3-D Ultra Pinball: Thrillride Cheats, Codes, Hints and Walkthroughs for PC Games. | | |
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Hints and Tips for:
3-D Ultra Pinball: Thrillride | |
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3-D Ultra Pinball: Thrillride
Cheat Codes:
Submitted by: David K.
To enter the codes, pause gameplay, type in the code you want, and hit Enter.
Code Effect
!plus1 - Advance Bonus Multiplier by 1.
!titanic - All Rocks Sink in the River Rafting Table.
!ngrind - Bumper Cars.
!coolit - Canyon River Rafting Table.
!gotmilk - Chocolate Milk Waterfall on the Main Table.
!imabozo - Extended.
!tplives - Extra Ball.
!fwerk - Fireworks During Nighttime Fantasy Event.
!flywithme - Flying Falcon.
!tony - Great Bear Ride.
!moo - Hershey's Cow During Next Hide and Seek Event.
!oxenfree - Hide and Seek Event.
!holdit - Hold the bonus multiplier.
!smooch - Kissing Tower.
!more - Light Extra Ball.
!enjoy - Light fun zone.
!pin - Light Random Pinwheel Light.
!zerog - Lighting Racer Ride Catches Some Air.
!ifubuildit - Lighting Virtual Coaster Table.
!edison - Lights Out Event.
!lockIf - Lock a Ball for Log-Flume Multiball.
!lockrc - Lock a Ball for Roller-Coaster Multiball.
!1942 - Midway Frenzy.
!afterdark - Nighttime Fantasy Event.
!gimme - Random Snack and Gift Bonus.
!bender - Reset Kickbacks.
!sssss - SideWinder Ride.
!imdizzy - Sooper-Dooper-Looper Ride.
!spills - T hrill Ride Event.
!opensesame - Thrill-Zone Gate Opens.
!moon - Tidal Force Ride.
!go - Trigger Autoplay.
Progammer messages:
Hold the [ctrl] button during the credits.
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