damage
230 AENT-D6B6 Rayden's Low Punch does more damage
231 AYNA-CL1Y Rayden's High Kick does more damage
232 AYNT-CETG Rayden's Low Kick does more damage
233 AYNT-D2MW Rayden's Head Blow does more damage
234 ATNT-CTYE Rayden's Knee does more damage
235 AJNT-DTDA Rayden's Crouched Kick does more damage
236 BJNT-DT60 Rayden's Uppercut does more damage
237 BJNA-DY1C Rayden's Roundhouse Kick does more damage
238 AYNT-D2LR Rayden's Foot Sweep does more damage
239 A2NA-C00T Rayden's Flying Punch does more damage
240 AYNT-D2PJ Rayden's Jump Kick does more damage
241 A6NA-DYX0 Rayden's Flying Thunderbolt does more damage
242 A2NA-C0ZN Rayden's Lightning does more damage
243 AENT-D722 Rayden's High Punch does maximum damage
244 AENT-D936 Rayden's Low Punch does maximum damage 
245 AYNA-D99Y Rayden's High Kick does maximum damage
246 AYNT-D92G Rayden's Low Kick does maximum damage
247 AYNT-D95W Rayden's Head Blow does maximum damage
248 ATNT-DS6E Rayden's Knee does maximum damage
249 AJNT-D95A Rayden's Crouched Kick does maximum damage
250 BJNT-D960 Rayden's Uppercut does maximum damage
251 BJNA-D99C Rayden's Roundhouse Kick does maximum damage
252 AYNT-D94R Rayden's Foot Sweep does maximum damage
253 A2NA-D98T Rayden's Flying Punch does maximum damage
254 AYNT-D97J Rayden's Jump Kick does maximum damage
255 A6NA-D950 Rayden's Flying Thunderbolt does maximum damage
256 A2NA-D97N Rayden's Lightning does maximum damage


257 AERA-CAB6 Scorpion's, Sub-Zero's and Reptile's High Punch do no damage
258 AERA-CACR Scorpion's, Sub-Zero's and Reptile's Low Punch do no damage
259 AYRA-CAF4 Scorpion's, Sub-Zero's and Reptile's High Kick do no damage
260 AYRA-CAGN Scorpion's, Sub-Zero's and Reptile's Low Kick do no damage
261 AYRA-CADW Scorpion's, Sub-Zero's and Reptile's Head Blow do no damage
262 ATRA-CADA Scorpion's, Sub-Zero's and Reptile's Knee do no damage
263 AJRT-CAAC Scorpion's, Sub-Zero's and Reptile's Crouched Kick do no damage
264 BJRA-CABL Scorpion's, Sub-Zero's and Reptile's Uppercut do no damage
265 BJRA-CAHT Scorpion's, Sub-Zero's and Reptile's Roundhouse Kick do no damage
266 AYRA-CAG8 Scorpion's, Sub-Zero's and Reptile's Foot Sweep do no damage
267 A2RA-CAE0 Scorpion's, Sub-Zero's and Reptile's Flying Punch do no damage
268 AYRA-CAFJ Scorpion's, Sub-Zero's and Reptile's Jump Kick do no damage
269 AERA-D6B6 Scorpion's, Sub-Zero's and Reptile's High Punch do more damage
270 AERA-D6CR Scorpion's, Sub-Zero's and Reptile's Low Punch do more damage
271 AYRA-CTZ4 Scorpion's, Sub-Zero's and Reptile's High Kick do more damage
272 AYRA-CT0N Scorpion's, Sub-Zero's and Reptile's Low Kick do more damage
273 AYRA-D2MW Scorpion's, Sub-Zero's and Reptile's Head Blow do more damage
274 ATRA-CTXA Scorpion's, Sub-Zero's and Reptile's Knee do more damage
275 AJRT-DTAC Scorpion's, Sub-Zero's and Reptile's Crouched Kick do more damage
276 BJRA-DT3L Scorpion's, Sub-Zero's and Reptile's Uppercut do more damage
277 BJRA-CA9T Scorpion's, Sub-Zero's and Reptile's Roundhouse Kick do more damage
278 AYRA-D2R8 Scorpion's, Sub-Zero's and Reptile's Foot Sweep do more damage
279 A2RA-C0Y0 Scorpion's, Sub-Zero's and Reptile's Flying Punch do more damage
280 AYRA-D2PJ Scorpion's, Sub-Zero's and Reptile's Jump Kick do more damage
281 AERA-D936 Scorpion's, Sub-Zero's and Reptile's High Punch do maximum damage
282 AERA-D94R Scorpion's, Sub-Zero's and Reptile's Low Punch do maximum damage
283 AYRA-D974 Scorpion's, Sub-Zero's and Reptile's High Kick do maximum damage
284 AYRA-D98N Scorpion's, Sub-Zero's and Reptile's Low Kick do maximum damage
285 AYRA-D95W Scorpion's, Sub-Zero's and Reptile's Head Blow do maximum damage
286 ATRA-D95A Scorpion's, Sub-Zero's and Reptile's Knee do maximum damage
287 AJRT-D92C Scorpion's, Sub-Zero's and Reptile's Crouched Kick do maximum damage
288 BJRA-D93L Scorpion's, Sub-Zero's and Reptile's Uppercut do maximum damage
289 BJRA-D99T Scorpion's, Sub-Zero's and Reptile's Roundhouse Kick do maximum
290 AYRA-D988 Scorpion's, Sub-Zero's and Reptile's Foot Sweep do maximum damage
291 A2RA-D960 Scorpion's, Sub-Zero's and Reptile's Flying Punch do maximum damage
292 AYRA-D97J Scorpion's, Sub-Zero's and Reptile's  Jump Kick do maximum damage


293 ANPT-CAF8 Sub-Zero's Slide does no damage
294 AJPT-CAHC Scorpion's Harpoon does no damage
295 A2PT-CAGT Scorpion's Scorpion Split does no damage
296 AARA-CTJ2 Sub-Zero's Deep Freeze does damage--ONLY FROM A DISTANCE
297 ANPT-CRP8 Sub-Zero's Slide does more damage
298 AJPT-DTHC Scorpion's Harpoon does more damage
299 A2PT-C00T Scorpion's Scorpion Split does more damage
300 AARA-D922 Sub-Zero's Deep Freeze does maximum damage--ONLY FROM A DISTANCE
301 ANPT-D978 Sub-Zero's Slide does maximum damage
302 AJPT-D99C Scorpion's Harpoon does maximum damage
303 A2PT-D98T Scorpion's Scorpion Split does maximum damage


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