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 All Walls Must Fall Cheats

All Walls Must Fall

Cheat Codes:
Submitted by: David K.

Weapons & Augmentations:

The guide shows the list of upgrade prices for all weapons and augmentations 
in the shop, so you can plan your purchases better. 

After the third campaign mission you can replay missions and visit shop.

Also note that completing the daily challenges would add the credits to the 
currently active campaign, so it can help you to get some additional credits 
for some expensive updates.

Undo your actions. Useful to undo mistakes and gather intel about closed rooms or 
conversation options without making a lasting negative impression.

MK1 - available by default.
MK2 - 1000. Reduces the time resource costs of undoing.
MK3 - 1500. Further reduces the time resource costs of undoing.

Rewind the world around you but not yourself. Useful to teleport around by not 
taking any time to move. You can also teleport through doors and walls if you're 
able to step through them first somehow. Be careful to not accidentaly return the 
health of your enemies.

MK1 - 1000.
MK2 - 1500. Reduces the time resource costs of rewinding.
MK3 - 2000. Further reduces the time resource costs of rewinding.

-=Trace Back
Trace yourself back but keep the world as it is. Useful to instantly heal yourself, 
reload weapons or moonwalk by resetting yourself to a previous state.

MK1 - 2000. 
MK2 - 2500. Reduces the time resource costs of tracing back.
MK3 - 3000. Further reduces the time resource costs of tracing back.

Secondary weapon upgrade - 500

Allows to equip second weapon.

Third weapon upgrade - 1000

Allows to equip third weapon.

The standard sidearm of STASIS agents. The pistol can be used to quickly stun opponents 
with tap shots to the center of mass and take them out with aimed shots to the head.

MK1 - available by default. (Magazine size = 6)
MK2 - 1000. Lowered aiming time.
MK3 - 1500. Upgraded magazine size. (Magazine size = 12)

The shotgun is deadly in short range and can be used to crowd control groups of opponents. 
It is also very loud.

MK1 - 1000. (Magazine size = 2)
MK2 - 1500. Bigger magazine size. (Magazine size = 4)
MK3 - 2000. Bigger magazine size and more bullets per shot. (Magazine size = 6)

The SMG is the weapon of choice to cause a lot of sustained damage on a single target. 
Beware the consequences of dedicating this much attention to a single enemy and abandon 
all hopes of subterfuge when going full auto.

MK1 - 2000. (Magazine size = 6).
MK2 - 2500. Increased magazine size (12).
MK3 - 3000. Increased magazine size (18).

A high powered rifle.

MK1 - 4000. (Magazine size = 1)
MK2 - 4500. Increased magazine size (3).
MK3 - 5000. Increased magazine size (6).

-=Cyber Fist
Punch down walls and enemies. Will not be detected by weapon scanners or drones.

MK1 - 3000.
MK2 - 3500. More punch power and wall destruction spreading.
MK3 - 4000. Even more punch power and wall destruction spreading.

The persuador unleaashes a cloud of pheromones that causes the target to fight 
by your side.

MK1 - 1000. One use per mission.
MK2 - 2000. Two uses per mission.
MK3 - 3000. Three uses per mission.

Body Armor

Increases your maximum health.

MK1 - 500. Increases your maximum health to 4.
MK2 - 1000. Increases your maximum health to 5.
MK3 - 1500. Increases your maximum health to 6.

-=Flux Capacitor
Increases the maximum time resource.

MK1 - 1000. Increases the maximum time resource to 1250.
MK2 - 2000. Increases the maximum time resource to 1500.
MK3 - 3000. Increases the maximum time resource to 1750.

-=Explosive Rounds
Increases the damage of all your weapons.

MK1 - 1500.
MK2 - 3000. Further increases damage done by your weapons.
MK3 - 4500. Even further increases damage done by your weapons. 

-=Tesla Rounds
Increases the time enemies are stunned by your weapons.

MK1 - 1500
MK2 - 3000. Further increases stun duration of your weapons.
MK3 - 4500. Even further increases stun duration of your weapons.

Allows you to dash to dodge enemy projectiles.

MK1 - (available by default)
MK2 - 1000. Dash faster and for less cost.
MK3 - 2000. Dash even faster and for even less cost.

-=Neutral Matrix
Reduces hacking cost.

MK1 - 500. Reduces hacking cost to 80%.
MK2 - 1000. Reduces hacking cost to 60%.
MK3 - 1500. Reduces hacking cost to 40%.

Reduces the distance your weapons make noise.

MK1 - 500.
MK2 - 1000. Reduces noise by 20%.
MK3 - 1500. Reduces noise by 30%.

Increases positive emotional responses during dialogues.

MK1 - 500. Positive emotional response increased by 20%. 
MK2 - 1000. Positive emotional response increased by 40%. 
MK3 - 1500. Positive emotional response increased by 60%. 

Increases the starting time resource.

MK1 - 500. Increases the starting time resource to 500.
MK2 - 1000. Increases the starting time resource to 750.
MK3 - 1500. Increases the starting time resource to 1000.

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