Naruto - Narutimate Hero 3 - Platform: Playstation 2
Bonus characters:
At the main menu, hold R1 + R2 and press Square, Triangle, Square, Triangle.
Release R1 + R2, then hold L1 + L2 and press Right, Up, Right, Up. Release L1 +
L2, then press L3 + R3. If you entered the code correctly, you will hear a
sound. All characters except for Hyuuga Hanabi and Yondaime (Hokage 4) will be
Cheat mode:
Go to the Naruto card game, and enter one of the following passwords. Refer to
the following number grid for the entry positions:
1 2 3 4 5 6
7 8 9 10 11 12
Cloud 9, 8, 1: +1,000 points
Fire 6, 5, 4: +1,000 points
Fire 3,5,9: Bonus Figurine 1. Note: You first need to get the "Mystery Code"
Rain 2, 9, 11: +3,000 points
Sand 12, 11, 4: +3,000 points
Thunder 12, 11, 12: +3,000 points
Thunder 12, 12, 11: +1,000 points
Thunder 12, 2, 1: +1,0000 points
Thunder 12, 2, 9: +5,000 points
Thunder 12, 7, 12: +5,000 points
Thunder 2, 9, 11: +1,000 points
Wind 1, 2, 6: +1,000 points
Wind 8, 9, 3: +1,000 points
Prequel bonus:
Have a saved game file from Naruto: Ultimate Ninja 2 on your memory card when
starting a new game. A confirmation message will appear on the blank screen just
before the loading screen and the main menu appears, stating that you have
earned 607 Naruto Cards and 50,000 Ryou.
Play as Anbu Kakashi:
Successfully complete Story mode to unlock Anbu Kakashi.
Play as Anko:
Defeat Anko in Story mode to unlock her.
Play as Asuma:
Defeat Asuma in Story mode to unlock him.
Play as Haku:
Successfully complete Chapter 1, Mission 2 in Story mode to unlock Haku.
Alternate characters:
Unlock all characters, then highlight one of the following characters in Versus
mode and hold Select to play as their alternate form: Chouji, Lee, Jiroubou,
Kidoumaru, Kimimaro, Naruto, Sakon, Sasuke, Gaara, or Tayuya. Note: Some
alternate forms cannot use Ougi.
Easy money:
While playing RPG mode and you are inside the Central Area of the Konoha
Village, do the following. Go to the room where Iruka-Sensei is located (the
house in front of Ichiraku Ramen) and talk to him. Select the second option,
then the second option again. Go out and you will find Scrolls on top of
Ichiraku Ramen. You can repeat this as many times as desired. Collect a total of
999 Scrolls, then convert them to 99,900 Ryou at the Scroll Shop.
Just before you jump to RPG mode, play Naruto Eiyuuden (Story mode) first. After
completing this mode, you can earn at least 50,000 to 60,000 Ryou.
Bonus figurines:
The following figurines cannot be purchased at the shop, and are instead
unlocked by completing the indicated S Mission:
Figurine 2: Successfully complete S Mission 1
Figurine 3: Successfully complete S Mission 2
Figurine 4: Successfully complete S Mission 3
Figurine 5: Successfully complete S Mission 4
Figurine 6: Successfully complete S Mission 5
Figurine 7: Successfully complete S Mission 6
Figurine 8: Successfully complete S Mission 7
Figurine 9: Successfully complete S Mission 8
Figurine 10: Successfully complete S Mission 9