
NBA Street - Platform: Gamecube - Console Games.

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 NBA Street - Platform: Gamecube

NBA Street - Platform: Gamecube

Cheat Codes 
Player Names       - Stereo, Stereo, Ball, Stereo Right 
ABA Ball           - Ball, Ball, Stereo, Shoe Right 
Explosive Rims     - Stereo, Stereo, Stereo, Megaphone 
WNBA Ball          - Ball, Ball, Shoe, Backboard Right 
No Cheats          - Ball, Shoe, Ball, Shoe Right 
Big Heads          - Shoe, Shoe, Shoe, Backboard 
Mega Dunks         - Ball, Megaphone, Megaphone, Ball 
Unlimited          - Turbo Stereo, Shoe, Shoe, Ball 
More Gamebreakers  - Shoe, Backboard, Backboard, Ball 
Casual Uniforms    - Basketball, Shoe, Megaphone, Megaphone 
Authentic Uniforms - Basketball, Shoe, Turntable, Turntable 
Summer Joe         - Stereo, Stereo, Megaphone, Stereo

After entering one of the following icon codes, press enter 
direction on the D-pad to complete code entry.

No cheats
Enter Basketball, Shoe, Basketball, Shoe as a code at 
the versus screen before a game.

Casual uniforms
Enter Basketball, Shoe, Megaphone, Megaphone as a code 
at the versus screen before a game. 

Authentic uniforms
Enter Basketball, Shoe, Turntable, Turntable as a code 
at the versus screen before a game. 

Player names
Enter Turntable, Turntable, Basketball, Turntable as a 
code at the versus screen before a game. 

No auto replays
Enter Turntable, Turntable, Turntable, Turntable as a 
code at the versus screen before a game. 

No HUD display
Enter Turntable, Turntable, Shoe, Turntable as a code 
at the versus screen before a game. 

No player indicators
Enter Turntable, Turntable, Backboard, Turntable as a 
code at the versus screen before a game. 

Summertime Joe "The Show"
Enter Turntable, Turntable, Megaphone, Turntable as a 
code at the versus screen before a game. 

Springtime Joe "The Show"
Enter Turntable, Turntable, Turntable, Basketball as a 
code at the versus screen before a game. 

Athletic Joe "The Show"
Enter Turntable, Turntable, Turntable, Shoe as a code 
at the versus screen before a game.

No shot indicator
Enter Turntable, Turntable, Turntable, Backboard as a 
code at the versus screen before a game. 

Explosive rims
Enter Turntable, Turntable, Turntable, Megaphone as a 
code at the versus screen before a game. 

ABA ball
Enter Basketball, Basketball, Turntable, Shoe as a code 
at the versus screen before a game.

WNBA ball
Enter Basketball, Basketball, Shoe, Backboard as a code 
at the versus screen before a game. 

Nufx ball
Enter Basketball, Basketball, Back Board, Megaphone as a 
code at the versus screen before a game.

EA Big ball
Enter Basketball, Basketball, Megaphone, Turntable as a 
code at the versus screen before a game. 

Beach ball
Enter Basketball, Basketball, Turntable, Turntable as a 
code at the versus screen before a game. 

Medicine ball
Enter Basketball, Basketball, Shoe, Shoe as a code at 
the versus screen before a game.

Enter Basketball, Basketball, Backboard, Backboard as 
a code at the versus screen before a game. 

Soccer ball
Enter Basketball, Basketball, Megaphone, Megaphone as 
a code at the versus screen before a game. 

Tiny players
Enter Shoe, Shoe, Shoe, Turntable as a code at the 
versus screen before a game.

Big heads
Enter Shoe, Shoe, Shoe, Backboard as a code at the 
versus screen before a game.

Tiny heads
Enter Shoe, Shoe, Shoe, Megaphone as a code at the 
versus screen before a game.

ABA socks
Enter Shoe, Shoe, Shoe, Shoe as a code at the versus 
screen before a game.

No shot clock
Enter Shoe, Shoe, Shoe, Basketball as a code at the 
versus screen before a game.

Less gamebreakers
Enter Shoe, Turntable, Turntable, Basketball as a code 
at the versus screen before a game. 

More gamebreakers
Enter Shoe, Backboard, Backboard, Basketball as a code 
at the versus screen before a game. 

No gamebreakers
Enter Shoe, Megaphone, Megaphone, Basketball as a code 
at the versus screen before a game. 

No juice
Enter Turntable, Backboard, Backboard, Basketball as a 
code at the versus screen before a game. 

Unlimited turbo
Enter Turntable, Shoe, Shoe, Basketball as a code at 
the versus screen before a game.

Easy distance shots
Enter Basketball, Backboard, Backboard, Basketball as 
a code at the versus screen before a game. 

Harder distance shots
Enter Basketball, Turntable, Turntable, Basketball as 
a code at the versus screen before a game. 

Mega dunking
Enter Basketball, Megaphone, Megaphone, Basketball as 
a code at the versus screen before a game. 

Ultimate power
Enter Turntable, Shoe, Backboard, Basketball as a code 
at the versus screen before a game. 

Mad hands
Enter Shoe, Backboard, Turntable, Basketball as a code 
at the versus screen before a game. 

Super swats
Enter Backboard, Turntable, Shoe, Basketball as a code 
at the versus screen before a game. 

Sticky fingers
Enter Backboard, Shoe, Turntable, Basketball as a code 
at the versus screen before a game. 

Captain Quicks
Enter Shoe, Turntable, Backboard, Basketball as a code 
at the versus screen before a game. 

No dunks
Enter Turntable, Backboard, Shoe, Basketball as a code 
at the versus screen before a game. 

Less blocks
Enter Basketball, Turntable, Shoe, Basketball as a code 
at the versus screen before a game. 

Less steals
Enter Basketball, Shoe, Backboard, Basketball as a code 
at the versus screen before a game. 

No alley-oops
Enter Basketball, Backboard, Turntable, Basketball as 
a code at the versus screen before a game. 

No 2-pointers
Enter Basketball, Turntable, Backboard, Basketball as 
a code at the versus screen before a game. 

Perfect dunker
Go to the create player screen and enter HEADBAND as 
a user name. 

Team Big
Get 10 wins in any mode. 

Team 3LW
Get 20 wins in any mode. 

NYC Legends team
Get 30 wins in any mode. 

Team Street Legends
Win the City Circuit to unlock the Street Legends team. This team 
includes Biggs, Bonafide, Drake, DJ, Takashi, Stretch, and the 
player that you did the best throughout the season. 

Team Dream
Win (complete all the objectives) hold the court mode to unlock a 
team that includes Graylien Alien, Magma Man, and Yeti Snowman. 

More player creation points
To get 100 creation points in one game, you must get a total of 500,000 
trick points or over. You have to also win by 10 points. 

Biggs and Beacon Hill court
Play the City Circuit and reach the Region 1 City Challenge. Defeat 
Biggs' team to unlock him as a selectable player and the Beacon Hill 

Bonafide and Broad Street court
Play the City Circuit and reach the Region 2 City Challenge. Defeat 
Bonafide's team to unlock him as a selectable player and the Broad 
Street court. 

Drake and The Yard court
Play the City Circuit and reach the Region 3 City Challenge. Defeat 
Drake's team to unlock him as a selectable player and The Yard court. 

DJ and Venice Beach court
Play the City Circuit and reach the Region 4 City Challenge. Defeat 
DJ's team to unlock him as a selectable player and the Venice Beach 

Takashi and Yakatomni Plaza court
Play the City Circuit and reach the Region 5 City Challenge. Defeat 
Takashi's team to unlock him as a selectable player and the Yakatomni 
Plaza court. 

Stretch and Rucker Park court
Play the City Circuit and reach the Region 2 City Challenge. Defeat 
Stretch's team to unlock him as a selectable player and the Rucker 
Park court. 

EA Big Pacific Boulevard court
Successfully complete Street School mode training. 

NBA superstars
Play the City Challenge and defeat an NBA team to unlock a players 
from their roster. 

Custom team
Successfully complete the game in single player mode with the Street 
Legends team under the expert difficulty setting. You can now create 
a team of sixteen players of your choice. 

Created player pieces
Successfully complete the hold the court challenges to unlock more 
pieces and development points for created players. 

Play as the NBA Challengers
Have one player play Hold The Court mode. While playing, another player 
can press Start and that person will have to play with the NBA Challengers 

Easy basket
To get an easy basket, pump fake, and the CPU should jump. While he is 
jumping, drive in for a dunk. 

Look at the circle under the player's feet when you have the ball. When 
a circle inside the circle under the players feet turns green, shoot the 
ball and you will make it in 99% of the time. It can be any shot but a 

Whenever you are facing another team, make sure you have a shooter. Then 
(if you are in or out of the key), try to make your player shoot as if he 
shot the ball from over his head. After you shoot, 98% of the time it will 
go in.

Easy 3 pointers
When you are playing a team and you are down in points, you have a lot better 
chance to make a 3-pointer. 

Hold B briefly to do a fadeaway and shoot when going back. 

Easy steals
To steal the ball easily, wait until you score. After that, the CPU passes 
it in. Go to the right side of the player that is getting the ball passed to him. 
When the CPU passes it in, try to steal. 

Easy blocks
The best shotblockers are athletic tall players, such as Alonzo Mourning or 
the tall Chinese player you unlock from the street challenge. If you get those 
players, you will probably block every shot made.

Easy outside shot
Hold Z + R then press B to shoot. The shooter will do an overhead set-shot, 
which will go in more often than the one-handed jumping variety.

Easy win
To win a game easily, choose a team like the Lakers with many tall players. 
When the other team tries to shoot or dunk, you can jump and block it then dunk 
then ball.

Avoid losing the ball
Do not try advanced trick moves such as Slip and Slides with large players such 
as Biggs, Shaq O' Neal, or Alonzo Mourning. They will often lose the ball at the 
end of the move. 

Stopping Gamebreakers
If the other team has a Gamebreaker and you have the ball, go to the other team's 
side of the court. Dribble and do not let the other team get the ball. When the shot 
clock is approaching zero, Shoot the ball from full court. Then, get the rebound and 
repeat. The other team's Gamebreaker will run out and you will have the ball.


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CheatBook-DataBase 2023 is a freeware cheats code tracker that makes hints, Tricks, Tips and cheats (for PC, Walkthroughs, XBox, Playstation 1 and 2, Playstation 2, Playstation 4, Sega, Nintendo 64, DVD, Wii U, Gameboy Advance, iPhone, Gameboy Color, N-Gage, Nintendo DS, PSP, Gamecube, Dreamcast, Xbox 360, Super Nintendo) easily accessible from one central location. If you´re an avid gamer and want a few extra weapons or lives to survive until the next level, this freeware cheat database can come to the rescue. Covering more than 26.800 Games, this database represents all genres and focuses on recent releases. All Cheats inside from the first CHEATSBOOK January 1998 until today.  - Release date january 8, 2023. Download CheatBook-DataBase 2023

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