Airline Tycoon 2 Cheats, Codes, Hints and Walkthroughs for PC Games. | | |
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Airline Tycoon 2
Cheat Codes:
Submitted by: Ikhsan Elakhdhar
Email : Holly_Greenies@Yahoo.Com
by Ikhsan Elakhdhar aka Ikhsan Al Akhdhar
(Ichsan Hadi Pranoto 'c1001112' )
Making money in Airline Tycoon 2 is easier than in Airline Tycoon First Class.
This the fastest legal way gaining money, so watch out this amazing 4 steps!
* First, you must buy an used or broken airplane inside the small dor in the
airplane hangar (not a new machines at professor's) with the condision rate
less than 25 %.
* Second, you must repaired it until finished. To repair, you must take your
airplane into your repairing schedule as same as managing your flight and
maintenance schedule.
* Thirth, after an airplane being repaired perfectly (100% complete), you
should like to repaint it with a new colour in Designer Agency. And in the
same place (Designer Agency), you must redesign your repaired airplane with
the same interior cabins or better, and I recomend you redesign your interior
cabin's with the same types so you won't need to spend money at all, except
you like to gift better quality of interior cabins design's. This step will
raise your recycle airplane prices to make profit of this.
* Finally, legal cash coming to you after selling your fresh new recycle
airplane at Airplane Hangar inside the small dor with the better prices.
I recomend you to recycle and replenish bigger and more expensive airplanes
to gain unbelievable profit until reach twices of buying prices.
I have already make amazing profit more than US Dollar before
a year and buying many highly prices and exclusive airplanes for my own flight
Bless to you Airplane Tycoon Mania ...
Ichsan Hadi Pranoto 'c1001112' Divine Divinity and Divine Destiny Expert.
Change starting money hint:
Submitted by: Bonek
Note: This procedure requires editing a game file; creating a backup copy of
the file before proceeding is recommended.
Use a text editor to edit "mission_[number].qst" file in the Folder:
"\Program Files (x86)\Kalypso Media\Airline Tycoon 2\init\quest\mission\".
Find the following section near the bottom:
< type.st >initializeplayer< /type.st >
< name.st >player
< deposit.ll >100000000< /deposit.ll >
< addictionaggression.f >0.85< /addictionaggression.f >
< addictioninvestment.f >1.00< /addictioninvestment.f >
< addictionquality.f >0.65< /addictionquality.f >
< addictionredemption.f >0.55< /addictionredemption.f >
< nolocationjump.b>0< /nolocationjump.b >
< nomarketing.b>0 nomarketing.b >
< noorders.b>0 noorders.b >
< noordergeneration.b>0 noordergeneration .b >
< norandomevents.b>0 norandomevents.b >
< nosabotage.b>0 nosabotage.b >
< questlevel.ul>12 questlevel.ul >
< /post4 >
Change the value of
< deposit.ll >1000000000 deposit.ll > to whatever desired. Save the file and
load a new mission or start a freeplay game.
Editing mission goals:
Use a text editor to edit the "mission_[mission number]_goal_player_0.qst" file in the
"\Program Files (x86)\Kalypso Media\Airline Tycoon 2\init\quest\mission\"
Near the bottom you will see something similar to
< value.f >0.75 value.f >< tt >. Change the < tt >0.75 to whatever desired.
For example, 0.10 would be a 10% goal in game. Load a saved game or start a new game.
You can also edit the AI players' numbers to change their goals in the same way.
Submitted by: Rajib Biswas
Violin case can be found in the manager office rh side.
in the garbage bin is a bomb and on the wall the cam. can be found if you are in
the bank window. Gun on the rh side of the saboteur
Give botox to the adv. Lady to get some free ad.
Give the violin to the saboteur to be able to perform sabotage.
Give the gun and the bomb to the saboteur to unlock extra sabotage
Give the security cam to the protection dude for eyes and ears. To unlock extra safety.
Handheld mirror goes to the security guy for some special services.
You enter the room open the inventory select the item click the hand button and then
You speek to the person, this unlocks some special offers.
There are more things but not been able to take them... all items can be found on your
hard-disk ....\airline tycoon2\init\item\location
cheats folder is also on your hard-disk... \airline tycoon2\init\quest\cheats
Remove Bank Loan:
Submitted by: Arthur Rawn
1) Open a free play game or other ... take out your make loan.
2) Save the game
3) goto the saved game in your My DocumentsKalypso MediaAirline Tycoon 2Savedefault
4) Open the .at2 document in wordpad (they are too big for notepad)
5) Find the line that says ######
(note ###### will be the amount you have borrowed from the loan guy)
6) Change the ###### value to 0
7) Save the file
your loans are gone
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