
AI War 2 Cheats, Codes, Hints and Walkthroughs for PC Games.

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 AI War 2 Cheats

AI War 2

Cheat Codes:
Submitted by: David K.

You can access cheats by opening the System Menu (Escape key ingame 
by default), then going to Debug Menu and choosing from there.

Useful Tips & Tricks:
*Don’t attempt to conquer everything, only capture planets that have something 
important/you need, or have strategic value. A planet that has a Zenith Power 
Generator or a fleet, or worlds directly adjacent to your home world are good 
for example.

*At certain AIP points, the AI “techs up” its units, so that the Warden Fleet, 
Hunter Fleet, and waves will be one level higher. This is a major buff to the 
AI’s strength, so be careful about increasing the AIP too much too quickly. 
You can tell when those points are by clicking on the AIP icon in the resource 
bar at the top of the screen.

*There is a cap to how strong the Warden Fleet can get. Once it reaches that 
cap, any resources devoted to the Warden Fleet instead adds to wave budget. IF 
you see waves suddenly spike up in strength and no/very little AIP has increased, 
it’s probably because the Warden Fleet is at its maximum capacity. Start grinding 
down the Warden Fleet to return waves to normal strength.

*Neutering planets refers to killing everything on an AI planet except for the 
Warpgate and Command Station. This makes the planet almost harmless to travel 
through. Don’t just leave it. Note: The AI can rebuild turrets if they were 
originally around the Command Station on the planet. Be aware.

*Cross Planet Attacks are best dealt with piecemeal. You don’t want to have a 
sudden rush of AI units barge into your homeworld while you’re dealing with 
something else on a different planet. Generally, the units from a cross planet 
attack will wait outside one of your planets, and once they have amassed enough 
units or feel confident enough to take on your planet they will charge all at 
once. While they are gathering, find the planet they are on and kill off as many 
as you can. While this will typically cause them to retreat and go to a different 
planet, it’s better to deal with that threat a little bit at a time.

*Find and hold (by default) both major data centers for a HUGE AIP reduction.

*Reconquest waves happen once you cross a certain AIP threshold. You can click 
on the AIP icon in the resource bar at the top of the screen to see what that 
point is.

*Spending Science on ship upgrades is more useful early than on economics

*ARSs and Tech Vaults are very strong early-game objectives

The longer you wait before hacking a tech vault, the bigger the discount is 
(example, generalist costs 2000 knowledge to upgrade from mk1 to 2 and 4000 
from mk2 to 3. If I hack a tech vault that has generalist tech now, I will
 save 2000 knowledge. If I upgrade generalist first THEN hack the tech vault, 
I save 4000 knowledge.

*Strength does not consider unit counters. 500 pike corvettes have more 
strength than 300 v-wings, but since v-wings counter pike corvettes, they’ll 
win, despite having an inferior strength value. Carefully consider if you can 
win against the AI even if your strength is higher than it’s.

Tips and Tricks:
Written by UncleYar

Start a game: Single Player -> Quick Start -> Enter a name for your campaign 
at the bottom -> Scenario 1 – Classic Fleet – Difficulty 4. Pick scenario 2 or
3 if you’re good at strategy games or were able to beat AI War 1 on a similar 

To win the game you must find the AI homeworld and destroy its base. Everytime 
you capture a new planet, more of the map is automatically revealed.

You start with some fleets. Fleets autobuild units as long as there is a 
factory or mobile factory on the same planet. Flagships can be crippled but 
never killed.

Tab opens the galaxy map. You can select and move your fleets and individual 
units from here or from the planet view.

L key loads a fleet into its flagship, U key unloads it. Transports are tough, 
use that to reach distant targets.

Ctrl+right-click on a wormhole to send units through, or alternatively right-
click the destination, whether it be a specific location or a planet on the 
galaxy map.

Capture a planet by destroying the enemy command station and building your own 
(Build tab). You can often manage to do this while there are still enemies in 
the system! (Note that your units won’t target automatically the command 
station, warp gate or other building which increases AI Progress, you need to 
right-click it yourself.)

Building units costs metal per second, and how many units (and turrets) you 
can have is capped by energy. Captured planets auto-build metal harvesters, 
yields vary. Logistical Command Station is often a good pick to build as it 
gives you a good amount of energy while still letting you build decent defences.

Any AI-controlled neighbouring planet with a Warp Gate building can send 
periodic attack waves against your planets. Build turrets (Build tab) to 
stop those, or do a sneaky raid to kill the gates in the directions you don’t 
want to get waves from. 
(You can concentrate all waves on a single planet this way.)

Capture stuff like new fleets, Global Command Augmenters and Coordinators to 
get more powerful. Look at the Local and Hacking tabs from the galaxy map for 
every neighbouring world and read all the building descriptions to see what’s 

Destroying a command station or warp gate angers the AI, a.k.a. increases AI 
Progress (AIP). Capture enough territory to support your economy, acquire 
weapons and have safe planets for economic stations, but don’t try to capture 
the whole map like your typical Civ or space 4X game.

Try to ignore or neuter (destroy everything except command station) worlds 
that don’t offer you much. Hacking lets you often get stuff without having 
to destroy the AI command station.

Capturing planets is the main source of science points (to upgrade stuff) 
and hacking points. Just having a command station there starts harvesting them, 
it’s a valid strategy to strip the science and hacking points from a planet 
and then abandon it – one less thing to defend.

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