
Nascar Thunder 2003 - Platform: XBox - Console Games.

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 Nascar Thunder 2003 - Platform: XBox

Nascar Thunder 2003 - Platform: XBox

Daytona: Easy win:
Make sure the race is set on ten percent difficulty. Then, cause a crash on 
lap four. If done correctly, there should be a caution. Go into the pits, and 
ignore that fact if no one else also enters. You will probably be last, but 
there will soon be another caution and the leaders will come in. Stay out 
and do not pit. After the stop, you should be in first or second place. 
You will run low on gas, but you will not run out. Block and you will be 
able to win.

Fantasy Drivers:
Enter Extra Drivers as a name at the create a car screen.

Unlock All Fantasy Drivers:
Enter Extra Drivers as a name at the create a car screen.

Unlock all the extra tracks:
Race any track on legend or veteran in the quick race mode and any track 
you race at, and if you win, you will unlock a new hidden track. The bonus 
tracks that you will unlock are the tracks behind the normal tracks that say 
locked, such as the Alabama 500 at Talledega, that is the night race. 
For example if you win Taledega you unlock the Alabama 500. This goes with 
every other track except Indianapolis speedway, New Hampshire and Bristol. 
These tracks do not have hidden tracks.

Unlock Busch series cars/and legends:
Each time you beat a race on the lighting challenge, you will unlock 2 
drivers as thunder plates. The first driver will be Richard Petty, then 
you will unlock up to 23 Busch series cars plus other legends. Besides 
Petty there is Beny Parsons, Bobby Allison, Alan Kawicki, Tiny Lund, Elmo 
Langly, Junior Johnson, Cale Yarborough. Dale Earnhardt will also be one 
of the legends but he can be unlocked automatically by typing in his name.

Unlock Cars:
To unlock a paint scheme for a specific driver, win a race under Veteran or 
Legend mode.

Unlock championship win videos, Thunder Plate:
Win 1 championship on the career mode racing the 36 race mode. You will 
unlock Thunder Plate Championship win 1. Win 5 championships on the career 
mode racing the 36 race mode. You will unlock Thunder Plate Championship win 
5. Win 8 championships on the career mode racing the 36 race mode. You will 
unlock Thunder Plate Chamionship win 8.

Unlock Dale Earnhardt:
Enter Dale Earnhardt as a name at the create a car screen.

Unlock fantasy driver- Kitt Paint:
Win the 36 race championship in career mode twice on easy and you will unlock 
the fantasy driver Kitt Paint. His car is the primor car thats on the create 
a car screen.

Unlock new paint scheme:
Use a driver with a paint scheme and win a race on veteran or legend to 
unlock a new paint scheme.

Unlock Richard Petty:
Enter Richard Petty as your name when you create a driver.

Unlock Tiburon Speedway:
If you have any other EA Sports 2003 game saved onto your memory card, the 
Tiburon Speedway will be unlocked.


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