
Overlord 2 - Platform: Playstation 3 - Console Games.

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 Overlord 2 - Platform: Playstation 3

Overlord 2 - Platform: Playstation 3

Easy gold:
Defeat the spider Boss in Everlight Temple. Use the elevator to exit. After you 
have the Netherworld Gate to this zone unlocked, return to the temple, and open 
the secret room at the top of the stairs by using the Overlord switch. You can 
collect at least 1,000 gold from the treasure chests inside the secret room. 
Warp to Nordburg Town Gate 3 to reset the temple area. You can also loot the 
treasure chests next to the Tower Gate. Go back and forth between those two 
areas to get easy gold.

Enslave both Nordberg and Everlight for large chests of gold that spawn when the 
area is reset. Teleport between the two to collect from both and reset each for 
your return. Each set of chests contains at least 1,000 gold. Note: You must 
completely dominate a town to get 1,000 gold from chest spawning sites. All 100 
citizens must be enslaved; for each 10 citizens not enslaved will result in 100 
gold being subtracted (for example, 90 people enslaved results in 900 gold). 

Easy magic crystals:
When doing the "Repair The Tower Heart" quest, go to the last sanctuary in the 
wasteland after collecting the tower heart shards and returning to Faye. When 
you enter the room where the heart is lodged in a gnome hole, move the heart 
after positioning ten brown minions at the bottleneck near the netherworld 
portal, and five red minions behind them for precautionary measures. The gnomes 
coming out of the hole and trying to attack you will run into your minions. 
Collect all the crystals for easy money. You can also get the "Gnome Grinder" 

Easy Lifeforce:
Note: By the time you get to this area you should have picked up two Forge 
Stones. Go to Forge, and buy the Evil Eye Helmet. This gives you two Lifeforces 
instead of one for each collected. Go to the area where you need to recover the 
Green Hive. When you are making your way out with it, you will reach an area 
with two big opponents that shoot the blue beam gun. One will be roaming up top, 
and the other stands next to a wheel to open the door next to him. In the same 
room is a floor plate to release the gnomes behind a cage door. Release the 
gnomes, and use them to help kill both of the blue beam gun opponents. After 
they are dead, return to the gnome cage and open it again. They will keep 
respawning. Try setting yourself near the top of the stairs going down while 
facing toward the cage. Then, send out your minions. While they are out hunting, 
set your controller to keep sending out minions. When not killing, they are 
collecting Lifeforce at double the rate due to the helmet.

Easy dominance:
To dominate a town, over 50% of the town must be enslaved. Thus, only enslave 60 
villagers in each town, and exterminate the rest. This will make it dominated, 
and you will not have to run all over the town looking for the rest of the 

Ultimate horde:
After finishing the assault on Empire City, return to find no troops, several 
boxes with the highest grade armor and weapons, and over 2,000 gold per visit. 

Finding more people:
There are 100 people in Nordberg and Everlight. In addition to the approximately 
50 people wandering through the towns, you can find others by breaking down the 
doors of the houses.

Easy "Gnome Grinder" trophy:
After you have collected all of the Tower Heart shards, take it to Queen Fay so 
she can repair it. After the cutscene, take the Tower Heart to the sanctuary 
dungeon to power it up with the shrines. After you have charged the Tower Heart 
at the first shrine, you, your minions, and the Tower Heart will fall. When you 
find the Tower Heart, it will be sitting on top of a gnome hole that spawns an 
infinite amount of gnomes. Position all your minions next to the hole by using 
the guard marker. When you have your minions where you want them, remove five 
minions so that you can move the Tower Heart to a safe location. When you think 
the Tower Heart is out of you way, put all your minions on top of the gnome 
hole. The gnomes will die as they jump out of the hole. Walk back to the 
Netherworld Gate, but do not go into the gate. This will require about twenty 
minutes. Note: Do not get too close to the gnome hole, because the gnomes will 
run past your minions and attach themselves to you.

Easy "Gnome Grinder", "Minion Hoarder", "Minion Lover" trophies:
When you begin the mission to search for the Green Minions, you will have to 
sneak into a castle using your Minions. While you are in there, you will 
discover a few pressure plates that release gnomes as a distraction to the 
enemies. However, as long as there are still enemies in the castle the gnomes 
will keep spawning. This allows you to not only get the 1,000 kills of a gnome 
quickly, you will also be collecting crystals, gold, and Lifeforce orbs while 
doing so.

Easy "Perfect Horde" trophy:
When completely dominating towns, use the weapons produced by the villagers to 
maximize the attack power of your horde. Get the maximum horde size of 50 
minions and reach maximum attack power to unlock the "Perfect Horde" trophy.

Successfully complete one of the following tasks to get a trophy:

  100% Clear (Platinum): Unlock all Trophies available in Overlord II. 
  Adversary (Bronze): Kill an opposing Overlord 20 times in one versus match. 
  Armed and Dangerous (Bronze): Forge one weapon. 
  Big Chopper (Bronze): Achieve 50 melee kills. 
  Blue Bringer (Bronze): Find the Blue Minions. 
  Blue Steel Look (Bronze): Forged the Elemental helmet and armor. 
  Conqueror (Bronze): Win one Dominate map. 
  Crystal Collector (Bronze): Collect 50% of all Dark Crystals. 
  Dark Emperor (Silver): Kill Solarius. 
  Gnome Grinder (Bronze): Kill 1000 Gnomes. 
  Green Grabber (Bronze): Find the Green Minions. 
  Industrious Magic (Bronze): Achieve 50 kills by overcharging your Evil 
  Presence Spell. 
  Kitted Out (Bronze): Forge the Infernal helmet and armor. 
  Master Builder (Bronze): Build 50% of the Tower buildables. 
  Mayhem Maker (Bronze): Cause mayhem during the Prelude. 
  Minion Captain (Bronze): Rescue all the Minion crew from the spider webs. 
  Minion Gatherer (Bronze): Gather 250 Lifeforce orbs. 
  Minion Harvester (Bronze): Gather 10 Lifeforce orbs. 
  Minion Hoarder (Bronze): Gather 1000 Lifeforce orbs. 
  Minion Lover (Silver): Gather 5000 Lifeforce orbs. 
  New World Order (Silver): Enslave both Nordberg and Everlight. 
  Perfect Horde (Silver): Fully upgrade all 50 Minions in your Horde. 
  Pillager (Bronze): Win ten Pirate Plunder maps. 
  Red Rescuer (Bronze): Find the Red Minions. 
  Rescuer of Kelda (Bronze): Rescue Kelda from Nordberg. 
  Scrooge (Silver): Collect 50,000 gold. 
  Seal Slayer (Bronze): Kill 100 baby seals. 
  Slaver (Bronze): Enslave one Town. 
  Snatcher (Bronze): Win one Pirate Plunder map. 
  The Big D (Bronze): Win ten Dominate maps. 
  The Destructor (Silver): Achieve a 100% Destruction Tyranny rating. 
  The Dominator (Silver): Achieve a 100% Domination Tyranny rating. 
  Town Razer (Bronze): Destroy one Town. 
  Tyrant of Nordberg (Bronze): Complete full Tyranny over Nordberg through 
  either Domination or Destruction. 
  Tyrant of the Tower (Silver): Build 100% of the Tower buildables. 
  Ultimate Collector (Silver): Collect 100% of all Dark Crystals. 
  Walking Apocalypse (Silver): Destroy both Nordberg and Everlight. 
  Weapons Nut (Bronze): Forge three weapons. 


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CheatBook-DataBase 2023 is a freeware cheats code tracker that makes hints, Tricks, Tips and cheats (for PC, Walkthroughs, XBox, Playstation 1 and 2, Playstation 2, Playstation 4, Sega, Nintendo 64, DVD, Wii U, Gameboy Advance, iPhone, Gameboy Color, N-Gage, Nintendo DS, PSP, Gamecube, Dreamcast, Xbox 360, Super Nintendo) easily accessible from one central location. If you´re an avid gamer and want a few extra weapons or lives to survive until the next level, this freeware cheat database can come to the rescue. Covering more than 26.800 Games, this database represents all genres and focuses on recent releases. All Cheats inside from the first CHEATSBOOK January 1998 until today.  - Release date january 8, 2023. Download CheatBook-DataBase 2023

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