
Namco Museum - Virtual Arcade - Platform: XBox 360 - Console Games.

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  The encyclopedia of game cheats. A die hard gamer would get pissed if they saw someone using cheats and walkthroughs in games, but you have to agree, sometimes little hint or the "God Mode" becomes necessary to beat a particularly hard part of the game. If you are an avid gamer and want a few extra weapons and tools the survive the game, CheatBook DataBase is exactly the resource you would want. Find even secrets on our page. 

 Namco Museum - Virtual Arcade - Platform: XBox 360

Namco Museum - Virtual Arcade - Platform: XBox 360

Accomplish the indicated achievement to get the corresponding number
of Gamerscore points:

Dig Dug:
  2 Enemies (10 points): Crush 2 enemies with one rock. 
  4 Enemies (20 points): Crush 4 enemies with one rock. 
  Dig (15 points): Dig through the entire area on any Round. 
  Carrot (5 points): Obtain the Carrot that appears after dropping 2 rocks in a 
  certain Round. 
  Turnip (10 points): Obtain the Turnip that appears after dropping 2 rocks in a 
  certain Round. 
  Mushroom (10 points): Obtain the Mushroom that appears after dropping 2 rocks 
  in a certain Round. 
  Cucumber (15 points): Obtain the Cucumber that appears after dropping 2 rocks 
  in a certain Round. 
  Eggplant (15 points): Obtain the Eggplant that appears after dropping 2 rocks 
  in a certain Round. 
  Green Pepper (20 points): Obtain the Green Pepper that appears after dropping 
  2 rocks in a certain Round. 
  Tomato (20 points): Obtain the Tomato that appears after dropping 2 rocks in a 
  certain Round. 
  Watermelon (25 points): Obtain the Watermelon that appears after dropping 2 
  rocks in a certain Round. 
  Pineapple (35 points): Obtain the Pineapple that appears after dropping 2 
  rocks in a certain Round. 

  Stingray (25 points): Find the Stingray during battle. 
  Scorpion (15 points): Find the Scorpion during battle. 
  Dual Fighter (5 points): Form a Dual Fighter. 
  Enemy Fighter (5 points): Shoot down a red captured Fighter. 
  Perfect Bonus (15 points): Shoot down all enemies in a Challenging Stage. 
  Dragonfly (10 points): Find the Dragonfly during battle. 
  Mosquito (20 points): Find the Mosquito during battle. 
  Galboss (30 points): Find the Galboss during battle. 
  Blue Spaceship (30 points): Find the Blue Spaceship during battle. 
  Stage 10 (5 points): Play up to Stage 10. 
  Stage 20 (10 points): Play up to Stage 20. 
  Stage 30 (30 points): Play up to Stage 30. 

Galaga Legions:
  Area 1 Clear (5 points): Cleared Area 1. 
  Area 2 Clear (5 points): Cleared Area 2. 
  Area 3 Clear (10 points): Cleared Area 3. 
  Area 4 Clear (10 points): Cleared Area 4. 
  Area 5 Clear (15 points): Cleared Area 5. 
  All Championship Areas Clear (25 points): Cleared all areas in Championship mode. 
  Adventure Area 2 Clear (10 points): Cleared Area 2 in Adventure mode. 
  Adventure Area 3 Clear (20 points): Cleared Area 3 in Adventure mode. 
  Adventure Area 4 Clear (30 points): Cleared Area 4 in Adventure mode. 
  All Adventure Areas Clear (50 points): Cleared all areas in Adventure mode. 
  Zero Deployments (5 points): Area cleared without deploying any satellites. 
  One Life Only (15 points): Area cleared without losing a single fighter. 

Mr. Driller Online:
  Amateur Yankee Driller (5 points): Complete the America Stage [500m]. 
  Pro Mummy Driller (10 points): Complete the Egypt Stage [1,000m]. 
  King of Moscow Drillers (15 points): Complete the Russia Stage [3,000m]. 
  God of Arctic Drillers (25 points): Dig 5,000m in the North Pole Stage. 
  Brainy Quest Genius (20 points): Complete 10 consecutive Quests. 
  Lifesaving Air Maestro (5 points): Obtain 50 Air Capsules. 
  Tireless Block Destroyer (15 points): Drill 5,000 Blocks. 
  Continuous Chain Linker (25 points): Chain 30 Blocks in a row. 
  Fighting Battle Warrior (15 points): Win 10 consecutive Solo Battles. 
  Friendly Tag Champion (15 points): Win 10 consecutive Tag Battles in Multi 
  Player mode. 
  Supreme Point Master (20 points): Beat the opposing team in Tag Battle by 
  200,000 points in Multi Player mode. 
  Infinite Drilling Conqueror (30 points): Win 20 consecutive Solo and Tag 
  Battles in Multi Player mode. 

Ms. Pac-Man:
  Cherry (5 points): Eat the Cherries that appear after eating a set number of 
  Strawberry (5 points): Eat the Strawberry that appears after eating a set 
  number of Pac-Dots. 
  Orange (10 points): Eat the Orange that appears after eating a set number of 
  Pretzel (15 points): Eat the Pretzel that appears after eating a set number of 
  Apple (15 points): Eat the Apple that appears after eating a set number of 
  Pear (20 points): Eat the Pear that appears after eating a set number of 
  Banana (20 points): Eat the Banana that appears after eating a set number of 
  3 Ghosts (10 points): Eat three ghosts in succession after eating a Power 
  All Ghosts (15 points): Eat all four ghosts in succession after eating a Power 
  Clear Round 5 (15 points): Clear the beginner level by completing the first 5 
  Clear Round 21 (40 points): Clear the advanced level by completing the first 
  21 rounds. 
  Perfect (30 points): Eat all ghosts four times within a stage. 

New Rally-X:
  Clear Round 4 (10 points): Clear Round 4. 
  Clear Round 8 (20 points): Clear Round 8. 
  Clear Round 12 (25 points): Clear Round 12. 
  Clear Round 16 (30 points): Clear Round 16. 
  No-Miss (Round 7) (40 points): Clear the first 7 rounds without losing a life. 
  Extend (10 points): Score 20000 points and gain an extra life. 
  Double Extend (20 points): Score 100000 points and gain a second extra life. 
  Special Flag (5 points): Collect the Special Flag. 
  Special Flag First (10 points): Collect the Special Flag before collecting any 
  other flag. 
  No-Miss Special Flag (15 points): Collect the Special Flag before collecting 
  another flag and finish the stage without losing a life. 
  Lucky Flag (5 points): Collect the Lucky Flag. 
  Fuel Bonus (10 points): Collect a Lucky Flag with more than half fuel 

  Cherry (5 points): Eat the Cherries that appear after eating a set number of 
  Pac-Dots in Round 1. 
  Strawberry (5 points): Eat the Strawberry that appears after eating a set 
  number of Pac-Dots in Round 2. 
  Orange (10 points): Eat the Orange that appears after eating a set number of 
  Pac-Dots in Round 3 or 4. 
  Apple (10 points): Eat the Apple that appears after eating a set number of 
  Pac-Dots in Round 5 or 6. 
  Melon (15 points): Eat the Melon that appears after eating a set number of 
  Pac-Dots in Round 7 or 8. 
  Galboss (15 points): Eat the Galboss that appears after eating a set number of 
  Pac-Dots in Round 9 or 10. 
  Bell (20 points): Eat the Bell that appears after eating a set number of 
  Pac-Dots in Round 11 or 12. 
  Key (25 points): Eat the Key that appears after eating a set number of 
  Pac-Dots after Round 13. 
  All Ghosts (10 points): Eat all ghosts in succession after eating a Power 
  Clear Round 5 (15 points): Clear the beginner level by completing the first 5 
  Clear Round 21 (40 points): Clear the advanced level by completing the first 
  21 rounds. 
  Perfect (30 points): Eat all ghosts four times within a stage. 

Pac-Man: Championship Edition:
  200,000 Points (10 points): Score 200,000 points. 
  400,000 Points (30 points): Score 400,000 points. 
  Sparkster (5 points): Emit sparks for 1 second. 
  8 Ghosts (5 points): Eat 8 ghosts in succession. 
  Championship Mode (20 points): Complete Championship Mode. 
  Challenge Mode 1 (20 points): Complete Challenge Mode 1. 
  Challenge Mode 2 (20 points): Complete Challenge Mode 2. 
  Extra Mode 1 (20 points): Complete Extra Mode 1. 
  Extra Mode 2 (20 points): Complete Extra Mode 2. 
  Extra Mode 3 (20 points): Complete Extra Mode 3. 
  Key (10 points): Eat the Key. 
  Crown (20 points): Eat the Crown. 

  40,000 Points (15 points): Score 40,000 points. 
  100,000 Points (30 points): Score 100,000 points. 
  Andor Genesis (10 points): Destroy Andor Genesis. 
  Blaster Master 100 (5 points): Destroy 100 air-based enemies. 
  Blaster Master 500 (10 points): Destroy 500 air-based enemies. 
  Bomber 30 (5 points): Destroy 30 ground-based enemies. 
  Bomber 100 (15 points): Destroy 100 ground-based enemies. 
  Special Flag (25 points): Reveal a Special Flag. 
  Sol Citadel Revealer (10 points): Reveal a Sol Citadel. 
  Sol Citadel Destroyer (15 points): Destroy a Sol Citadel. 
  Sol Citadel Diviner (25 points): Reveal 3 Sol Citadels. 
  Sol Citadel Diviner Master (35 points): Reveal 5 Sol Citadels.


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PC Games, PC Game Cheats, Video Games, Cheat Codes, Secrets Easter Eggs, FAQs, Walkthrough Spotlight - New Version CheatBook DataBase 2023
CheatBook-DataBase 2023 is a freeware cheats code tracker that makes hints, Tricks, Tips and cheats (for PC, Walkthroughs, XBox, Playstation 1 and 2, Playstation 2, Playstation 4, Sega, Nintendo 64, DVD, Wii U, Gameboy Advance, iPhone, Gameboy Color, N-Gage, Nintendo DS, PSP, Gamecube, Dreamcast, Xbox 360, Super Nintendo) easily accessible from one central location. If you´re an avid gamer and want a few extra weapons or lives to survive until the next level, this freeware cheat database can come to the rescue. Covering more than 26.800 Games, this database represents all genres and focuses on recent releases. All Cheats inside from the first CHEATSBOOK January 1998 until today.  - Release date january 8, 2023. Download CheatBook-DataBase 2023

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