
Ultimate Mortal Kombat 3 - Platform: Super Nintendo - Console Games.

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 Ultimate Mortal Kombat 3 - Platform: Super Nintendo

Ultimate Mortal Kombat 3 - Platform: Super Nintendo

Submitted by: Gulshan

Human Smoke
this code will allow you to play as Human Smoke. You 
must enter the code before each match to continue playing 
as this character. 

How to do this Code
On the character select screen, select Robot Smoke. 
After selecting Robot Smoke, press and hold Back, 
High Punch, High Kick, Block and Run on the controller. 
You must be holding all of these buttons before the match begins.
Sound Test
This code will allow you to access the sounds in Ultimate MK3. 

How to do this code: 
On the "Start Game/Option Menu," press Left, Down, Y button, Y 
button. The words sound test will appear as an option.
Kool Stuff
This code will allow you to access the following options: 
1. Timer - Turn timer on or off. 
2. Max Fatality - Add additional fatality time. 
3. Play Mini Game - Play a Galaxian type game. 
4. Kombat Zone - Allows you to select the Kombat Zone. 
5. Enable Pause - Allows you to pause the game. 
6. View Game Credits - This will show you the end game credits. 

How to do this code (On Controller One): 
On the "Start Game/Option Menu," press Right, Up, B Button, 
B Button, A Button, Down, Up, B Button, Down, Up, B Button. 
You will hear Shao Kahn's laugh and the words "Kool Stuff" 
will appear on the screen.
Kooler Stuff
This code will allow you to access the following options: 
1. 2x Health - Twice as much life. 
2. 2x Damage - Do twice as much damage to your opponent. 
3. Quick Finish - This code will enable One Button Fatalities. 
4. Enable Motaro - Play as Motaro. (Only in Two Player Mode!) 
5. Enable Power Kode - Reduce all combo damage. 
6. Health Recovery - Recover damage. 
7. 30 Credits - Add 25 additional credits. 

How to do this code (On Controller One): 
On the "Start Game/Option Menu," press Up, B Button, A 
Button, Left, Down, Y Button. You will hear Shao Kahn's 
laugh and the words "Kooler Stuff" will appear on the screen.
Scott's Stuff
This code will allow you to access the following options: 
1. Throws - Turn throwing on or off. 
2. Blocks - Turn blocking on or off. 
3. Sweeps - Turn sweeping on or off 
4. Combos - Turn combos on or off. 
5. Dark Fighting - Screen will go dark until you hit your opponent. 
6. Switcheroo - Cpu will randomly change your fighter. 
7. Quick Uppercut Recovery - Recover quickly after an uppercut. 
8. Hyper Fighting - Super fast fighting. 
9. Enable Shao Kahn - Play as Shao Kahn. (Only in Two 
Player Mode!) 

How to do this code (On Controller One): 
On the "Start Game/Option Menu," press the B Button, A 
Button, Down, Down, Left, A Button, X Button, B Button, 
A Button, B Button, Y Button. You will hear "excellent" 
and the words "Scott's Stuff" will appear on the screen.
Tournament Mode
This code will allow you to access a two-player tournament 
mode, similar to an endurance battle. 

How to do this Code: 
On the "Start/Options" Menu press and hold the L and R 
buttons. While holding these buttons press Start. 

If you use random select in this mode, the computer may 
randomly select Sheeva. If this happens the game screen 
will scramble and freeze up. The only way to get out of 
this is to hit reset. To prevent this from happening, do 
not use random select in this mode.

Ultimate Mortal Kombat 3 Cheats:
Submitted by: Gulshan

Special Moves:
Fan Lift: B, B, B, HP
Fan Toss: F, F, HP + LP (can be done in air too)
Air Punch: D, B, HP
Finishing Moves:
Fatality 1: R, R, BL, BL, LK (close)
Fatality 2: B, D, F, F, HK (close)
Animality: D, D, D, D + R (between close and sweep) - A, SS
Babality: F, F, D, F, HK
Friendship: D, B, F, F, LP
Brutality: HP, HP, BL, HK, BL, LK, BL, BL, LP, BL, HP, BL - SG, SN
Stage: F, D, D, LK
HK, HK, LK, B + HK (23%)
HP, HP, B + LP, F + HP (25%)

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Special Moves:
Acid Spit: F, F, HP
Fast Force Ball: F, F, HP + LP
Slow Force Ball: B, B, HP + LP
Invisibility: Up, D, HK
Reverse Elbow: B, F, LK
Slide: B + LP + BL + LK - A, SS, SN
Slide: B + LP +BL or B + BL + LK - SG
Finishing Moves:
Fatality 1: B, B, F, D, BL (outside sweep)
Fatality 2: Hold BL, F, F, Up, Up, release BL, HK (small distance)
Animality: D, D, D, Up, HK (close) - A, SS
Babality: F, F, B, D, LK
Friendship: D, F, F, B, HK (close)
Brutality: HP, BL, HK, HK, BL, HP, LP, LK, LK, BL, LP - SG, NS
Stage: BL, R, BL, BL 
HP, HP, D + LP (18%)
HK, HK, B + HK (21%)
HP, HP, HK, B + HK (24%)

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Special Moves:
Energy Rings: D, F, LP
Wave Punch: F, B, HP
Bicycle Kick: B, B, D, HK
Leg Throw: D + LP + BL
Finishing Moves:
Fatality 1: Hold BL + R, Up, Up, B, D (half screen)
Fatality 2: B, F, D, D, R (more than half screen)
Animality: Hold LP, B, F, D, F, release LP (close) - A, SS
Babality: D, D, F, LK
Friendship: B, F, B, D + R
Brutality: HP, LK, BL, HP, LK, BL, HP, LP, BL, HK, LK - SG, SN
Stage: F, F, D, HP 
HP, HP, LP, B + HP (22%)
HK, HK, HP, HP, LP, B + HP (31%)
HK, HP, HP, LP, B + HP (27%)
HK, HP, HP, U + LP (23%)
HP, HP, U + LP (18%)
HK, HP, HP, U + HP (23%)
HK, HK, HP, HP, U + LP (27%)
HK, HK, B + HK (19%)

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Special Moves:
Bionic Rush: F, F, HK
Single Shot: B, F, HP
Double Shot: F, F, B, B, HP
Ground Smash: Hold LK for 3 seconds, then release
Gotcha Grab: F, F, LP (keep pressing LP to keep punching)
Quad Throw: Throw and tap HP repeatedly
Backbreaker: BL (in air) 
Finishing Moves:
Fatality 1: Hold BL, Up, D, F, Up, release BL (close)
Fatality 2: R, BL, R, R, LK (full screen)
Animality: Hold LP, F, F, D, F, then release LP (close) - A, SS
Babality: D, D, D, LK
Friendship: LK, R, R, LK
Brutality: HP, HP, HP, BL, LP, HP, HP, HP, BL, LP, HP - SG, SN
Stage: D, F, D, LP 
HK, HK, B + HK (19%)
HP, HP, BL, LP, B + HP (27%)
HK, HK, D + HP, HP, BL, LP, B + HP (33%)

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Special Moves:
Shadow Shoulder: F, F, LK
Red Shadow Shoulder: B, B, F, HK - SG only
Arrow Shot: D, B, LP
Hatchet Swipe: D, F, HP
Projectile Reflection: B, B, B, HK
Finishing Moves:
Fatality 1: Hold BL, Up, Up, B, F, release BL, BL (close)
Fatality 2: B, B, D, HP (sweep)
Animality: F, F, D, D (close) - A, SS
Babality: F, B, F, B, LP
Friendship: R, R, R, R + D (sweep)
Brutality: HP, HP, HK, LK, LK, BL, BL, LP, LP, HP, HK - SG, SN
Stage: R, R, BL 
HK, HK, B + HK (19%) 
HP, HP, LP, D, F + HP (23%)
HP, HP, LP, HK (22%)
LK, HP, HP, LP, D, F + HP (28%)
HK, HP, HP, LP, HK (27%)

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Special Moves:
High Boomerang: B, F, HP
Mid Boomerang: B, F, LP
Low Boomerang: B, F, LK
Projectile Invincibility: B, F, HK
Shadow Kick: D, F, LK
Return Low Boomerang: B, B, F, LP (Will only return if your opponent is human 
and if he ducks under the boomerang)
Finishing Moves:
Fatality 1: Hold BL, Up, Up, D, F, HP (close)
Fatality 2: R, R, R, BL, R (close)
Animality: F, D, F, F, LK (close) - A, SS
Babality: D, D, F, D, HK
Friendship: B, D, B, B, HK
Brutality: HP, LK, HP, LP, HK, HK, LK, BL, BL, HP, HK - SG, SN
Stage: B, F, D, R 
HP, HP, D + LP, D + HP (22%)
HK, HK, LK, B + HK (23%)
HP, HP, D + LP, LK, HK, B + LK, B + HK (25%) (34% CPU)

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Special Moves:
Spear: B, B, LP
Teleport Punch: D, B, HP (can be done in air)
Air Throw: BL (in air) 
Finishing Moves:
Fatality 1: D, D, Up, HK (past sweep)
Fatality 2: F, F, D, Up, R (close)
Animality: F, Up, Up, HK (close) - A, SS
Babality: D, B, B, F, HP
Friendship: B, F, F, B, LK (close)
Brutality: HP, HP, BL, HK, HK, LK, HK, HP, HP, LP, HP - SG, SN
Stage: F, Up, Up, LP 
HP, HP, HK, B + HK (24%)
HK, HK, LK, LK (23%)
HP, HP, U + LP (18%)

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Special Moves:
Knife Throw: D, B, HP
Knife Uppercut: D, F, HP
Ball Roll: Hold LK for 3 seconds, then release
Upwards Ball Roll: F, D, F, HK
Grab and Shake: D, F + LP
Air Take Down: BL (in air)
Finishing Moves:
Fatality 1: Hold LP, F, D, D, F, release LP (close)
Fatality 2: LP, BL, BL, HK (sweep)
Animality: Hold HP, BL, BL, BL (close) - A, SS
Babality: F, F, D, D, LK
Friendship: LK, R, R, HK
Brutality: HP, LP, BL, LP, HP, BL, HK, LK, BL, HK, LK - SG, SN
Stage: Up, Up, B, LK 
HK, LP (15%)
HK, D + LP, D + HP (19%)
HK, HK, LK, B + HK (23%)
HP, HP, B + LP (18%)
HP, HP, D + LP, D + HP (22%)
HP, HP, HK, LK, B + HK (26%)

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Special Moves:
Sai Throw: Hold HP for 2 seconds, then release (can be done in air)
Air Kick: F, F + LK
Ground Roll: B, B, D, HK 
Finishing Moves:
Fatality 1: B, B, B, F, LK (full screen)
Fatality 2: D, F, D, F, LP (close)
Animality: F, D, D, F, HK (close) - A, SS
Babality: D, D, F, F, HP
Friendship: D, D, B, F, HP
Brutality: HP, LP, LP, HP, BL, HK, LK, HK, BL, HP, LP - SG, SN
Stage: D, D, D, LP 
HP, HP, Up + LP, D + LP (22%)
HK, HK, Up + LK, Up + HK (23%) 
HP, HP, HK, HK, Up + LK, Up + HK (30%)
HP, HP, HK, HK, D - F + LK (24%)
HK, HK, D - F + LK (16%)

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Special Moves:
Telekinetic Slam: B, D, B, HK
Green Blast: D, B, LP
Teleport Punch: D, B, HP (can be done in air too)
Finishing Moves:
Fatality 1: D, Up, D, D, D, BL (sweep)
Fatality 2: R, BL, R, R, HK (close)
Animality: ??? - A, SS
Babality: ???
Friendship: ???
Brutality: HP, HP, LP, BL, HK, LK, BL, HP, LP, LK, HK - SG, SN
Stage: R, R, R, R, LK 
HK, LP (15%)
HK, HK, LK, B + HK (23%)
HP, HP, B + LP, D, F, HP (19%)
HP, HP, B + LP, HK, B + LK (24%)

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 Classic Sub Zero
Special Moves:
Freeze: D, F, LP
Ground Freeze: D, B, LK
Slide: B + LP + BL + LK - A, SS, SN
Slide: B + LP +BL or B + BL + LK - SG
Finishing Moves:
Fatality 1: D, D, D, F, HP (close)
Fatality 2: ???
Animality: ??? - A, SS
Babality: ???
Friendship: ???
Brutality: HP, LP, HP, BL, LK, LK, HK, HK, LP, HP, LP - SG, SN
Stage: F, D, F, F, HP 
HP, HP, LK, B + HK, F + LK (26%)
LK, B + HK, F + LK (19%)
HP, HP, D + LP, D + HP (22%)

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 Sub Zero
Special Moves:
Ice Blast: D, F, LP
Ice Clone: D, B, LP (can be done in air too)
Ice Shower:
Front: D, F, B, HP
Over: D, F, HP
Behind: D, B, F, HP
Slide: B + LP + BL + LK - A, SS, SN
Slide: B + LP +BL or B + BL + LK - SG
Finishing Moves:
Fatality1: B, B, D, B, R (sweep)
Fatality2: BL, BL, R, BL, R (close)
Animality: F, F, Up, Up (close) - A, SS
Babality: D, B, B, HK
Friendship: LK, LK, R, R, Up
Brutality: HP, LK, HK, LP, HP, HK, HK, HP, HP, LP, HP - SG, SN
Stage: B, D, F, F, HK
HP, HP, LK, HK, B + HK (26%)
HP, HP, B + HK (18%)
HK, HK, B + HK (19%)
HP, HP, LP, B + LK, B + HK, B + HK (23%) (Computer does 30%)
HP, HP, LP, B + HK (22%)

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Special Moves:
Missile: F, F, LP
Heat Seeking Missile: F, D, B, HP - A, SS, SN
Heat Seeking Missile: D, B, HP - SG
Teleport Punch: F, F, LK (can be done in air too)
Finishing Moves:
Fatality 1: LP, R, R, BL (sweep)
Fatality 2: F, F, F, B, BL (far)
Animality: F, F, D, Up (close) - A, SS
Babality: B, D, D, D, HK
Friendship: R, R, R, R, D (half screen)
Brutality: HP, HP, BL, BL, HK, HK, LK, LK, LP, LP, HP - SG, SN
Stage: R, R, R, D 
HK, HK (15%)
HP, HP, HK, B + HK (22%)
HP, HP, HK, HK, B + HK (26%)
HP, HP, D + LP (18%)

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Special Moves:
Fireball: F, F, LP
Air Fireball: D, F, LK (while jumping or floating)
Scream: F, F, F, HP
Float: B, B, F, HK (press BL to land)
Finishing Moves:
Fatality 1: R, R, BL, R, BL (sweep)
Fatality 2: R, BL, BL, R + BL (close)
Animality: F, F, Up, HP (close) - A, SS
Babality: R, R, R, Up
Friendship: R, R, R, R, R, Up
Brutality: HP, BL, LK, BL, LK, HK, BL, HK, LK, BL, LP, LP - SG, SN
Stage: D, D, D, LP 
HP, HP, D + HP (19%)
HP, HP, LP, HK (25%)
HK, HP, HP, D + HP (27%)
HK, HP, HP, LP, HK (33%)
HK, HK, B + HK (19%)

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Special Moves:
Rushing Attack: F, F, HK
Baton Takedown: F, B, LP
Low Grenade: D, B, LP
High Grenade: D, B, HP 
Gun: B, F, HP
Finishing Moves:
Fatality 1: D, F, D, F, BL (close)
Fatality 2: F, F, F, LK (full screen)
Animality: R, R, R, BL (sweep) - A, SS
Babality: D, F, F, B, HP
Friendship: LP, R, R, LP
Brutality: HP, LP, HK, LK, HP, LP, LK, HK, HP, LK, LK - SG, SN
Stage: F, Up, Up, HK 
HP, HP, LP (18%)
HK, HP, HP, LP (23%)
HP, HP, LP (18%)
HK, LK, B + LP, B + HK (23%)
HK, LK, B + HK (19%)

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Special Moves:
Far Bomb Toss: Hold LK, F, F, HK
Near Bomb Toss: Hold LK, B, B, HK
Teleport: F, D, BL (can be done in air too)
Green Net: B, B, LK
Air Run: (When you are on ground, and victim is in air) D, F, BL 
(When your near the victim in mid air press B + LP to throw.)
Finishing Moves:
Fatality 1: D, D, Up, D, HP (close)
Fatality 2: D, D, F, Up, R (close)
Animality: Up, Up, D, D (close) - A, SS
Babality: F, F, B, HP
Friendship: R, R, R, Up
Brutality: HP, HK, HP, HK, HK, HP, HK, HP, HK, LK, LP - SG, SN
Stage: R, BL, R 
HP, HP, LP (18%)
HK, HK, B + HK (19%)
HP, HP, HK, HP, HK, B + HK (30%)

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 Kung Lao
Special Moves:
Hat Throw: B, F, LP
Diving Kick: D, HK (in air)
Spinning Shield: F, D, F, R (tap R repeatedly)
Teleport: D, Up
Finishing Moves:
Fatality 1: R, BL, R, BL, D
Fatality 2: F, F, B, D, HP (inside sweep)
Animality: R, R, R, R, BL (close) - A, SS
Babality: D, F, F, HP
Friendship: R, LP, R, LK (past sweep)
Brutality: HP, LP, LK, HK, BL, HP, LP, LK, HK, BL, HP - SG, SN
Stage: D, D, F, F, LK 
LK, LK, B + HK (19%)
HP, LP, HP, LP, LK, LK, B + HK (34%)
HP, LK, B + HK (18%)

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Special Moves:
Top Spin: B, F, LK
Fireball: B, B, HP (can be done in air too)
Ground Saw: B, B, B, R 
Finishing Moves:
Fatality 1: D, D, B, F, BL (far)
Fatality 2: R, BL, BL, BL, HK (close)
Animality: Hold HP, F, F, D, F, then release HP (close) - A, SS
Babality: R, R, LK
Friendship: R, LK, R, R, Up (outside sweep)
Brutality: HP, BL, LK, LK, LK, HK, LP, LP, LP, HP, LP - SG, SN
Stage: BL, BL, HK 
HP, HP, D + HP (13%)
LK, LK, HP, HP, D + HP (15%)
HP, HP, HK, B + HK (25%)
HP, HP, D + LP, D + HP (17%)
LK, LK, HP, HP, D + LP, D + HP (17%)
LK, LK, HP, HP, HK, B + HK (18%)
HK, LK, B + HK (18%)
HK, LK, HK, B + HK (24%)

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Note: This character is only available in the Arcade and Sega Saturn versions of the game.
Special Moves:
Earthquake Stomp: B, D, B, HK
Fireball: D, F, HP
Teleport Stomp: D, Up
Finishing Moves:
Fatality 1: F, D, D, F, LP (close)
Fatality 2: Hold HK, F, B, F, F, release HK (close)
Animality: R, BL, BL, BL, BL (sweep)
Babality: D, D, D, B, HK
Friendship: F, F, D, F, start, HP
Stage: D, F, D, F, LP 
HP, HP, LP, F + HP (25%)
HK, HK, LK, B + HK (27%)
HP, HP, LP, HK, HK, LK, B + HK (42%)

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 Shang Tsung
Special Moves:
Single Fireball: B, B, HP
Double Fireballs: B, B, F, HP
Triple Fireballs: B, B, F, F, HP
Triple Ground Fireballs: F, B, B, LK 
Finishing Moves:
Fatality 1: Hold LP, D, F, F, D (close)
Fatality 2: Hold LP, R, BL, R, BL (close)
Animality: Hold HP, R, R, R (sweep) - A, SS
Babality: R, R, R, LK
Friendship: LK, R, R, D
Brutality: HP, BL, BL, BL, LK, HP, LP, LP, BL, BL, BL - SG, SN
Stage: Up, Up, B, LP 
Cyrax: BL, BL, BL
Classic Sub-Zero: BL, BL, R, R
Ermac: D, D, Up
Jade: F, F, D, D, BL
Jax: F, F, D, LP
Kabal: LP, BL, HK
Kano: B, F, BL
Kitana: F, D, F, R
Kung Lao: R, R, BL, R
Liu Kang: D, B, Up, F, D (360° forward)
Mileena: R, BL, HK
Nightwolf: Up, Up, Up
Noob Saibot: F, D, D, B, HK - SG
Rain: R, BL, LK - SG
Reptile: R, BL, BL, HK
Scorpion: D, D, F, LP
Sektor: D, F, B, R
Sheeva: Hold LK, F, D, F, release LK or F, D, F, LK, LK - A, SS
Sindel: B, D, B, LK
Sonya: D + R + LP + BL
Smoke: F, F, LP - SG
Stryker: F, F, F, HK
Sub-Zero: F, D, F, HP
HP, HP, LP, B + HK (22%)
HK, HK, B + HK (19%)
LK, HP, HP, LP, B + HK (27%)

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 Liu Kang
Special Moves:
High Fireball: F, F, HP (can be done in air too)
Low Fireball: F, F, LP
Flying Kick: F, F, HK
Bicycle Kick: Hold LK for 3 seconds, then release
Finishing Moves:
Fatality 1: F, F, D, D, LK
Fatality 2: Up, D, Up, Up, BL + R
Animality: D, D, Up (sweep) - A, SS
Babality: D, D, D, HK
Friendship: R, R, R, D + R
Brutality: HP, LP, HP, BL, LK, HK, LK, HK, LP, LP, HP - SG, SN
Stage: R, BL, BL, LK 
HP, HP, B + LP (13%)
HK, LK, HK, LK (22%)
HP, LK, LK, HK, LK (25%)
HP, HP, BL, LK, LK, HK, LK (28%)
Jump Kick, High Fireball, Flying Kick (28%)

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Special Moves:
Harpoon: B, B, LP
Teleport Uppercut: F, F, LK (can be done in air too)
Air Throw: BL (in air)
Invisibility: Hold BL, Up, Up, R 
Finishing Moves:
Fatality 1: Hold BL Up, Up, F, D (full screen)
Fatality 2: Hold R + BL, D, D, F, Up (sweep)
Animality: D, F, F, BL (full screen) - A, SS
Babality: D, D, B, B, HK
Friendship: R, R, R, HK (full screen)
Brutality: HP, LK, LK, HK, BL, BL, LP, LP, HP, HP, BL, BL - SG, SN
Stage: F, F, D, LK 
HP, HP, LK, HK, LP (26%)
HK, HK, LP (19%)
HP, HP, HK (18%)
HP, HP, B + LP (18%)

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 Ninja Smoke
Special Moves:
Spear: B, B, LP
Teleport Punch: D, B, HP (can be done in air too)
Air Throw: BL (in air) 
Finishing Moves:
Fatality 1: R, BL, R, R, HK (close)
Babality: D, B, B, F, HP
Brutality: HP, HP, BL, LK, HK, HP, HK, HP, HK, LP, LK - SG, SN
Stage: F, Up, Up, LP 
HK, LP (15%)
HK, D + LP, D + HP (18%)
HP, HP, U + LP (19%)
HP, HP, HK, B + HK (24%)
HK, HK, LK, B + HK (23%)

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Note: This character is only available in the Sega Genesis and Super 
Nintendo versions of the game.
Special Moves:
Mind Control Orb: D, F, HP
Super Roundhouse Kick: B + HK
Lighting Grab: B, B, HP
Finishing Moves:
Babality: F, B, B, HP - SN
Brutality: HP, HP, BL, LK, HK, BL, LK, HK, BL, HP, LP
Stage: F, D, F, HP - SN
HP, HP, LP, HP (22%)
HK, HK, LK, HK, B + HK (29%)
HK, HK, LP, HP (21%)

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 Noob Saibot
Note: This character is only available in the Sega Genesis and Super 
Nintendo versions of the game.
Special Moves:
Clone Throw: F, F, HP
Teleport Slam: D, Up
No Block Ball: D, F, LP 
Finishing Moves:
Babality: F, F, F, LP - SN
Brutality: HP, LK, LP, BL, LK, HK, HP, LP, BL, LK, HK
Stage: F, D, F, BL - SN
LK, LK, LK, LK (23%)
HP, HP, LP, HK (22%)

Go to top

Note: This character is only available in the Sega Genesis and Super 
Nintendo versions of the game.
Special Moves:
Fireball: D, B, HP
Toss: F + LP (close)
Sweep: B + LK
Grab and Smack: F, F, LP
Teleport: D, Up

Go to top

 Shao Kahn
Note: This character is only available in the Sega Genesis and Super 
Nintendo versions of the game.
Special Moves:
Hammer: B, F, HP
Fireball: B, B, F, LP
Shoulder: F, F, LP
Upwards Shoulder: F, F, HP
Insult: D, D, LK
Laugh: D, D, HK

Get Flawless Victory Every Time & Very Easy
Select Noob Saibot then on a battle, try to hit your opponent with a cloud (Down, 
Forward+B) if you got him or her then send a clone Noob Saibot (ForwardX2+Y) then 
wait for the clone to throw him or her at you, then give'em a Uppercut then quickly 
while he or she is in the middle air Teleport (Down, Up) grab him or her then wait 
for your opponent to hit the ground, when she or he hits the ground he or she will 
bounce then while in the Middle Air shoot a cloud, and voila, repeat this until he or she is dead.

Select a two player game and enter the Vs. screen. 
Press Y, B, and A on controller one to select the first three characters of the Kode, 
And those same buttons on controller two for the last three characters. 
Enter a valid Kode before the Vs. screen fades. 
Pressing a button will cycle the specific character to which it is assigned: 

Character Abbreviation Presses 
Dragon D 0 
MK Logo M 1 
Ying-Yang Y 2 
Three 3 3 
Question Mark ? 4 
Lightning Bolt L 5 
Goro G 6 
Raiden R 7 
Shao Kahn K 8 
Skull S 9

Sound test
Enter one of the following series of controller actions at the start/options screen to 
display the corresponding cheat menu. Press Left, Down, Y(2) at the start/options screen.

More Codes
Kombat Kode Effect 
000-033 or 033-000 
Player 1/2 half energy 

000-707 or 707-000 
Player 1/2 quarter energy 

445-any or any-445 
Timer disabled 

One button brutalities (press HP) 

Extended fatality time 

One button fatalities 

Fast uppercut recovery 

No power - one hit kills! 

No music 

Health recovery. 

Throwing disabled 

Throwing encouraged 

Blocking disabled 

Winner fights Smoke 

Winner fights Noob 

Winner fights Shao Kahn 

Winner fights Motaro 

444-444 or 460-460 
Randper Kombat 

Fight at Pit III 

Fight on The Roof 

No Fear message 

Flipper message 

"..No knowledge without power" 

Uppercut changes stage every time 

Hyper speed 

Credit screen before fight 

8-man tournament with random characters 

In-close combos disabled 

Sweeping disabled 

Minimal damage 

Invisible fighters 

No powerbars 

Dark fighting 

Psycho kombat 

Play hidden game 

Fight at Scorpion's Lair 

Fight at Jade's Desert 

Unlimited running 

Fight at The River 

Fight at Kahn's Kave

In Game Restart
Quickly tap Start on controller two, then hold Start on controller one in a one player game. 
Select the "Mortal Kombat" option to start a new game.

Scott's Stuff
Enter one of the following series of controller actions at the start/options screen to display 
the corresponding cheat menu. Press B, A, Down(2), Left, A, X, B, A, B, Y. 

Display Mystery Text
Hold L + R on controller two and power on the SNES.

Fight As Human Smoke
Highlight the Smoke. Hold Away + HP + HK + Block + Run until the match starts.

Random Character Select
Highlight Rain and press Up + Start. For player two, highlight Noon Saibot and press Up + 
Start on controller two.

Cooler Stuff
Enter one of the following series of controller actions at the start/options screen to 
display the corresponding cheat menu. Press Up, B, A, Left, Down, Y. 

Cool Stuff
Enter one of the following series of controller actions at the start/options screen to 
display the corresponding cheat menu. Press Right, Up, B(2), A, Down, Up, B, Down, Up, B. 

Original Tournament
Highlight the "Start" option at the title screen, then press L + R + Start for an 8 x 8 
endurance tournament mode. Press Up + Start to select random fighters. Note: At times a "?" 
will appear in a fighter's box, which will result in a glitched Sheeva and may crash the game.

Submitted by: danny portillo 

how to do the frosty, crispy, toasty, cool stuff, and how to get to the sound menu and do 
the fatalitiy 1 and fatality 2 ,pit 3 babalities, animalities, brutalities, friendship, stages,
100 credits, send it to me the more fast the you can

Submitted by: andresb-24

Special Moves

B - Back
F - Forward
D - Down
Up - Up
LP - Low Punch
HP - High Punch
LK - Low Kick
HK - High Kick
BL - Block
R - Run

Babality and Friendship
Don't use BL during the final round.


Special Moves:
Fan Lift: B, B, B, HP
Fan Toss: F, F, HP + LP (can be done in air too)
Air Punch: D, B, HP
Finishing Moves:
Fatality 1: R, R, BL, BL, LK (close)
Fatality 2: B, D, F, F, HK (close)
Babality: F, F, D, F, HK
Friendship: D, B, F, F, LP
Brutality: HP, HP, BL, HK, BL, LK, BL, BL, LP, BL, HP, BL
Stage: F, D, D, LK
HK, HK, LK, B + HK (23%)
HP, HP, B + LP, F + HP (25%)

> Reptile

Special Moves:
Acid Spit: F, F, HP
Fast Force Ball: F, F, HP + LP
Slow Force Ball: B, B, HP + LP
Invisibility: Up, D, HK
Reverse Elbow: B, F, LK
Slide: B + LP + BL + LK
Finishing Moves:
Fatality 1: B, B, F, D, BL (outside sweep)
Fatality 2: Hold BL, F, F, Up, Up, release BL, HK (small distance)
Babality: F, F, B, D, LK
Friendship: D, F, F, B, HK (close)
Brutality: HP, BL, HK, HK, BL, HP, LP, LK, LK, BL, LP
Stage: BL, R, BL, BL 
HP, HP, D + LP (18%)
HK, HK, B + HK (21%)
HP, HP, HK, B + HK (24%)

> Sonya

Special Moves:
Energy Rings: D, F, LP
Wave Punch: F, B, HP
Bicycle Kick: B, B, D, HK
Leg Throw: D + LP + BL
Finishing Moves:
Fatality 1: Hold BL + R, Up, Up, B, D (half screen)
Fatality 2: B, F, D, D, R (more than half screen)
Babality: D, D, F, LK
Friendship: B, F, B, D + R
Brutality: HP, LK, BL, HP, LK, BL, HP, LP, BL, HK, LK 
Stage: F, F, D, HP 
HP, HP, LP, B + HP (22%)
HK, HK, HP, HP, LP, B + HP (31%)
HK, HP, HP, LP, B + HP (27%)
HK, HP, HP, U + LP (23%)
HP, HP, U + LP (18%)
HK, HP, HP, U + HP (23%)
HK, HK, HP, HP, U + LP (27%)
HK, HK, B + HK (19%)

> Jax

Special Moves:
Bionic Rush: F, F, HK
Single Shot: B, F, HP
Double Shot: F, F, B, B, HP
Ground Smash: Hold LK for 3 seconds, then release
Gotcha Grab: F, F, LP (keep pressing LP to keep punching)
Quad Throw: Throw and tap HP repeatedly
Backbreaker: BL (in air) 
Finishing Moves:
Fatality 1: Hold BL, Up, D, F, Up, release BL (close)
Fatality 2: R, BL, R, R, LK (full screen)
Babality: D, D, D, LK
Friendship: LK, R, R, LK
Brutality: HP, HP, HP, BL, LP, HP, HP, HP, BL, LP, HP 
Stage: D, F, D, LP 
HK, HK, B + HK (19%)
HP, HP, BL, LP, B + HP (27%)
HK, HK, D + HP, HP, BL, LP, B + HP (33%)

> Nightwolf

Special Moves:
Shadow Shoulder: F, F, LK
Arrow Shot: D, B, LP
Hatchet Swipe: D, F, HP
Projectile Reflection: B, B, B, HK
Finishing Moves:
Fatality 1: Hold BL, Up, Up, B, F, release BL, BL (close)
Fatality 2: B, B, D, HP (sweep)
Babality: F, B, F, B, LP
Friendship: R, R, R, R + D (sweep)
Brutality: HP, HP, HK, LK, LK, BL, BL, LP, LP, HP, HK
Stage: R, R, BL 
HK, HK, B + HK (19%) 
HP, HP, LP, D, F + HP (23%)
HP, HP, LP, HK (22%)
LK, HP, HP, LP, D, F + HP (28%)
HK, HP, HP, LP, HK (27%)

> Jade

Special Moves:
High Boomerang: B, F, HP
Mid Boomerang: B, F, LP
Low Boomerang: B, F, LK
Projectile Invincibility: B, F, HK
Shadow Kick: D, F, LK
Return Low Boomerang: B, B, F, LP (Will only return if your opponent is human 
and if he ducks under the boomerang)
Finishing Moves:
Fatality 1: Hold BL, Up, Up, D, F, HP (close)
Fatality 2: R, R, R, BL, R (close)
Babality: D, D, F, D, HK
Friendship: B, D, B, B, HK
Brutality: HP, LK, HP, LP, HK, HK, LK, BL, BL, HP, HK 
Stage: B, F, D, R 
HP, HP, D + LP, D + HP (22%)
HK, HK, LK, B + HK (23%)
HP, HP, D + LP, LK, HK, B + LK, B + HK (25%) (34% CPU)

> Scorpion

Special Moves:
Spear: B, B, LP
Teleport Punch: D, B, HP (can be done in air)
Air Throw: BL (in air) 
Finishing Moves:
Fatality 1: D, D, Up, HK (past sweep)
Fatality 2: F, F, D, Up, R (close)
Babality: D, B, B, F, HP
Friendship: B, F, F, B, LK (close)
Brutality: HP, HP, BL, HK, HK, LK, HK, HP, HP, LP, HP
Stage: F, Up, Up, LP 
HP, HP, HK, B + HK (24%)
HK, HK, LK, LK (23%)
HP, HP, U + LP (18%)

> Kano

Special Moves:
Knife Throw: D, B, HP
Knife Uppercut: D, F, HP
Ball Roll: Hold LK for 3 seconds, then release
Upwards Ball Roll: F, D, F, HK
Grab and Shake: D, F + LP
Air Take Down: BL (in air)
Finishing Moves:
Fatality 1: Hold LP, F, D, D, F, release LP (close)
Fatality 2: LP, BL, BL, HK (sweep)
Babality: F, F, D, D, LK
Friendship: LK, R, R, HK
Brutality: HP, LP, BL, LP, HP, BL, HK, LK, BL, HK, LK
Stage: Up, Up, B, LK 
HK, LP (15%)
HK, D + LP, D + HP (19%)
HK, HK, LK, B + HK (23%)
HP, HP, B + LP (18%)
HP, HP, D + LP, D + HP (22%)
HP, HP, HK, LK, B + HK (26%)

> Mileena

Special Moves:
Sai Throw: Hold HP for 2 seconds, then release (can be done in air)
Air Kick: F, F + LK
Ground Roll: B, B, D, HK 
Finishing Moves:
Fatality 1: B, B, B, F, LK (full screen)
Fatality 2: D, F, D, F, LP (close)
Babality: D, D, F, F, HP
Friendship: D, D, B, F, HP
Brutality: HP, LP, LP, HP, BL, HK, LK, HK, BL, HP, LP
Stage: D, D, D, LP 
HP, HP, Up + LP, D + LP (22%)
HK, HK, Up + LK, Up + HK (23%) 
HP, HP, HK, HK, Up + LK, Up + HK (30%)
HP, HP, HK, HK, D - F + LK (24%)
HK, HK, D - F + LK (16%)

> Ermac

Special Moves:
Telekinetic Slam: B, D, B, HK
Green Blast: D, B, LP
Teleport Punch: D, B, HP (can be done in air too)
Finishing Moves:
Fatality 1: D, Up, D, D, D, BL (sweep)
Brutality: HP, HP, LP, BL, HK, LK, BL, HP, LP, LK, HK
Stage: R, R, R, R, LK 
HK, LP (15%)
HK, HK, LK, B + HK (23%)
HP, HP, B + LP, D, F, LP (19%)
HP, HP, B + LP, HK, B + LK (24%)

> Masked Sub Zero

Special Moves:
Freeze: D, F, LP
Ground Freeze: D, B, LK
Slide: B + LP + BL + LK
Finishing Moves:
Fatality 1: D, D, D, F, HP (close)
Brutality: HP, LP, HP, BL, LK, LK, HK, HK, LP, HP, LP 
Stage: F, D, F, F, HP 
HP, HP, LK, B + HK, F + LK (26%)
LK, B + HK, F + LK (19%)
HP, HP, D + LP, D + HP (22%)

> Sub Zero

Special Moves:
Ice Blast: D, F, LP
Ice Clone: D, B, LP (can be done in air too)
Ice Shower:
Front: D, F, B, HP
Over: D, F, HP
Behind: D, B, F, HP
Slide: B + LP + BL + LK 
Finishing Moves:
Fatality1: B, B, D, B, R (sweep)
Fatality2: BL, BL, R, BL, R (close)
Babality: D, B, B, HK
Friendship: LK, LK, R, R, Up
Brutality: HP, LK, HK, LP, HP, HK, HK, HP, HP, LP, HP
Stage: B, D, F, F, HK
HP, HP, LK, HK, B + HK (26%)
HP, HP, B + HK (18%)
HK, HK, B + HK (19%)
HP, HP, LP, B + LK, B + HK, B + HK (23%) (Computer does 30%)
HP, HP, LP, B + HK (22%)

> Sektor

Special Moves:
Missile: F, F, LP
Heat Seeking Missile: F, D, B, HP
Teleport Punch: F, F, LK (can be done in air too)
Finishing Moves:
Fatality 1: LP, R, R, BL (sweep)
Fatality 2: F, F, F, B, BL (far)
Babality: B, D, D, D, HK
Friendship: R, R, R, R, D (half screen)
Brutality: HP, HP, BL, BL, HK, HK, LK, LK, LP, LP, HP
Stage: R, R, R, D 
HK, HK (15%)
HP, HP, HK, B + HK (22%)
HP, HP, HK, HK, B + HK (26%)
HP, HP, D + LP (18%)

> Sindel

Special Moves:
Fireball: F, F, LP
Air Fireball: D, F, LK (while jumping or floating)
Scream: F, F, F, HP
Float: B, B, F, HK (press BL to land)
Finishing Moves:
Fatality 1: R, R, BL, R, BL (sweep)
Fatality 2: R, BL, BL, R + BL (close)
Babality: R, R, R, Up
Friendship: R, R, R, R, R, Up
Brutality: HP, BL, LK, BL, LK, HK, BL, HK, LK, BL, LP, LP
Stage: D, D, D, LP 
HP, HP, D + HP (19%)
HP, HP, LP, HK (25%)
HK, HP, HP, D + HP (27%)
HK, HP, HP, LP, HK (33%)
HK, HK, B + HK (19%)

> Stryker

Special Moves:
Rushing Attack: F, F, HK
Baton Takedown: F, B, LP
Low Grenade: D, B, LP
High Grenade: D, B, HP 
Gun: B, F, HP
Finishing Moves:
Fatality 1: D, F, D, F, BL (close)
Fatality 2: F, F, F, LK (full screen)
Babality: D, F, F, B, HP
Friendship: LP, R, R, LP
Brutality: HP, LP, HK, LK, HP, LP, LK, HK, HP, LK, LK
Stage: F, Up, Up, HK 
HP, HP, LP (18%)
HK, HP, HP, LP (23%)
HK, LK, B + LP, B + HK (23%)
HK, LK, B + HK (19%)

> Cyrax

Special Moves:
Far Bomb Toss: Hold LK, F, F, HK
Near Bomb Toss: Hold LK, B, B, HK
Teleport: F, D, BL (can be done in air too)
Green Net: B, B, LK
Air Run: (When you are on ground, and victim is in air) D, F, BL (When your 
near the victim in mid air press B + LP to throw.)
Finishing Moves:
Fatality 1: D, D, Up, D, HP (close)
Fatality 2: D, D, F, Up, R (close)
Babality: F, F, B, HP
Friendship: R, R, R, Up
Brutality: HP, HK, HP, HK, HK, HP, HK, HP, HK, LK, LP
Stage: R, BL, R 
HP, HP, LP (18%)
HK, HK, B + HK (19%)
HP, HP, HK, HP, HK, B + HK (30%)

> Kung Lao

Special Moves:
Hat Throw: B, F, LP
Diving Kick: D, HK (in air)
Spinning Shield: F, D, F, R (tap R repeatedly)
Teleport: D, Up
Finishing Moves:
Fatality 1: R, BL, R, BL, D
Fatality 2: F, F, B, D, HP (inside sweep)
Babality: D, F, F, HP
Friendship: R, LP, R, LK (past sweep)
Brutality: HP, LP, LK, HK, BL, HP, LP, LK, HK, BL, HP
Stage: D, D, F, F, LK 
LK, LK, B + HK (19%)
HP, LP, HP, LP, LK, LK, B + HK (34%)
HP, LK, B + HK (18%)

> Kabal

Special Moves:
Top Spin: B, F, LK
Fireball: B, B, HP (can be done in air too)
Ground Saw: B, B, B, R 
Finishing Moves:
Fatality 1: D, D, B, F, BL (far)
Fatality 2: R, BL, BL, BL, HK (close)
Babality: R, R, LK
Friendship: R, LK, R, R, Up (outside sweep)
Brutality: HP, BL, LK, LK, LK, HK, LP, LP, LP, HP, LP 
Stage: BL, BL, HK 
HP, HP, D + HP (13%)
LK, LK, HP, HP, D + HP (15%)
HP, HP, HK, B + HK (25%)
HP, HP, D + LP, D + HP (17%)
LK, LK, HP, HP, D + LP, D + HP (17%)
LK, LK, HP, HP, HK, B + HK (18%)
HK, LK, B + HK (18%)
HK, LK, HK, B + HK (24%)

> Shang Tsung

Special Moves:
Single Fireball: B, B, HP
Double Fireballs: B, B, F, HP
Triple Fireballs: B, B, F, F, HP
Triple Ground Fireballs: F, B, B, LK 
Finishing Moves:
Fatality 1: Hold LP, D, F, F, D (close)
Fatality 2: Hold LP, R, BL, R, BL (close)
Babality: R, R, R, LK
Friendship: LK, R, R, D
Brutality: HP, BL, BL, BL, LK, HP, LP, LP, BL, BL, BL 
Stage: Up, Up, B, LP 

Cyrax: BL, BL, BL
Ermac: D, D, Up
Jade: F, F, D, D, BL
Jax: F, F, D, LP
Kabal: LP, BL, HK
Kano: B, F, BL
Kitana: F, D, F, R
Kung Lao: R, R, BL, R
Liu Kang: D, B, Up, F, D (360? forward)
Masked Sub-Zero: BL, BL, R, R
Mileena: R, BL, HK
Nightwolf: Up, Up, Up
Noob Saibot: ?????
Rain: ?????
Reptile: R, BL, BL, HK
Scorpion: D, D, F, LP
Sektor: D, F, B, R
Sindel: B, D, B, LK
Sonya: D + R + LP + BL
Smoke: ?????
Stryker: F, F, F, HK
Sub-Zero: F, D, F, HP
HP, HP, LP, B + HK (22%)
HK, HK, B + HK (19%)
LK, HP, HP, LP, B + HK (27%)

> Liu Kang

Special Moves:
High Fireball: F, F, HP (can be done in air too)
Low Fireball: F, F, LP
Flying Kick: F, F, HK
Bicycle Kick: Hold LK for 3 seconds, then release
Finishing Moves:
Fatality 1: F, F, D, D, LK
Fatality 2: Up, D, Up, Up, BL + R
Babality: D, D, D, HK
Friendship: R, R, R, D + R
Brutality: HP, LP, HP, BL, LK, HK, LK, HK, LP, LP, HP
Stage: R, BL, BL, LK 
HP, HP, B + LP (13%)
HK, LK, HK, LK (22%)
HP, LK, LK, HK, LK (25%)
HP, HP, BL, LK, LK, HK, LK (28%)
Jump Kick, High Fireball, Flying Kick (28%)

> Smoke

Special Moves:
Harpoon: B, B, LP
Teleport Uppercut: F, F, LK (can be done in air too)
Air Throw: BL (in air)
Invisibility: Hold BL, Up, Up, R 
Finishing Moves:
Fatality 1: Hold BL Up, Up, F, D (full screen)
Fatality 2: Hold R + BL, D, D, F, Up (sweep)
Babality: D, D, B, B, HK
Friendship: R, R, R, HK (full screen)
Brutality: HP, LK, LK, HK, BL, BL, LP, LP, HP, HP, BL, BL 
Stage: F, F, D, LK 
HP, HP, LK, HK, LP (26%)
HK, HK, LP (19%)
HP, HP, HK (18%)
HP, HP, B + LP (18%)

> Ninja Smoke

Special Moves:
Spear: B, B, LP
Teleport Punch: D, B, HP (can be done in air too)
Air Throw: BL (in air) 
Finishing Moves:
Fatality 1: R, BL, R, R, HK (close)
Babality: D, B, B, F, HP
Brutality: HP, HP, BL, LK, HK, HP, HK, HP, HK, LP, LK
Stage: F, Up, Up, LP 
HK, LP (15%)
HK, D + LP, D + HP (18%)
HP, HP, U + LP (19%)
HP, HP, HK, B + HK (24%)
HK, HK, LK, B + HK (23%)

> Rain

Special Moves:
Mind Control Orb: D, F, HP
Super Roundhouse Kick: B + HK
Lighting Grab: B, B, HP
Finishing Moves:
Babality: F, B, B, HP 
Brutality: HP, HP, BL, LK, HK, BL, LK, HK, BL, HP, LP
Stage: F, D, F, LK - SN
HP, HP, LP, HP (22%)
HK, HK, LK, HK, B + HK (29%)
HK, HK, LP, HP (21%)

> Noob Saibot

Special Moves:
Clone Throw: F, F, HP
Teleport Slam: D, Up
No Block Ball: D, F, LP 
Finishing Moves:
Babality: F, F, F, LP 
Brutality: HP, LK, LP, BL, LK, HK, HP, LP, BL, LK, HK
Stage: D, F, BL - SN
LK, LK, LK, LK (23%)
HP, HP, LP, HK (22%)

> Motaro

Special Moves:
Fireball: D, B, HP
Toss: F + LP (close)
Sweep: B + LK
Grab and Smack: F, F, LP
Teleport: D, Up

> Shao Kahn

Special Moves:
Hammer: B, F, HP
Fireball: B, B, F, LP
Shoulder: F, F, LP
Upwards Shoulder: F, F, HP
Insult: D, D, LK
Laugh: D, D, HK

Kodes and Secrets
Hidden menus
Perform at the START/OPTIONS screen
Kool Stuff: Right, Up, B, B, A, Down, Up, B, Down, Up, B
Kooler Stuff: Up, B, A, Left, Down, Y
Scott's Stuff: B, A, Down, Down, Left, A, X, B, A, B, Y
Sound Test: Left, Down, Y, Y

Random select
U + start on the select screen.

The Restart Trick
In a 1-Player game, tap Start on the 2nd controller and then hold Start on 
yours and then select MORTAL KOMBAT and you can restart the fight with a 
different character without using continues.

Old tournament
Hold L + R and start and start a new game and you will play an old MK3 
tournament. Random select: Up + start on top box. You cannot use Rain, 
Noob Saibot, and Human Smoke in this mode.

Shao Kahn's Lost Treasures
After you beat Shao Kahn or win in Tournament mode, you can open one of 
Shao Kahn's secrets treasures. Unlike in the arcade version here you can 
pick any symbol after beating the game on any level.

Here is a key of Shao Kahn's Treasures
1 - Tournament Outcome
2 - Rellim Ochanep (reverse it) Galaga
3 - Wild Card (Noob - Ermac/Fat. Demo 1-3/Friendship Demo)
4 - Fatality Demonstration #1
5 - Fatality Demonstration #2
6 - Fatality Demonstration #3
7 - Noob Saibot - Ermac Endurance
8 - Noob Saibot - Ermac Endurance
9 - Noob Saibot - Ermac Endurance
10 - Supreme Demonstration

Perform at VS Screen
One button Fatalities: 944-944
One button Brutalities: 012-345 (at the end of the match, keep-hitting HP)

HP = Fatality 1
LP = Fatality 2
LK = Friendship
RUN = Babality
BLOCK = Stage

VS Kodes
On the VS screen (in 2 player mode), you can cycle through the 6 symbols by 
hitting Low Punch, Block, and Low Kick on both sides. Cycle backwards by 
hitting UP and the button. The numbers are the number of times you hit the button.

Kombat Kodes:

445-000 - Timer On/Off 
000-445 - Timer On/Off
120-120 - View Credits (view game credits before match)
432-234 - Minimal Damage (All strikes do minimal damage)
999-995 - Combos Disabled (Disable combos for curent battle)
944-944 - One Button Fatalities
012-012 - Health Recovery
989-898 - Tournament Battle (Just like old tour mode)
449-449 - Invisible Fighters
010-010 - Throwing Encouraged
100-100 - Throwing Disabled 
020-020 - Blocking Disabled
987-123 - No Powerbars 
300-300 - Silent Kombat
788-322 - Fast Uppercut Recovery 
033-000 - Player 1 Half Power
000-033 - Player 2 Half Power 
707-000 - Player 1 Quarter Power
000-707 - Player 2 Quarter power 
044-440 - No Power
688-422 - Dark Kombat 
444-444 - Randper Kombat (New)
460-460 - Randper Kombat (Old) 
985-125 - Psycho Kombat
466-466 - Unlimited Run 
642-468 - Galaga
012-345 - One Button Brutalities 
955-955 - Extended Fatality Time
191-191 - Hyper Fighting 
221-557 - Uppercut changes stage
091-293 - Sweeping Disabled

Kombat Zone:

666-444 - Kombat Zone: Scorpion's Lair
343-343 - Kombat Zone: The Roof 
002-003 - Kombat Zone: Waterfront
820-028 - Kombat Zone: Pit 3 
004-700 - Kombat Zone: The Cave
330-033 - Kombat Zone: Jade's Dessert

Message Text: 

282-282 - "No Fear"
123-926 - "There is no knowledge..." 
987-666 - "Hold Flipper..."

Winner Fights:

205-205 - Winner Battles Smoke
769-342 - Winner Battles Noob Saibot
969-141 - Winner Battles Motaro
033-564 - Winner Battles Shao Kahn

- Pro Action Replay

P1 Character Modifier 

P2 Character Modifier 

Replace "??" with one of the following numbers:

00 - Kano
01 - Sonya
02 - Jax
03 - Nightwolf
04 - Sub-Zero (MK3)
05 - Stryker
06 - Sindel
07 - Sektor
08 - Cyrax
09 - Kung Lao
0A - Kabal
0B - Sheeva (Dummy, doesn't really exist)
0C - Shang Tsung
0D - Liu Kang
0E - Smoke
0F - Kitana
10 - Jade
11 - Mileena
12 - Scorpion
13 - Reptile
14 - Ermac
15 - Sub-Zero (classic)
16 - Smoke (classic)
17 - Noob Saibot
18 - Rain
19 - Has Rain's name but everything else resembles Scorpion. He
has all of the regular ninja moves and Scorpion's combos, but
no specials.
1A - Motaro
1B - Shao Kahn

Note:The 1st code is the character's ID (who the character
either is or is supposed to be) and their palette.

The 2nd code is the character's body and move set.

Background Modifier 

Replace "??" with one of the following numbers:

00 - Rooftop 
01 - Jade's Desert 
02 - Scorpion's Lair 
03 - Kahn's Kave
04 - The Waterfront 
05 - Lost World
06 - The Pit III (UMK3 Version) 
09 - The Pit III (MK3 Version)
0A - Lost World (With Gameover Background)
0D - Character Select
17 - Pit III (Kahn Death Scene Version)

Very Glitchy Levels

07 - Bits of The Bell Tower Level (The moon is still there in
some screens) 
08 - Some Weird Glitched Level (It seems to possibly be the
sad remains of the Streets level. I'm not too sure.) 

Infinite Energy P1 

Infinite Energy P2 

Infinite Run Meter P1 

Infinite Run Meter P2 

P1 Number of Rounds Won 

P2 Number of Rounds Won 

Note: If you give either player 2 wins from the getgo, it'll be
a 1 round fight, but the player with the 2 wins won't
nessacarily win. (whoever wins the round does.) But you can give
yourself an advantage. If you give your opponent 1 or no wins
and leave the code on, the opponent cannot win! 

Infinite Credits 

Infinite Time to Continue 

Blank Versus Screen 

Scrambeled Backgrounds 

Black Background 

Can Do Fatalities In Any Round 

First Round/1 Button Fatalities! 

1 Button Fatalites 

Motaro Enable 

Max Fatality Time 

Kombat Zone Select 

Enable Pause 

Infinite Time 

Infinite Run 

Quick Uppercuts 

Enable Shao Kahn 


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