Turning Point - Fall Of Liberty - Platform: XBox 360 - Console Games. | | |
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The encyclopedia of game cheats. A die hard gamer would get pissed if they saw someone using cheats and walkthroughs in
games, but you have to agree, sometimes little hint or the "God Mode" becomes necessary to beat a particularly hard part
of the game. If you are an avid gamer and want a few extra weapons and tools the survive the game, CheatBook DataBase is
exactly the resource you would want. Find even secrets on our
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Turning Point - Fall Of Liberty - Platform: XBox 360
Complete the following achievements to unlock Xbox Live Gamerscore points.
Clingy (25 points): Kill 15 enemies in a row by grappling them on any difficulty.
Combat Veteran (25 points): Kill 250 enemies in the campaign on any difficulty.
Compat Experience (10 points): Kill 50 enemies in the campaign on any difficulty.
Dead-eye (50 points): Complete any mission with an accuracy of 80% or higher on Normal or higher difficulty.
Defender (20 points): Help defend the barricade in New York on Normal or higher difficulty.
Dolly Madison Award (20 points): Save the Constitution from being burned on Normal or higher Difficulty.
Environmentalism (15 points): Complete 40 environmental or grapple kills on any difficulty.
Exploding Monkey (20 points): Kill at least Four enemies with one explosion on any difficulty.
Going Nuclear (30 points): Rewire an Atom Bomb on Normal or Higher difficulty.
Gravity is a Harsh Mistress (5 points): Toss a paratrooper onto the streets below New York on any Difficulty.
I Saved the General (20 points): Rescue General Donnelly from the D.C. courthouse on Normal or higher difficulty.
Impeached (30 points): Oust the false President from office on any difficulty.
Master Sniper (35 points): Kill 10 enemies in a row with a headshot on any difficulty.
Need a Ride? (20 points): Meet up with the rescue team in Washington, D.C. on Normal or Higher difficulty.
Oh, the Humanity! (30 points): Destroy all the assault blimps at the Tower Bridge on any difficulty.
One Man Army (45 points): Kill 400 enemies in the campaign on any difficulty.
Presidential Citizens Medal (75 points): Complete the campaign on Hard difficulty.
Presidential Medal for Merit (35 points): Complete the campaign on Normal difficulty.
Presidential Medal of Freedom (100 points): Complete the game on Insane Difficulty.
Reservation for One (5 points): Make your way down to Hotal Langteau on Normal or higher difficulty.
Run! (25 points): Sprint for a total of 30 minutes throughout the campaign on any difficulty.
Save Yourself (25 points): Escape from New York on any Difficulty.
Sharpshooter (10 points): Kill all the paratroopers as you make your way down the skyscraper on any difficulty.
Stowaway (30 points): Sneak onto the Zeppelin on Normal or higher difficulty.
Swirly Time! (5 points): Drown a German in a toilet in the Tower of London on any Difficulty.
Turning Point (25 points): Complete the campaign on any difficulty.
TV Repairs (5 points): Smash an enemy's head through a TV in the White House on any Difficulty.
David and Goliath (30 points): Win a ranked match against someone 100 or more leaderboard ranks above you.
First Time for Everything (5 points): Finish a multiplayer game.
Killer (20 points): Get 100 ranked match kills in any mode.
Killer Instinct (30 points): Get 500 ranked match kills in any mode.
Maybe I Should Go Outside (40 points): Get 2500 ranked match kills in any mode.
MVP (15 points): Win an 8-player ranked or player match in Team Deathmatch mode with the highest score.
Next Time Take the Stairs (5 points): Fall to your death during a multiplayer game.
One in the Chamber (10 points): Kill a player in a ranked match with the last bullet in a pistol clip.
pwnt (15 points): Finish an 8-player ranked or player match in Deathmatch mode with the highest number of kills.
Stayin' Alive (25 points): Finish a ranked match in Deathmatch mode without dying.
Team Player (25 points): Win 20 ranked matches in Team Deathmatch mode.
Uberdork (25 points): Win 5 ranked matches in Deathmatch mode.
World Tour (15 points): Finish a multiplayer game on every map in every mode.
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Spotlight - New Version CheatBook DataBase 2023 |
CheatBook-DataBase 2023 is a freeware cheats code tracker that makes hints, Tricks, Tips and cheats (for PC, Walkthroughs,
XBox, Playstation 1 and 2, Playstation 2, Playstation 4, Sega, Nintendo 64,
DVD, Wii U, Gameboy Advance, iPhone, Gameboy Color, N-Gage, Nintendo DS, PSP, Gamecube, Dreamcast, Xbox 360, Super Nintendo) easily accessible from one central location. If you´re an avid
gamer and want a few extra weapons or lives to survive until the next level, this freeware cheat database can come to the rescue. Covering more than 26.800 Games, this database represents
all genres and focuses on recent releases. All Cheats inside from the first CHEATSBOOK January 1998 until today. - Release date january 8, 2023.
Download CheatBook-DataBase 2023 |
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