
Need For Speed - Undercover - Platform: Playstation 3 - Console Games.

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  The encyclopedia of game cheats. A die hard gamer would get pissed if they saw someone using cheats and walkthroughs in games, but you have to agree, sometimes little hint or the "God Mode" becomes necessary to beat a particularly hard part of the game. If you are an avid gamer and want a few extra weapons and tools the survive the game, CheatBook DataBase is exactly the resource you would want. Find even secrets on our page. 

 Need For Speed - Undercover - Platform: Playstation 3

Need For Speed - Undercover - Platform: Playstation 3

Cheat Codes:
Enter the options menu, choose the "Secret Codes" selection, then enter one of 
the following codes to activate the corresponding cheat function. Note: The 
codes will only work once per profile. The bonus cars are only available in 
Quick Race mode.

Enter $EDSOC (contains the letter "O") or %%$3/" as a code.

Enter S1D3K1CK as a code.

Die-Cast Audi R8 car 
Enter "9:G3IF or "9;&4)% as a code to unlock the Die-Cast Audi R8 car.

Die-Cast BMW M3 E92 car 
Enter )B7@B= as a code to unlock the Die-Cast BMW M3 E92 car.

Die-Cast Chevrolet Camaro Concept car 
Enter citwoxq53f, !K?MMF0, or "*@--%0 as a code to unlock the Die-Cast Chevrolet 
Camaro Concept car.

Die-Cast Dodge Charger (1969) car 
Enter qlcukc4bqm as a code to unlock the Die-Cast Dodge Charger (1969) car.

Die-Cast Dodge Viper SRT10 car 
Enter !C6;C>E or ""6<"?$ as a code to unlock the Die-Cast Dodge Viper SRT10 car.

Die-Cast Ford Mustang GT car 
Enter i3kxodepfc as a code to unlock the Die-Cast Ford Mustang GT car.

Die-Cast Lexus IS F car 
Enter 0;5M2; (contains the number "0") or 0;6,2; (contains the number "0") as 
a code to unlock the Die-Cast Lexus IS F car.

Die-Cast Lexus IS F (alternate color) car 
Enter !7I3JMI or !8(4*-( as a code to unlock the Die-Cast Lexus IS F 
(alternate color) car.

Die-Cast Mitsubishi Lancer Evolution car 
Enter 28P:I; as a code to unlock the Die-Cast Porsche 911 Turbo car.

Die-Cast Volkswagen R32 car 
Enter !2ODBJ: (contains the letter "O") or !3/$"): as a code to unlock the 

Die-Cast Volkswagen R32 car. Lotus Elise car 
Enter -KJ3=E or .+)3>$ as a code to unlock the Lotus Elise car.

Shelby Terlingua car 
Enter NeedForSpeedShelbyTerlingua as a code to unlock the Shelby Terlingua car.

Evading the police:
While being chased by the cops, go to the lower right-hand corner of the map, by 
the stadium. Then, cross the bridge nearby. The cops will not cross that bridge. 

Accomplish the indicated achievement to get the corresponding number of 
Gamerscore points:

Community Member (15 points): Create or use an existing account to sign into 
EA Nation. 
Active Community Member (20 points): Participated in any Community Day. Visit for more info. 
Freeze! Hold it right there! (25 points): Take a Photo and upload it to 
Learner's Permit (5 points): Acquire your first car in Career Mode. 
Apprentice Mechanic (5 points): Customize a car in Career mode. 
Meet Zack (10 points): Face off against Zack in 'Rush Hour'. 
Meet Carmen (10 points): Face off against Carmen in 'The Game'. 
Meet Hector (10 points): Face off against Hector in 'Versus'. 
Meet Nickel (10 points): Face off against Nickel in 'Road Rage'. 
Meet Rose (10 points): Face off against Rose in 'Rollercoaster'. 
Zack Trap (25 points): Complete the Zack sequence in 'The Trap' mission. 
Bowling with Hector (25 points): Complete the Hector sequence in the mission 
To Protect and Serve (25 points): Complete the Carmen sequence in the mission 
Nickel and Dimes (25 points): Complete the Nickel sequence in mission 
2 Birds, 1 Stone (25 points): Complete the mission 'Double Trouble'. 
Gold Coast to Ocean (15 points): Dominate the Gold Coast to Ocean event. 
East Fasulo Bridge (15 points): Dominate the East Fasulo Bridge event. 
Pine Creek & Douglas (15 points): Dominate the Pine Creek & Douglas event. 
South Canyon Hwy (15 points): Dominate the South Canyon Hwy event. 
East I-5 (15 points): Dominate the East I-5 event. 
Bay Drive & Harbor (15 points): Dominate the Bay Drive & Harbor event. 
Tri-City Run (15 points): Dominate the Tri-City Run event. 
North River Expressway (15 points): Dominate the North River Expressway event. 
Lose the Eye in the Sky (25 points): Escape from a helicopter in a 
successfully completed pursuit. (Must be Career level 8 or greater). 
Path of Destruction (10 points): Disable 10 Police Cars in a Pursuit and 
successfully evade in Career. 
Get out of the way! (5 points): Avoid 5 Road Blocks in a Pursuit and 
successfully evade in Career. 
Aficionado (10 points): Purchase or win any 5 cars for your garage. 
Keys to the City (5 points): Unlock Port Crescent in Career. 
Branching out (10 points): Unlock Sunset Hills in Career. 
Window Shopper (20 points): Discovered all 3 Pro Shops in Career. 
Nothing Stock (20 points): Discovered all 3 Tuning Shops in Career. 
Retired (40 points): Finish the Career Story. 
Hired Goons (20 points): Takeout all the 'Goons' in Career. 
5 Finger Discount (20 points): Complete all Hot Car Missions. 
Chase or be Chased (20 points): Win all the Highway Battles in Career. 
Own the Road (25 points): Dominate 25 events in Career. 
Completionist (100 points): Complete all events in Career. 
Unstoppable Force (10 points): Avoid 50 Road Blocks in Career. 
Wasting Tax Dollars (20 points): Get $100,000 Cost to State in a single 
pursuit and evade. 
Spiked Punch (10 points): Avoid a spike strip in a Pursuit and successfully 
evade in Career. 
Love thy Tires (15 points): Avoid 12 Spike Strips total in Career pursuits. 
Lose the Fuzz (10 points): Successfully complete 5 Pursuits. 
Most Wanted (100 points): Successfully complete 50 Pursuits. 
Scrapheap (25 points): Disable 100 Police vehicles. 
Crossing the Line (10 points): Win a Ranked Multiplayer Cops and Robbers 
First! (10 points): Won a Multiplayer Ranked Game. 
First of Many (15 points): Win a Ranked Multiplayer event against 7 human 
Among the Best (25 points): Won 25 Ranked Multiplayer events. 
Notorious (50 points): Finish 119 Multiplayer Races in any position. 
Cat and Mouse Virus (5 points): Infected with the Cops and Robbers virus by 
another player in a Cops and Robbers event.


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Need For Speed - Undercover - Platform: Playstation 3Visit Cheatinfo for more Cheat Codes, FAQs or Tips!
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PC Games, PC Game Cheats, Video Games, Cheat Codes, Secrets Easter Eggs, FAQs, Walkthrough Spotlight - New Version CheatBook DataBase 2023
CheatBook-DataBase 2023 is a freeware cheats code tracker that makes hints, Tricks, Tips and cheats (for PC, Walkthroughs, XBox, Playstation 1 and 2, Playstation 2, Playstation 4, Sega, Nintendo 64, DVD, Wii U, Gameboy Advance, iPhone, Gameboy Color, N-Gage, Nintendo DS, PSP, Gamecube, Dreamcast, Xbox 360, Super Nintendo) easily accessible from one central location. If you´re an avid gamer and want a few extra weapons or lives to survive until the next level, this freeware cheat database can come to the rescue. Covering more than 26.800 Games, this database represents all genres and focuses on recent releases. All Cheats inside from the first CHEATSBOOK January 1998 until today.  - Release date january 8, 2023. Download CheatBook-DataBase 2023

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