NHL Hitz 2002 - Platform: Playstation 2
Cheat mode
Press Square, Triangle, and Circle to change the icons in the first,
second, and third boxes respectively at the match-up screen.
The numbers in the following list indicate the number of times each
button is pressed. After the icons have been changed, press the D-pad
in the indicated direction to enable the code. For example, to enter
1-2-3 Left, press Square, Triangle(2), Circle(3), Left.
Effect Code
Big head player 2-0-0 Right
Huge head player 3-0-0 Right
Big head team 2-2-0 Left
Huge head team 3-3-0 Left
Big hits 2-3-4 Down
Late hits 3-2-1 Down
Hitz time 1-0-4 Right
No crowd 2-1-0 Right
Pinball boards 4-2-3 Right
Show shot speed 1-0-1 Up
Show the team's hot spot 2-0-1 Up
No fake shots 4-2-4 Down
No puck out 1-1-1 Down
No one-timers 2-1-3 Left
Big puck 1-2-1 Up
Huge puck 3-2-1 Up
Bulldozer puck 2-1-2 Left
Tennis ball 1-3-2 Down
Snow mode 1-2-1 Left
Rain mode 1-4-1 Left
Domino effect 0-1-2 Right
Turbo boost 0-0-2 Up
Unlimited turbo 4-1-3 Right
Win fights for goals 2-0-2 Left
Skills versus 2-2-2 Down
First to 7 wins 3-2-3 Left
More time to enter codes 3-3-3 Right
Hockey Ball 1-3-3 Left
Disable previous code 0-1-0 Down
Discovering codes
While playing the game, when you get a goal you will see short FMV
sequence afterwards. In one clip, you can see the player go over
to the side of the rink and see the crowd. At the top you will see
some people holding and flipping signs. Look at them closely and you
will notice that they form codes, such as "N N N Down."
Press Square, Triangle, and Circle followed by the D-pad direction
at the vs. screen to activate the code.
Easy store credits
Play a game with the difficulty starting at the rookie setting.
Before the game ends and displays your total stats, enter the pause
menu and change the difficulty to All-Star.
You will now get All-Star credits which can be used to buy things.
Win the Midway Cup in franchise mode to unlock 5,000 extra credits
for use in the hockey shop.
Use the following trick to unlock everything as fast as possible
with the least amount of work. To get 200 very easy credits without
having to slave away on All-star mode, begin the game on the All-Star
difficulty setting. Then, after the first face-off, go into your
game settings and change the difficulty setting to Rookie. This
will make the game much easier to play. When the clock is winding
down in a period, make sure you change the difficulty back to
All-Star before the period ends. The CPU will think that you played
the whole period under the All-Star difficulty setting.
Pepeat this for all three periods and you will end the game with
200 credits if you won.
For easy one player credits, select "Custom Team", start a team, but
take all the attributes away from every person. Exit and save,
then enter exhibition mode and play that team.
Easy attributes points
Go to franchise mode and win a game to get 6 attribute points.
Easy goals
When creating a team, make one player left handed. When picking your
hot spot, make it on the right faceoff circle. When playing a game
enable the "Show the team's hot spot" code, put the left-handed player
as your defense, win the faceoff, and get it to your defender.
Skate up and shoot from where the hot spot is located.
You will make it in 9 out of 10 times.
Go around your opponent's net and pass the puck to the player that is
on the other side of the net. Pass it to him, and shoot immediately.
The goalie will not be on that side, so it is easier to score.
When on one side of the net, cross over to the other side. When you reach
the other post, shoot a slapshot or a normal shot.
When choosing your players do not worry if their shooting or passing is
good. Choose someone who has high checking. Then, have your player skate
up ice and check the goalie down. Whoever has the puck will have a wide
open net to score on.
When you and a friend are playing against the CPU, have your friend check
the goalie down. The goalie will fall down and you can score easilly.
This is useful in franchise and Stanley Cup playoff modes.
When you have the puck, go all the way left and keep passing. Once next
to the goal, pass then shoot fast. Sooner or later you will get a goal.
This works best when the "Unlimited turbo" code is enabled.
Go down the side of the rink and get behind the net.
Then skate front of it and shoot. You can also go down the rink between
the middle and side of it as fast as you possible and completely stop
slightly after the blue line. You can do this by pressing the Analog-stick
Back, then turn towards the goal and shoot.
Easy wins
Stats or attributes do not make a big difference in your game.
The way you play will affect your game. Remember what happens during game
play (for example, when you have the puck and get checked down and your
opponent scores). Never make the same mistake again in your game or you
will most likely lose. Always keep the puck moving. While you pass the
puck around in the defending zone, the opponents goalie gets tired so you
have a better chance of scoring. A good location to put your hot spot
(creating a team) is directly on the blue line dead center with the
opposing net.
Easy credits
This trick requires at least two controllers. Put one player on one team
and player two on the other. Set the period length to three minutes and
start a game. Only use one of the controllers and let the player to remain
idle. You can score and get lots of points fast and easy.
The two remaining men not controlled directly by the other player will
still check you and take the puck, but will not be able to score. You will
also get two chances at the trivia question. If you get the question correct,
both players will get the trivia points. Note: For each difficulty setting
you will get a different amount of points: 100 for Rookie and 200 for
Easy Level 3 Power Shot
When the "Code Input" screen appears for Skillz challenge, enter the
"Bulldozer Puck" (2-1-2 Left) code. This will make the boxes take
less hits, so it will be easier.
Easy fights
When playing the game with a friend, check the CPU player and not the one
that your friend is controlling. This may get you into a fight.
Finishing move during fights
While fighting a bar is displayed, showing how much life you have.
When your opponent's bar is almost empty, press Circle to do a wrestling-
type move to finish the fight. If you have enough money, buy different
heads. When you press Circle with one of the heads equipped, it will
do a special move. For example, the shark head will bite the opponent
and alien head will zap him.
Stall for time with fights
If you are ahead of a team that cannot afford to lose to, stay by your
goal or a distance behind the blue line and keep pressing Deke whenever
the player guarding you comes at you. This basically starts a fight, and
eats up time that the other team could use to score on you. Not only will
you randomly get the puck taken away from you, nobody else from the
opposing team will come at you.
More skill competition levels
Successfully complete all of the skills in a competition level to
unlock an additional level.
Get faceoffs
Faceoffs are somewhat like a Paper, Rock, Scissors game, where one move
beats another. In the game, X is similar to Paper, Circle is similar to
Rock, and Square is similar to Scissors -- X beats Circle, Circle beats
Square, and Square beats X. You can tell what the other person does by
watching their stick. When they press X, their stick will twitch. When
they press Circle, their hand will come off of the back of the stick.
When they press Square, they will hold their stick up high.
Catch fire
Score a hat-trick with a player. To catch a team fire, score three
consecutive one-timers with any player on your team.
Team fire
Score three one-timers without letting the other team score.
End opponent's fire
To extinguish the opposite team's fire, you must score a goal after a player
catches fire or score a one-timer when the other team has a team fire.
Better created team
Create six players and remove all of the last three players' experience
points. Give them to the first three players. That should give the first
three players all the experience they need.
Use team without buying them
If you want to use a team in the Hockey Shop, first you buy the team.
Then, go to exit, save, and select continue without saving. You can
now use the team. To get your money back, do not save at all after
you buy the team. Reset after you are done.