Airships: Conquer The Skies Cheats, Codes, Hints and Walkthroughs for PC Games. | | |
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Airships: Conquer The Skies | |
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Airships: Conquer The Skies
Cheat Codes:
Submitted by: David K.
Tips & Tricks:
* Remember to have marines in your ship to defend/attack the enemy ships!
* Do not forget to take evasive action!
* Remember to add a few flak cannons onto top of your ship/building!
* Play Conquest (Campaign) to get smarter, it’s really tough!
* You can Ram the enemy ship to destroy its modules/buildings or even pin
it to the terrain (Same goes for buildings)!
* Always put firepoints near you coal and ammo! These will catch on fire
when damaged enough, and can destroy your entire ship if you do not have
fire points or fire extinguishers.
How 2 Dog-Fight:
Written by By GangofThrones
-=What to do=-
Choose the smallest available parts to create an Airship for 200$ or Less to
qualify as a Dog-Fighter. These small craft can move behind an Airship or Above
it and Crash into it or annoy it.
Tips for New Players:
Written by Eliphaser
Use the overlays, many of them are useful.
If you get your arse handed to yourself, try to figure out why. E.g. if you used
grenades against a metal-armoured ship you should notice that metal armour has
good blast-absorb. Or if a big, slow ship is lost after the only propeller is shot
you should consider adding a second propulsion-module.
The building in this game is a lot more complex than it first looks, many things
to factor in starting easy and just assembling modules simply, putting ammo near
guns and coal near propellers and suspendium chambers is a pretty good thing to do.
Hatches (and decks) as far from the bridges and cockpits you put in your ship as
possible, as that’s the main way boarders enter it, so that may be why you lose
ships to boarders (having multiple command modules spread out also helps).
Overengineering is easy, so keeping to fairly simple ships that don’t try to do
everything at once and don’t carry too many different kinds of weapons is also a
fairly decent start.
There’s a lot of very useful tips to ship designing and making effective vehicles
and buildings, but I don’t really want to overwhelm you with a gigantic infodump,
so the best thing I can say is to experiment, and as the other guy said, play
around with the overlays.
Complete the following Tasks to earn the listed achievement. To view your
achievements and stats in Steam, select "Community", then search for the
game hub that corresponds to [Airships: Conquer The Skies]. Select the
"View Stats" drop down option, then choose the option for your username's
Achievement How to unlock
A Convenient Perch - Land your ship on a floating rock.
Broadside - Fire ten heavy cannon at once.
Conquer the 'Net - Win a multiplayer battle.
Forced Landing - Force down an enemy airship.
Heraldry - Register your coat of arms.
Smash the Skies - Completely destroy an enemy ship by ramming it.
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