Outlaw Golf - Platform: XBox
Cheat mode
Enter Golf_Gone_Wild as a case-sensitive name when you
start a new game.
Unlock bonus costumes
At the character selection screen, hold
L and press Y, Y, White, Y, Black, Y.
Bigger ball
While playing, hold R and press
Up, Up, Up, Down. This can be done more than once.
Smaller ball
While playing, hold R and press Down, Down, Down, Up.
This can be done more than once.
No wind
While playing, hold R and press
Up, Left, Down, Right, Up, Left, Down, Right, X, X.
Beating Token
While playing, hold R and press Black, X, Black, Black, X.
Master code
Start a new game and enter Golf_Gone_Wild as a case-sensitive
name to unlock all characters, clubs, and stages. Note: Include
the underscores in the name.
Bonus costumes
Hold L and press Y(2), White, Y, Black, Y at the character
selection screen.
Distract opponent
Start a game with two or more players. While the other person
is hitting the ball, press A button to say things to distract them.
Stop Wind in it's Tracks
During gameplay hold down the RIGHT TRIGGER and press...
Up, Left, Down, Right, Up, Left, Down, Right, X, and X.
Get a beating token
During gameplay...
Hold down the Right Trigger and press: Black, Blue, Black, Black, Blue.
Only works if you don't have any beating tokens.