
Agony Cheats, Codes, Hints and Walkthroughs for PC Games.

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 Agony Cheats


Cheat Codes:
Submitted by: David K.

You can turn on Easy Possession mode in the game’s menu at any time.

In this mode you still have to perform the possession, but the tether 
doesn’t move nearly as much and the possession only takes a few seconds,
so it’s nearly instantaneous for the average martyr once the tether is 
lined up in the center.

Where do I find my savegames?:
Agony Savegames can be found here:

* C:\Users\USERNAME\AppData\Local\Agony\Saved\SaveGames
* You need to replace USERNAME by your actual user name in Windows.

How to Uncap FPS:
Written by Knight

Disable the 62 FPS Lock

Navigate to: 

Open "Engine.ini" file.

Add the following two lines at the bottom.


Save the "Engine.ini" and launch the game!

How to Open All Endings:
Written by Alot

-=How to Open All 7 Agony Endings?=-
* Just go through the game in the Scene Mode and defeat the final boss 
  at an additional level.
* Kill 70 characters and go through the Cathedral on level 4.
* Wait 5 minutes in the "mushroom mind" mode, do not move.
* Defeat Baphomet at level 1 and unlock his three-dimensional statuette in 
  the fractal forest. After you win the battle, unlock the statue (or figure) 
  and go to the state of "mushroom mind", the ending will open.
* Find the four angels (one at each level), then go through level 2.
* Complete the game in the guise of Succubus.
* Unlock the "Wicked ending" and "Succubus Finale". Then make your way to 
  the basement of the Cathedral. In order to open the passage, you need to 
  find all the pieces of the golden statue. Still need the Clothes of Adam - 
  they are for some martyrs who meet throughout the game. It is necessary to 
  kill or settle into a martyr to take possession of the artifact.

-=Tips for passing Agony=-
* Always remove the bags from the heads of the martyrs! Only in this way will 
  you be able to live in them if the enemy kills you and you lose the body. 
  Otherwise, the introduction is impossible.
* Collect Apples of Knowledge - they give additional experience points for 
  skill leveling.
* The demon control skill is automatically unlocked in the Scene Mode, you 
  do not need to pump anything.
* In order to unlock the second set in the Agony mode (ice caves), you need 
  to go through the third level in the Scene Mode.
* Collect gold figures and pictures - they open access to additional materials 
  in the menu (Gallery).
* If lost, then use the Path of Fate skill - the light will indicate the 
  shortest path to the goal.
* Distract the demons with torches. Infernal creatures attract light and heat, 
  so when meeting them, cast the torch away from yourself.
* Hold your breath when you hide, otherwise your enemies will notice you 
  even in cover. Also try to remember the nearest shelters on the level -
  demons try to rummage through every corner.
* After the first passage of the game you will gain access to the secret 
  locations thanks to a special spiritual vision.
* Destroy everything at levels that can be destroyed - the world of the 
  game will remember it. Thus, even after the death or restart of the game 
  from the control point, you can shorten the path.

Tips for Passing Agony:
* Always remove the bags from the heads of the martyrs! Only in this way will 
  you be able to live in them if the enemy kills you and you lose the body. 
  Otherwise, the introduction is impossible.
* Collect Apples of Knowledge – they give additional experience points for 
  skill leveling.
* The demon control skill is automatically unlocked in the Scene Mode, you 
  do not need to pump anything.
* In order to unlock the second set in the Agony mode (ice caves), you need 
  to go through the third level in the Scene Mode.
* Collect gold figures and pictures – they open access to additional materials 
  in the menu (Gallery).
* If lost, then use the Path of Fate skill – the light will indicate the shortest 
  path to the goal.
* Distract the demons with torches. Infernal creatures attract light and heat, 
  so when meeting them, cast the torch away from yourself.
* Hold your breath when you hide, otherwise your enemies will notice you even 
  in cover. Also try to remember the nearest shelters on the level – demons try
  to rummage through every corner.
* After the first passage of the game you will gain access to the secret 
  locations thanks to a special spiritual vision.
* Destroy everything at levels that can be destroyed – the world of the game 
  will remember it. Thus, even after the death or restart of the game from the
  control point, you can shorten the path.

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