
NBA Courtside 2002 - Platform: Gamecube - Console Games.

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 NBA Courtside 2002 - Platform: Gamecube

NBA Courtside 2002 - Platform: Gamecube

Controller Stress Test
Enter the skills mode screen where "Three Point Contest" and
"Practice" appear as options. Hold X + Y and press Analog-stick Up
+ C-stick Down. The "Controller Stress Test" option will appear.

Secret teams
Enable the "Controller Stress Test" code, enter the controller
stress test screen and press Left, Right, Left, Right, X(2),
Right. A sound will confirm correct code entry. Choose arcade or
quick play mode and three new teams (Nintendo, Left Field 1, and
Left Field 2) should now be highlighted in yellow.

Alternately, press Control-stick Left + C-stick Right at the
skills mode screen. A sound will confirm correct code entry. New
teams will appear in yellow at the team selection screen.

Small players
Enable the "Controller Stress Test" code, enter the controller
stress test screen and press Left, Right, Left, Right, X, Y,
Right. A sound will confirm correct code entry.

Big heads
Enable the "Controller Stress Test" code, enter the controller
stress test screen and press Left, Right, Left, Right, X, Y, Left.
A sound will confirm correct code entry.

Little heads
Enable the "Controller Stress Test" code, enter the controller
stress test screen and press Left, Right, Left, Right, X, Y, Up. A
sound will confirm correct code entry.

Big hands
Enable the "Controller Stress Test" code, enter the controller
stress test screen and press Left, Right, Left, Right, X, Y, Down.
A sound will confirm correct code entry.

Invisible players
Enable the "Controller Stress Test" code, enter the controller
stress test screen and press Left, Right, Left, Right, Y, X,
Right. A sound will confirm correct code entry.

Strange free throws
Enable the "Controller Stress Test" code, enter the controller
stress test screen and press Left, Right, Left, Right, Y, X, Down.
A sound will confirm correct code entry.

Toggle away uniforms
Enable the "Controller Stress Test" code, enter the controller
stress test screen and press Left, Right, Left, Right, Y(2), Left.
A sound will confirm correct code entry.

Toggle home uniforms
Enable the "Controller Stress Test" code, enter the controller
stress test screen and press Left, Right, Left, Right, Y(2),
Right. A sound will confirm correct code entry.

Toggle Controller Stress Test option
Enable the "Controller Stress Test" code, enter the controller
stress test screen and press Left, Right, Left, Right, X(2), Left.
A sound will confirm correct code entry.

Enable the "Controller Stress Test" code, enter the controller
stress test screen and press Left, Right, Left, Right, Y(2), Up. A
sound will confirm correct code entry. One effect of this code is
to place Kobe Bryant as all players in a game.

Easy 3 pointers
Do a pump fake. When the CPU player jumps, drive the ball in for a
basket. You can also drive to the basket and pass it out for a
well lined up 3 pointer. The CPU players should all scramble to
the paint.

Take control the player that you want to use to make a 3 pointer.
Once he has the ball, walk in front 3-point line then lightly
press Control-stick Down. If your player walks backward behind the
3-point line, shoot the ball and it should go in. This works 90%
of the time. If your player has a higher 3-point accuracy, he
should make it almost all the time. Note: This requires some

Easy blocks
Switch to the player who is guarding the player who has the ball.
Do not use R when guarding. Guard as close as you can. When the
CPU (or player) jumps to make the shot, press L + R + A. Your
player should jump forward and block the ball. This works about
70% to 80% of the time. Note: This requires timing.

To use turbo, just hold L. This will allow you to go as fast as

Slam dunk
Select arcade mode and choose a team. When playing, get close to
the basket -- not under but slightly off to the side or front.
Press A + Analog-stick Up. If done correctly, you should go around
any defenders and make an awesome slam dunk.

Get enough speed to go to the net, then press A to slam dunk. If
you get the rebound from the other side, you can get enough speed
to slam dunk. You can also see if somebody is on the other side of
the court and hold L for a long range pass to the person at the
net. This will allow you to do a Alley-oop. Your player will go
high in the air.

Three point dunks
In arcade mode, make sure the confidence level is flashing (the
bar on the top that fills in red when you make a shot). Then, pick
a player that has a 99 dunk attribute. When you have the ball,
start at the back of the court and run as fast as you can to the
basket. When you are about to reach the three point line, keep
holding Forward and hold A. You should make a three point dunk or

Long throw
Hold L and press B.

Hang on the rim
Hold X after dunking the ball to hang on the rim. Note: If you
hang for too long you will get a technical foul.

Alley-oop or slam dunk
When you are in your own zone and you see a player from your team
under the net with his hand up, press B to pass to him. Then,
immediately and rapidly press A (Shoot) and the player under the
net will either do a alley-oop or slam dunk the ball.

Spin move
When you have the ball on offense, press L then Y. Your player
will dribble the ball and do a spin move at the same time.

Dribble behind back
When you have the ball on offense lightly press L then Y. Your
player will dribble the ball behind his back.

More points for created player
Start a game on the 12 minute setting. Allow the CPU to play, then
at the end switch over to your created person's team. You will get
all the points.


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